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Bruce Wayne - The Batman


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As much as I love throwing around OCs, honestly - the most compelling character I could come up with was one with no powers and was standing up anyway so I figured ...

Consider this a rough draft.

The Batman


Real Name: Bruce Wayne

Aliases: Matches Malone, the Capted Crusader, the Dark Knight

Race: Despite rumors to the contrary, Bruce is ultimately a baseline Human.

Place of Birth: Gotham

Group Affiliations: The Justice League, the Outsiders



Height: 6'2"

Weight: 210 lbs

Hair: Black

Eyes: Blue

Apparent Age: Mid-30's

Apparent Gender: Male

Unusual Features: Extensive scars all over his body from years of experience as a crime fighter.


Motivations: Eradicating Crime, Preventing Tragedies from happening to the Innocent which at present includes Defeating the Sentinels


Enemies: The Joker, Two-Face, Ra's al Ghul, Bane, many others.
Motivation: Stopping crime in Gotham City and preventing tragedies like his parents' murder.
Obsession: Bruce's dedication to his crusade often comes at the expense of everything and everyone else in his life.
Relationships: Despite his fearsome reputation, Batman has a large number of close friends and allies that he sees as his family.
Responsibilities: Bruce is the chairman and owner of Wayne Enterprises, one of the world's largest multinational business conglomerates, and the Wayne Foundation, one of the world's largest charitable organizations. Bruce is also a de facto face of public political resistance of the rule of Sentinels and while few if any believe it will do any good it's widely believed he is considered running for President on an Anti-Sentinel platform.
Secret: Bruce's identity as Batman is not public knowledge.

Hero Points: 200


Origin: Of course everyone has heard the public version of the story. Bruce Wayne, the Son of Billionaire Industrialist and Medical Doctor Thomas Wayne and Heiress of the Kane Chemicals Fortune Martha Wayne-Kane - as such he was the Prince of Gotham who many believed would live one of the few truly blessed lives. That is until he was 8 and his parents were murdered in a mugging gone wrong, right in front of his his eyes. Nobody would have blamed him for just becoming a recluse at that point especially with the Sentinels in play, but instead he decided to do his best to live up to the examples of his parents. In his mid-20's he started a series of moves to retake control of his family company, and now many call him the Prince of Gotham without a hint of irony. Since then Bruce Wayne has been publically known as a billionaire celebrity who is genuinely trying to help his city and the world through reforms of Wayne Enterprises and the Wayne Foundation. Publically, he's been a critic of the Sentinels since a Sentinal patrol killed a mutant child within a block of the site of his parent's murder and he's been working against them ever since, though since Bruce is sticking to non-violent political means the Sentinels ignore him.

Then there's the part the public doesn't know. About how he's vowed to refine himself and dedicate his life to fighting crime and pointless tragedy, his training, his becoming of the Batman, the Justice League, the Crusade above all else. Behind the scenes, Bruce considers one of his greatest failures that he didn't take the reins of Wayne Enterprises immediately after his parents death as Trask Industries contracted some of the early Sentinel work to Wayne Tech while it was run by less scrupulous associates of his parents. When he debuted as Batman he was considered nothing more than an urban legend for a long time, and for a while operated under the Sentinel's noses but that time ran out a long time ago.

At this point Batman might be the de facto leader of any sort of Sentinel resistance around Gotham and many of his villains have become loose allies as the robotic fists squeeze tighter around his home. Bruce does what he can to resist the Sentinels publically and peacefully - and the Batman does what he can from the shadows to ambush the robots and liberate innocent metahumans and mutants. It's not much, but Sentinels aren't the only things that can adapt. So far his only real advantage has been that between his stealth skills, the technology of his Batsuit, and his lack of any sort of metagene makes him much more difficult for a Sentinel to detect than a normal mutant - and he intends to squeeze every drop out of that advantage for the Crusade.



Fighting: 10

Agility: 4

Dexterity: 1

Strength: 4

Stamina: 4

Intellect: 8

Willpower: 4

Presence: 2



  • Acrobatics 2 (+6)
  • Athletics 6 (+10)
  • Close Combat: Unarmed 6 (+16)
  • Deception (+2)
  • Expertise: Criminology 2 (+10)
  • Insight 4 (+8)
  • Intimidation 10 (+12)
  • Investigation 8 (+16)
  • Perception 4 (+8)
  • Persuasion (+2)
  • Ranged Combat: Throwing 11 (+12)
  • Stealth 8 (+12)
  • Technology 2 (+10)
  • Vehicles 7 (+8)



