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  1.     Altaïr Abd al-Aziz | HP: 17/20 | AC: 18 | Initiative: -1 | Passive Perception: 11 IC The tentacle whipped back against Dyna faster then Altaïr could process till he saw the blood quickly sipping out of the barbarian's side. Nasty. Vicious. He's hold on the hilt quivered, till snapping back out of sheer fear of having nothing to hit it back down. The blood in veins screaming, demanding action more out of the Zakharan's cowardly heart could manage. "Dammit women, are you just stubborn or eager find a quicker exit out of here?" He saw the tiefling taking point beside him, finding resolve in the increased numbers beside him.  He pulled his sword back, aiming for the last shallow cut he made and tried to dig his longsword deeper at the next hit. OOC Move: Remain in position. Bonus Action: None. Action: Attacking with long sword, slashing.  
  2.              Altaïr Abd al-Aziz | HP: 17/20 | AC: 19 | Initiative: -1 | Passive Perception: 11 IC He had taken to covering Joliet flank when in the next moment, completely blindsiding the paladin the creature lashes out towards her.  "It's appearing strong to me, big man. Are you sure that's advice correct?"" Altaïr called out, pushing his shield up to cover himself and take a supportive swing at its side just as Giselle strike.  OOC Move: Remain in position. Bonus Action: None. Action: Attacking with long sword, slashing.  
  3.     Altaïr Abd al-Aziz | HP: 5/12 | AC: 18 | Initiative: -1 | Passive Perception: 11 IC After a dashing move of bravery, Altaïr stood idle while the group checked the rest. He served his part, leaning against the door frame in another brief reprieve — and quiet relief — that this room so far posed no danger. He sucked his teeth once the others found the children's room, chosing to reserve any comments or thoughts further on how their death''s transpired. This whole land was horrid, no need to blacken his own mind more.  Although, even if there were no threat to his life. A threat to his character certainly came, and well, that took a direct hit after the ghostly child raised up from their bones and echoed the words "peasant". He rose up from his spot, determination in his steps to approach behind the rest and peek over their heads at the two spirits with a narrowed gaze.  "We've never meant you either, child. What does that make you?" He accused, till regretting uttering even a single word once the smaller one started crying — and then the bratty one. If paladin wasn't his line of work, neither was childcare. Brunhilde? Signe? Grimbolda? Was anyone of those names belonging to the spirit they fought? He wondered, resisting the desire to have them burst into further despair by mentioning the likely fate of their brother. He gave a quick look to the others, distress evident in his uncomfortableness of the situation. "Calm, calm there, little one's?" He said, gently, as one could imagine someone put on the spot to assist. He's a bastard, for sure, but a monster? Depends on the day. "He's been quiet and away in order to keep him safe from the monster. He's okay now, but why...not let your mother handle him?"   
  4.       Altaïr Abd al-Aziz | HP: 5/12 | AC: 18 | Initiative: -1 | Passive Perception: 11 IC Altaïr heard the old wood give way on each of his steps making him tentative on its stablity; or more perhaps it was his nervers getting in his head. Either way, the banished Zakharan was none to pleased once they arrived at the attic to see more rooms to explore. All that meant in Altaïr's mind was more chances to get attacked by a broom. "That one," He tilted his head towards the room likely above the nursery, "I'd say we check there first. Perhaps something of worth?" Another tentative step moved to approach the doorway with his heart beating louder as he grabs the handle to slowly open.  By Helm's, or the faiths, please spare him.  OOC Move: Approaching the room above the nursey door. Action:  n/a Bonus Action:  n/a Reaction:  n/a  
  5.   Altaïr Abd al-Aziz | HP: 5/12 | AC: 18 | Initiative: -1 | Passive Perception: 11 IC "I am settled on my belief this house security is made up only by inanimate objects set to murder." The brisk comment made in clenched teeth came from the paladin, having settled in his role of passive victim due to unfortunate cirucmantas. This house was odd, it held objects from his home and a few from others. A mismtach of cultures all clogged together in desolate space unerved as much as it did gain his interest. Why was it all here?  On Sulimann question, Altaïr turned towards the hidden steps. He was still of the opinion that no matter the risk, it would better for them all to part ways from this madness — though generally that was his opinion of anything that nearly tried to kill him. He quirked a brow, a slimmer of curiosty once more peeking through his thoughts. "If I had to make a leap of guess, it may have something to answer why these spirits are abound. Or very least maybe some gossip of secret affairs, as that ghost who attacked me did look a tad bit...upset." A joke? Maybe, the golden hues of his eyes didn't reveal much other than a brief glimmer of humor before they went right back to annoyance. "If you would big man, I'll go in first. Hopefully nothing jumps out again. I might scream this time."  
