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Everything posted by KillerK

  1. Hi, I'm just posting interest! I have several ideas, just trying to decide. Is it OK to have the backstory very much rooted in previous historical events of the Forgotten Realms, or is there a preference for it to not be so setting-specific?
  2. This post is for rolls and general thoughts. I know this is super last-minute, but I just saw this ad for the first time yesterday, and it's exactly the kind of game I've been wanting to play in. I have a specific character I've been wanting to make for almost exactly this game premise. I can have everything done today and a formatted application post tomorrow. I'll save the well-written/organized app/backstory for later today, but for now, the Sparknotes version of the character: Elethar Sylairaque, sun elf "bladesinger" (I'd be going with Magus possibly with a (if allowed) re-flavored Spire Defender archetype (refluffed to be Evereska-and-now-Cormanthyr-specific). He's a member of an ancient Sun Elf house that can trace its lineage back to Aryvandaar, but which currently is very small and lost most of its clout long ago. The house has a long history of tragedy: in the Crown Wars, they broke away from House Vyshaan and remained loyal to the Seldarine, but were made pariahs for it among their kind. After the Crown Wars, they went to Evermeet. Then when the High Forest kingdoms were established, they came back to be part of Siluvenade. When House Dlardrageth instigated the Seven Citadels' war, they defected from Siluvenade and joined Earlann and Sharrven. Family patriarch died in battle and they again went back to Evermeet. When Myth Drannor 1.0 became a thing, the house returned to Faerun to be part of it. Then 99% of the House died in the Weeping War, and the survivors went back to Evermeet. From the early 1200s DR through the present, some individual house members came back to Faerun to be adventurers and try to aid elven causes on the mainland. Elethar was one of these. His lineage was primarily known for producing wizards, but he wanted to follow in the footsteps of his ancestor Almarael, who was family patriarch in the early days of Myth Drannor 1.0 and an accomplished bladesinger. Elethar moved to Evereska around 1360 DR. He helped defend Evereska against the Phaerimm, and also got caught up in the Daemonfey business leading up to Sarya's gambit when he was kidnapped by Daemonfey and imprisoned in a bolthole to be part of their breeding program. He was rescued by his cousin Kethamil, a Harper and wizard who was born in Silverymoon and had been investigating the Daemonfey. Together they participated in Miyeritar's Crusade. After the crusade, Elethar decided to remain in Cormanthyr to try to help the cause and represent his once-slightly-more-notable House (as well as try to recover lost family relics and knowledge), while his cousin returned to Silverymoon and then disappeared on a quest to find the lost city of Myth Adofhaer. Mechanically, honestly, he'd probably be a fairly typical elf magus, since I think it fits the archetypal bladesinger pretty well. Focusing on damage-dealing spells as well as buffs and some light utility. Maybe add Hexcrafter and/or Spire Defender. (Individual hp rolls: 3,4,7,8,2,5,7,7)
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