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Everything posted by Hyaenneh

  1. Classified just dropped a new album last week and I think the rap is pretty mid but the production is so good I've listened to it eight times now just to vibe to the tracks. An instrumental release would hit #1 on my Wrapped, easy.
  2. I've been struggling reading the past few years, I'd lose interest or just not be able to start. A YouTuber recently punched me in my third eye and made me remember that, as a child, I used to keep two to four books on the go at a time, flitting between whatever most interested me on a moment-to-moment basis, rather than making myself finish a book (or permanently DNF it) before allowing myself to start the next. I've re-adopted this old habit, and so far it's going really well! Saying "it's okay to read two chapters of this and then forget it exists for six months" has oddly revitalized my interest and appetite in reading. Anyway, right now I'm in the middle of re-reading Starship Troopers (blame Twitter's Helldivers discourse), and just started K.S. Villoso's Wolf of Oren-Yaro, which is a little thin on plot early but has some solid character work.
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