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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. Rebecca mentioning the Red Kite is a big deal, Paul's reaction is also worth to note, he didnt seem confused, maybe the PR head know something about Red Kite, with two weeks before the next fight Zelda should have enough time to investigate on this lead. Another series of questions, these seem less problematic , maybe the press has already fired their best shots, Zelda answer to Simon "So far i havent felt exploited, i understand the ethical concerns but i like how NERV is handling this difficult situation, Silver is a leader, not a boss, we get involved in the decision making process of our missions and training"
  2. On one hand, Rebecca did us a great favor by mentioning red kite, now we can ask about it without risk On the other hand the press know more about project red kite than our secret organizations, I feel less James bond and more Johnny English right now😅
  3. Year 100.5 Duria Duria is in an economic boom, with goods coming and going, the wealthy spend a great deal of money on art, financing the artists and those who provide the materials, the whole country benefit from it. At Aekkel town an important member of the clergy has summoned a reputable artist: Flin Vefort, a bard. "welcome, master Vefort, i'm pleased by your quick response" Flin bow his head, given the employer it's going to be a prestigious and rewarding job, he wasted no time to get here. The bard thank the priest and inquire about the job. "this is the anniversary of Dejan's death... and it's ascension for the dejanists...regardless the different views of this man it's undeniable that he has shaped this world, i want you to write a song about Dejan, it should not mention an ascension but it should celebrate this great individual, a song that the dejanists could appreciate" Flin nod, Perijanism and Dejanism get along well enough that he can write something about Dejan that both will like, the bard smile confident "I accept, you'll have your song by the end of the year" "...but we shouldnt forget that some of Duria's neighbors dont share our beliefs and there are far away kingdoms who hate the great emperor, they could feel insulted by the wrong song and it would be a problem, i'd like a song about Dejan that could be played in the Kalipsa Khaliphate and in the Grand Duchy of Velka" Flin jaw drop, why not ask him to conquer the world, it would be easier "..maybe i've been a bit too impulsive, such important project should not be rushed, i'll need to do a lot of research..."
  4. "it was worth a shot" he had low expectations and so isnt particularly disappointed by the failure, their employer did say people werent willing to share information. "lets go to the market, if people hope to challenge the djinn again it means one can retry, we can make an attempt to scout the maze and gather information ourselves"why ask others, if you can see it yourself?
  5. I don't have anything to say in this round of questions
  6. NoteI'll use this thread for little rp about the people of Duria and their interactions with the world, if something may be relevant to another player i'll tag them Year 100 "Eleanor Cordelia Greenling, you're a treacherous woman, unworthy of being engaged with the prince of Duria. Here and now i end our engagement!" Prince Frederick, second son of King Ulbon, stare down at the woman who moments ago was his future wife, they are both teenagers though this is not a mere break-up, Prince Frederick did it during a party, with many members of the nobility present, and did not stop there, he went on citing the reasons of his decisions, first among all Eleanor's betrayal, not just to him but to the crown itself! The young lady lay on the ground in tears, while the bystanders watch and whisper among themselves, she went from almost joining the royal family to be an infect nobody would dare touching. Eleanor gather enough strength to rise up and flee, a desperate run, not without incidents along the way while the guest observe the surreal scene. Prince Frederick release his closed hand, it took him some courage to do this, his future lie elsewhere. Later An exhausted Eleanor arrive at her home only to find her parents blocking the path, she has bought shame to their family and placed them in a difficult situation, the defeated lady stand there as her parents disown her, they are quick and and emotionless, like a medic cutting a necrotic finger to save the hand; she look up, at the window of the second floor, at her sisters who are observing the scene, too bad that the only ones who show empathy lack the power to influence these tragic events. Much later She has lost everything, Eleanor slowly walk forward, she has shed all her tears and now look like a corpse, moving in silence with no spark of hope in her eyes, she walk and walk, up to Khompur's Mouth, Duria's volcano, there Eleanor Cordelia Greenling, former fiancée of Prince Friederick will die. Meanwhile, in a land far far away(region 23, near the border with region 22) The Kaspar's guild, a rater small trading group focused on lumber business is busy working at the edge of a vast forest, eyeing the valuable cedars, cutting them down will be easy, moving the lumber back to Duria not so much, but it's such a precious resource to make it worth the effort. It's a rainy day but the morale is good One of the members of the expedition "and that one? in the valley down there" Another "what?" "That forest over there , look strange and strange mean expensive, why dont we check it?" "Valicius...you are too dumb to live, that's where the Misty Forest begin" waving a surprisingly accurate map of the region "Oh, right, it belong to the