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The Witch of the Withered Grove (Act I, Scene I)


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Sister Clairese, Church Investigator & Priestess of Niro and Ivana

spacer.pngQUICK STATS:  AC = 18, Touch = 12, FF = 16 / HP = 23/23 / Init = +1 / Turn Undead = +2   ______________________________________________________________________

When Valfaren asks Sister Clairese if all the clergy cast their magic with the doo-dads which she loaned the Elven Druid, the holy woman smiles.

In response, she truthfully whispers, "No. Actually, I don't use any of these items in connection with my prayers or, as you say, magics."

"In fact, most priests and priestess do not even carry such items," the Priestess of Niro and Ivana adds but says nothing more of what she might use the paraphernalia for or what role it might serve in her duties.

Instead, as she focuses on the matter at hand, the minister adds in the same hushed voice, "Ready when you folks are," while simultaneously monitoring the lizardmen, as well as the surrounding area from the group's hiding place.

Show Mechanics

Free Action:   


Swift Action:   

Move Action:   

Standard Action:  Readied Action to cast Silence on an inanimate object 11 feet directly behind the foe with feathered head dress if we are noticed by the opponents

Continuing Effects:  None

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
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Human Rogue/Cleric — Holy Fool of Albarax

AC 14 | HP 14/14 | Encumbrance 15/15 | Initiative +1 | Turn Undead +1
Spells 0 ●●● | 1 ●●

As they plan, plot, and offer goodies, Edgewicke has little to offer. "What spells I have, our fair Sister already has in spades, so I am merely support. Fortunately Albarax is such an obscure god, and I am such a good liar, it won't be something we have to worry about... unless dark gods convene to make a mockery of my words, which, won't be the first time this year."

As to her behavior, he shakes his head. "Being 'nice' isn't the word I'd pick for it, but perhaps... manipulative. You don't handle a blade idly: you get a good grip on it. Your kindness is a kind of weapon, Valfaran dear. In time, you'll kill with it." Best to make the metaphor work for her. "Barring that, and my overall uselessness, unless incense would make the ambience work in our favor, I'm glad to be going."

Out of Character

Out of Character Goes Here


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Sylvan Elf - Primal Druid / Barbarian
Enhanced Senses | Twilight Vision | Spot Hidden Doors
AC: 17 | HP: 24 / 24 | Enc.: 22.5 / 25.5

Sister Clarice was given only a raised eyebrow and a knowing-smirk in response. The "I get what you're saying" look--almost conspiratorially.

Whenever Edgewick spoke, Valfaren squinted and stared at his lips as if it would somehow make it easier to understand him.

"You say a lot of things and waste a lot of things..." She paused to pinch the bridge of her nose. "Just...you're so... so... that word for... lots of ... words... dammit..."

Val looked back at the Holy Fool and started over. "Okay, thanks, I think? Nice to know I can weaponize noise..." she said, barely holding back a giggle. She coughed into her hand and got mock-serious. "Yes! I will monopolize the treas-tize to weaponize and aggrandize... No. No? No. Uh... Specialize in the sabotage of the, uh, monopolize--wait I said that one."

Slapping him on the shoulder, she said, "I like you, Wicky. Like a...a... a pet!" She clapped her hands. "Keep doing all of..." she waved her fingers at his whole body, "...that. Hey, listen, I'm gonna go."

The wild woman rolled her neck, checked her hat and hunched over a bit. She assumed her role as The Witch. Walking slowly she grabbed up a piece of wood and stuck it under her arm as a crutch. She hide her sword in her pack, knowing she held her weapon if need be.

Approaching through the brush--once sufficiently away from the rest of the group--Val shouted, "Hey there, dearies! Yes, why are you--don't dig that up, honey!" She waived at them with her good arm while walking with a light limp.

Lull them in. Get as close as possible. BLOOD. Smell their fight. Smell their blooood. KILL. KILL. Spill the guts!

Val quirked her head to one side as she fought against type for a gag. She slapped herself in the temple.

