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The Witch of the Withered Grove (Act I, Scene I)


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The Withered Grove

Early Evening

Swamp Music


“From the trees around the clearing the snakes and birds watched silently. In the swamp the alligators drifted like patches of bad-assed water.”
 Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad




In Sight of the Tower

Two days to the west, follow the dry river bed until you reach the edge of the Withered Grove. That is what the Oracle told you. She told you many things, but this is the most pertinent to now. Following the once-river, now-road for two days was easy enough on the riding horses you'd each acquired for your travel. None were prime examples of their species but they moved a steady pace and asked for little food in return. Two days, a night spent camping and long stretches of uninterrupted riding left plenty of time to fill with words. How much could you have to say to these three strangers who the Oracle said could help you see your goal through? How much could you reveal?

The Withered Grove was bountiful once, a wetland amidst open plains if the tales are to be believed. It was well before your lifetimes that the change occurred, and rumors abound as to the cause. A god's wrath, an ecological twist of fate, the aftermath of warring sorcerers. What splays out before you as you draw near the edge is fetid bog and stagnant swamp, the smell wafting in the wind something sickly sweet like decaying fruit. Not far, the Oracle said, before you would see the tower of the witch. The witch who had long been her source of esoteric information and ancient prophecy. The witch who would surely be able to direct you each onto the next leg of your respective journeys. Also, sadly, the witch who had stopped returning the Oracles messages a month ago. The cause could be distraction, or something more severe. That is the task you collectively have been sent on, to determine the fate of the Witch of the Withered Grove.

If the worst be true and she is dead, collect the sending box that mirrors this one and place a message into it for me to read. My response will come the next day. Oh, and take this seeing stone. Things are often not what they seem in the Grove.

Hopes of that not being the case sink within you as you all leave the horses secured and stalk through the damp, clingy undergrowth. Avoiding areas of sinking mud and pockets of nauseating gas just below the surface, you all make your way deeper into the grove. The tower is not far, the sun still hours above the horizon when you draw near, but the scene does not bode well. You hear them before you see them, and you smell them soon after. Lizardfolk, but not the brawny warriors known to rule over the Floodplains of Nar'Yent. No, these are some stunted and degenerate offshoot with knotty joints linking their wiry limbs. Creatures build more for speed and stealth if you had to guess.

Getting close enough to hear them is easy with your group's skill in remaining unseen and navigating natural hazards. You all huddle down in a patch of tangled vines that cling to one of the closest sizable trees to the tower. It's still a good twenty feet from your hideaway to where the creatures have gathered, and that twenty feet offers little in the way of concealment, but their voices carry easily and while their dialect is accented heavily, it is close enough to the Vulgate tongue commonly used by travelers to decipher. You can count six moving about the tower's base. Two have set their axes to the door, makeshift weapons that seem to be scraps of armor hammered out into blade heads and strapped to thick, misshapen branches. Two others are trying to climb the side of the tower, finding no purchase in the smooth stone construction and snapping angrily at each other as their attempts fail.

"The shield may have fallen but that door barely registers our swings." The tallest of them stands near a cooking fire, speaking to the last who bears a feathered head dress and a heavy necklace of carved bone. There is a deference in the speaker's voice, born of respect or perhaps fear. "Are you sure the witch is dead? Her magics seem to hold." Feathered head dress stirs the contents of a heavy pot held over the fire with her hand despite thick plumes of steam indicating the content's temperature.

"If she were alive we'd have burned up at the treeline. So it has been for as long as our tales go back. No, she is gone and we simply have to work harder. I want the magics she hordes and I will not tolerate failure." Pulling her arm back, she drags her tongue across the brown-tinged liquid dripping off her scales. The wind shifts and brings the smell of boiling fish and root vegetable, some sort of stew, to you. Despite the scene, the meal does make your stomachs grumble and your mouths water.

"Perhaps we can dig? Tunnel below?" The taller lizardfolk seems uncertain as he gives voice to the idea. It is hard to imagine that the ground here would support such an endeavor, but the fact that the tower stands in this marsh at all is testament to some oddity in the terrain or construction. The tower was clearly taller once, but it now stops at three stories where the stonework is sheared clean through at an angle. Some sort of impact or perhaps an explosion from inside? The weathering there indicates whatever caused it happened long ago. At it's base, the circular structure is easily two hundred feet across, with only this double doors of heavy wood visible as an entry. The two lizardfolk by it continue raining blows, each hitting hard against the wood but leaving no cut or scratch to show progress.


