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The Witch of the Withered Grove (Act I, Scene I)


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Human Rogue/Cleric — Holy Fool of Albarax

AC 14 | HP 14/14 | Encumbrance 15/15 | Initiative +1 | Turn Undead +1
Spells 0 ●●● | 1 ●●

Well this isn't going well.

Watching the acid hit Val, he hisses from his hidden spot, and considers his new options: he is not particularly well-versed with the power of prayer yet, but knows he could potentially create water to wash it away: but does he need to be closer to do that? Without knowledge of how the spell works, the budding holy fool reaches for another arrow, and aims to take advantage of his past failures.

What does he have to lose by firing another shot?

Out of Character

Initiative: 4

Attack vs. Shaman: 8


Edited by Gregorotto (see edit history)
Initiative, +2 Dex
1d10 4
1d20+1 7
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Sister Clairese, Church Investigator & Priestess of Niro and Ivana

spacer.pngQUICK STATS:  AC = 18, Touch = 12, FF = 16 / HP = 23/23 / Init = +1 / Turn Undead = +2   ______________________________________________________________________

Sister Clairese cringes when she sees Valfaren suffer a bloody cut from the enemy warrior's sword slash, which injury had further insult added to it when the foul beast then belched up a mouthful of caustic acid which the scaled lizardman spit directly on to the face and into the eyes of the 'faux witch' causing further damage to her colleague.

However, the primal Druid is far more resilient than the holy woman had first envisioned. Something to remember, the minister thinks to herself as she tactically evaluates the situation. Foregoing the chance to summon water to soothe Valfaren's acidic injury, instead Sister Clairese continues to focus her attention on the lizardman Shaman, who was the most dangerous opponent on the battlefield.

Thus, once again, the spiritual weapon which was summoned by the Priestess of Niro and Ivana ducks and dodges the Shaman's counterattack and then the magical glowing sword strikes down hard upon the lizardman caster drawing blood with another nasty cut on the foe just before the spell construct disappears into thin air and is gone with barely an audible 'pop.'

With her colleagues attacking the pair of lizardmen, it had become likely that the Shaman was no longer confused by our 'faux witch production' and now realizes that they are facing a handful of unknown assailants. In an effort to take out the magic wielding Shaman before the foul creature can put a spell on the group, Sister Clairese nocks a second arrow in her short bow and says a light prayer under her breath before releasing the deadly projectile from behind cover which strikes true and brings the Shaman down in a twitching bloody heap!

Show Mechanics

DM - Please note that the bonus on the short bow roll should be +2 instead of +3, thus the total roll is a 14 which still hits the Shaman

Free Action:   Spiritual Weapon Spell attacks Lizardman Shaman automatically


Swift Action:   

Move Action:   

Standard Action:  Attack Shaman with composite short bow0

Continuing Effects:  Spiritual Weapon (0/3 rounds)

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
Spiritual Weapon Attacks Shaman
1d20+1 17
Magic Force Spell Damage
1d8 3
Attack Shaman with Short Bow
1d20+3 12
Piercing Damage from Arrow
1d8 6
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Lizard Brawl: Round 3

spacer.pngThe warrior squares off with two opponents, facing attacks from both even footing and below. Val steps in with wide swings of the magical club and the lizardman backpedals to keep clear of the attacks only to catch Neve's dagger to his side. It's a deep enough jab to punch through the armor and the scales beneath, the blade coming back slick with green blood. He barely seems to register the pain of it, the giant club spinning in his hands as he fends off the second swing from Val only to pivot and arc the weapon in a heavy, overhand swipe down toward Neve.

Lizardman Attack

Lizardman Damage

The club comes down hard and, were she still standing there Neve can be certain it would have hurt. The small folk is too quick, though, and easily slides through the sodden grass to avoid taking that one on the chin.

