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  1. For non-fiction I'm working my way through "Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess". I'm around halfway through with it. The problems after it teaches the very basics of he game start off easy as expected, focusing on checkmates, but now they're multiple steps and require more awareness of the board. For fiction I'm revisiting the Konosuba series of light novels. It's already on the old Kindle Paperwhite I found while cleaning. To my pleasant surprise it cleaned up and charged up just fine, even though I hadn't touched it in years.
  2. Thank you for your supportive replies. I’ll be sure to ‘get chatty’ in the forums… Discord is a good tool, but I like the older of way of doing things a lot of times. As for the format, I think semi-episodic might work well. Maybe something with the ability for players to leave and join between adventures? From what I’ve seen of the open games they basic function like their own sub-forums, so maybe a topic with each episode and downtime handled in OOC? I’ll just need to learn my system(s) well enough to adapt to PbP. It’ll be an interesting challenge.
  3. Thank you for your reply. I have looked at Stars Without Number before. I think it would work very well if I wanted to some science fantasy, like a game in the style of ‘Outlaw Star’. However I think that Traveller works better for what I’m in the mood to run, which would be more in the vein of ‘Honor Harrington’, ‘Firefly’ or ‘Legend of Galactic Heroes’. I need to get six books to run what I have in mind. I’m just wondering if it is better to run a single long campaign, or do shorter adventures in this format.
  4. Good evening. Pre-COVID I was a DM at a local game store for 5e. COVID happened, and life changed. These days I have a particular interest in both Traveller and the OSR, although I’m a bit more excited for trying to play Traveller. I’ve already drawn up a list of books for Mongoose 2e that I’m looking to buy as my financial situation allows. I am, in part, a caregiver, and although I have less responsibilities now I still have an erratic schedule. Especially as I work towards entering graduate school to complete my education. My internet is also all over the place, and although I can almost always get connection I cannot guarantee the quality or the amount of bandwidth. Something text based where I can play in one game, GM in another, and post once a day in both is pretty much my ideal. I also write as a hobby. Although I don’t expect to be published anytime soon, any chance to write for an audience is appreciated. Playing chess is also a hobby of mine, although I’m starting later in life and I’m not very good at it. I look forward to playing with you.
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