Here are a few prompts that you might consider reflecting on in your post.

  • On the trip, did your character open up about something they may now regret revealing?
  • Have you developed any immediate impressions of your companions?
  • Is there a rumor you have heard about the Withering Grove that you shared with the others?

Okay, let's start out with an Intelligence check from each of you. Basic task resolution states that your base DC for this is 12 if Intelligence is a prime attribute for you, 18 if it is not. The Challenge Level, which modifies the base, is +3 setting the DC here to 15 or 21. Whoever among you is carrying the seeing stone, let's say first one to call dibs, gets +10 to this particular roll. If you make it, check the spoiler below.

Success Results

The tower is, in fact, not as it seems to your initial impressions. The door that the lizardfolk are working to break through is actually solid stone and nothing more than part of the wall. A true door, hidden by illusory glamours, is set above it on the second floor. An eye, about the size of a human head, stares from the wall above that door with unblinking intensity. It seems unconcerned with the events unfolding below it, staring directly ahead at the horizon. If you have the seeing stone, you can pass it to another character and point out what you see to give them automatic success at seeing through the illusions.

You can now flex your muscles a bit by trying out some of your abilities or converse on a plan. The lizardfolk seem very engaged in their tasks and are unlikely to notice you where you are unless you actively call attention to yourselves. Getting closer unnoticed will demand some form of sneakiness, though, as you don't have the benefit of darkness right now.


Edited by DoNotFearToTread (see edit history)
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Neve Nevergreen - Smallfolk Rogue

The seeing stone hummed at the edge of perception, a spark of fire tracing along her nerves and before finding rest in a smolder somewhere at the base of her skull and behind her eyes.  Surveying the tower and the lizardfolk through gritted teeth, Neve swore under her breath when her boots sank into the muck - she had intended to settle onto haunches beneath an obscuring bough but now?  Now she was rear-deep in clammy mud with a headache.  Eyeing her companions and their lengthy strides and tall boots enviously and un-spattered, un-muddied everything, she swore again, quieter now, the fleeting jealousy barely louder than a thought.

The day had not gone well.  The past two days, really.

It had started when she's let slip her affinity with thaumaturgical devices.  It was why the stone sang at from it's pouch this very moment, sending her teeth grinding to some tempo she could barely hear.  It was not, she kept telling herself, that she had meant to keep it a secret, but it was something that lacked easily explicable cause and that fact alone suggested she keep the knowledge close.  This alliance had been foisted upon her by the oracle but by Basillea she was not such an ingénue so as to let spill secrets of the Duskdaughter's politics outside the Fell to newcomers.  And, for better or worse Neve thought, her peculiarities were politics.

And it would have meant she didn't have to carry the blasted thing and suffer two days of tuneless noise at the edge of her perception.

She'd yelped when she touched the thing, for the Daughter's sake.

Ignoring the cold creeping up her backside, Neve focused on the tower, one hand reaching into the pouch and touching the stone, the smoldering sensation brightening to a illuminating fire in her minds eye at the brush of fingertips against it's smooth, polished surface.


Alright, math check. Intelligence Check has been called for and for Neve that's a prime attribute so the TN is 15. If I'm doing this right Neve's modifiers are +2 [INT] + 10 [Seeing Stone]: she would normally not get her level bonus as it's not a class ability related check but this houserule seems to suggest she does? So I think that's +3 for level? Total check is 1d20+15 vs. TN 15.

Intellicgence Check

Blinking away the illusion, Neve extracted the stone and passed it to the companion at her shoulder, nodding towards the tower.

"Our scaly friends are apt to be disappointed: mark the second story." flicked her eyes up toward the door and it's unblinking,seemingly unseeing eye standing watch on the horizon.

"Do we let them succumb to their own frustration or take more active measures? They outnumber us if it comes to a fight but they've seemingly fled this place before, we might be able to scare the away by ruse or bluff, if we play it right."