The shaman slashes furiously at the floating sword but is unable to connect given the weapon's ability to move any direction to avoid her. It catches her on the arm, a deep gash opening in the scales and slicking the ground with her blood. She turns toward the treeline, her fanged maw open to a guttural chant but Clariese's arrow finds its place there before she can complete her words. Her head snaps back from the impact as the arrow pops clean through the back of her skull and she lingers on her feet for a moment before toppling into the muck. It is a good enough shot to keep attention off of Wicke's own less-than-stellar effort.

The warrior brings the club back as he readies for another swing but his eyes widen and he howls rage and pain into the air as he watches the shaman fall. Bearing his shoulder forward, he puts his all into connecting his club with Val's skull.


Nice. One down, one to go. C&C definitely seems to keep the swinginess of old D&D where one round can really turn the tide.

I'm testing inline dice rolls in the post, too.

Warrior - Init 5; AC 15; 13/16 HP. Intention is to strike Val this round.

Shaman - -1/10 HP. Unconscious, dying, mostly dead.


Edited by DoNotFearToTread (see edit history)
Lizardman Attack
1d20+3 8
Lizardman Damage
1d10+1 10
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Neve Nevergreen - Smallfolk Rogue:: AC 15 MV 20' HP 16/16 [TWF Attack] :: Init 5

The impact of the club might not break bone but it sunders earth, ripping up sodden grass and mud and flinging it in a spattering arc of muck and mire. Ducking beneath the clumps Neve ignores the showring mess of it and lunges, using the recovering stroke of the club for an opening small and quick enough for her blades. There are no feints this time, just steel pointed upward at all speed and strength she can manage.

Out of Character

Quick and dirty post just to make sure I get something in before I start traveling this week. Math for the paired weapon strike should be the same as last time if Flanking is still in play.

Initiative (+2 Dex for ties)(1d20 5 5)

TWF - Primary Attack (Rapier)(1d20+2 17 19) & Rapier Damage(1d6 3 3)

TWF - Secondary Attack (Dagger)(1d20-2 10 8) & Dagger Damage(1d4+1 2 3)


Edited by Cirlot (see edit history)
Initiative (+2 Dex for ties)
1d20 5
TWF - Primary Attack (Rapier)
1d20+2 17
Rapier Damage
1d6 3
TWF - Secondary Attack (Dagger)
1d20-2 10
Dagger Damage
1d4+1 2
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Sylvan Elf - Primal Druid / Barbarian
Enhanced Senses | Twilight Vision | Spot Hidden Doors
AC: 17 | HP: 16 / 24 | Enc.: 22.5 / 25.5

Paying little attention to the shaman who lay dying in the muck, Val readied herself for the next swing from the warrior.

"I like a challenge!" she barked, smile plastered on her face. The club spun in her fingers as she watched the lizard try and fail to hit little Neve. "Face me!!!" she cried out as the beast seemed to focus back on the druidess. With blood running like fire, Val swung her club again.


Another attack! Flanking adds 2 to hit? I don't have my rules at work. Oof doesn't matter. I can't roll for crap.

Also is there a way to do a reckless attack?


Magic club with flank
9; 4
1d20+4;1d6+3 [5]; [5,1]
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Human Rogue/Cleric — Holy Fool of Albarax

AC 14 | HP 14/14 | Encumbrance 15/15 | Initiative +1 | Turn Undead +1
Spells 0 ●●● | 1 ●●

At least the shaman was dead. That's all that really mattered.

Reaching for another arrow, he spoke to no one in particular in the shadows, but loud enough for at least the good sister to hear him. "I swear I'm normally better at this."

So armed, the holy fool aims and fires once more, this time at the warrior in hopes of helping bring things to a halt before they take a nasty turn for his companions.

