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The Witch of the Withered Grove (Act I, Scene I)


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Sister Clairese, Church Investigator & Priestess of Niro and Ivana

spacer.pngQUICK STATS:  AC = 18, Touch = 12, FF = 16 / HP = 21/23 / Init = +1 / Turn Undead = +2   ______________________________________________________________________

Sister Clairese had 'sanctioned' other creatures for the church so many times when she was a member of the 'Blue Sh'iare' that the holy woman no longer regretted, feared nor celebrated such events and, even though life is considered to be sacred, she learned long ago that killing is simply sometimes a necessary reality.

Even though they were enemies moments ago, nonetheless the Priestess of Niro and Ivanna silently mouths a prayer to the gods for the fallen and dying foes as has always been her tradition regardless of the underlying reasons for the violent 'injunction', while she takes the time to clean her gore-covered weapon.

However, when some of the others speak of letting the lizard Shaman die, killing her, or alternatively trying to negotiate with the person whom we struck down and whose right-hand man we just exterminated, the martial Priestess of Niro and Ivanna says, "Hold, imprison, interrogate, even temporarily use her; but trusting and releasing her would be inadvisable."

"Perhaps the witch will have a long-term solution, but it's clear that we can't keep her as a long-term captive, and we don't have the facilities to imprison the Shaman either. So, when you think of options, just imagine what you would do to us if we killed some of your family, we also tried to kill you but failed, and then we later released you handle your own affairs," she says suggestively.

"Do you imagine that would endear you to trust and work with us or would the murder of your kin and the failed attempt on your life possibly provoke a more violent response once you are free, back home safe, and re-empowered. Would you try to convince your relatives to forget the past, put aside notions of revenge and to work with those who killed your family," she logically asks her colleagues?

However, when Val attempts to revive the dying Shaman with a poke of her blade, Sister Clairese politely says, "She will awaken immediately with magical healing or will awaken over time if we treat her injuries, provide her sustenance and allow her to sleep and heal. However, if neither is provided and we let the gods decide, then it will come down to the spell-slinger's constitution and heart to either stabilize on her own or simply expire in the next minute or so. The sword point won't matter."

"An alternative solution to the Shaman conundrum might lie within the tower, so if we are to temporarily keep her as a captive, then she must be restrained and, most of the time, gagged after she is questioned, so magic-user can't escape, attack us or cast spells," the minister adds.

"I have some silk rope, part of which we can use to tie her hands tight behind her back at the wrists and also her ankles together with a looser rope as a hobble that will allow her to easily move, but not run. But if no permanent solution is found, then eventually we might have to 'sanction' the prisoner," the armored cleric matter-of-factly adds as she wipes her own small cut clean with sterile cloth and a splash of alcohol.

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Continuing Effects:  None

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
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Human Rogue/Cleric — Holy Fool of Albarax

AC 14 | HP 14/14 | Encumbrance 15/15 | Initiative +1 | Turn Undead +1
Spells 0 ●●● | 1 ●●

Watching as his arrow leads to the fall of combat, he grimaces at the wound the sister takes, not exactly blaming himself but knowing full well he could have been more useful. When the warrior falls, Wicke touches his holy symbol and sighs. "Some help you were."

As they contend on what to do, Wicke walks over and puts his bow up, analyzing Clarisse's wound and letting her treat it: it doesn't call for magic just yet, so he doesn't offer it, but keeps that in mind.

"I don't mind scouting ahead with you, Neve: at least I can be of use there, I think. But I agree: a hostage may be a boon in this instance, so long as we can keep the shaman in tow. Your rope will come in handy, Sister."

Out of Character


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Posted (edited)
So Shines a Good Deed in a...or Does it?

Each of the gathered presents some point as to their current predicament. Kill, capture or abandon the shaman. All seem equally viable under the circumstances. Val, standing over the prone body of the lizardwoman with a blade heavy in her hand, would have the easiest time with the first. It would take only a single forward thrust to stop that chest from it's unsteady rise and fall. It isn't as though the shaman is likely to prove less of a threat once she is roused. A single thrust to secure their future. Her blood almost demands it, still hot from the fight and the bloodshed.

On the other hand, the one less burdened by a weapon, it is also possible the lizardmen they scattered to winds might well return. Perhaps in force. Having a bargaining chip in their pocket might well serve them in that situation. The tower does seem to be largely impregnable to the likes of them, but the group's business may keep them here for an indeterminate amount of time. Do they really want to be here when the tribe comes calling? The shaman's tail twitches in the mud, holding Val's attention. As a seasoned warrior, the elf knows the first thing one must do when standing over a fallen enemy is strip them of potential weapons. The knife is obvious, with it's bone hilt and gleaming blade. A quick search reveals a sling of scaly leather and a pouch of stones, a twisting stick about a foot in length strapped to her belt, and two clay jars the contents of which slosh about when handled.