Out of Character

Happy to give up the Seeing Stone - the magic item affinity of Neve's class seemed a good reason to start with it. Note, I'm imagining the unpleasant effect she's describing as being side effects of her weird class affinity rather than a property of the object itself.


Edited by Cirlot (see edit history)
Intellicgence Check
1d20+15 17
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Sister Clairese, Church Investigator & Priestess of Niro and Ivana

spacer.pngQUICK STATS:  AC = 18, Touch = 12, FF = 16 / HP = 23/23 / Init = +1 / Turn Undead = +2   ______________________________________________________________________

The two-day walk following the dry riverbed gave Sister Clairese time to think and reflect upon the events which had unfolded with the Oracle, especially since no one seemed particularly talkative after our joint experience with the Seer.

Curiously, the cleric was not only contemplating the meaning of the cryptic prophesy the Oracle had provided and especially anything she could recall about the Tales of Realis Thrice-Mourned, but also how the Seer somehow managed to get the holy woman to speak more about her suspicions concerning potential church corruption than she had ever voiced in the past.

Perhaps it was a result of having kept the secrets inside for so long, or maybe it was because the cleric was so far from the home temple, or mayhap it might even be the godly nature of the divination site itself, but whatever the reason Sister Clairese had dared to name the conspiracy and now was on the path to verify those suspicions.

Unfortunately for the group, the nice walk on the dry river road soon turned into a fetid stinking swamp that had been rotting away for a long, long time, its waters fouled as semi-noxious gases bubbled up from its depths and filled the air with a sickening sweet stench of turned fruit.

Even though she was able to quietly slog through the water and avoid most of the mud, nonetheless the Priestess' feet were wet and cold, however this particular annoyance completely disappeared when the group spotted a tribe of Lizardmen attempting to break into the Witch's Tower!

After Neve discovered a secret about the Tower while they were in hiding, Sister Clairese looks about as she attempts to determine what her colleague is referring to, but the priestess is unable to detect anything out of the ordinary with respect to the structure by mundane means, however she does keep a watchful eye and keen ear focused on the extremely active lizardmen as her martial senses are heightened.

However, once the holy woman temporarily accepts the 'Seeing Stone' and looks through the device, she is able to determine the true nature of the structure, as well as more about the situation at hand.  After she is done using the strange contraption, the holy woman simply passes the magic device to the next party member so they too can attempt to repeat the process and similarly learn the secret of the Tower.

When Neze suggests the possibility of using ruse or bluff to get the lizardmen to move along, the minister slightly smiles and whispers, "What are you thinking about and have in mind for the gambit? Also, what's the deal with that huge eye?"

"Keep in mind that if things go badly, then as a fallback plan I have the ability to Silence the area around the spellcaster rendering his verbal witchcraft powers temporarily useless if we can take him out quickly," she adds with a smile.

Show Mechanics

Free Action:   


Swift Action:   

Move Action:   

Standard Action:  

Continuing Effects:  None

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
Intelligence Check DC 18
1d20 5
Intelligence Check DC 18 with Device
1d20+10 12
Wisdom Check - Tales of Realis Thrice-Mourned
1d20+2 9
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Neve Nevergreen - Smallfolk Rogue

"Hmm? The eye?" Neve looked up at the cleric with a squint. It was odd, admittedly, but not witch odd . . . looking back to the tower, the smallwoman shrugged. Not for the first time she wondered the ghoul-touched woman wonder if the Fell was perhaps a bit too familiar with the strange.


"Watcher, probably. Physical manifestation of some sort of scrying spell, or a conjured servant acting as much the same. What's strange is it seems insensate to the attackers. It's watching, but it's not watching us . . . " that was curious, she considered, but knew not what to make of it. Aside from recognizing the obvious magic to the eye she was as in the dark as any of them. Was it odd that she expected it to move?


"Anyway, yes. A plan. Can't say I have much of one but by they seem affeared of the witch so . . . " lifting a hand to gesture to the assembled party. " - so we're the witch. Or we make like her in her stead. Could treat with them pretending to be her summoned servants, or - " she almost snaps her fingers, pausing the motion before the crack of flesh and thumb, turning it into a skyward point that queries the tallfolk around her. " - do any of you have flaming oil, or supplies for a lantern? They spoke of being burned by the witches' defense from affar, and a lobbed flask is as good as a fireball if done from hiding. Wouldn't e'en need to reveal ourselves."