dryads" Valicius think at forest nymphs and use both hands to mimic the shape of a woman, the team's buffoon cause a laughter among several members of the expedition. The map holder "Kaj, do me a favor, if you see him walking toward that forest, stop him" "Will do, father" The day after Valicius and Kaj were nowhere to be seen. Meanwhile, in the capital of the Avakonian empire Around five months after Empress Aemiliana expressed the desire of an Hodda's tutor for the young Eulalius. A small group from Duria stand at the entrance of the palace, just four people but behind them, at a reasonable distance to not disturb, there is their escort, 20 men tasked to protect the precious delegation on their way to capital, the roads arent safe. The group has already announced its arrival and is waiting for an audience, they are finely dressed, two in typical Durian's fashion and two in a more exotic one, matching the Hodda's style. Of these, 3 are hoddas, two males and one female while the last one is human, a young man in the early 20s "do you think we'll meet the empress herself?" "i think she know the faces of everyone who get near her son....and where their families live, this kingdom is so rotten she's searching outside of it"
  7. Duria Region 71 Ruled by King Ulbon Formareg IV D:2 M:2 E:4 F:2 I:3 Round 1 Actions [Economy] Attempt to place a trading post in region 46(success, unless contested) To satisfy the high demand of wood, Duria attempt to establish a trading route leading north, it's a long way and road pass near the commonwealth of Uhrasa's territory, but beggars cant be choosers, Duria need wood and there is wood there. [Economy] Attempt to place a trading post in region 23(success, unless contested) Never place all your eggs in one basket, this sum up the suggestion of the court advisors, while going north the trading route reach a crossroad(in region 35) with a path going east then up toward north, passing near the Varqua and ending close to the Mist woods, a territory controlled by the dryads, hopefully they wont mind Duria taking a few cedars here and there [Economy] Attempt to occupy second trading post in region 71(supported)(success, unless contested, forgot to include +1 bonus from religion which turn this into a success) It's a period of economical expansion, with new trading routes on the horizon and the news from the empire, the people of Duria look at the future with optimism, the mystic league is the most discussed topic, traders and artists are eager to take part to it, even the nobility pressure the King in joining but Ulbon is cautious and take his time to think about it [Economy] Attempt to occupy third trading post in region 71(supported)(success, unless contested) The Swan's Fortune, an acting company, is formed, an event unnoticed by most, but that, in the coming years, will end up becoming one of Duria's most famous troupes [Economy] Attempt to place a trading post in region 42(success, unless contested) To quote King Uldon Formareg IV "i dont know what is it, but i want it" and this is why an expedition was sent to the neighboring region to acquire these exotic sounding Dragon Teeth Stat change at the end of the round: +2 economy Reaction? to avakonian empire action 6, King Ulbon arrange for three suitable candidates to be sent to the empire's capital, so that the empress can chose the tutor that best match her needs (though Rina El'Won, the most famous of the Hodda, isnt among them) News and Rumors
  8. have i missed it or there is no region that produce wood? edit. found it😅 i was searching for the word -wood- , not specific trees
  9. 59 might be taken, not certain, the map on discord say it's taken but here i cant find the nation occupying it
  10. "lets keep this brief" asking for the directions of the market shouldnt take more than a few minutes, but knowing Raygar they may end up having to wait out his second lunch. Turmold flank Kormakr, he hasnt anything to add right now.
  11. So far it's going ok, not as good as she hoped, not as bad as she feared, the press know more than she thought, they are aware of the entities names and position, they know about Tsukiko, they are aware of the side effects of piloting an eva...they know a lot and Rebecca hasnt spoken yet. Zelda cant hide a frown when Tsukiko is mentioned, thats a bad story, shes thankful that the question is aimed at Silver because she cant think a good answer, seem like a lose-lose scenario. At Sam's question Zelda scratch her head "well... i've arrived 3 days ago and with everything that happened i havent found the time to visit the training structures, i've seen only a small part of NERV london, not enough to answer your question, sorry" Charlotte question hit hard, Zelda know her time is limited, her greatest strength is also her main weakness, she can control her synch ratio in a way no other can, the eva is not a mech, it's...her, but this unity has devastating effects on her mind, something that Zelda is well aware of; for now she keep it under control but it's just a matter of time. She smile "my motivation is simple: I have to live up to the hopes of those who supported me, when i face a difficult challenge i think at them" Zelda has people she care for, she maintain contact even it force her to live multiple lives, juggling between nerv,spy and social Zelda, when her innate arrogance isnt enough to face a threat, the thought of her loves ones give an extra boost, defending humanity definitely fall under -difficult challenge-. "i dont have a specific destress routine, this has been my first battle after all, i'm fine"
  12. i'm not sure how to do that, would the site dark heresy sheet be fine? Anyway, i managed to quote Zapp Brannigan, i feel the need to celebrate it🤣!