Out of Character

Initiative: X

Attack vs. Warrior:


Initiative, +2 Dex
1d10 6
Shortbow vs Warrior
1d20+1 8
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Sister Clairese, Church Investigator & Priestess of Niro and Ivana

spacer.pngQUICK STATS:  AC = 18, Touch = 12, FF = 16 / HP = 23/23 / Init = +1 / Turn Undead = +2   ______________________________________________________________________

Sister Clairese feels a sense of internal relief when the Lizardman Shaman goes down in a bloody heap and is presently bleeding out. However, that was only half the battle as the Lizardman warrior continued to battle the holy woman's comrades.

However, without needing to worry about maintaining the ruse of the single faux witch, the Priestess of Niro and Ivana drops her short bow and draws a wicked looking morning star as she charges out of cover toward the skirmish.

Show Mechanics

Free Action:   Draw weapon as part of a move action

Move:  Move to help flank Lizardman Warrior

Swift Action:   

Move Action:   

Standard Action:  

Continuing Effects:  None

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
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This Poor Guy Shoulda Gone to Lizard Business School Like His Dad Wanted.

spacer.pngThe warrior turns and slides through the mud with sweeping strides, using his lifetime of moving on such surfaces to help keep out of the crosshairs. He cannot keep up with the dual-prong assault, though, and in ducking to the side away from Val's strike he stumbles into Neve's rapier, another shallow but bloody cut low across his back. He lacks the physiology to sweat but he breathes in deep gasps as he swings the club in a wide arc to keep Neve and Val back. The arrow that wedges into the ground just past him does little to break his attention as he catches sight to Sister Clairese's rapid approach. He lunges at Val but therisk of another jab from Neve prevents him from committing, leaving the elf plenty of room to duck away.

"Too many soft-skins. Not the witch..." His eyes seem to narrow as he puzzles out the implications, that you all used deception to dissuade his weaker kin from engaging to improve your odds. His tongue flicks out in a sweep across his upper mouth, not a lip exactly but what serves as one for his kind. "You sneak and lie, now you fight and die." He steadies himself, shoulders squared as he brings the great club around in a heavy swing to catch Sister Clairese in the middle of her approach.

"ќе бидам запаметен. Моето име ќе биде подарено на другI will be remembered. My name will be gifted to another.." There is a cadence to the words, grumbling and coarse as they are to your ears. Neve takes in their meaning, her knowledge of the base Draconic speech strong enough to cut through his dialect. It's a chant. "Мојата крв ќе го нахрани мочуриштето. Мојата душа слободно ќе плива.My blood will feed the swamp. My soul will swim free."


Lizardman Attack

Lizardman Damage

With three of you now in melee with the warrior, two of you can gain flank attack (+1 to attack) and one can gain back attack (+2 to attack) next round.

Warrior - Init 3; AC 15; 10/16 HP. Intention is to strike Clairese as she enters the fray.

Shaman - -1/10 HP. Unconscious, dying, mostly dead.


Edited by DoNotFearToTread (see edit history)
Lizardman Attack
1d20+3 2
Lizardman Damage
1d10+1 5
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Sister Clairese, Church Investigator & Priestess of Niro and Ivana

spacer.pngQUICK STATS:  AC = 18, Touch = 12, FF = 16 / HP = 21/23 / Init = +1 / Turn Undead = +2   ______________________________________________________________________

As an honored member of the 'Blue Sh'iare,' the Church's exclusive martial order, Sister Clairese's military education and extensive experience in the field easily allow her to dodge the reptilian's clumsy attack.

Since she is both well armored and thoroughly trained in combat, the holy woman tactically steps to flank the enemy, thus allowing another of her colleagues the luxury of the back-strike against the foe.

Blocking any attempts at a counterstrike with the buckler that is strapped to her left forearm, the Priestess of Niro and Ivanna waits for the right moment and then she swings and brings her wicked-looking morning star down hard on her scaly opponent.

The distinctive sound of cracking bones being split in twain clearly reveal the severity of Clairese's attack as her weapon comes violently crunching down upon the Lizardman Warrior with surprising speed and resounding force causing significant damage to the foe and nearly killing foul beast in a single stroke!

