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  1. Ross Godae AC : 16 | HP : 42/42 | Initiative : +4 | Passive Perception : 14 | Darkvision : 90'   Raising slightly, just to bend again with a slight motion of his hand before his chest, Ross bows in polite greeting to Lord Almendrud, in reflection of Daniel. "A day of happiness to you, though we may have some impatience in store, as well." He tries not to smile at that, "For there is a great curiosity about your curiosity outside." A glance at the forlorn figure of Oakwind - "And some anxiety, additionally."
  2. No worries! Welcome back!
  3. Well, this has been done for a bit now, aside from fiddling. And failing the urge to entirely rewrite into a Drow concept I keep wanting to play, I'll call it complete. (Unless being Drow is better for interactivity with the plot, in which case... *cracks knuckles*)
  4. Ross Godae AC : 16 | HP : 42/42 | Initiative : +4 | Passive Perception : 14 | Darkvision : 90' Ross selected one of the sandwiches in question, sniffed it tentatively, then almost inhaled it whole. With an indefinite, but probably approving, shrug he turned back to Lorilei and Harding for a moment, then moved away. This was all starting to feel urbane, the wonder of strange new sights falling away to waiting in lounges. Settling himself into leaning over the back of an armchair, other than the one Jack had selected, he watches nervously for Lord Almendrud. And listens to the other ongoing conversations. They would find out more about the commission in due time, it seems.
  5. Ross Godae AC : 16 | HP : 42/42 | Initiative : +4 | Passive Perception : 14 | Darkvision : 90' This was Ross' chance to stand back. Impressive works of door, and person, was hardly his milue. All the climbing clockworks of the mighty tower looked like the city work of his mother that he'd studiously avoided, but even so the ship remained enticing. A line of thought seemingly shared by Jack, though Ross was curious if the halfling would manage to bring Oakwynd around. The wind-up man was less so appealing. But, Lorelei knew him, and so that matter was settled; a friend, of some sort. Niceties must be maintained, so he bowed his head respectfully to their host. "Good day, Harding." A line of sharp teeth was Ross' smile at Reaver's comment on rations - he'd improved his own traveling meals, even if there were few, if any, other takers. There was always something to be caught near trail or road, either way.
  6. Just about finished, but wanted to ask if the sale of starting equipment is allowed?
  7. Ross Godae AC : 16 | HP : 42/42 | Initiative : +4 | Passive Perception : 14 | Darkvision : 90' A mix of trepidation and anticipation from his friends has Ross smiling again as he keeps a check on the path ahead, the claws on his feet scraping the stones as he restrains his urge to bound ahead. "This could be the first ship dashed on a forest or field, yet those fetching up against rocks in their seahome rarely fare well. Besides, there is less in the sky to contact but for mountains, and those clouds with silver linings. Never fret, hunters and spirits of the sky will avail us. " He pauses and looks back, golden eyes sparkling. What did he know of whatever mechanisms kept it up, anyway? "Or it will be quick. I hope."
  8. Reijin Auldzyncyi (Reginald to his friends) Novice Knight of the Raven Queen     "Death shall not abide, nor avail you, when my blade comes for you!"   Fighter 3 (Cavalier) Medium humanoid male (Shadar-Kai), lawful neutral Armor Class : 16 (18 w/ shield) Hit Points : 31 Speed : 30' Senses : Darkvision 60' Languages : Common, Elven, Goblin Proficiency Bonus : +2   ABILITIES & SKILLS  Proficiency Bonus: +2 Strength : 16 (+3) Save (+5) Athletics (+5) Dexterity : 10 (+0) Save (+0) Acrobatics (+0) | Sleight of Hand (+0) | Stealth (+0) Constitution : 16 (+3) Save (+5) No skills associated. Intelligence : 10 (+0) Save (+0) Arcana (+0) | History (+2) | Investigation (+0) | Nature (+0) | Religion (+0) Wisdom : 12 (+1) Save (+1) Animal Handling (+3) | Insight  (+1) | Medicine (+1) | Perception (+3) | Survival (+1) Charisma : 10 (+0) Save (+0) Deception (+0) | Intimidation (+2) | Performance (+0) | Persuasion (+2) (E) denotes expertise. / Bold denotes proficiency.   PROFICIENCIES & ABILITIES  PROFICIENCIES Tools : Gaming Set (Cards) Instruments : N/A Weapons : All simple and martial Armors : Light, Medium, Heavy, and Shields FIGHTER CLASS ABILITIES Second Wind, You have a limited well of stamina that you can draw on to protect yourself from harm. On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.Action Surge, Starting at 2nd level, you can push yourself beyond your normal limits for a moment. On your turn, you can take one additional action. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. Starting at 17th level, you can use it twice before a rest, but only once on the same turn.Born to the SaddleStarting at 3rd level, your mastery as a rider becomes apparent. You have advantage on saving throws made to avoid falling off your mount. If you fall off your mount and descend no more than 10 feet, you can land on your feet if you’re not incapacitated. Finally, mounting or dismounting a creature costs you only 5 feet of movement, rather than half your speed., Unwavering Mark,Starting at 3rd level, you can menace your foes, foiling their attacks and punishing them for harming others. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can mark the creature until the end of your next turn. This effect ends early if you are incapacitated or you die, or if someone else marks the creature. While it is within 5 feet of you, a creature marked by you has disadvantage on any attack roll that doesn't target you. In addition, if a creature marked by you deals damage to anyone other than you, you can make a special melee weapon attack against the marked creature as a bonus action on your next turn. You have advantage on the attack roll, and if it hits, the attack's weapon deals extra damage to the target equal to half your fighter level. Regardless of the number of creatures you mark, you can make this special attack a number of times equal to your Strength modifier (a minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest. Fighting Style (Interception)When a creature you can see hits a target, other than you, within 5 feet of you with an attack, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage the target takes by 1d10 + your proficiency bonus (to a minimum of 0 damage). You must be wielding a shield or a simple or martial weapon to use this reaction. RACIAL TRAITS DarkvisionAccustomed to twilit forests and the night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. | Keen SensesYou have proficiency in the Perception skill. | Fey AncestryYou have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep. | TranceElves don't need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. (The Common word for such meditation is "trance.") While meditating, you can dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive through years of practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep. | Blessing of the Raven QueenAs a bonus action, you can magically teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Starting at 3rd level, you also gain resistance to all damage when you teleport using this trait. The resistance lasts until the start of your next turn. During that time, you appear ghostly and translucent. | Necrotic Resistance FEATS       WEAPONS WEAPONS Moon-touched Greatsword | +5 to hit for 2d6+3 Slashing/Magic damage. Heavy, Twohanded. Lance +5 to hit for (1d12+3) piercing damage. | Reach, Special.     EQUIPMENT & ENCUMBERANCE TOTAL ENCUMBERANCE (240 lbs.) Weight: 77.0 Status: Unencumbered (@ up to 80) Penalty: None MONEY POUCH (1.04 lbs.) Copper: 0 | Silver: 0 | Gold: 2 | Obsidian: 0 | Platinum: 0 (25 Coins x .02 lbs. = 0 lbs. Total Weight) EQUIPEMENT READIED (68 lbs.) Equipped items can be retrieved with a manipulate item interaction. Armor (61 lbs.) Chainmail (worn), Shield Weapons (6 lbs.) Moon-touched Greatsword* Readied Items (1 lbs.) 2 healing potions, a signet ring EQUIPMENT STORED (8 lbs.) Stored items can be retrieved with an action. In Backpack (2 lbs.) A scroll of pedigree, a purse, a waterskin Strapped to Backpack (6 lbs.) Lance EQUIPMENT NOT CARRIED (--) Fetch (Lew Ysfeld) Carrying : Explorer's PackA bedrolls, a mess kit, a tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of rations, and 50' of hemp rope strapped to the side., odds and ends, Collector Elya's things Draft Horse : w/ Riding Saddle At Home : N/A * Denotes magic item (see below)   MAGIC ITEMS NON-ATTUNED   ATTUNED (1/X) Moon-Touched Greatsword   APPEARANCE Age 103 | Height 5' 8" | Weight 160 lbs. | Hair Coal Black| Eyes Dusky Violet | Complexion Ashen pale Reijin sat still as the razor shaved back the short hairs on one side of his head, then tilted slightly for the same to be applied to the other, leaving a thick crest of coal-black along the top of his head. The sharp edge was dexterously handled around his long, pointed, elfin ears. Then, though it never grew in noticeably regardless, it traced the line of his cheeks and jaw. A hot cloth follows, soothing his bare skin - it had been long years since he last had a bleeding nick from this treatment. The noble opens his eyes to look into the mirror before him and his barber. Bright violet irises, with a shaded wave around the pupil blinked back at him as he admired the handiwork. And admired Eloirya, of course. She was beautiful and skilled as always. He stood, revealing his ashen-pale skin, a phrase he hadn't entirely understood until coming here to the Material Plane; whitened cinders of ash with