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Eldritch Butterfly

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Everything posted by Eldritch Butterfly

  1. Human Monk HP 10/10 FP 8/10 Conditions/ Effects Finn shakes his head, "No need really; we're heading there anyway. If the ferry is there, we give them the note. If it's been destroyed, we're too late anyway. We're not really in any state to race these guys to the ferry, so let's just watch our own steps and see where the dance leads us." OOC
  2. Human Monk HP 10/10 FP 8/10 Conditions/ Effects With another burst of speed, monk runs once more to reach the zombie horse's hind legs, putting himself completely behind and about yard back from it. Again, he attempts to cut a leg, trying to take it down. This time his blade is on the mark, cutting deep into one of the creature's haunches. The zombie horse kicks out its back legs and makes a gurgling barking type noise as Finn's weapon bites deeply into its haunches. OOC Zombie horse #1 Heroic Charge, -1 FP (already deducted). He's moved two hexes behind it for the moment. GM NOTE: GM edited results directly into this post.
  3. Human Monk HP 10/10 FP 9/10 Conditions/ Effects The monk shifts his grip on his naginata slightly as he steps back, and easily parries the horse's attack. Fluidly returning to his original grip on his weapon as he runs, he then dashes around its left side, both leading it away from the others and to reach its hind leg. He attempts to cut it to keep it from rearing up again but misjudges his reach and swings wide. "Keep your eyes peeled for whoever's responsible to return," he calls to the others. "The zombies could be a distraction attack people busy fighting them." OOC Zombie horse #1 Heroic Charge, -1 FP (already deducted). He's moved into its side hex for the moment
  4. Human Monk HP 10/10 FP 10/10 Conditions/ Effects Finn steps back to maintain his reach and slashes the horse's foreleg once more, hoping to take it down with the second cut but the undead horse manages to avoid the strike. OOC Zombie horse #1 GM NOTE: GM edited results directly into this post.
  5. Human Monk HP 10/10 FP 10/10 Conditions/ Effects Finn completes his charge and, taking advantage of his naginata's reach, slashes the nearest horse's foreleg. The zombie horse tries feebly to get its legs out of the way, but Finn's weapon finds it's mark. Finn takes a good chunk out of the horses leg, but it stays standing. OOC Zombie horse #1 GM NOTE: GM edited results directly into this post.
  6. Human Monk HP 10/10 FP 10/10 Conditions/ Effects Finn had been standing in the back of the wagon watching the horizon for anyone approaching when the commotion broke out. Muttering something about "adding insult to injury," he jumps down and sprints towards the undead horses Nessia is trying to get away from. OOC GM NOTE: We'll assume that Finn started this on the "first round" of the combat, so he's a bit closer than if he'd started this on the 2nd round, just to get things going quicker.
  7. Human Monk HP 10/10 FP 10/10 Conditions/ Effects From his overwatch position, the monk gives a cheerful wave to Nessia and, once he gets her attention, rubs his nose with his index finger and taps the side of it. After a slight pause, he discretely points out the rooftops, and then quickly at the numerous groups of thugs. Scratching his bald head for a moment, he then gestures to keep their heads down, followed by a shrug and a rolling motion with his hand and then waving the group onward OOC
  8. Human Monk HP 10/10 FP 10/10 Conditions/ Effects Finn watches the group for signs of the next move, and then moves to where he can get a good view of the square while still being seen by Nessia. Spotting the cluster that Snowbelle looked over he tries to assess their capabilities. OOC
  9. Human Monk HP 10/10 FP 10/10 Conditions/ Effects Seeing the client's extreme caution, the monk taps Nessia's elbow discreetly and says softly, "I'm going to drop back slightly and cross the street where I can watch over the group and look for any tails we might pick up. If we get separated by the crowd and I do lose everyone, I'll make my way to the Drunken Dragon." He then begins crossing the street while the group continues forward and looks around for anyone taking particular interest in them. As they proceed he keeps pace, occasionally moving ahead and pausing to lean casually on the shaft of his naginata, simply remaining relaxed and self-assured, someone killing time with no particular business at the moment. OOC
  10. Human Monk HP 10/10 FP 10/10 Conditions/ Effects Finn nods his head, "Agreed. I can barely buy a meal right now." OOC
  11. Human Monk HP 10/10 FP 10/10 Conditions/ Effects As things settle in the private dining room after eating, Finn takes the opportunity to quietly draw Nessia off to the side. Making sure that they can't be easily overheard, he bows, telling her softly, "While it's unlikely that we serve the same gods, we certainly face a shared danger here." As he speaks, he takes one end of the fabric belt tied about his waist and spreads it open to reveal what is actually a very wide sash of Baklunish style. Turning the end inside-out he shows her an elegant design of an open white hand upon a black lotus, above it appears to be a passage in the graceful calligraphy of Baklunian poetry, though only the last word is visible, which appears to be "twilight". "I am Al'bashiq (Bakl: Sparrowhawk), a D'ai Shatain of the Lotus Palm and dancer on the Way of the Lotus. Your secret will remain safe with me, as, so long as our ways are joined, will your person. Where there is combat, remain close and I will protect you as best as I am able." OOC