The Witch got as close as it took for one of them to respond, pausing at whatever spot she got to for the show. "Honey, you don't want to dig that up anymore unless you like filling holes all night, right?" She waved her hand semi-frantically at the lizardman with a shovel. "Yes, be a good muffin and fill that back in and we won't have to see what it's like when you're on fire, dear." Her words were sweet, without malice and more matter-of-fact. She was also hamming it up like a boss. Own every situation, even words. Be the word winner.

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Fire and Fraud

spacer.pngWith everyone in place, Val meanders into the clearing and raises her voice. The lizardfolk react immediately, heads snapping up and angry hisses echoing from fanged mouths. Confusion is quickly replaced my fear and confusion and anger, their faces quite expressive for bearing such alien features. "Impossible!" The largest of them motions to the two who had been working on the door as he says it, and they lurch forward at an awkward but speedy gait as they bring their axes up. 'The Witch' lets them close to half the distance before extending a crooked finger in their direction, the signal given and responded. Nobody can hear the bottle crack on stone over the *whoosh* of heat and crackle of flame, burning oil spreading in a bloom between the duo. They stagger and shriek, one coated with burning oil as the other makes a slithering roll in the mud to extinguish their own limbs.

Shock is best to describe the look on the one with the feathered headdress as she entwines her fingers and barks angry, clipped words. Clairese recognizes the start of a spell and brings her own magic to bear, keeping her motions and words as slow and soft as the magic will allow to avoid drawing notice. The lizard woman's words disappear in an instant, though her mouth continues working, and she makes a motion that seems like it should enact some effect. Nobody is more surprised than her when nothing happens. She draws a clawed thumb across her own throat as the larger warrior looks back to her, and he hefts the club in his hands as he advances on Val.

The others, both those who've been burned and those who were gathering vines, lose their nerve in the face of the long-rumored Witch of the Withered Grove. They break for the tree line, the most injured staggering and stumbling in his efforts before crumbling into the mud and lying still. The feathered one moves slowly away, not turning her back to Val but rather moving backwards in a slow crouch as her tail sweeps behind her for obstacles. She may not be gripped by the same terror as her lackeys but she seems willing to let the larger lizardman cover her retreat. The warrior moves forward with heavy steps, club drawn back to swing as he closes the distance.


Okay, so none of the lackies rolled high enough to make more than the flask of oil and silence spell necessary for success here. The four of them are fleeing, though you can intervene in that if you wish. The shaman is making a more measured withdraw but is attempting to remove herself from the situation as well. The warrior is the only one to make the save here and, with one aggressive opponent on the field, we should check in on combat mechanics.

Initiative is a d10 in C&C. No additions. Dex breaks ties. This guy has a +1 for Dex if that comes up.

During combat, anyone can move 1/2 their speed and still attack. A character cannot move and cast in the same round unless the spell specifies they can do so. Otherwise, you can take your full movement unimpeded. The warrior will start the round 15' from Val and advance to Val's position on his turn, which will put him in closing range of anyone who has at least 10' as their half move.

I always say post your actions when you can rather than wait for people later than you in the order, as people's posting schedules vary considerably. That said, you are able to react to things that occur before your turn comes up, so I do allow editing of combat posts based on that criteria should you need to. I will always take your intent into account by, as an example, applying your action to a logical target should yours die before your turn arrives.

Future combats will involve maps and grids and the like but this is basically a tutorial so I'm not putting a map together.


Edited by DoNotFearToTread (see edit history)
1d10 2
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Neve Nevergreen - Smallfolk Rogue:: AC 15 MV 20' HP 16/16 [Hiding in Shadows] :: Init. 9

"Vizta dovan, dovan vizta - "Dwarvish: "Brave stupid, stupid brave - " Neve muttered to herself as the lizard warrior squared up, ignoring sense and flame and fear in defense of a shaman who seemed eager to spend lives not her own.