  • Batsuit: Protection 5, Senses 2 (Infravision, Low-Light Vision), Concealment (All Visual; Limit - Sentinals Only) • 10 points
  • Grapple Gun: Movement 1 (Swinging) • 2 points
  • Utility Belt: Array (7 points) • 10 points
  • Bolos: Ranged Affliction 4 (Resisted by Dodge; Hindered and Vulnerable, Defenseless and Immobilized), Extra Condition, Diminished Range, Limited Degree • 7 points
  • Batarangs: Ranged Strength-based Damage 2, Diminished Range • 1 point
  • Gadgets: Variable 1 (5 points, Equipment), Move Action, Quirk – Limited to 2 Equipment Points or Less • 1 point
  • Smoke Pellets: Cloud Area Visual Concealment Attack 2 • 1 point
  • Headquarters: The Batcave • 20 points
    Huge; Tou 10; Features: Communications, Computer, Concealed 2, Garage, Grounds, Gym, Infirmary, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Power System, Security System 2, Workshop
  • Vehicle: Batplane • (61 points) 62 points
    Gargantuan, ST 11, Flight 7- 240 mph, Defense -2, Toughness 11, Features- Navigation, Remote Control, Missiles- Blast 10- Burst- Extended Range 2
    AE : Batmobile
    Huge; Str 8, Spd 6, Def -4, Tou 10; Features: Alarm 2, Communications, Remote Control


Advantages: Beginner's Luck, Benefit 5 (Wealth), Defensive Roll, Equipment 20, Hide in Plain Sight, Inventor, Power Attack, Startle, Takedown, Well-Informed


Initiative: +4

Condition: Normal

Close Attacks: +16, DC 19

Batarangs +12 [Ranged, Damage 6, Diminished Range]

Bolos +12 [Ranged, Affliction 4, Resisted by Dodge]


Dodge 12, Parry 12
Fortitude 7, Toughness 10/8, Will 9

Abilities 74 + Powers 0 + Advantages 35 + Skills 35 + Defenses 18 = Total 162/200

Edited by GleefulNihilism (see edit history)
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@Jedaii Alright, so this is sort of a rough draft as you can tell. I figure I should run some of the ideas I have by you first for the rest.

The idea is that in Earth-7642 Batman still happened but the Sentinel stuff was always in the background. Bruce did try to stop it, especially when he discovered that the things were just going to be just set to metahumans/mutants in general and that there might have been some WayneTech involvement with Trask Industries at least from before he took the company back over.

So - Bad News - Batman is still just a guy in a bat-themed suit.

Good News - Bruce has been in a unique position to study the Sentinels and has been for a while, so some of his tech-loadout is specifically Anti-Sentinel. This timeline's Batsuit makes a non-metahuman wearer completely invisible to Sentinels for example.


Edited by GleefulNihilism (see edit history)
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12 hours ago, GleefulNihilism said:

@Jedaii Alright, so this is sort of a rough draft as you can tell. I figure I should run some of the ideas I have by you first for the rest.

The idea is that in Earth-7642 Batman still happened but the Sentinel stuff was always in the background. Bruce did try to stop it, especially when he discovered that the things were just going to be just set to metahumans/mutants in general and that there might have been some WayneTech involvement with Trask Industries at least from before he took the company back over.

So - Bad News - Batman is still just a guy in a bat-themed suit.

Good News - Bruce has been in a unique position to study the Sentinels and has been for a while, so some of his tech-loadout is specifically Anti-Sentinel. This timeline's Batsuit makes a non-metahuman wearer completely invisible to Sentinels for example.


Yeah we need Bruce in a major way. You'll need to RP him as you know Batman. He's a determined *hole 🙄

I'll have additional info for you.

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Agreed. Definitely not the time for campy, jokey, silver-age Adam West Batman. This is closer to Nolanverse/DKR where he openly compares things to Warfare and acts like it. Comes off as deeply cynically to the point of Nihilism, but is actually Idealistic too the point that it *burns*.


In my head, Gotham is a major city that's gotten off *relatively* light compared to other major cities - because *someone* has wired it up so that it's just about impossible for a Sentinel Patrol to enter city limits without everyone knowing about it almost immediately. The Batplane, Batmobile, and Batboat all still exist but they're just as often used to smuggle mutants and metahumans out then to bring villains into Arkham. [Gotham as a possible hub for a new Underground Railroad?] Which doesn't say much, granted. Batman's rogues still exist but now they're either all dead, fled to somewhere else on the planet (often with Batman's help), or actually an ally against the Sentinels. And with the dead ones, "They honored me with their Sacrifice - but the War goes on...".

Almost makes me think about banking into "rumor has it that he's considering a Presidential Run on an Anti-Sentinel platform", not because he thinks it would actually accomplish anything but because he's seen how it's giving people actual Hope.

Edited by GleefulNihilism (see edit history)
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9 hours ago, Jedaii said:

Disregard that. Getting the info from in-game investigation works better.

I do think it makes more sense if Bats knows *some* of the things before we kick off, but I do agree that in-game investigation shenanigans does sound fun. Let's make a few tweeks.

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