  13. Zelda grimace when Silver say nerv doesnt focus on collateral damage, it's not wrong but its not something she would admit so candidly. Things dont go as planned, she was hoping to positively impress the press but Gary follow up question suggest otherwise. This time she like Emiko reply and only focus on the question Gary aimed at her. "You asked why we have lost so many lives and how to prevent this in future, i did point out that the behavior of some people contributed to this number and explained how to improve in that area, i'm not blaming the victims, i blame the entities and i'm telling you what people can do to reduce that number" Hailey question smell of trap, a follow up question could be -does it mean nerv know when the next entity will attack?- so Zelda attempt a reassuring answer that close that door. "Amaterasu handles like a bistro but is built like a steakhouse, it's not as badly damaged as it seems, each eva has a dedicate crew for maintenance and repairs, they are working as we speak, theres nothing to worry about"
  14. Duria (region name: Dur) Region 71 "On Wings of Fire" Geography Duria's landscape is very varied: the north west is a swamp area unfit for settlements, to the east there is a vast fertile grassland area, to the south its impossible to miss the tall mountains and, especially, the volcano, which, from time to time, erupt, the majority of the wooded areas are located near the mountains . The climate is temperate and a bit rainy. Khompur's Mouth, the volcano, it's not just the symbol of Duria, it's almost a father figure, people settled here because of the volcano, without it Duria wouldnt exist. There are three major settlements: Erevrand the hallowed city(commonly called Erevrand): the oldest city, built at the feet of the volcano, dangerously close but so far spared, some believe this to be the proof of it's holiness, the truth is much more mundane but no less impressive, its position and construction was carefully planned. The city is the cultural center of the region (or the continent..or the entire world... depend who you ask), you'll find poets, sculptors, painters, jewelers, writers etc. etc. There is a tradition among artists of all fields and origins, to visit the hallowed city at least once in their lifetime, it is also said that those who see the volcano erupt will be greatly inspired by it, unsurprisingly the city itself is gorgeous, able to rival the great empire capital in beauty . Cacot (formerly Cacot village) a young city, in less than a decade it went from a village of a few hundred souls to a city of thousands, this thanks to new trade routes that crossed on it's position, the city is on the east side of the region, here agriculture is everything, you'll find fields and fields, then some more fields, with the occasional field in-between, the city produce and sell food, it's the largest city of Duria and also the ugliest(by their standards) a very pragmatic settlement. Aekkel town (formerly Aekkel keep): An old keep(old by Duria standards) dating back to the days of the great empire, after the fall people begun to settle near it, creating a town around the keep, it stand roughly in the middle of Duria, near the main roads, provide a safe place to stop for travelers and keep bandits away. People and Culture Almost the totality of the inhabitants are humans, Duria has a strong bond with the (old) Empire, and their culture has a lot of similarities with it, or to be precise its similar to the ideal of the great empire. Most people of Duria celebrate the old glorious days of their ancestors and try to keep that spirit alive through art, they strive to bring beauty into the world, clearly most commoners lack the time and money to dedicate themselves to art, but they often include it in their religious rituals and tend to cure appearance more than the unwashed barbarians of the nearby region(or so they think). Erevrand is a bit of a special case, given the high number of foreign visitors its quite a cosmopolitan city, every artist is welcome, human or not. There is a second race, a minority whose numbers are so low(around a dozen left) to be heading toward extinction: the Hodda, they are similar to humans but slim, athletic but never muscular, their ears are long an pointed, they dont grow facial air and have little body hairs, the Hodda have a long lifespan, estimated to be around 400 years, they dont suffer aging as much as humans do (largely inspired to dnd4 eladrins) given their low number they are quite mysterious, poorly known as a specie. History and Government Duria is a young region, born from the great empire and a quirky governor named Edja Von Barla , such was his love for the great empire that the mere thought of foreign hands building Erevrad irked him greatly, yet the need of manpower was far greater than what the empire could provide, the governor found a creative solution, he gave the opportunity to every man and woman in Dur to become citizens of the empire, what at first looked like a mere formality to please Edja's quirk ended up creating the love for the Great empire. A durian could say "your ancestors were born in the empire, mine were chosen by it" It all started 105 years ago, when the Great Empire set foot in this