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Rosemary of Eldormere

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  1. Full name: Sergei de Nouvelles Place of birth: Physical Description: tall, skinny, a typical 15. y.o who is always hungry Personality/character: 15 year old Sergei is a going to be a wonderful young man when he grows up, but he isn't there yet.... At the age of 12 he ran away from home and after six months of wandering around aimlessly he found Rosemary and decided to stay with her on the Water Lily. At least she didn't nag about him having to go back home. He would never do that. His mother, Cécile d'Arras, passed away shortly after his 8th birthday and then his father Yashin de Nouvelles married again with the worst woman Sergei had ever seen. Then, at the age of 12, he found out he was going to be sent to a monastery. No way he was going to do that, he'd rather die! So he escaped early one morning and set out to look for his aunt Juniper. This search has been going on for 3 years now and it is a mystery why she hasn't been found yet. Sergei is a stubborn boy, intelligent too and he works hard for Rosemary, because so far she is the only one who has given him the space to be himself, yet at the same time cares for him like a mother would. Your friends/frenemies/enemies in town: none yet Marriages, family setting and intrigues (whether you hate or love, you decide): no marriages yet, but Sergei is looking for Juniper de Nouvelles, his aunt. Sergei is an only child by his mother Cécile. He has never spoken about half siblings.  
  2. Ha!! Yes.... I guess I knew that, but living in The Hague kinda clouds my vision.....
  3. Well, it's July... no classes and maybe her older brother Samuel has a summer project in Zurich as an upcoming physicist? https://www.phys.ethz.ch/the-department/history.html
  4. "Ima*, no! I do not need 12 plates, 12 cups and what not!" Mariam looked at her mother, who was adament that a young lady moving out needed a hope chest filled with the most ridiculous items. "Look, this is the sixties, and I will decide what I buy for my flat. I adore you for looking out for me but 12 cups and everything else is ancient and belongs in the pre-war era. I am very sorry, but no, I won't have it! I want to buy MY own things at a flea market somewhere! I want to go shopping! And have FUN while I am decorating my new house." "Flea market?" Hadassa, Mariam's mother was about to pass out. No child of hers was going to buy household items at a flea market. Abraham intervened, the diplomat he was. "Now.... my dear girls, yes both of you, let eachother be. Mariam, if you want to do this, then you go ahead. You are old enough to make your own decisions. And my Dearest Love, you must realise that we are in London and not in some shtetl** where you marry off your children and expect heaps of grandchildren. Enough, both of you" "See!" Mariam said to her mother and picked up a bag to get out of her childhood home as fast as she could. There were markets waiting for her after all. "Um.... "Hadassa hesitated "Did you at least make a list of items you need? And can I come with you? The weather is quite nice and I can take you to lunch afterwards?" "Excellent!" Abraham added, "you 2 make this a fun mother/daughter afternoon. Now, out, GO!" He gently grabbed his wife by the elbow and shoved her out the door, Mariam following with a big smile on her face. "Where is our first stop?" Hadassa wondered. "Let's hop on the tube and go to Deptford Market. It's huge! We'll need to change at London Bridge."   (*mother in Hebrew) (** small town)
  5. I can jump in when you like. Mariam has yet to be recruited, so there is a storyline in there 😉for now I will be the innocent bystander
  6. (I posted this on May 19th, '23 on the other MW forum) This is Rosemary of Eldormere, who just sailed into town on the Water Lily, a small flatbottom ship which is her home and her apothecary. Sometimes it even serves as a Bed and Breakfast for the occasional lost or wounded traveller or rogue. Rose is looking for a house & home made out of proper brick & mortar as the waters have become too cold for Rosemary's old bones. Ready to jump in when it comes to healing the people of your fine settlement, where ever that may be. Cures for blisters aren't available, neither is there one for the common cold. Everything else, try and find out. Freeform play would suit me best, long posts please.   I basically just want to start writing a thread PbP, freeform, pure storylines and dialogues. People can jump in when they like. Perhaps not even using dice, but describing town life. A soap with a magic twist if you will.
  7. Edited:   Mariam Ava Samberg Date of Birth: 11 July 1944 Place of Birth: London, England United Kingdom Mariam was born in London to Jewish parents, who fled Nazi Germany early 1939. Her mother is Hadassa Cohen, born and raised in Hamburg. Her father is Abraham Samberg, born and raised in Oldenburg. They managed to escape the nazis and met on the boat from Hamburg to the UK. Mariam was raised in a loving home, speaking Hebrew fluently and she is now a student of Italian at University College London. Though her parents were born and raised in Germany, the language was never spoken at home. Her father Abraham Samberg owns quite a succesful milleners business in Chelsea, London. Mariam has an older brother, Samuel, who is a student of physics. Would love to visit Israel, but is seriously out of cash and hesitant about the Zionist movement. Better not be that outspoken and rebellious, that can only cause trouble. Mariam is modest and reserved but not shy. Those who know her well, know she can be quite the chatterbox with a great passion for literature and Italiam movies. Appearance: Petite frame, dark brown hair, brown eyes. Height: 1.62 m, Weight: 52 kilos. Languages: English (fluent), Hebrew (fluent), Italian. Nationality: British Residence: Chelsea, London Lives with: Just was given the keys to her own apartment in Chelsea. She is busy decorating and browsing through the many flea markets of London.
  8. Thank you for your input and yes, you are right; my notes are a bit off. But this is what I found. The oceanliner MS St. Louis left Hamburg in May 1939 with about 900 Jewiish passengers, have a look here: https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/voyage-of-the-st-louis The UK did in fact admit some of the passengers, but not all. Now, with regards to the internment you mention, I am wondering if you are correct. The 2nd World War was declared on 1 September 1939, so would Jewish refugees have been interned before that date? Not sure if it matters for the story! But l am looking forward to your input on this. The flat should be in a good neighbourhood! That is what matters most. A 23 y.o doesn't need a mansion.    
  9. Mariam Ava Samberg Date of Birth: 11 July 1944 Place of Birth: London, England United Kingdom Mariam was born in London to Jewish parents, who fled Nazi Germany in the early 1940s. Her mother is Hadassa Cohen, born and raised in Hamburg. Her father is Abraham Samberg, born and raised in Oldenburg. They managed to escape the nazis and met on the boat from Hamburg to the UK. Mariam was raised in a loving home, speaking Hebrew fluently and she is now a student of Italian at University College London. Though her parents were born and raised in Germany, the language was never spoken at home. Her father Abraham Samberg owns quite a succesful milleners business in Chelsea, London. Mariam has an older brother, Samuel, who is a student of physics. Would love to visit Israel, but is seriously out of cash and hesitant about the Zionist movement. Better not be that outspoken and rebellious, that can only cause trouble. Mariam is modest and reserved but not shy. Those who know her well, know she can be quite the chatterbox with a great passion for literature and Italiam movies. Appearance: Petite frame, dark brown hair, brown eyes. Height: 1.62 m, Weight: 52 kilos. Languages: English (fluent), Hebrew (fluent), Italian. Nationality: British Residence: Chelsea, London Lives with: Just was given the keys to her own apartment. She is busy decorating and browsing through the many flea markets of London.  
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