Yeah.  She wasn't bitter.  Or projecting.  Sighing again, the thief eyed her pack, debating pulling and lobbing another flask of flaming oil for effect, clucked her tongue at the impulse.  By the time she had it lit and readied the warrior and the 'witch' would be toe to toe or worse and she doubted Foxgirl - Foxwish.  Valfaren.  Neve chided herself.  Names were important.  Use them. -  would much appreciate being lit on fire.   The crossbow was also ill suited to it, too much risk of a bolt in the back and one never lived THAT down.

Up close it had to be then.

Sighing, Neve Cast a glance up to the holy fool and the heretical cleric "Wordsworth, keep a bolt-eye on the shaman, would you?  Put an arrow in her if she looks to get clever.  Sister, Ivana's blessing on the hunt, I'll see you 'round the scale-kins backside." and then, unceremoniously threw herself forward and down into a crawling crouch in the muck and began to worm her way through the underbrush, trusting to the sound of combat and the silence spell to hide the squelch and rustle of her passage. 

She was going to have mud in places she didn't want to think about for WEEKS.

Out of Character

Curse Neve's tiny halfling legs! She's going to attempt to Hide in Shadows to flank the lizardman warrior which reduces her movement by 1/2 so 10' effective movement this round (no attack this round for her, setting up for a backstab next turn). Neve is making a snap judgement that she doesn't need to Move Silently at the same time due to the distraction of Val and the silence around the shaman - the two people most likely to hear her are either busy or silenced. Neve might be wrong 🙄

Hide in Shadows in a [DEX] based class check, so this is prime (base DC 12) with +2 for dex +3 for Rogue levels.

Hide in Shadows

And Initiative - Dex of 16 [+2] for tiebreaking.



Edited by Cirlot (see edit history)
Hide in Shadows
1d20+5 14
1d10 9
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Sylvan Elf - Primal Druid / Barbarian
Enhanced Senses | Twilight Vision | Spot Hidden Doors
AC: 17 | HP: 24 / 24 | Enc.: 22.5 / 25.5

A wide grin had wormed its way onto The Witch's face as the plan came together. A few flicks of the wrist and sprinkling of dust turned into magic spells.

"I told you, sweet dearies, heed my words or burn. And now it seems you've lost your manners," she said to the encroaching warrior. "I've a little more magic in these old bones. Let me show you," she added, whispering her incantation in Elvish. A hand drew across her branch, twisting it into a magic club rife with new vegetation and vines despite being dead wood moments ago.

"Let's see how you fare, honey."


Casting Shillelaugh or however its spelled.


Initiative with +2 Dex
1d10 6
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Sister Clairese, Church Investigator & Priestess of Niro and Ivana

spacer.pngQUICK STATS:  AC = 18, Touch = 12, FF = 16 / HP = 23/23 / Init = +1 / Turn Undead = +2   ______________________________________________________________________

Based on the reaction of the fleeing lizardmen foot soldiers and their slowly retreating shaman, the 'faux' witch plan featuring disguises, superb acting, sound effects, and fiery explosions seemed to be working to perfection.

However, when an extremely large lizardman moves forward toward Valfaren Foxwish with his club drawn back and ready to attack, Sister Clairese momentarily ponders focusing her efforts on the approaching warrior until Valfaren magically transforms her staff into a shillelagh and Neve also jumps into action to help resolve the conundrum.

Realizing the extreme need to stay hidden in order to maintain the illusion that Valfaren is the 'witch' and all alone, the Priestess of Niro and Ivana smiles when Neve is able to stay well-hidden and quiet while stalking her prey so as not to alert the slowly retreating Shaman that the entire situation is nothing but a big fake!

Hoping everyone else maintains concealment or is just as careful and proficient at stealth as Neve, Sister Clairese decides to 'hasten' the Shaman's withdrawal if he is still slow retreating and quickly force him out of here, as well as giving the magic-wielding lizardman something else to occupy his time and senses instead of the fight between the lizardman and the witch.