region, it is said that during their voyage the army witnessed a sign of the gods, the volcano erupted as they were passing by, that precise moment is what the scholars of Duria consider the birth of Duria, that sign first attracted the men of faith, then those who placed their faith in gold and lastly those who were seeking to replicate such beauty. Just a few years with the Great Empire before it fell, but those years are a precious memory for Duria, proud of being the holy land of art, back then there wasnt a statue in the imperial palace that didnt come from Duria or was made by someone who studied at Duria. Then everything ended, too quickly, too son, the empire crumbled and changed into something different, something ugly, a shadow of what it was, but not Duria, the nobles used this opportunity to seize power, they formed their own little kingdom, determined to keep the dream alive, to preserve an ember of the Great Empire, during the last hundred years Duria strived to remain the holy land of art, a precious piece of something lost, but never forgotten . But even Duria changed, growing more tolerant and flexible, this reached the apex when 60 years ago King Byton Formareg II took a Hodda as third wife, the first time in Duria(brief) history of a noble marrying an inhuman, her name is Rina El'Won and over the decades her influence grew, even after the death of her husband she remained by the side of the successors as advisor, unbeknown to anyone she advance her own plots like a good evil advisor. Duria is a monarchy, with an early feudal system, this due to decentralization, each major city self-manage under the guidance of people appointed by the king, these nobles own land and business, this because the king lacked a sufficiently strong bureaucratic system to manage everything, the end result is that Duria feel a bit shattered, a patchwork, but it works....most of the times. Economy Duria depend on imports, thats the truth, the region produce plenty of food and they are capable at working raw material, turning it into a finished product of great quality, the problem is their weak industrial strength, to put it simply they dont extract enough to satisfy their own demand, wood in particular is scarce, it's widely used but Duria doesnt have enough wooded areas to keep up with the need. For export, a true Durian would say they export beauty, it's an exaggeration but not too far off target, Duria is the patron of the arts, people come to study here, whether you are a painter, a writer or a stone carver you will find something to learn in Duria, this specialized brain farm give life to a great variety of art-works, owning a trade post in Duria doesnt merely mean owning art-works, it means having your own artists in the city, it means having their names on the most coveted creations, it means prestige(within Duria at least) Faith Duria main religion is Perijanism, the rest of the world can say whatever they want but the people of Duria remain loyal to the gods of their ancestors, it's the only religion of the region and the one recognized by the supreme authority. This doesnt mean there arent people of other faiths, plenty of foreigners come and go, as strange as it may sound you could find a Jalyeong-bo follower in Erevrand, it's just that Duria natives are resistant to change, so far no religion managed to make a breach into their hearts. Duria doesnt have a favored deity, they are born from the land but flew in the sky, passion and innovation are key elements but so is knowledge and no one better than a Durian know the wrath of nature, they see the touch of Khompur, Trodje and Rieba in their lives and thank them all for it, even if the gods themselves argue with each other. The Hodda have no religion as far as scholars can tell, they appear to follow Perijanism too (i'd like to keep this vague and mysterious, leave plenty of room to create in-game without constraints) Sole religion: Perijanism Starting king King Ulbon Formareg IV Attributes Diplomacy: 2 Military: 2 Economy: 4 Intrigue: 3 Faith: 2 Age: 46 Description: a man whose only noteworthy qualities are a cool head and an eye for talent, by himself he's not much but has capable helpers. Has 2 wives, 3 daughters and 2 sons
  15. Our lovely Silver with the finesse of a minigun. I expected someone to say nerv doesnt care about collateral damage...i didnt expect it to be one of us, we're supposed to reassure people😁
  16. Fixed in the main post. To make a summary: 1) Perijanism is the sole religion 2) Duria is the name of the country, Dur is the name of the region (i would have gone with Duria for both, region and nation, if that was an option) 3) i went with option 3, Durians feel part of the great empire even if the majority of them doenst have avakonian blood