Show Mechanics

Free Action:   


Swift Action:   

Move Action:   

Standard Action:  Attack Lizardman Warrior with Morning Star while Flanking

Continuing Effects:  None

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
Attack Lizardman Warrior with Morning Star while Flanking
1d20+4 17
Piercing and Bludgeoning Damage
1d10+1 7
1d10+1 2
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Sylvan Elf - Primal Druid / Barbarian
Enhanced Senses | Twilight Vision | Spot Hidden Doors
AC: 17 | HP: 16 / 24 | Enc.: 22.5 / 25.5

Having missed her attacks multiple times in a row did little to calm Valfaren. In fact it served only to infuriate her. The fireblood rose up and boiled in her veins.

"I'll kill you!" she cried out, staying at the lizard's side as she swung the magic club yet again.


Attacking from the flank. I'll let Neve have the full back stab position.

+1 flank attack
16; 9
1d20+5;1d6+3 [11]; [11,6]
7; 2
1d20;+2 [7]; [7]
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Neve Nevergreen - Smallfolk Rogue:: AC 15 MV 20' HP 16/16 [Attack] :: Init. 1

It's over by the time she can react - the flurry of bigfolk turning the contest into a flurry of mud and boots and tail that has her scrambling back, ducking from the warrior's flailing, dying swings and the press of bodies of her companions.

There's not time for pity, and in truth there is none: the dying chant stirs no such soft feelings in her breast. Kinship? Yes. Recognition? Yes. But it was thus for all of their sort, and all in the Fell. It was true in the other wild places as well, though civilization hid it a bit better.

When it's all over but the dying, the rogue steps up and makes in quick, her own rough draconic a murmur cast to the rustling leaves.

"Од крв нашите души се измачувани, во крв се враќаат. Добро пливајте.From blood our souls are conjured, to blood they return. Swim well."


Initiative First 1d10, Dex +2 for ties

Opting to use the parry dagger TO parry, so it's a single weapon strike at the +2 back attack bonus. Sadly it is NOT a Back Stab as the lizardman is aware, so no double damage potential.

Math is AB (+1) Masterwork (+1) plus positioning (+2)

Rapier Attack To-Hit & Potential Damage

EDIT: Going dead last with a miss, but if the other two attacks hit the Lizman drops which gives Neve a +10 for hitting a defenseless/prone opponent for the coup de grace ... which she'll go for, and would hit the 15 AC. Post up in a bit.


Edited by Cirlot (see edit history)
Initiative First 1d10, Dex +2 for ties
1d10 1
Rapier Attack To-Hit
1d20+4 2
Potential Damage
1d6 6
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Human Rogue/Cleric — Holy Fool of Albarax

AC 14 | HP 14/14 | Encumbrance 15/15 | Initiative +1 | Turn Undead +1
Spells 0 ●●● | 1 ●●

This can only get better, right?

There's no reason to hold off and better to make sure the bastard is dead: Edgewicke pulls another arrow, notches it, and closes his eyes: will he finally hit, or just miss consistently?

Only one way to find out.

He fires again.

Out of Character

Initiative: X

Attack vs. Warrior:


Initiative, +2 Dex
1d10 8
Shortbow vs. Lizardfella
1d20+1 12
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Posted (edited)
Everything is Finished but the Dying

spacer.pngIt happens quickly. Four combatants moving in sync, each hoping to find a flaw in the form of the others. It is Wicke's arrow that sets it off, landing hard in the muck at the center of the melee. The lizardman lunges forward like a runner at the starting line, lashing out with a wide swing of the club in Sister Clairese's direction. The blow connects, but the cleric is able to shunt much of the force away with her shield.