the hint of the coals beneath. He lifted his arms, dropping down the thin undershirt over his lithe muscles and dark nipples, and then tucked it into the waist of the leggings that Eloirya had drawn up his legs. Getting the chainmail on over that required a bit of undignified wiggling, but his helpmate was there to tug it into place and start strapping in the torso tight as he worked his way down the blackened steel-link sleeves. Bowing his head, and waiting only a moment, a midnight tabard was cast over his head to wrap back low on his neck, and then tied tight to flatten the raven crest across his chest. One day he would have the plate due a knight and Eloirya's hands would be even more necessary to ease his girding, but for the moment he gave her a wink before she managed to set his helm down over his head. Solemn now, fully armoured and ready for the day, he set out with mein and stride appropriate to a blessed warrior of their goddess. Lew, the Fetch, waited outside the door with his sword, offering the knight the nightly purple-bound hilt. Reijin took it, unconsciously taking on a formal pose as well, before heading down the hallway with both of the others trailing him as if on a pious mission. He was really only headed to the classes of the day, where he was considered a bit odd.   BACKGROUND NOBLE Source PHB Personality Traits: My favour, once lost, is lost forever. Ideals: Responsibility. It is my duty to respect the authority of those above me, just as those below me must respect mine. Bonds: My loyalty to my sovereign is unwavering. Flaws: I hide a truly scandalous secret that could ruin my family forever. / I have an insatiable desire for carnal pleasures. Background Feature: Retainers (alternate) BACKSTORY Retainers Introduction : First he steps in front of a slim, dark-robed and faceless figure, a shadow with purple bands. "Allow me to introduce Mistress Elya, Meikei, the Collector. She is here on behalf of the Raven Queen in order to collect particular trinkets of particular value to our goddess. She will not be personally joining us on any venture, I simply provide her accommodations and protection." He doesn't mention that this duty only started once he had finished at Vance's. She nudges him. "And she will, in turn, provide information she may have collected. On occasion." She bows her hooded, veiled head, folding her hands before herself as Reijin pulls a youthful, dutiful, boy forward. Black messy hair conceals the boy's cool-coloured eyes and almost wan face. "This is Lew, the Fetch. He retrieves or delivers things, people, and words. He doesn't mind assisting any of you. Do you, Lew Ysfeld?" Lew shakes his head vigorously, suddenly widely smiling as he glances around at everyone there, his previous reserve apparently broken by introduction. "See, Fetches are helpful little souls." You notice there's still a lunar beauty, pale but vibrant as well, filling a black-and-white checkerboard dress, hanging back behind him. "She's Eloirya, my handmaid." He reluctantly concedes to your inquisitive gaze. "She supports me. Arms, armour, and such. With matters that concern me… As a knight of the Raven Queen. Her second name? I do not see how it matters to you. She is Eloirya. I will provide for her, she will accompany me. That is all you need know." Reijin's expression brooks no more questions, before he shuts his helm seemingly in a fit of pique. Eloirya bows slightly, but you might see a hidden smile for a moment, then resumes her contemplation.   Background  ~ 80 Years Ago ~ He stood in the small courtyard of his family castle, witchlights providing a more concentrated glow to see by here in the Plane of Shadow. He was out here because he had finally received his first sword; his family was noble, and he would get to be a knight! He was also outside because his practice and playfighting with his sword had damaged his mother's drawing room, and cut open a rare set of feywild-imported pillows. Still, he was more excited than contrite. He was going to be one of the Raven Queen's knights! Maybe he would become famous, leading a chevron of other heavily-armoured warriors against the goddess' foes here, or elsewhere! He was going through the fencing forms, or so he imagined them anyway he hadn't had time with the armsmaster yet, when a voice interrupted him. He came to a halt on the faded gray paving stones. It wasn't family, or one of the servants that he knew, it was a new voice! A young girl. He certainly wasn't just a young boy, he was… A squire! Since squires were sort of junior knights on their journey to full status, he had to practice being properly solemn, too. The girl was asking what he was doing! Well, that's simple to answer, "Indeed, I am to be a Knight of the Raven Queen. As knights must always be ready for war, so do we study the art of the Sword." She laughed at him, but