From her hidden position and timed to fit Valfaren's threat, the holy woman concentrates on shaping the magic as she points her finger at a position in the air directly in front of the withdrawing Shaman's face and says quietly, "I beseech Niro and Ivana to strike at this unholy creature with their divine power," causing a huge red-glowing magical sword to suddenly appear directly in front of the lizardman!

With any luck, that sword shape will preserve the illusion of there being only a solitary 'witch' who is using her magic to attack, and hopefully the huge magical weapon will also block the lizardman's vision while causing it to flee, thinks Sister Clairese to herself as the 'witch-like' weapon, which is positioned between the Shaman and Valfaren, unexpectantly strikes out at the enemy's head with its magical force! 

Show Mechanics

Free Action:   


Swift Action:   

Move Action:   

Standard Action:  Cast Spiritual Hammer Spell at Lizardman Shaman

Continuing Effects:  Spiritual Hammer (2/3 rounds)

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
Initiative (Dex +1)
1d10 2
Spiritual Weapon Attacks Shaman
1d20+1 5
Divine Magic Blunt Force
1d8 2
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Human Rogue/Cleric — Holy Fool of Albarax

AC 14 | HP 14/14 | Encumbrance 15/15 | Initiative +1 | Turn Undead +1
Spells 0 ●●● | 1 ●●

That probably went about as well as could be expected, truth be told.

In Edgewicke's former life, plans went off without a hitch. They were a well-trained, well-oiled machine, their heists well-planned and better executed. This was about as well as they could expect, given how long they'd known each other and the general nature of the plan: pretending to be someone none of them had seen. Still, Wicke is left feeling like it should have, could have, and would have been better if they had tried some other tactic. What tactic? He has no idea.

The holy fool has no idea; but the ghost of a man now dead has plenty of them. Better to suffocate the dead than let them speak.

"Let's get dirty, then, hm?" Taking out his bow, he draws an arrow, notches it, and takes aim at the shaman as available: better not to charge into battle until he's needed.

Out of Character

Initiative is 2, with a +1 to break ties. lol

Edgewicke doesn't move, unless he has to; he fires at the shaman as needed, but rolled a 4. This is going exactly as well as I remember 1e and 2e going!


Edited by Gregorotto (see edit history)
1d10 2
1d20+1 3
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Lizard Brawl: Round 1

The group is quick to act, or quicker at least than their enemy, and each moves to best leverage their position. Neve is on the ground, moving in a low crawl through the undegrowth with an ease that speaks to great experience in avoiding the notice of those taller than her. The area around the tower may be clear of trees and tall shrubs but there is little that can push back the vines and grasses that coat the marshy ground and that provides exactly the kind of cover the small one needs to get close. She can read the warriors intent and judge easily where he will end up by the time she is ready to strike, so sliding along the muck until she is behind his intended destination proves simple.

Sister Clairese keeps her position, calling upon the blessings of her paired gods to aid in the situation. She feels their touch as she summons their aid, a soft brush against each cheek as though grazed by invisible lips, and the power flows out from her as it is molded by her will. The lizardwoman, having put a good stretch between herself and the witch, turns and lurches forward but only clears a step before a blazing red sword pops into existence beside her. It swings high in an arc toward the shamans head and she ducks to the right with a small stumble backwards, inches of air all that keeps her scales intact as the weapon misses and then spins to right itself to another swipe. She hisses, a soundless act of defiance, sparing a glance at the witch before turning her focus back to the weapon and pulling a bone-hilted dagger from within the leather and furs draped over her waist. Faced with no easy escape, she seems resigned to joining the fight rather than let the magical blade strike her as she flees.

The warrior charges in, his steps awkwardly loping but ideal in stride for moving across the wet and muck-coated ground of the swamp. He skids to a stop in front of Val as she calls upon genuine, undeniable magic. The stick in her hands twists as life floods it, old wood flush with new strength as vines writhe along it. The lizardman's eyes narrow and Val can read the concern in those black pools, but it doesn't dissuade his intent. He brings the fire-hardened black wood club up in a wide arc, under Val's defense to strike hard against the metal rings of her armor. The blow is blunted but the elf's ribs protest the impact as the blow rocks through her midsection. Pulling the club back, he keeps it moving in a circular swing as he hunches down and snarls in her face.

