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  1. I'm glad to see another fan of the Vampire: The Masquerade universe! It's such a rich and immersive world, isn't it? I've been deeply invested in it for quite some time myself. I'm also really interested in learning VtM5e. If you manage to find someone to teach or guide you through it, I'd love to join in too! Please do keep me posted if you come across any opportunities. Here's to hoping we both get to explore the dark and intriguing world of VtM5e soon
  2. Thank you so much for the warm welcome and guidance! I really appreciate it. I'll definitely take your advice and check out what's advertising. Excited to dive in and see what adventures await
  3. I've mainly been into free-form roleplaying, but I'm definitely open to exploring different rule sets and structured RP formats as well as anything else that can help me stretch my imagination and writing skills. I'm all about diving into new experiences and honing my craft, so whether it's free-form or more structured, count me in! I'm just excited to be part of a creative community and collaborate with others on some awesome stories.
  4. I'm really intrigued by your idea! Although I don't know much about the Evangelion universe, I'm more than happy to dive in and learn. Researching and getting up to speed sounds like a fun challenge, and I'm eager to give it a shot. Being part of the NPC Evangelion pilots sounds like a blast. I'm definitely interested in joining in on the action and helping out however I can. If you need any more information or have any questions, feel free to shoot them my way. Looking forward to potentially teaming up with you!
  5. Hey there! I hope this message finds you well and ready for some fun. I'm new to this site, but I've been playing around with PbP roleplaying for years. It's been a blast diving into different stories and characters. Now, here's the twist—I've never tried D&D before. Crazy, right? But hey, I'm all about learning new things, and D&D sounds like a blast. So, I'm here, ready to jump in and give it a shot. If you're up for it, I'd love to learn from you seasoned adventurers. Show me the ropes, share your tips, and let's embark on some epic quests together! Looking forward to getting to know you all and having some awesome adventures.
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