he didn't take that seriously, it had been rather pompous, so he started laughing, too. He would learn she was Eloirya, daughter of new servants to his uncle, and that she thought that Raven Knights were as amazing as he did. ~60 years ago~ His uncle had died. That was no great tragedy, and here in the Raven Queen's realm it was even a cause for a somber celebration of his life instead. Reijin didn't know who would celebrate his uncle, but it was still appropriate for him to be stoic about it as he sat in the small chapel. The raven idols were well-lit by candle, and he thoughtfully turned one back and forth, rotating it slowly in place to admire its sharp-edged carving. Death and Ravens, ravens and death. It wasn't that there were a lack of other icons around, or decorations depicting brighter, merrier, subjects, but he felt it was proper. He would be a great knight of the goddess, so these would be his symbols. And his uncle had died. Eloirya came and quietly sat next to him on the worn-smooth pew. He looked at her curiously, for she seemed more saddened by this than he was. Ah, she thought she would be leaving the only home she'd ever known. Reijin had gone to his father about this already, and interdicted the idea that her parents should be leaving - the Auldzyncyi estate could afford to keep them on. Perhaps they hadn't heard yet. Or hadn't told Eloirya. He smiled, thinking that he had a secret that she had yet to find out, for once. Unfortunately for him, smiling had given away he was hiding something, and she had it out of him soon enough. ~ 30 years ago ~ Reijin's sword embedded itself in the target, scattering chips. What was he to do about this? He looked more the part of the knight he wanted to be, would be, had been molded to be since birth, with his long black cloak rustling in the aimless wind of the Shadow and blackened gauntlets. Yet, it didn't give him any cheer today.  Cease associating so much with that servant girl. What kind of command was that? Eloirya wasn't some random girl off the street, or placid farmer, or greedy waif, or whatever! She was quick, she was beautiful, he and she had always been around one another. Why was it a problem now? Because she had come with him to lessons, and outwitted his answers? Even his tutors had to carefully word around implying he was intelligent - he knew he wasn't particularly. Average but determined, maybe. Reijin moved back across the training space with a lance, its weight on his arm reassuring. It would be easier on horseback, but for now he wanted to tire himself out. There Eloirya was, as always. They spent time apart, for each had their own duties and responsibilities that needed tending. That must count as enough. She was impressed by his look - suitably grim, especially with his visor down. He lifted it again to talk to her, though. There was no need to mention what had him so out of sorts. She leaned in as they talked about the Raven Queen, and his future. She leaned in closer still. Her dark eyes were hypnotizing. He couldn't help himself. He kissed her. She kissed back. ~5 years ago~ Reijin knelt, and by himself it would have been the small sound of scraping metal and the patter of his knee hitting stone. Instead it was a babbling brook of dark steel like soft applause as a thousand young knights mirrored the motion. Today. He had spent the deepest dark of the Shadow's hours in vigil, and today was speaking his vows to the goddess alongside all his fellowship. The words spoken together by a millennium of Shadar-Kai, for millennia. The mantle of knighthood settled over his shoulders, and though he was already straightened stiff, he felt yet more tension. This was his dream, his life's purpose. Raven Knight, to lead the way on a thousand battlefields. Later that day, Reijin received his mission. It wasn't what he expected. No war in Shadow, or in the Planes. He was going to the Material… As a bodyguard. Thus, the experience and training for his assigned calling would have to be taught to him. Via Vance's Adventurer Academy. A bleak and dark moment. There was a spark of joy, or hope in it, however. He went immediately to Eloirya, bypassing his parents in their castle to her dwelling on the outskirts. His objective? Simple, but difficult. Fraught with peril. He would need all the bravery he could muster, and would use this as a point of strength in future adversity.  