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Everything posted by dohjoe

  1. Ready to continue his pursuit, he notices that Garion is still standing alone and talking to ... something. Having just seen that go poorly with a hag, he decides to provide support and moves into a guard position. "Do we have a new friend?" He asks Garion, before seeking to find who he's talking to. Actions 1. Raise Shield 2. Stride 3. Seek (Perception +13)
  2. Once again, Hamàrr is forced to use his stubby little Dwarf legs to chase down a Hag. Unfortunately, the hallway is crammed with teammates so he comes up short of his goal. At least he's ready to shield Drasil and Kajimara from a future blow. Actions 1. Raise Shield 2. Stride 3. Stride
  3. Hamàrr uses his shield to block the Hag's blow, and is shocked to see an orange rust forming where her claws made contact. Quick Block Reaction 23-DR12=11 With concern in his voice he asks his shield, "Are you alright..." Seeing one hag leave, he raises his shield again and joins Kyros next to the uglier one. With a quick nod to his ally, he tries to trip her with his shield's augmentation. Trip Actions 1. Raise Shield 2. Stride 3. Trip
  4. Hamàrr finally has time to plant his feet, take a deep breath, and unleash his war axe. War Axe Slashing+Electricity War Axe Slashing+Electricity Raising his shield, he catches Garion talking to himself in the corner. He'll need to keep an eye on that one. Actions 1. Strike w/Flank 2. Strike w/Flank 3. Raise Shield
  5. With the nightmare banished, Hamàrr raises his shield and runs into the next room. Taking stock of the new situation, he makes a shiny target in front of Drasil hoping the chase is finally over. Actions 1. Raise Shield 2. Stride 3. Stride
  6. Hamàrr raises his shield, and runs towards the nightmare. His golden armor flashes across the room as he braces for the big beast's attack.
  7. Fortitude(success -> crit success) "Wake up my little friend, there's a nightmare here to deal with! Move back to safety." Hamàrr raises his shield, strides up to Garion, and tries to wake him up.
  8. Mostly patched up, Hamàrr thanks Kuz'Arak for the help before calling on Torag to finish the job. Although it worked, he's left wondering why Kaz'Arak had to cut into him first. When Nalah returns with the scouting report, he tightens his shield strap and checks his equipment one last time.... "I'll take Nightmares and hags over the jungle any time. Let's form up!"
  9. Hamàrr asks Garion, "I have to know, who was better?" He take's 6 seconds to whack his shield true (assurance), then looks around to see who is the party's medic. Given the chance, he'll refocus by knocking the dents out of his armor from that tree branch.
  10. When the warg closest to the tree is hit (and Garion has escaped, otherwise this goes to him), Hamarr quickly uses his shield to block the blow. He'd like to make it to the bathroom without being growled at, and this seems like a good start. (25-DR12=13dmg) As the tree lashes out at Nalah, Hamarr reacts with his retributive strike. Seeing his last blow was ineffective, he pulls the axe swing short but reduces the damage to her (DR11). On his turn, he raises his shield, strides next to Garion, and lays the blessing of Torag on him (+30HP, +2AC). I'll figure out the fancy boxes everyone else is using tomorrow. :) Reactions: Quick Shield Block, Retributive Strike Actions: Raise Shield, Stride, Lay on Hands
  11. Hamàrr raises his shield and rushes next to Garion (or in his square if moved). He maximizes the number of adjacent teammates to properly shield them from the Tree's attacks. Without enough actions to free Garion, he makes an axe swing. Dwarven War Axe Damage (slashing, electricity) Shield Raised: AC 32
  12. Seeing the raw emotion from Garion, Hamàrr does his best to help fix the shrine. Maybe a quick slurry will be strong enough to hold the big pieces together.... Crafting At the mention of gems and gold, excitement starts to build in the Dwarf. Until Garion reveals it's a ring of lies. "Blasphemy, who would ruin such beautiful metal with that abomination of a spell." Once the shrine is restored as much as possible, he follows Nalah into the next room with his shield held high (Defending).
  13. Hamàrr listens intently to the tale of the Scarlet Triad, and it all sounds like bad news. Robbery, extortion, and slaving, something must be done to stop them. This will be a good test of his new party's character and strength. Passing through the gates, he's taken aback by the horrific scene. Defaced carvings and a shattered statue, unfortunately this looks beyond even his repair. Religion 1 Religion 2 He shed's a tear at the destruction of Desna's beauty, and prays for retribution.