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Sylvan Elf - Primal Druid / Barbarian
Enhanced Senses | Twilight Vision | Spot Hidden Doors
AC: 17 | HP: 24 / 24 | Enc.: 22.5 / 25.5

Where the others had trouble with the mud and difficult terrain, Valfaren made it look easy. Much like walking atop snow without breaking the surface, the Sylvan Elf moved across the slick ground as though it were as solid as stone. Often she'd made her way in front of the pack to scout, waiting for them to catch up before moving on again.

In those two days Val had let slip her seeming inability to wait around. She was almost constantly on the move. She might've also poked a bit of fun--too much--at just how slow the group moved. She wasn't a haughty Elf but she had problems with modesty.

As the group took in the scene, the lightly armed and armored woman scoffed. "You fear too much. They are but stupid reptiles. A quick blade is enough to handle them," she said, slowly drawing her curved sword.

As the stone was passed around, however, Val snatched it up next and stared down at it curiously. "What's this? Why is it...oh." Suddenly it granted her strange insight and she nearly dropped it out of shock. "Gods!" she whispered harshly as the sensation ran up her spine.

Intelligence with stone
1d20+10 20
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Human Rogue/Cleric — Holy Fool of Albarax

AC 14 | HP 14/14 | Encumbrance 15/15 | Initiative +1 | Turn Undead +1
Spells 0 ●●● | 1 ●●

"They seem fun."

The last two days had proven Wicke to be something of a chatterbox, perhaps in love with the sound of his own voice, but always glad to listen, to learn, to take in knowledge and analyze how best to use it. He's fine with letting others take the lead, let them play with the magic toys, but he showed more reticence to it: he trusted nothing he could not strangle himself, as far as that went. What was the old adage? Fear and revere the gods of yore: at a distance? The same logic applied to magic you did not quite understand.

"Let's not be hasty: why make enemies now when we can make them later, when we have the upper hand? Playing against expectation might be useful for us: so let's have one of you be a witch. What do we know of this witch? Unfortunately I have almost no supplies to offer: part of being a holy fool, sadly. But as a willing acolyte of a swamp witch? Now that is a part I can play in spades."

He had revealed more than he likely should have: that he was a thief, in his former life, and a damned good one at that. As for what metaphorically killed Edgewicke Calderon, that much remains a secret to himself, for now.

Out of Character

Out of Character Goes Here


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Sylvan Elf - Primal Druid / Barbarian
Enhanced Senses | Twilight Vision | Spot Hidden Doors
AC: 17 | HP: 24 / 24 | Enc.: 22.5 / 25.5

Hissing from the strange sensation of the rock in her brain, Val let it fall to the ground and kicked it away with little effort. Rolling her shoulders, the druidess looked at the holy fool with a raised eyebrow.

"And why put off what's fun now?" the Elf said with a slightly antagonistic tone, but her mouth drew into a bright, lopsided smile. She was being playful, that much was clear, but she clearly held no qualms with fighting.

With no one else joining her enthusiasm, however, Valfaren harrumphed and crossed her arms. "Fine. I'll at least get a laugh when this fails."

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Neve Nevergreen - Smallfolk Rogue

Neve's sigh is audible, loud enough that she curses under her breath after and casts a worried glance over at the lizardman to make certes they had not heard her lapse in . . . decorum? Patience?  Tradecraft?

Children, the lot of them.  Tall legged long limbed tiny skull'd children with itty-bitty thoughts and a lack of patience that would get them all killed . . . .

She sighed again, quieter this time, the long exhalation bringing her one step closer to calm as she looked up at The Fool, The Fighter and The Heretic and tried to figure out what in the Nine Hells they'd actually all agree to.


"Check the packs the Oracle gave us?  I thought I saw a lantern, and if there's a lantern there's oil . . ." Neve knew blasted full well that her pack had at least two flasks of the same, and the mad old woman had insisted they each take such a pack.  She had hoped to point one of the tallfolk to their own stores first but, well, needs must and sharing wouldn't kill her.