  6.       Altaïr Abd al-Aziz | HP: 5/12 | AC: 18 | Initiative: -1 | Passive Perception: 11 IC Respite. At the offer presented, Altaïr gave a non-committal 'hmm' of agreement, before leaning his back closes to the wall and sinking down till he was seated amongst the dusty floorboards that creeked. A kinship perhaps, for the paladin's own body creaked and whined in protest. He needed rest, and he needed a drink — preferable the latter, but he doubted anything good was kept up in this manor without some ghostly presences attached. Altaïr glanced among the party, quietly considering a means of escaping while others began to chat, and reveal sections of history he hadn't taken time to consider the depths of his newly made "companions". He hadn't experience much of that asides from the botherhood for Helm that he kept at arms length, and...the brief moments his own real brothers genuinely regarded him.  It was...nice, if there could be anything nice of their current predicament. He glanced at the offer of food from Sulimann, hesitantly taking pieces of dried meat and nuts in small palm size fist. It wasn't on his mind for preferred food, but anything at this moment could be the finest of meals as long as it kept his stomach full. Oddly, as he ate the paladin took his distraction from the talks of religion that he attempted to appear not discomforted by with a piece of offering of his dried meat to the owl.  "Psst, psst," He quietly cooed, trying to get the bird to look in his direction,"Does she...eat anything?" Altaïr inquires, tentatively, with a brief look over to Shazzar with his palm open for Narra to take his food. He couldn't help a habit, a quiet fondest for birds was something the paladin never failed to desire to entertain when presented. Even if magical, the owl was beauty in its own that brought some light back in the faded gold hues of his eyes and the barest hint of a smile.  Something saradonic did morph itself over his mouth on Giselle question over to Joliet, shaking his head. "She affirms its not magic, but my ears be damned if its not the loudest iron stick I've ever encountered. I second the priestess of her order, what is that demented thing? You seem to...need to keep placing little pebbles back in there? Is it similar to a...bow?" He sounded daft even to himself, but curiosty was present in his tone and gaze following Joliet's movements as she handles the strange wand.   
  7.   Altaïr Abd al-Aziz | HP: 5/12 | AC: 18 | Initiative: -1 | Passive Perception: 11 IC Altaïr was among the belief that if given a cheating hand and played like a fittle it was best to lay the cards on the table. They can rob you of everything, but diginty and a sense of self - preservation should be the line to hold fast. At least, in the paladin's opinion as he keeled over from the spirits soul sucking grasp on his chest cavity. The armor provided useless protection, nothing held back the demented poltergeist grip onto his sternum from reaching below, past the iron, past the layer of flesh, and took hold of something most precious — a piece of his life source. The lights grew deem in his eyes, fading out in spots as its grip finally left him and was layed to rest at the final ear piercing hit from Joliet's 'not-wand'.  It may not be magical, but it surely had a flare in taking out threats quick, Altaïr considered, dropping onto his knees with a heavy thud and trying to find breath again. He knew something was missing, a piece of himself gone like a candle stick struggling to maintain its light. Turning his head in a snap at the sudden touch, the fading golden hues looked upon Giselle at first, as a stranger — aren't they all? The paladin did not know any of them, nor the land the find themselves in. He, himself, was a stranger in strang lands, again, just this time without the repor of his father approval to the hands taking over his son's life. These were his choices, now being played out in matters outside of his abilities. The comforting prayer offered from his senior alleviated the pain to a degree, but his resolve was an entirely different converstation — one to which prayer was not within his interest to include.  He was done with the affairs of this house, and done with playing on children's wants. Let Helm judge him, by the fates Altaïr was assured both the god and the strings of fate were playing another a game he refused to entertain. A small nod of thanks was offered to Giselle, but when he found the strength to stand and heard the babes wails did Altaïr give his interjection to Dynaheir moving to trade places with him with a hand held up.  "No, there is no babe in there but another damn trick, Dyna. If we go in there, we will be playing a fools errand, and I dare not risk to be played as such for a third time this night. This house is demanted, along with the lands itself surrounding it. You admit these ghosts are clever? Well, let us not play into their games, as from the start nothing about this was right, and I am quite full on letting this go on."   OOC Dyna can still move pass as Altair is not stopping her action but injecting in converstation. He's just a tad grumpy after being soul sucked. 😂  
  8.   Altaïr Abd al-Aziz | HP: 12/12 | AC: 18 | Initiative: -1 | Passive Perception: 11 IC Altaïr gaze shinned brighter at specter's reveal, whlist his heart hammered against his chest, within his spirit did it strike up at arms. The mind afraid, but soul daring to fight was confusing mix wrestling within the paladin.  Yet, both argeed neither wanted to die in this dilapidated manor.  "Fates be damned!" He cried, watching the speed of Joliet maneuver around in heartbeat it took for him to raise his sword up and slash down at the ghost as his ears ringed at her cries drowning out any sound. What else laid dead here and unwilling to move on? The question flashed over in his mind, trying to spot the manner of what held her here chained among the living.  "Can a priest give a sermon for the women!? I think she's mad!" OOC Move:  Remaining in postion to take help Joliet flank.  Action: Slash Slash with long sword (To Hit: 14, For Damage: 3) Bonus Action:  n/a Reaction:  n/a  
