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  1. Well Talim would stand at the front as stated, though he wouldn’t go much nearer than his companions.
  2. Im somehow picturing Gotrek Gurnisson here^^ but that isnt a problem. Fighting isnt a focus of DSA but it happens obviously and a brawl is all the more likely. For the rest just puzzle solving or having ideas you can do with any character.
  3. If you know what type of thing you want to play you can just open an extra threat in this topic and create a character.   Elder.sign, just take one of the two, doesn’t seem that you have opposition here. Mischief warrior, Thorwal has but two academies and both are grey so if you want to play a white mage your guy had to leave home in his youth at some time (not that this is unusual) or he got a personal tutor (a wandering mage) who taught him and at the end took him to his own academy. Laughingly, that is totally fine by me, just start with one profession and raise some points in suitable things for the other. I would with consideration of your characters Job say you should take mercenary and just raise some Rouge like abilities. Neopopulas, any idea yet?
  4. Talim strengthens the grip around his spear a little. Not one to talk in this kind of dangerous situations, even less so with Bennis rather unorthodox way of diplomacy he keeps silent. A short step in front puts him before his companions as he assumes it would be best to keep this with less armor and experience in weapons behind him. Of course he doesn’t try to threaten here as it seems like they are hugely at a disadvantage.
  5. Sure just not everyone the same please ;)
  6. Yup I made a game, Hope this works as intended
  7. Assuming most people aren’t super familiar, please use this place to ask about rules.
  8. Extra stuff: Because they cut a few things I liked I will add following professions and spells, mind you that is not even half the spells they cut. If you want to use the professions or spells please ask, otherwise I will slowly add those to an extra rules topic. Additionally i will allow a few extra professions if somebody is interested in: -the Charlatan (essentially a magical gifted person who never got a formal education in it and uses certain tricks to come by, think of an illusionist plus a bit of a bard) -the Druid (works a bit different than a dnd druid, more on dominion about nature and people) -the Skald (viking bard from Thorwal) I will also allow a few extra spells if someone wants to play a magic caster: General: -wall of [element] (duh) -ignoratia (makes people not notice you, but doesn’t work if someone is directly looking for you) -eagle, wolf and sharkskin (shapechange, may change into one pre chosen animal with a size between a rat and a horde, needs to be relearned for any animal) -essence of [element] (like a bigger manifesto, is partly suited for attacking but mostly for diverse things with said elements) -caldofrigo (allows to change the temperature of an object or the surroundings, object needs to be touched) -darkness (creates a darkness centered around the caster, which doesn’t move) -object fix (fixes an object in place, so it can’t be moved, doesn’t increase the durability of the object) Guildmage: -Memory loss* (erases the recent memory of a person) -Memory replacement* (creates a recent memory in a person) -Fear of [color] (creates the fear of a color in a person) -birds and chimes (uses magic to change certain sounds made by a person to something different, doesn’t change the volume) -black and red you’re dead* ( creates a red mark on a person that slowly saps the life of said person away, I’m also happy that the rhyme still works in English) -applicatus (attaches one spell to one item with a trigger) -solid flow (changes 1L of something hard into a wax like substance that can be formed) * marked spells are usually only used by demon worshippers or evil guys so if you get caught using them it might lead to a very serious questioning. Witch: -Veil of Unkown (shields from magical inspection) -call of lizards (create a place or object that lures any lizard like creature to it) -call of insects (create a place or object that lures any insect or similar creature to it) Druid: -Veil of Unkown (shields from magical inspection) -Evil Eye (allows the Druid to either induce rage or fear in a target) -Lord of Animals (allows the Druid to dominate an animal) -Eye of limbo (anti demon black hole) -druids wrath (Druid sacrifices himself to go out with a bang) -one with nature (allows the Druid to „feel“ the surrounding nature making any tests easier) -curse of pestilence (curses a victim with a sickness, essentially a field version of the witch curse) -weather mastery (allows to change the weather, is stupidly expensive if you try to change things more than a tiny bit)  
  9. Talim looks upon the downtrodden path with sparkling eyes and responds enthusiastically „You’re wrong friend, this is what the way to adventure looks like, a path that isn’t used often and that is not as easy but has way more to offer. Isn’t that exactly why we came here?“  
  10. Well I’m trying to create a game, let’s see perhaps some people would like to try too
  11. To start a character please look for the rule here: (can be used free as far as I see it) and then start a topic here. I think the system is pretty self explanatory and uses a method similar to shadowrun's system that you directly spend points you get on your abilities. So what does your character need fluff wise: -Name (appropriate names in the source but if you take something that sounds right itโ€™s totally ok) -Background (duh) -Best if you have a picture too Rules wise: -A race -A culture -A profession -Equipment Also we play with experienced Characters, which means 1100 AP and 3 FP at the start, as well as the limits, described on page 39 (41 for the document) You are very welcome to ask additional questions, the short introduction at the start and the specific ones for cultures and races should be enough to get a rough insight, but if you want more feel free to ask here.
  12. After we went there, or while we are there, well 3 of us are at least
  13. I would say, since we already have a goal we elect a leader after that, that would feel more natural.
  14. "Well then off to the fort we go" Talim says, bowing to the main opinion here. He sighs again but then tries to be more positive about it. Adventure is also good and perhaps if its just kobolds and goblins going at each other, it wouldnt effect the group or city much. Saving the day is of course something that is bound to be done after you are equipped like a hero... or something like that. At Verity he says "I have already eaten but you bite some big chunks so you can grow big and strong" forgetting like he sometimes does, that his companions dont grow up anymore
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