"Witch. Demon. I will take your head and your magics back to my kalak. I will write my glory in your blood." Wicke's arrow bites into the ground a half-foot from where Neve is crouched behind the warrior, but if the lizardman has noticed either the smallfolk or the fool's attack, he gives no indication. Neve is as well-positioned as she could hope to be for making an effective strike against the creature, only a thick hide coat and the warrior's own scales standing between her and success.


The shaman's escape has been halted by Clairese's spiritual weapon, forcing her to put her back to danger and run or join the fight. She will do the latter. She remains in the radius of the Silence and will need to move out of it this round in order to cast.

Neve is positioned for a proper back attack against the warrior and unnoticed by the enemies. Wicke and Clairese are still hidden, as well.

The warrior hits Val with an 18 for 6 damage.

Warrior - Init 2; AC 15; 16/16 HP. Intention is to strike Val again this turn.

Shaman - Init 5; AC 13; 10/10 HP. Intention is to move away from Val to clear the Silence, and draw her dagger. She cannot clear the Silence with a half move so no attack this round.


Edited by DoNotFearToTread (see edit history)
Warrior Init
1d10 2
Shaman Init
1d10 5
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Neve - Portrait.png

Neve Nevergreen - Smallfolk Rogue:: AC 15 MV 20' HP 16/16 [Backstab] :: Init 10

Neve heard the impact - the crunch upon the rings and then an stomach churning meaty thwack - and gritted her teeth, forcing herself to deliberate stillness as she watched the lizard-warrior's footwork churn up the mud before her.  Wait for it.  Foxgirl could taker her lumps.  Looked like she enjoyed it in fact.  No sense loosing yer head just 'cuz it sounded like a bone-bashed drum.  The others were sticking to the bluff, after all, maybe she shouldn't intervene directly, let Vee handle it  . . . then, out of the corner of her eye Neve caught the Shaman reaching for a weapon and angling for a shot.

Falls and fells!

This close, she could smell the rank mildew of the warriors scales and the freshly torn earth.  Holding her breath her mud-slick hand found the rough ironwood of her rapier, drawing it the space of the warrior's yell she lunged up like a striking viper, aiming the point of the fell-forged thorn toward the thick meat of it's leg . . .

Out of Character

Alright, initiative first: Dex of 16 [+2] for tiebreaking. initiative Roll

Now, first attack. Base AB +1, +1 for Masterwork Weapon, +4 Backstab

Melee Attack (MISS)

Potential damage is x2 per backstab

Potential Backstab Damage



Edited by Cirlot (see edit history)
initiative Roll
1d10 10
Melee Attack
1d20+6 7
Potential Backstab Damage
1d6*2 2
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Sister Clairese, Church Investigator & Priestess of Niro and Ivana

spacer.pngQUICK STATS:  AC = 18, Touch = 12, FF = 16 / HP = 23/23 / Init = +1 / Turn Undead = +2   ______________________________________________________________________

Sister Clairese lightly sighed when her spiritual weapon spell failed to drive the Lizardman Shaman away and instead caused the extremely dangerous creature to change tactics as it attempts to move out of the cleric's magical zone of silence and presumably join in on the fight.

This in turn completely changes the holy woman's strategy as well. With the merest of concentration, the Priestess of Niro and Ivana causes the magical glowing sword to fly around to the backside of the Shaman and then strike down hard upon the foe drawing blood in an attempt to keep the enemy caster within the silenced area.

Now that the bulk of the tribe had fled, unfortunately logical military tactics dictated that the witnesses, also being the two strongest members of the lizard tribe, must be eliminated if they refuse to also run from the skirmish.

As such and in order to attempt to preserve the illusion of a solitary witch, Sister Clairese remains hidden while the minister levels her composite short bow and secretly unleashes a deadly razor-sharp arrow at the Shaman from behind cover, but in her efforts to remain concealed regrettably cause the silent projectile to miss badly as it quietly flies high and wide and, with any luck, hopefully unnoticed by the enemy.