  9.   Altaïr Abd al-Aziz | HP: 12/12 | AC: 18 | Initiative: -1 | Passive Perception: 11 IC On the click to reveal a seperate passge, Altaïr looks over Joliet to scan the room in quick inquiry. No crib, no babe....and no sign of a beast.  He was getting very concerned at the possiblity they've been used, yet none the less under oath he regrettably must assure that there was no child at risk. Altaïr was beginning to hate his father all over again.  Of all the bloody gods to send me too, it had to be Helm. At Joliet's signal of following him through, the hesitant paladin nods at her question, lips visibly thinning before entering the room with heavy iron steps "I do not see a thing, and liking this less, and less by the second." He had more protection on him then the rest, but his nerves begged to differ on the opinion, shifting his golden eyes over the room in search of what possible moved the curtain earlier. Soon, taking interest of the closet itself, Altaïr approaches with interest to open up and see even a hint of someone once living within the room. IC Move: Also Heading in! Action:  Rolling for perception Bonus Action:  n/a Reaction:  n/a  
  10.    Altaïr Abd al-Aziz | HP: 12/12 | AC: 18 | Initiative: -1 | Passive Perception: 11 IC "Who even lets a living armor around children?" Altaïr said, having stayed for majorty - honestly all - of the fight out. It was one armor, made of steel and him of flesh. He'd rather avoid having to confront anything, and it appeared his new "friends" had a interset for violence.  "Let's just hurry, if the objects are fighting, then surely something else must be at work in the room." He says, drained, and slightly hesitant to move over at the supposed door holding the infant with his shield at front.  OOC Pala Boy moving towards the door where the child supposedly is held.     
  11.    Altaïr Abd al-Aziz | HP: 12/12 | AC: 18 | Initiative: -1 | Passive Perception: 11 IC Altaïr stalled, upon Shazzar comment the paladin began to scan the room with mountaining suspicion. "Wait a moment, do you even hear anything rustling? There was something at the window." He waited, listening for any slight movement besides the party while throwing a glance at the suit of armor, and the doors beside it. "Did the parents even had hired help to attend to maintance?" OOC Rolling Perpection   
  12.       Altaïr Abd al-Aziz | HP: 12/12 | AC: 18 | Initiative: -1 | Passive Perception: 11 IC "I will have to pass on the houses offer of arms...frankly doesn't match my specific taste." Neither did it bode well for his nervers. It was like his sense were alight, tensing at every low moan or creek of wood—nothing was right about this, not the request nor the monster to which haunted the child upstairs. It was silent, and in that quiet Altaïr grew more restless within his skin, like a tug of force will his arms to move till both sword and shield tuck closer towards his person like spring locking into place. It pulled him to get in the thick of the fire, but through sheer years of stubborness the paladin willed himself to remain close by Shazzar.  There was not much he enjoyed under the service of this new god his father held him, but Helm was good in making one thing out of his fellowers—understanding to elimante a threat. Altaïr only wished he understood which, taking only one glance at the children outside with slight envy they remained safe.   "Hurry still, I doubt a babe knows much on defending against a monster. I will stick close the aging wizard, if need be something comes out from the darkness behind us I can spot it."  He's breathing slowed, readying himself beside Shazzar he did an act to which he dreaded—prayer. "There are threats abound, my eyes...allow them to see what should be smitted in your name." He's senses expanded, chilled to the forces abound as he allowed himself open to feel for those wishing to hide.  He never liked doing this.  OOC Using Divine Senses as well.  
  13.     Altaïr Abd al-Aziz | HP: 12/12 | AC: 18 | Initiative: -1 | Passive Perception: 11 IC Altaïr followed the rest, sword in hand taking the rear besides Shazzar and stalk of the house itself. The children said the basement right? He looked around, searching for any marks of a struggle around the house while the rest charged up ahead. He was fearful man, and any coward would look for threats in order to strike it.     
  14.    Altaïr Abd al-Aziz | HP: 12/12 | AC: 18 | Initiative: -1 | Passive Perception: 11 IC The call of heroism was casted at the first entry into this haunted town where not a soul emerged in their trek, and Altaïr responseded to it with a speculative raise of his wet brow.  There was a monster on the loose. Then were was the bloody guards? Where was anyone for that matter? The paladin wanted to first rest, and dry himself with a towel — possibly mix that in with a bit of drinking and questioning, but the first two was a priority on his list. He saw there were lights inside a few homes, but did it held anyone inside? It was a curse of his nature, one he's father disliked the most of his son — Altaïr could never take anything at face value unless it suited his desires.  Mama and Papa keep it in the basement, try to contain it! And why the hells did they do that for? The knights eyed the childs doll in particular, finding it the most unervering aspect with its small head and uneven button eyes. He moved his gaze over, seeing the curtain nearly being ripped were the youngest resided.  "What monster?" Altaïr requested, standing beside Giselle having not made a step to move yet. Even with a heart questioning the sense of all this, Altaïr was not completely heartless to a child's plight — despite whatever his family may consider him. If he was going to go running, he will damn well liked to know what his sword was meant to hit.  OOC Perception Roll - 14  
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