He convinced her to elope. ~Last Year~ His way paid and prepared as a noble, especially one from another Plane, he found his path had been paved for him through the tuition of Vance's Academy. Still, matters of theory and thought weren't easy for him, but he made it through with determination if nothing else. His focus on how to protect others, for that would be his foreseeable future - after graduation he would have the charge of Meikei Elya, an agent of the Raven Queen. Still, with his assigned squire, something he ruefully learned hadn't much to do with his imaginary squireship of youth, was instead a common boy called a Fetch, and Eloirya at his side, this Academy annum would be pleasant enough. Making friends had been trickier, but despite his dramatic tendencies, and not going out to taverns to ogle barmaids, he still ended up in a solid crew. That almost always accorded him his due respect. Even if they had started calling him Reginald. He has taken to wearing dark armour everywhere, flourishing his cloak of black feathers, and holding to a choleric act. Today, he was on the practice field, trading blows and working out technique with a hundred other hopeful swordsmen - scruffy boys off the farm, disinterested ladies, some veterans having come for the prestige, and shieldmaidens of some northern tradition. His partner was an excitable city boy, a half-elf, who was becoming increasingly frustrated with Reijin's grim silence and simple forms with blade and ward. "They didn't give me a zombie, did they? Some sword-fighting golem? C'mon! Say something! Do something!" A simple request. "Death becomes you!" Reijin cried, sweeping down with an overhead blow - and startling the burgher's son into flinching, so that the wooden practice sword crashed onto his helmet, knocking the half-elf over. He would hear about this from the instructors, he was certain. But there was also a vindicating amount of amusement taken already. ~ 30 minutes ago ~ "Did you really introduce me as your handmaid?"  Reijin had to pause before answering, he wasn't worried that his dear Eloirya would remain offended, but he did want to say this as best he could. "I apologize, o lady wife Eloirya Auldzyncyi, morning and guiding star of my life. I slipped into my accustomed habit from our time in disguise, with discretion needed." He held some advantage here, with his visor still down from his embarrassment, and her expressive eyes clear. Still, some further token he had to offer. So, he wrapped his arms around her, embracing her from behind and enfolding her in the wings of his cloak. "Will you forgive this damned soul his latest transgression?" Meikei, shrouded as ever, continued on to her own rooms, leaving the couple and Lew the Fetch there. The Collector rarely ever expressed an opinion, and what she thought of them as a pairing was a mystery to Reijin. Noticing the boy, and Eloirya's lack of reply so far, he looked over his shoulder, "Lew, go see the fine steward of this establishment and assist." And off Ysfeld went. Eloirya started giggling almost as soon as he had rounded the corner. Then the pair moved silently into their own quarters before she did or said anything more. Which was first to brush the feathers of Reijin's cloak away from her face and settle back against him. "Knight of Shadow mine, how lost thou art in darkness yet. With thine heart in steel encased." "More the reason to armour remove, and leave vulnerable my sorrowed faults. Moving to the harsh light of truthful custom." He had her smiling again, for Eloirya delighted in him indulging in absurdity and gothica, and doing the same herself. As she turned to assist him removing his arms and armour, he knew that their happiness was assured. Though he would have to find a way to tell the truth to the others, if possible without admitting fault, at some point. "Moreover, as a blessed knight, in honesty bound, I couldn't say handmaide- ah!"     Posting Template Reijin Auldzyncyi (Shadow Elf Fighter) [picture icon version here] AC: 16 (18 w/shield) | HP: 31/31 | Initiative: +0 | Passive Perception: 11 Post goes here. "Speech" thoughts in italics   Mechanics Main Hand: Moon-touched Greatsword Off Hand: - Action: Your action goes here. Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here. Move: Your movement goes here. Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.        
  9. Ross Godae AC : 16 | HP : 42/42 | Initiative : +4 | Passive Perception : 14 | Darkvision : 90' Prowling ahead has its advantages, in this case having come close enough to see the tower and its odd accessory ship first. It's quite the sight to see something like that hanging in the air. It was certainly going to make passing through the locale of spirits a different experience, he would have to decide how and which to propriate! He composes himself from an eager grin, the promise of good gold and good company had been inducement enough to travel here - but now, this! He solemnly tilts his head, twitching ear giving away his game, as he considers his friend's reactions. Raith, that old and young soul, spoke first, of course. "I wonder that anyone has. Passing strange to sail the sky." Godae replied, starting walking again, only a step or two ahead now, and though his eyes rove the land and oft return to the ship, he still listens intently.