  12. Human Monk HP 7/10 FP 9/10 Conditions/ Effects Finn's breathing is clearly controlled as Kelarith wraps his chest, though he occasionally winces. "I'm afraid I won't be doing any loading or unloading for a while without some, uh, extraordinary additional measures. A poultice to reduce the bruising though might speed recovery a bit." He looks at the newcomers, "I'm Finn, by the way. Just wandering to see what there is to see, so I thought I'd see my birthplace. Can't say the welcome was as warm as I would have liked, but still, no worse than I expected." OOC
  13. Human Monk HP 7/10 FP 9/10 Conditions/ Effects Finn opens his jacket and raises his tunic, revealing an ugly, morning-star sized bruise already turning purple. With a slight grimace he replies, "Infection's not a problem, but it's really difficult to wrap your own ribs properly. I felt a couple of them snap under the impact." OOC
  14. Human Monk HP 7/10 FP 9/10 Conditions/ Effects Finn speaks up, "I have some basic skill, but no field dressings or other supplies. If you have material for clean bandages, I can at least keep them alive until a healer arrives." OOC
  15. Human Monk HP 7/10 FP 10/10 Conditions/ Effects The monk completes his charge as he jumps past the towering newcomer and snaps his booted foot out suddenly, slamming his heel into the hobgoblins already battered ribs. OOC forgot to add 1 to damage for his boots - so he does 11! Jump Kick give +2 dmg, -2 to defense against it, requires 2 steps
  16. Human Monk HP 7/10 FP 10/10 Conditions/ Effects Finn continues sprinting toward the fight OOC Taking the most direct route towards the current commotion.
  17. Human Monk HP 7/10 FP 10/10 Conditions/ Effects Naginata in hand once more, Finn sprints toward the back of the wagon. OOC Taking the most direct route towards the current commotion.
  18. Human Monk HP 7/10 FP 10/10 Conditions/ Effects Continuing to lean over, Finn tells the goblin, "Now take what's left of your friend over there and get out of here." He releases him and picks up his naginata. OOC
  19. Human Monk HP 7/10 FP 10/10 Conditions/ Effects The monk leans over slightly and softly asks the hapless goblin, "Do you want me to break your arms and legs? You don't need to say anything, just shake your head 'no'." Then adds, as an afterthought, "Or nod, 'yes' if that's what you're into. . ." OOC
  20. Finn's judo attack is a follow-up of the successful parry. Rather than throwing him, he's putting him into an Arm Lock (MA 65). I used the FDG rules for the attack and damage: Skill = 12, -1 for arm target, +1 for SM, and +2 for Committed Attack: Determined = 14 total. He moved into CC to jam his opponent up and prevent him from using his flail. The Technique sets up for next round options to either apply further torque (CR DMG to cripple his arm) while attacking with kick(s) (MA 65), or throw him from the lock (MA 118-119).
  21. Human Monk HP 7/10 FP 10/10 Conditions/ Effects As the goblin tries to press him, Finn follows through on his parry by stepping up into him. "Big mistake, little one," he sighs, easily taking the goblin's extended forearm in his hands. He turns gracefully, as if dancing with his foe, drawing the goblin's arm up, around, and down in a smooth arc, twisting it into an excruciating arm lock that forces him to continue his forward move slightly, bending at the waist as if bowing in front of the monk as he struggles to resist. "And the most painful one you'll ever make," he adds. OOC (see for mechanics notes)
  22. Human Monk HP 7/10 FP 10/10 Conditions/ Effects Finn rolls his eyes, "Slow learner. . ." as he steps back, parrying the goblin's attack once more. The Goblin growls and follows up its attack, trying to force Finn up against the wall behind him. OOC GM NOTE: Results were edited directly into this post.
  23. Nah, he's uncertain and not taking chances, but reserving judgement til he sees what he does. Yeah, it does look suspicious but the group of attackers isn't a racial mix and this just doesn't seem like the kind of town where goblin thugs would need a human decoy
  24. Human Monk HP 7/10 FP 10/10 Conditions/ Effects Finn smiles back at the goblin, shaking his head, "Not good enough." As he steps back, putting his right flank to the wall, he whips out a side kick at his original target. The Goblin desperately tries to defend but fails and Finn's foot hits him right in the chest. The Goblin flies back with a grunt, drops his flail and crashes into some stacked crates. The wind has clearly been knocked out of this Goblin's sails. Finn chuckles and asks, "Looking for a more satisfying crunch?" then holds his hand out toward the other goblin, beckoning with his middle and ring fingers. Then spreads his arms wide in a welcoming gesture, grinning, "Well? Come at me bro!" OOC GM edited results directly into this post. The Goblin is prone, stunned, and at 1/2 Move and Dodge.
  25. Human Monk HP 10/10 FP 10/10 Conditions/ Effects The monk drops his naginata as he steps back, parrying each attack with one of his free hands. "Well, shit. . ." he laughs, "I guess I'm going to have to get serious."
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