  17. A difficult question, expected but still annoying, Zelda look Emiko as she speak, somewhat surprised by the initiative. Maybe it's her prejudice but Zelda isnt satisfied by the answer, it lack something, something she cant describe, it's not wrong... but she doesnt like it. Then she get it, by the end of the sentence the teen realize what is missing and try to add it. "we cant do it.." she make a brief pause "alone" "we cant do it alone, but we can do something about it if people help out, if you help out Gary" She search in her pockets "give me a second.." doing this during an interview is a bit of a gamble but Zelda has decided to refuge in audacity, good or bad people are going to talk about her She draw her smartphone and search something, after a bit she hit play and turn the screen toward the press, given the size they probably cant see much but thats not the point, the gesture is what matter The smartphone play a video of the battle, one that she has watched during the party, she point with her finger "i too watch the news, this is the leg of my eva, i was fighting the entity known as Son Two, we were locked in a melee battle, i was sidestepping to avoid his lunge, this video was taken from the ground, no more than 30 meters from my eva which is almost 40 meter tall." she pause, in part to let them write, in part to set up whats about to follow "i could have stepped on them, Son Two could have stepped on them, Son One could have blasted my eva and them, a building could have collapsed on them, the entities ATS fields could have done irreparable damage to their psyche...and you know what? this wouldnt have been the worst outcome, the worst would have been if we had seen them, how could you expect us to fight properly knowing that civilians are somewhere a few steps away from us? should i dodge the next attack? what if i crush somebody? ...picture how Anya, who's 13, would feel in a situation like this" Truth to be told, Anya is probably tougher than Zelda, she would handle it better, but people dont know, the teen use the little one to guilt trip the viewers "instead of heading outside the area or to the closest bunker these people got closer to make videos...maybe they accepted the risk, but in doing so they are endangering others, their loved ones, us and even london itself. Stop doing this, please." "and not just this" she stow away her smartphone "i'm talking to the treasure hunters too, you that bypass the quarantine searching for bits of Evas or entities..." she sigh "i'll admit... it sound cool, i'm 16, i'm not mature enough to tell you to follow the rules, but i can tell you this: use your talent, your passion, your skill, your luck, whatever thing make you a treasure hunter to help rescue operations during post disaster, you dont have to work with nerv if you dont like it, volunteer to the firefighters, medics, whatever or to one of the many humanitarians NGO, use your talent to help find people trapped in the ruins" "and you Gary" she like Gary, maybe because he's from Scotland, maybe for his ejit comment, maybe because Gary is a nice name... "make an article about this, one that illustrate where are the safe places, how to reach them, what to do in case of a sudden attack, which governmental and Non-governmental organizations accept volunteers, how can the average citizen help out, not me, not nerv, but themselves, do it and i'll own you a favor" after this there is absolutely no way Gary isnt going to do that article, it might cost her something in future but what could he ask if not for a dedicated interview? that would be a reward for Zelda, not a chore. "we cant do it alone, but together, if we do this seriously, then maybe, just maybe, we can make this the last time that the entities took us off-guard" What was missing in Emiko speech ? 1) A scapegoat, no matter what people are going to blame somebody, it's unfair and stupid but it's true, Zelda has just presented two other groups who behaved badly during the attack, the more are at fault the less the individual burden will be. 2) kill the sense of impotence, give them something to do, present an action, something that people should do to get a better outcome, it doesnt have to be big, the point is to keep them busy on something productive, make them be (or feel) part of the team and dislike those who dont(see point 1)
  18. I like the ending of Silver's speech, didn't expect it lol
  19. I've fixed Duria history to have it be founded during Dejan conquest, with the nobles continuing to uphold the great empire culture(or, to be precise, the unrealistic ideal) even after it's fall, i've also specified that the previous inhabitants have been eliminated over a much, much longer time span, lastly i've rolled the stats for my king, funnily the low rolls fit him well. Duria should be ready for a second look
  20. After several adventures together Turmold has his doubts about Kormakr's magical prowess, he has seen Raygar throw acid and fire while Kormakr...the fighter cant recall ever seeing him replicate Raygar's feats. Maybe he's a late bloomer, or is insecure, Turmold hasnt found the courage to voice his concerns, Kormakr is a good friend and an inspiring leader..who cares if he cant magick his way out of a wet paper bag. "all great wizards have high sounding titles like The White or The Wondrous, need to come up with one, ideas?" he ask to the rest of the party, surely this will boost the wizard confidence, surely!
  21. If anyone ask Zelda about silver sunglasses the options are: She's from Cia, they always wear sunglasses She's cosplaying man in black She'll be back She's on a mission from God (blues brothers) the last being my favorite
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