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Everything posted by Evendur

  1. I'm still perfectly happy to play. I was just worried something had happened to you.
  2. People still here? It's been a week since the last in game post. I think we're waiting on @Sovereign Sojourn?
  3. @paladinred   Apologies, I think I'm going to drop out of the game. Having so many characters just doesn't really jive for me. Sorry for ghosting for a bit. Happy hunting in Nortonia everyone!
  4. Greyal Devrin "Many thanks, I'd not like to have had that inside me any longer than needed. Thank you, Rionna." Greyal said gratefully as the smoldering spear was removed from his torso. The five of them barely got their bearings when they realized there were people trapped inside the crumbling, on fire lodge. "Well, destruction is something of my specialty. Lets go Rendiel." The elf said to the demon as he planted his feat and stretched out his arms. He yelped in pain as the guns appeared in his hands, and the chains slithered up his sleeves to bite into this skin. He pointed both of the elegant and unnerving guns at the door, and fired. OOC Swift action to spend 1sp to summon Pain and Agony. Two-Weapon Fighting Full Attack against the door. Attack 1 Damage 1 Self Damage Attack 2 Damage 2 Self Damage 2
  5. Ah, well, I'm sorry to hear about whatever accident caused Bicol Nolas to no longer be a keeper of his...magical orbs. xD (If I am being too silly, please someone tell me and I will tone it down a little.))
  6.   Greyal Devrin It was certainly an interesting set of peers to be initiated with, though Thellan had said that the elf would meet all kinds if he managed to pass the entrance exams and get himself admitted into the Pathfinder Society. The cursed elf was already thinking of who he could try and ask to break Rendiel's grip on him. "You know I can hear what you're thinking in your head right? I do agree that Thellan was a bit of a selfish lover. Paladins are always up their own butts, no room for anyone else." Greyal grimaced at the crude nature of the devil's chatter, and tried to get back to his own thinking, before the world exploded around him. A dragon the size of well, a dragon appeared, and began issuing demands. It was clear this was no ordinary firebreathing lizard. Greyal had never heard of one that had massive horns like that before, and it seemed to have a gigantic ioun stone or something floating between them. The lodge that he and the others had worked so hard to join was demolished in an orb of fire that knocked most everyone to the floor. Greyal groaned in pain from the bump. As he was trying to get up, a piece of timber fell from the roof, and impaled him in the chest like it thought he was a vampire. "I'm alive, but currently a stuck. Going to try and free myself." He announced to the voice that had initially tried for a status call. "No, no, leave it in! It hurts so good!" Rendiel protested as the burning flame seared the elf's insides. His normal hand jockeyed for position with his possessed hand, as they both had different ideas about the best course of action here. Damage Remove Spike  
  7. But TheFred, thats the first Dragonball! Six more and we can get a wish!
  8. I was in no way complaining about your choice of dragon ^_^
  9. Oooh, it has begun! I will say, I'm pretty annoyed at Ugin for falling asleep on the job and letting his brother Nicol Bolas out of the prison realm and into Golarion to lust after power and try to reclaim his lost godhood.
  10. Kerrick Kerrick Pemmin HP: 43/43   Saves: Str -1, Dex 0, Con 6, Int 6, Wis 2, Cha -1 AC: 19, Initiative: +0, Speed: 30ft Perception: +5 Roll
  11. This would be a DM call. By RAW, I think that it should all stack, since I think the flavor of the affliction is that you have your normal amount of healing energy, you just know how to direct flip it to the B side and whack somebody with it, instead of un-whacking them.
  12. Ah, yes, the lesser known Occam's Hammer paradigm.
  13. I mean, I got two +2 weapons, but that's my class's magical ability. Plus I basically made a deal with the devil and the guns might almost kill me each combat ^_^;
  14. I dumped most of mine into a bandolier of cure moderate wounds potions. Given that my weapons make me hurt every time I shoot them, lol. @Sovereign Sojourn Edit: nevermind. Forgot I was using Impossible Reload to make the Arm Cannons be Light for TWF purposes.
  15. Kerrick Kerrick Pemmin HP: 43/43   Saves: Str -1, Dex 0, Con 6, Int 6, Wis 2, Cha -1 AC: 19, Initiative: +0, Speed: 30ft Perception: +5 The armored male was surprised that the demon had left the air, and he strode over to engage it in melee. His fists crackled with energy as he slammed them into the demon three times. ((If any attacks hit, it has disadvantage to attack anyone that isn't me.))
  16. Welcome, and thanks for the invite! I'm glad you (hopefully others as well ^_^; ) enjoyed Greyal.
  17. Kerrick Kerrick Pemmin HP: 43/43   Saves: Str -1, Dex 0, Con 6, Int 6, Wis 2, Cha -1 AC: 19, Initiative: +0, Speed: 30ft Perception: +5 Kerrick grunts in pain as his ears ring from the piercing scream.
  18. Kerrick Kerrick Pemmin HP: 43/43   Saves: Str -1, Dex 0, Con 6, Int 6, Wis 2, Cha -1 AC: 19, Initiative: +0, Speed: 30ft Perception: +5 "Maybe, let me see if I can get a good look at it while I invite it down for tea." Kerrick said as his armor clanked as he moved out from the group to try and isolate himself to make it a more inviting target.
  19. Mine has a pair of guns imbued with the essence of a chain devil. The parts that make them "arm cannons" are the spiked chains wrapped around and digging into his arms. They drain his vitality with every shot, but also heal him so he can keep suffering. Cursed weapons are great! He's coming to the Society to find a way to break that curse.
  20. Well, I think we'd need to quantify "bad". If the build does what you want it to do, and you're happy with the character as is, then no, the build is great. If it doesn't do what you want it to do, then well, you might need some work. Why did you feel it was bad?
  21.     Kerrick Kerrick Pemmin HP: 43/43   Saves: Str -1, Dex 0, Con 6, Int 6, Wis 2, Cha -1 AC: 19, Initiative: +0, Speed: 30ft Perception: +5 "Happy to lead. This suit will get us there." Kerrick said with a nod to the halfling as they start to set out and start their march towards Nortonia.
  22. I took the Additional Binding trick, so I should be able to have a second one, since it says you can bind additional ones as normal. Oh, and yeah, I know, I've got bonuses traded away and such. Well, with single target ones, I was kind of assuming Gather Power by default.
  23.      Kerrick Kerrick Pemmin HP: 43/43   Saves: Str -1, Dex 0, Con 6, Int 6, Wis 2, Cha -1 AC: 19, Initiative: +0, Speed: 30ft Perception: +5 "Well, lets give them something to look at then." Kerrick said as he dismounted from the wagon, and restored the helmet to his imposing looking armor. Energy crackled along the gauntlets of the suit as he moved, stretching out his muscles after the long ride.
  24. Ah, okay, I didn't understand that was what happened with the stats. I didn't see an indicator on the sheet for it, but I may have missed it. I don't know how to do RP stuff myself, so I didn't bother with my elf.
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