"As for playing the witch . . . " Neve grimaced, sucking in a thoughtful breath through bared teeth.  " - I don't know.  I didn't know Her but there was a Seeress I consulted that set my path here who might have been this one's apprentice in the long ago?  Problem is while  mlle. Fun-fox here looks the part a ruse only works if one wishes it to succeed; and I'm not sure how I feel about asking a member of Ivana's clergy to lie."

Casting a long, deadpan look at Edgewick, the hallfing woman cocked her head to one side and narrowed her eyes in question.

"How's your falsetto?"

Out of Character

Mostly a placeholder/character post while I try a roll: quick disclaimer - Neve's curmudgeonly snark is intended for comedic effect and character work while I try and find Neve's voice. It's not intended as actual malice towards any PCs or players, and if it's distracting or unpleasant let me know, I can dial it back or drop it.


That said, lets see if Neve knows anything about the Witch. I'm pitching using her special ability of Legend Lore to recall any info, with the excuse that the Seeress that revealed Neve's task and sent her to the Oracle was potentially a member of the same coven/sisterhood.


Legend Lore for Neve is based on INT which is prime for her so the base roll will be 1d20 + INT (+2) + Level (+3) vs a base TN of 12, CR unknown.

Legend Lore [INT] Check


Edited by Cirlot (see edit history)
Legend Lore [INT] Check
1d20+5 19
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Sister Clairese, Church Investigator & Priestess of Niro and Ivana

spacer.pngQUICK STATS:  AC = 18, Touch = 12, FF = 16 / HP = 23/23 / Init = +1 / Turn Undead = +2   ______________________________________________________________________

Sister Clairese stays quiet and hidden in the thick undergrowth with the rest of the impromptu party while patiently waiting for the 'plan' to be unveiled.

However, the Priestess is martially trained and, thus, stands ready to act upon a moment's notice should circumstances evolve and the situation dictate a sudden change in strategy.

Until then, she nods affirmatively when Neve points out that everyone is carrying a few flasks of oil, some of which might be used to simulate magical fire, but when mention is made of needing a 'witch' the holy woman shakes her head in the negative.

Whispering so as not to be overheard, the martial minister says in a hushed tone, "My emblazed buckler, my holy symbol and vestments, the nature of my weapons and my blu-sheen armor clearly mark me as a Cleric of Niro and Ivana, Special Order of the 'Blue Sh'iare."

"I'd never pass for anything otherwise, and certainly not a witch," she adds with the certainty of her faith and the fact that she is usually the book that you can judge by its cover, at least under normal circumstances and, so far, the situation remained normal and these foes unimpressive, just from not even having established pickets at bare minimum.

Show Mechanics

Free Action:   


Swift Action:   

Move Action:   

Standard Action:  Readied Action to cast Silence on an inanimate object 11 feet directly behind the foe with feathered head dress if we are noticed by the opponents

Continuing Effects:  None

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
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Sylvan Elf - Primal Druid / Barbarian
Enhanced Senses | Twilight Vision | Spot Hidden Doors
AC: 17 | HP: 24 / 24 | Enc.: 22.5 / 25.5

Unfolding her arms and shifting her weight to the other hip, Val gave Neve an look of expectation.

"Alright c'mon, you wanna make your whatever work, I'm your best bet for a witch. Or at least a swamp dweller. But you're buying my next bath," she said, snatching up two handfuls of mud. She began to roll it all over herself in various ways that would look natural as though she trudged through the paths for a couple days.

"So, who's got my hat?" she asked, looking at the spellcasters.

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Sister Clairese, Church Investigator & Priestess of Niro and Ivana

spacer.pngQUICK STATS:  AC = 18, Touch = 12, FF = 16 / HP = 23/23 / Init = +1 / Turn Undead = +2   ______________________________________________________________________

Sister Clairese smiles and says in the same lowered voice as before, "I have a hat which you can borrow. I even have a few old feathers and a piece of charcoal if you can use either of these items to help with the disguise."

"I also have a bag of dust, which you could fling handfuls around to make dust clouds in the air. It might appear to be some type of magic if coordinated with us igniting oil fires, or it might not even be worth using," she adds.