  10. So, just because I love building and collecting details; what's the timeline/order of everyone meeting, then? Something like (from Ross' perspective) : Ross & Kan meet. Then Lorilei & Ross go on an adventure to Sunken Temple #307. They go home and meet Jack there who has met/partied with Raith and has part of Lorilei's past answers/prophecy. Then the quatro & Raith have wizard troubles. ???, Go To Goboan. Lorilei could have gone on the Sunken Temple quest after meeting Jack - who had given her the info that made her curious about it - then introduces Jack & Ross on their return. Just an idea; would be interested in alternatives. (Sorry, @The Quixotic I don't know where Oakwynd goes yet!)
  11. Howdy! Yeah, I'm still working on finding minor things I can clean up, too.
  12. So, Lord of the Rings-esque Battles of Music Bards? E.g. Finrod vs. Sauron? (Don't rap battle Sauron, he's got the voice of an angel and the tongue of the devil. His songs all have a certain ring to them, they'll make you choke. Gollum, gollum. Oh, and he was probably there for all the sins of your history. So, that'll be embarrassing.)
  13. Separate post for Connections Stories!   Kan Sun & Ross Godae 1/6 It was an ordinary day, lazy sunlight and wisps of cloud, like any other when it first happened. He had been hired for what seemed a simple matter, predating wolves harassing outskirt farms. A few days out into the woods to chase away or slay as need be, a bit of tracking and time away from the bustling towns in return for good gold - gold that he needed to repair the handgun he had, ah, permanently borrowed from his mother's workshop. Still, as fratricidal as it felt on occasion, wolves were hardly a worry to hunt. Certainly, they were cleverer than many of the dumb beasts, or clumsy urbanites, that one could find amongst the trees, but he was better yet. Which is why, as he wound his way carefully downwind and through the trees from where he thought he had found the troublesome pack, he was surprised to find her. A lone wolf, watching the others in the same manner he was. Did that wolf see him? Would the game be up? Tense moments passed, and the pack of wolves, unknowing of the ill-future they avoided, went north away from the farmland as if never to return. Yet, the lone wolf… 3/6 When it happened a second time, he was in a tavern, a long day of bordering had taken its toll on him.  A homely place, of rough walls, rough drinks, and rough customers. Still, it suited him. The simplicity of a brawl was the same to him as the gears of his mother's workshop - less mysterious, in fact, since his quick hands were much better at the former than working on the latter. Though he remained mostly sober, having found that moonshine lived up to its name in releasing his lunacy, pun intended, he still sat there to drink and relax, letting the sounds wash over him. And his eyes caught on her. Enthusiastically drinking at the long bench, but with... Bright wolf's eyes. The same sparkling yellow-gold as he had seen on a lone wolf not so long ago. Eyes like his own, not common on any elf, human, or gnome. Now seen in another sort of forest, one of people and sociality, that he decided to observe from. Initially, at least. There were some things that drew you in. 5/6 And (possibly) finally, before they started their journeys together… It was a honeyed day of summer, the hot sun above, the animals tired by the heat had laid to rest for the midday, and Godae had had enough of the busy streets, their stones, and carriages, and noise. Of the swarming faceless crowds. Out he had bounded, heedless of the odd looks he often engendered, out to the trees, brooks, and water. A night at the tavern had taken its toll. On this day, it was a pool he found, hidden away amongst the forest. Taking a seat of stone at its edge, some long forgotten city-stone, or a gift of nature that had provided a rock of chair height above the water. It could have been a spring, welling up under whitebeam roots, and clearing space for itself in the underbrush. An appropriate place for him to rest by, for a while. His elbows on his knees, and his shoulders bowed, he sat silently, watching the white petals flow without focus. Once again, the spirits provided in return for his contemplation; a fine rabbit, unaware, had come up to the small shore - he considered leaving it in peace, but there were meals to think of, and every day was a gift, and every gift of the day should be taken. Limbering himself carefully, quietly, down, he closed in on it; the sound of branch, of leaves and wind were his audial shroud, the beat of his heart in his ears no louder than the trickle of flowing water a clock ticking down the moments. The rabbit's ears twitched, nervous, and his own moved in turn. Patience. It hadn't fled, it stayed by the water, and he had come closer still. Shadowing it. Over it. A moment of claw or knife. And there she was again. Graceful wolf, beautiful elf, one and the other in turn. Fluid, where he was frozen, a meeting between two different intersections. A wolf and elf both at once, for the first time truly uncertain about what he was. And the rabbit that had drawn them both together again startled, and went to bolt, as he started to laugh at fate...     