Show Mechanics

DM: Please note that my computer crashed and is in the shop. I am operating on a backup and have no access to the rulebook.

Free Action:   Mentally reposition Spiritual Weapon Spell at Lizardman Shaman which continues to attack automatically


Swift Action:   

Move Action:   

Standard Action:  Attack Shaman with composite short bow

Continuing Effects:  Spiritual Weapon (1/3 rounds)

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
Spiritual Weapon Attacks Shaman
1d20+1 18
Magical Spell Force Damage from Spiritual Weapon
1d8 2
Attack Shaman with Short Bow
1d20+2 4
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Human Rogue/Cleric — Holy Fool of Albarax

AC 14 | HP 14/14 | Encumbrance 15/15 | Initiative +1 | Turn Undead +1
Spells 0 ●●● | 1 ●●

Rust finds his skill, and Wicke watches his arrow fall short with no small amount of displeasure. How long had it been? Since he'd held a blade, held a bow, and used against another living soul? Who had the last been, an unnamed guard? A mercenary? A holy warrior come to cleanse him? Whoever it had been, the man with the bow then had been a different animal, and now Wicke had to find out who he was with a bow.

Because, watching the damage to Val, he had to be someone. People were depending on him, even if he didn't really know them. She didn't deserve to just be butchered because he didn't remember his way around making a bow quiver in just the right path.

Nothing another arrow, he plays with the fletching for a moment, closing his eyes and speaking lowly. "Albarax, Blessed One of Light, guide your servant in his hour of need. Or something, I don't know, just make sure my companions don't die because of me."

Out of Character

Initiative 3 (yay, I'm slowly moving up!), +1 Dex for tie-breakers

Attack 12 vs. Shaman AC 13, miss


Edited by Gregorotto (see edit history)
Wicke Initiative
1d10 3
1d20+1 11
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Lizard Brawl: Round 2

With everyone engaged, the combat becomes more of a chaotic back-and-forth than the ordered assault of the initial ambush. Arrows fly, one zipping close enough to the shaman that it pulls her attention away from the sword. Clairese's floating weapon dives into the gap, slicing a deep line across the lizardwoman's exposed side. She howls, and steps out of the bubble of silence just in time for that sound to ring in the ears of the group. She scans the treeline quickly but can't spare the attention to locate the source of the arrows, instead laying into the floating sword with her dagger.

Neve appears behind the warrior, rising from the grass like a shadow and driving her thin blade into the meaty muscles there. The warrior twists to avoid Val and that motion takes it just out of reach of Neve's strike, a hole in the hide armor all that is left to show for it. He hisses as the black pools of his eyes narrow and he steps back, turning to keep his back away from both Val and Neve. No easy task, and splitting his attention leaves him slower to react to their approaches from his sides. The club rests on his shoulders as he looks down at the small folk.

"Little pest." He lowers his shoulders as if ready to pounce, only to turn his head and open his fanged maw in Val's direction. Frills flutter out around his neck, deep reds and browns on the scales there, as he spits a compact spray of greenish ichor in the druid's direction. The mist it creates smells acidic and acrid and the droplets that hit Val's skin burn like fire.

In the treeline, Wicke and Clairese feel secure in their position but realize it is likely that another volley will reveal enough of their location to allow the shaman to focus on them should she have something up her sleeve. Better make the next shots count.


The shaman loses 2 HP to the spiritual weapon and is now taking that thing much more seriously. She is aware that someone is in the treeline on the other side of the witch/warrior brawl but does not know exactly where Clairese and Wicke are yet.

Now facing both Neve and Val in melee, the warrior is subject to flank attacksThe flank attack takes place to the left or right rear side of a defender. Flank attacks should be used consistently for monsters and characters alike. The defender may or may not be aware of the attack, but in any case, is less capable of defending against the flank attack than those from the front. A flank attack confers a +1 bonus to hit. as he can only keep his back to you both by leaving his sides exposed.