"Feel free to use or reject any or all of these items, along with the hat. I'm just providing you with options so you can pick and choose what might help with the plan," the holy woman adds in the same hushed tone.

Falling quiet, the priestess continues to keep her eyes and ears focused on the immediate surroundings, as well as the activity of the lizardmen around the tower, while waiting on a response and then providing any requested items.

Show Mechanics

Free Action:   


Swift Action:   

Move Action:   

Standard Action:  Readied Action to cast Silence on an inanimate object 11 feet directly behind the foe with feathered head dress if we are noticed by the opponents

Continuing Effects:  None

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
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The Mask May be Mightier

The lizardfolk take no notice as the group huddles in the underbrush and gives voice to a plan. The largest among them, having concluded his conversation with the feather-wearing leader, stalks in a slow back-and-forth as he produces a headless fish from the bag over his shoulder and chews on it in an exaggeratedly loud and disgusting fashion. The duo who were trying to scale the tower have ceased their scrapping and begun digging around the base of the stone wall with their claws, yet another clearly impossible task, which draws a barking reprimand from the larger lizardman.

"You two cut some vines from the trees to make ropes. Take longer than I like and I'll use your entrails instead!" The two flee toward the treeline and begin ripping vines and moss off the branches there.

Valferen's confidence that these creatures could be easily dispatched is not bluster. A skilled warrior like herself could likely lay them low in a straight fight, though not without some consequence. Applying some stealth to add ambush to the idea would certainly limit the reprisal, but the larger of them and the feathered one's potential magical aptitude add possible complication. When Neve lays out an alternative the group seems open to the prospect, to varying degrees.

Clairese's objection is immediately met with Valfaren's acceptance, with a quick lathering of mud to commit to the bit. From the way they'd been talking, it seems unlikely that these lizardfolk have ever actually seen the witch themselves. Clairese's assumption that the one in the feathered headdress is familiar with magic seems well founded, a possible kink in the charade but nothing that a skilled (or particularly loud and jarring) deception couldn't overcome.


The Witch of the Withered Grove holds a similar place in legend that the Oracle of Stone does. A figure of mysterious power, the accounts of which are always vague and often conflicting, who watches over one of the several noteable geographical locations on the continent. A sage and collector of knowledge, she is said to be an elf of considerable age and experience. Most rumors agree that she has power over mind and perception and is extremely territorial over the swamp. Unlike the Oracle, the Witch does not accept visitors lightly but has been known to make a rare exception for reasons she never declares.

The Witch of the Withered Wood holds to an older version of the Nirvanese faith, which holds Niko and Ivana as a bifron titaness - a two faced cthonic diety predating the current pantheon - and all the myriad subfacets as one entity. One of the cult symbols a large eye tattooed or drawn in blood, mud or khol upon the forehead with the pupil a stylized sun or moon depending on which facet was being invoked.

The Witch's temperament was described as sullen or venomous to those she named friend and kindly to those she had no use for; her smile was said to haunt the nightmares of those that crossed her and her sneer was the fondest memory of those that knew her well.


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Neve-Portrait.png.ace7c664ddf7edf83e114535279d154f.pngNeve Nevergreen - Smallfolk Rogue

"This . . . this could work.  She's, the witch is, she's an elf.  Though - " Neve clambered up a nearby stump and made a 'get down here' gesture with one hand while the other went to her face, her thumb to her lips where she bit down hard enough to conjure a small welling of blood.

Gesturing to Valfren's forehead with the injured thumb, the halfling drew a shape in the air - miming what she wished to draw upon the elf's forehead.

"There's a mark, like the eye on the door.  Just like it, actually.  She's a . .  there's a cult of . . ." casting a sidelong glance at the cleric, Neve stalled, though if it was for want of recollection or hesitation at invoking a heresy of the priestess faith.  " - she is beholden to an old goddess, and there's a mark.  I can draw it on you."

If Val consents, Neve begins to draw an eye upon the wildlings forehead, quick deft strokes revealing the outline of the image and then smaller, finer marks, almost runes, drawn into the edges of the epicanthal fold like unshed tears.