With the warrior's flanks exposed by the desperate swing, Clairese and Val find their own openings easily enough. One goes high, one low, and the impacts spin the creature off his feet as they land. He hits the ground in a pile, the club spinning out of his grip and rolling into the underbrush. He is still, a slight twitch of the tail and a flexing of clawed fingers likely reflex more than intention, and Neve takes full advantage as she slips up next to him and drives her narrow blade into the back of his neck. A simple twist of the wrist is enough to sever nerves and separate vertebrae, her words giving a certain finality to the act. It is a good death for a warrior, that much is certain, and the creature soul departs as all do when their time is done.

This leaves two considerations as the crew regroup and take in their surroundings. Those lizardfolk who fled remain gone, no lurking in the bushes that anyone can discern, but the shaman remains on the ground and the shallow rise and fall of her chest indicates that she is somewhat less-than-dead.

The other issue, which each of you who have pierced the illusion on the tower can easily take in, is that the eye above the hidden doorway has taken on a distinctly...living appearance. No longer a carving of stone, it instead seems to have pupil and iris and sclera. Amber-hued, it moves in a slow sweep over the area before coming to rest on the collective group. Moments pass, silent but for the labored breathing of those still living, and then the stones beneath that door shift and grind as they move of their own accord. Each twists until they've realigned themselves into a rudimentary staircase leading to the door itself.

With no announcement of intention or reason, both halves of that double door slide inward and sit open.


Lizardman Attack

Lizardman Damage

2 damage to Clairese and the fight is done. Okay, so that's how combat generally works in C&C. Now, back to the story.

Warrior - Coup de grace'd. Not mostly dead. Dead dead.

Shaman - -1/10 HP. Unconscious, dying, mostly dead.


Edited by DoNotFearToTread (see edit history)
Lizardman Attack
1d20+3 17
Lizardman Damage
1d10+1 1
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Neve Nevergreen - Smallfolk Rogue

There's a mild incongruity in the sight of the muck covered smallfolk taking a moment to fastidiously clean her blade and not, well, everything else but it's with a tiny sigh and a last, lingering look at the warrior that Neve does so.  Wiping the blade of her rapier clean, she nods once in direction of the fallen Shaman.

"By rights that one is e'en more dangerous, and a master should not stand unharmed when there servants lie un-spared - " her glance drops to the warrior, the briefest shadow crossing her face before she shakes of off and sheathes her blade.

"But where there is breath there is life and where there is life there is a bargain to be made.  Having a shaman of their tribe in our debt could be useful down the road, if we thought the debt would be honored.  If not, best they be ended here, or - " a tiny shrug.  " - if we've not the taste for it we might simply let the swamp claim what it will."

"We are observed tho; should it temper the judgement.  It did not sound from their speech that the Witch was one to offer much mercy but mayhap she values what she herself does not possess."

Looking up at the tallfolk, Neve folded her arms, shrugged, then looked down at her mud-caked boots.

"Either way, an invitation has been extended.  I'll not pretend we can approach in stealth but I'm amenable to going first, scouts duty and all.  Tho - " she grimaces at her boots.  " - one hopes she does not have carpets."

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Sylvan Elf - Primal Druid / Barbarian
Enhanced Senses | Twilight Vision | Spot Hidden Doors
AC: 17 | HP: 16 / 24 | Enc.: 22.5 / 25.5

Slamming her club into the lizard had settled a bit of Valfaren's growing anger. Her teeth were clenched tightly as she seethed, heavy breaths passing through her lips.

"That's what you get!" she said to the corpse, kicking it in the ribs once. Dropping her club, the magic quickly dissipated from it and became a gnarled branch again.

The warrior didn't want to face how much she'd missed her attacks. Instead, she slid a hand across her mouth and nose with a snort. "He couldn't stand up to my fury! Ha-haaaa!" she boasted.

As Neve pointed out the shaman, Val decided to walk over to the lizard woman. She pulled her sword free and rubbed some of the spices and mud free of her skin as she moved. With the tip of her blade at the lizard's throat, she asked, "Hey, say something."

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