  14. It's heartwarming for Hamàrr to reminisce about his childhood memories with Tum, even the brass story he's never been able to live down. Oh the embarrassment he felt when the necklace tarnished and spotted her skin green. He won't admit it to Tum, but that's the incident that inspired his Alloysmith profession. You never want to be accused of giving goblin pox to a Dwarf's daughter.
  15. Hearing the mention of Dahak, Hamàrr speaks out "My lady, you'll find no dragon worshipers here." After a second thought he whispers to Tum "Wait, does Mitey count?"
  16. He looks around his new quarters, running his hand across the stones. "Acceptable craftsmanship, and plenty of space. This will do." Putting his bag down, he begins to unpack and settle in. "Thank you for the work cousin, within two Dwarves on the job this place will be finished in no time. Have you considered bringing on more of our folk? Imagine what we could accomplish with three!"
  17. Seeing Tum again, a rush of childhood memories runs through Hamàrr's mind. "Cousin Tum, what a pleasure to see you again. The last time I was just a wee thing, but as you can see I've grown to be a true ram. I'm here to help however I can. I've earned my mastery in smithing and stonework, as every dwarf should, but Torag has shown me that my true purpose lies is defending others. The wargs, yes Kuz'Arak introduced me, and I'll be sure to keep my distance." He reflexively pulls his shield tighter and looks around at the mention of wargs. "Till dinner then", he nods, "may I inspect the grounds, or do you have a task for me?" With the sound of hope in his voice, "By chance is there a forge?"
  18. sorry i messed things up by posting hamarr went to the citadel, feel free to do whatever you need to to push the story forward.
  19. Hamàrr appears surprised to be greeted by Goblins, Iruxi, and Wargs at the Citadel. As Tum neglected to mention him to the group, he also forgot to talk about the variety of folk he's been working with. His cousin did warn Hamàrr about the ale though, and wishes he would have heeded that advice now that he's looking at another long hike to town. "A council summons you say. Please give me the honor of escorting you and ensuring your safe return, along with um... your pups?" Not use to seeing wargs running around freely, he shows some hesitation around them.
  20. A shinning figure strolls towards Citadel Alterein, he knocks on the front entrance and patiently waits for entry. As the door finally swings open you see a 4’ tall (including heels) and 215 lbs of stocky muscle, the flowing red beard makes it clear he’s a Dwarf. Clad in a gilded suite of full plate, holding a large shield, with a war axe strapped to his back, he takes a bow and presents a letter of recommendation from Tum. For what that's worth. “Hello, I’m Hamàrr, son of Anvàrr, clan of the Golden Ram. I’ve heard from my second cousin Tum, who’s definitely not a ram, that you were on the lookout for some replacement Dwarven muscle. Luckily for you, I just returned from a trek through the Mawangi Expanse and find myself with time to spare, and way less dysentery. I’m the real deal, blessed by the forge father himself.” This devout paladin of Torag wears his family's gilded helm with pride, and occasionally takes advice from his shield-maiden Ewe. Though he keeps that last part to himself, some folk are turned off when you start talking about the voice of god in your head. He spends his spare time mixing alloys in the forge, always trying to create more powerful metals. This strengthens the bond with his god, thus granting him more power to protect and create. On the battlefield he runs towards danger, trying to put himself between the party and the biggest threat. With this rock dwarf’s toughness, stoutness, and blessed shield he doesn’t think anything can get through him. "Stick Close to me and you'll stay alive."
  21. The only thing really remaster specific he uses is the updated disarm rule (for disarming block). If you prefer the legacy rule (no problem), I'll want to swap that feat to something that would be useful. :) The success condition has been updated in the remaster to provide a debuff until the creature interacts with the weapon:
  22. Ah yes, second cousin Tum on his mums side. Not the most reliable of fellows, but he knows how to organize a worksite well enough. He sent out a word you had need of a master smith to help arm and defend your party, and having the blessings of Torag never hurts. I've added a link to Hamárr's character sheet, and will need to update it with purchased equipment. Is there a starting gold amount he has access to? Please let me know if you'd like any other adjustments, this was based on the remaster rules (is that ok?) and should be all common options.
  23. Hello everyone! I spoke with Scott and Nathan about joining your adventuring party. and have played AoA up to level 7 before our group lost momentum and called the campaign. I've done some play by post on Paizo's forums, but will be new to mythweavers. If you're up for it, I'll bring a Dwarf Paladin w/a Bastion dedication. Since disbanding in the jungle, he's been drinking his woes away in a local tavern while picking up some side jobs at the forge.
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