"The Seeress who claimed she knew this Witch; I think she was trying to impress my - " she almost says Lady Nevergreen, hauls herself back " - patron by association so I didn't put much faith in it.  But she mentioned the mark, and said the Withered Witch was cruel to those she had cause to be kind to, and kind to those she meant cruelty.  So smile like you're imagining their guts on your garters and speak like you would to a spoiled child with their hand caught in the cookie jar.  Sweetness and venom. It's as good a disguise as any."

"As the sister says, have one of us with a flaming oil ready as a backup? If 'The Witch' needs to make good on a threat?"

Out of Character

If Val consents to the mark Neve will be using it to invoke her Magic User Ability of Channeling - specifically to enhance Val's up-coming attribute check. Neve is spending 1 SP to grant a +1 bonus on Val's next attribute check (presumably the disguise attempt) which will be good for the next two minutes. Neve will have 3 SP remaining for the day.


Edited by Cirlot (see edit history)
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Sister Clairese, Church Investigator & Priestess of Niro and Ivana

spacer.pngQUICK STATS:  AC = 18, Touch = 12, FF = 16 / HP = 23/23 / Init = +1 / Turn Undead = +2   ______________________________________________________________________

Sister Clairese listens intently to Neve's description and background information on the missing witch from the 'Eye' tower, as well as the details the smaller lass can recall from the Oracle and perhaps other unmentioned sources as well.

When mention is made about having a flaming flask of oil ready in case the witch needs to evoke her powers of fire for the lizardmen, the holy woman smiles and whispers, "I'm fairly adept at 'chucking,' but someone else should handle that task."

Continuing in the same hushed tone the Priestess sincerely adds as a tactical matter, "It will probably be best if I remain ready to 'silence' their spellcaster should things unexpectedly fall apart or accidently go wrong."

Turning to Valfaren, the soon-to-be faux witch, the minister adds with a friendly smile, "I can create a few gallons of water out of thin air should you need to conjure up that effect as part of your disguise. Just call for water and point to where you want it, and I'll do the rest."

"One thing though, my range to create water is limited to about twenty-five feet, or in other words a few steps shy of a normal moment's walk," Clairese reveals to the group.

"And, as mentioned, you can also evoke silencing magic on a location, which I can cast the same as creating water, if needed," concludes the holy woman as she quietly watches the lizardmen and surrounding area as before while listening to her colleagues refine the plan. "Of course, if its cast in their location, then they will no longer be able to hear you, much less speak."

Show Mechanics

Free Action:   


Swift Action:   

Move Action:   

Standard Action:  Readied Action to cast Silence on an inanimate object 11 feet directly behind the foe with feathered head dress if we are noticed by the opponents

Continuing Effects:  None

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
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Sylvan Elf - Primal Druid / Barbarian
Enhanced Senses | Twilight Vision | Spot Hidden Doors
AC: 17 | HP: 24 / 24 | Enc.: 22.5 / 25.5

A wide smile of bemusement took over Val's face as Clarise handed over a wide-brimmed hat. "Oh, now that's some fun headgear!" she said in a low tone. She nodded to the feathers and charcoal--it never hurt to be prepared--and slipped the former into the hat, the latter into a pocket. Lastly, she took the bag of dust and carefully tucked it into another pocket so it could be easily flung.

"I like your style, Sister. They cast all your magics like this? Here I thought I was the country bumpkin!" she said a more harsh whisper, slapping her own thigh as she chuckled.

Noticing Neve's want for "the Witch's" attention, Val stepped closer and knelt. "Do it. You must know all kinds of tricks and tidbits, eh?" she said in a smoother voice. She shoved the hair off her forehead and listened to the Smallfolk's advice. "Aww, I gotta be nice to those assholes?" she complained, shoulders drooping. "Fiiiine," she added, rolling her eyes and mocking throwing up.

Standing up, Val began to assume her role of "the Witch" by hunching a bit. She let her eyes become lazy and mocked walking around slowly. "Ah, yes dearies, my magic fire, water and sound-eater. Yes, must be careful don't we my pets? It would be terrible if you caught fire and burned to cinders while unable to even hear yourself scream, now wouldn't it deary? Mm'yes, I imagine so."

Giving the group a thumbs up, she said, "We good?"

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