The warrior attempts to spit venom in Val's face. She gets a dexterity saving throw for this (at a +3 CL). Failure means 1d4 damage and a constitution save (at +1 CL) or suffer blindness-4 to attacks and AC. for 2 rounds. Success means no effect.

Val can take two actions to account for missing last turn. The first one will not be impacted by the result of the saves since it will have happened before the warrior attacked.

Warrior - Init 3; AC 15; 16/16 HP. Intention is to strike Neve this turn.

Shaman - Init 2; AC 13; 8/10 HP. Intention is to stab the spiritual weapon until it stops stabbing her.


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Neve Small

Neve Nevergreen - Smallfolk Rogue:: AC 15 MV 20' HP 16/16 [TWF Attack] :: Init 8

"Large target - " there's almost a smirk as the rapier dips in a feint of a salute before she darts in again, surprise lost but advantage taken as the lizardman is forced to split his attentions.  It's a lunging thrust upward, a threat to the things neck - okay, chest, her height being what it was - followed by a duck beneath the high guard. Neve pulled an offhand dagger for a rising strike at the few vitals in easy reach before disengaging, kicking up muck - some intentional, some not - as she darted back in preparation for the warrior's swing.

Out of Character

First, Initiative

Initiative (+2 Dex for Ties)

Anyway, first fight, might as well put all the options through their paces before I decide if they're good ideas or not. Neve is drawing her parrying dagger and will be attempting to strike with both weapons. Per pg 177 it's -3 for primary (rapier) -6 for the off hand (parrying dagger), offset by dex modifier (+2) Attack bonus (+1). Strength does not add to the to-hit. The rapier is masterwork so it's an additional +1 so the math on these is.

Primary Attack (Rapier) [-3 TWF +2 Dex] + 1 AB + 1 Masterwork + 1 Flanking, potential damage 1d6

Primary Attack & Rapier Damage

Off-Hand Attack (Parrying Dagger) [-6 TWF +2 Dexk] + 1 AB + 1 Flanking, potential damaged 1d4+1

Off-Hand Attack & Dagger Damage

Note, by using the dagger to attack I believe Neve forfeits the potential +1 AC bonus, keeping her AC at it's normal 15.

EDIT: Looks like a feint with the rapier and a hit with the dagger, AC 15!


Edited by Cirlot (see edit history)
Initiative (+2 Dex for Ties)
1d10 8
Primary Attack
1d20+2 4
Rapier Damage
1d6 3
Off-Hand Attack
1d20-2 17
Dagger Damage
1d4+1 2
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Sylvan Elf - Primal Druid / Barbarian
Enhanced Senses | Twilight Vision | Spot Hidden Doors
AC: 17 | HP: 16 / 24 | Enc.: 22.5 / 25.5

Val had let her guard down a bit too much, thinking the lizard would be no challenge. Instead she got slashed with a sword and a bunch of acidic spit in her face.

"Augh, quil t'nammet"Elvish" for "what the f***"! Rude! Now I'm just gonna tear your guts out!!" Val shouted, no longer holding the image of the witch. She swung her magic stick at the lizard as her eyes and face began to burn; it was more perfunctory than useful. Luckily her vision cleared as she dug her wrist into one of her eyes.

Val growled as her blood began to boil and adrenaline surged in her. She was loving the excuse to fight. "RAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" she cried as she brought the club down into the mud. The fireblood was making her sloppy.


Rolling for Dex save; this will be impossible without a natural 20. Edit: Yup. At least I made the Con save.


Dex save 18 +3CL
1d20+2 11
Con save 12 +1CL
1d20+1 14
Acid damage
1d4 2
Magic stick attack
7; 6
1d20+4;1d6+3 [3]; [3,3]
Round 2 Magic stick
6; 4
1d20+4;1d6+3 [2]; [2,1]
Oh, yeah, Initiative with Dex +2
1d10 5
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