Lorelei & Ross Godae 1/6 Godae shielded his eyes from the sun for at least the sixth time this day, the barren flats had nothing to provide shade or disrupt the bright sun overhead. That this dry land was the home of the Sunken Temple seemed absurd. Yet, here they were. Dusty hills, thin grass, keening insects, and an ancient building fallen into a lonely lake. It neither flowed anywhere, or did anything flow into its brown waters. The stump of a tower, and seemingly intact chunks of it scattered across the lake. A strange sight, altogether. And strange travel-fellows that he was hired to bring here. Scholars, guards, and a young woman, who would, apparently, do the diving. Both parts of that had seemed passing odd, but here was a lake deep enough to blind you to its bottom, so maybe she was. There was something… Marine about her, anyway, and besides, she had proven to be a fighter of prowess along the way here. He got them to the lake, now she would have to go fishing around in it. Then they'd get paid and leave this place. He offered her a waterskin as they made their way down to this apostate shore. 3/6 It had been quite a trick to even get into this strange room of strange stone, in the midst of the strange lake. Now Ross was stuck actionless, again, watching as their employer translated runes on the wall. Certainly, the frog-men that had turned out to be nesting here had turned out to be hostile, but they had been short work. He looked with interest at the small pool and wall of water that separated them from the lake, which had become much calmer now that Lorilei had cleared out that submerged chamber. A puzzle down there, with the answers up here. Simple enough, just move the answer down there, he had thought. The wizard paying them didn't take kindly to him prying the blocks out of the wall for Lorilei to take below, however. He looked like a wizard, anyway. Long robes, fishy smell. That's the arcane sort. Godae threw the next block into the pool. The wizard mumbled something, and the ranger wandered back over to inquire about the translation. The last block was nothing to worry over? The others had ended up as a phrase about releasing something. Treasure, or Arcanum, Godae supposed. Still. That last block was strange. Eight pointed star? Or is that eight legs? Eight legs, ruined temple, accursed magical lake. There was something to that. But, he was hired as hunter, pathfinder, and protection, not as a scholar of long-dead temples and their sunken gods. He whispered a few quiet words to the spirits of this place, for luck. No answer. Well, whether eight points or eight legs, this should be the last one for the puzzle. 5/6 Godae hadn't expected much on this journey, and now to be rescued underwater by Lorilei had been added to the unanticipated list. Panting, trying to regain his breath, he rolled over on the old stones, he stayed on his hands and knees. He'd have to find some way to thank her. If she hadn't saved him from, well… Then he'd have been left to a watery grave, or worse. Checking his sword (still safely attached), and pistol (powder pouch miserably wet), he sat back and looked around. She had sorted the situation without his effort, but their employer had, apparently, made a run for it, leaving them behind. A desolate situation, but he had traveled further in worse conditions. "We are not getting paid," like a tired sigh escaped him. "It is a long pathway back to where we began. Shall we stride it together?" He asked, offering her a hand at the water's edge. It was the least he could do, and on their journey home he'd have more time to express gratitude to his new friend.    
  14. @Mild Scribe Ross' dad was in the same (adventuring) party as Sun's mother, who was bodyguarding Lorilei's mother, who was commissioning a gun from Ms. Ross (Godae's mother) - which is how Ross' parents met, and subsequently got separated from each other. [Event] happened, removing his father because of [consequences of unspecified event], so Asha Ross was left with a child. And no particular urge to not continue to Aropulia's cities. And Godae with a zither of mysterious provenance. Leaving Raith stuck, though he may not know it yet, dealing with a party (at least partially) made from the previous generation, and their mistakes. (And the short stories are up.) @Glyph And heya! Double Dvati rogues Bards, eh?
  15. @Mild Scribe "If one should aim to surpass their ancestors in life, then I must have a simple life indeed; to be a proper father would be an achievement my own did not accomplish. I must accept that, for whatever reason there may have been. And I intend to be, alongside any other legend I accomplish. But then, what brings you from home, young druid?"   Also for Kan Sun & Lorelei, I wrote some very short half-stories for the GR & L/KS connections - leaving interconnecting spaces to fill in the other half (or to just choose one out to react to/answer), I can post them and get started on the GR&RR one in the morning, if there's interest? (Mostly did them because I simply enjoy writing.)
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