Neve is able to peer up those stairs from the safety of the ground and catch sight of the short corridor within, opening wider to a sort of foyer with the expected appointments. Chairs, a table, lamps to light the area. No movement to be seen. Climbing those stairs seems like a sort of commitment, though. Advancing into the unknown. Despite the invitation obvious in those open doors, the smallfolk can't help but feel the apprehension tickle its way down her spine. Will she be leading three people into the tower, or four? None of the crew are strangers to killing, but is killing this one necessary? It is really just finishing the job they began, right? The jury remains undecided on the issue and the sun has already dipped below the stunted trees of the Withered Grove. Not long until the light of day vanishes completely.


Does the shaman live or die? Do you brave the Witch's tower?


Edited by DoNotFearToTread (see edit history)
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Sylvan Elf - Primal Druid / Barbarian
Enhanced Senses | Twilight Vision | Spot Hidden Doors
AC: 17 | HP: 16 / 24 | Enc.: 22.5 / 25.5

After getting all the shaman's weaponry off her, Val spoke with a lazy look toward Sister Clarice.

"You intend to keep this one alive? This weakling? Nah, she forfeit that right when she lost." The Elf drug the edge of her blade slowly against the scales along the shaman's chin, making a repetitive clinking sound.

"I just wanted to see if she had any talk left in her before she meets her maker."

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Into the Tower

The shaman's death is quick, a thrust of the blade at the throat and it is over. No sense in wasting the favor of the gods or bottled magics to keep an enemy like that alive. Val rifles through the lizardwoman's belongings and comes away with an armful of interesting gear, worthy of further inspection when time allows. The group gathers at the base of the tower as Neve climbs the stairs, not hiding or presenting a threat. They were invited, after all, by an open door.

Inside, the tower opens up to the waiting area Neve could see from below. A table, some chairs, shelves lined with trophies and knick-knacks galore. Skulls of strange creatures, porcelain pots with imagery from unknown lands, faded leather sacks containing baubles and trinkets. A collector, this Witch, or perhaps hoarder is more accurate. There are details to notice, and Neve is the type to notice them. There is no dust on the surfaces, so someone has been tending to the cleaning even if this Witch is absent as the lizardfolk said. The temperature in the tower is cooler than the balmy outside, enough that it has to be deliberate.

Stairs climb the circular wall on the left to a balcony above, and at the railing of that balcony stand two youths. Humans, teenagers by the look, and sibilings if the similar features and hair color are an indication. Simply attired and thin bordering on scrawny, they stare down at Neve from their perch like sentinels. Then the girl lifts her hand in a hesitant wave of greeting and the boy calls down a greeting that shifts from the common vulgate to elven to a dwarven dialect from word to word. It's jarring to hear but easy enough to decipher given her penchant for languages.

"We're grateful for what you did but if you came to see the Witch, you're going to be disappointed." He looks toward the door to the outside where the others still linger, awaiting some signal perhaps? "We have food if you're hungry, though not much. The tower's magics aren't what they once were." The girl motions toward the stairs, surely an invitation to ascend.


Found on the shaman's person: Knife with a bone hilt and polished blade, sling of scaly leather with a pouch of stones, foot long twisted stick etched with vine imagery, two clay jars filled with liquid.


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Neve Small

Neve Nevergreen - Smallfolk Rogue

Neve was prepared for - or thought she was prepared for - many things within the Witch's Tower.  However, in all the imagined encounters and contingencies Neve was prepping for as she crept up the stone stairs beneath the watchful arcane eye teenagers had not been anticipated.

Teenagers.  Children.

Not much older than her own -

Neve smothered that thought, throttling it hard and shoving it deep even as she raised her own hand and returned the tentative waive.

"Hard to be disappointed when nothing was expected.  The Oracle of the Mount sought word of the Witch of the Withered Grove, sent us.  I think they were friends after a fashion."  Neve's fingers itched and she wished, as she looked up at the childer, that she had thought to reclaim the seeing stone before the fight.  Then again, mistrust came easy and in the absence of certainty the answer came easily: treat them as one might treat the Witch.  Simple enough.

"If you know what transpired outside, you know our number.  Might I call them in?  And - " she casts a glance down at the mud spattered . . . everything, upon her person.  "Out of respect might I ask if either you or your sister have any dweomers of the lesser sort that might deal with - " her hand flicks down the length of her muddied side, the gesture a word.  This.

She does not offer her name or ask theirs.  They were of - or were themselves - the Witch, after all, and to those of her kind Names had power.  Not something to be bartered with casually.

Out of Character

If they give any indication of ascent or indifference to calling the rest of the party in, Neve will do so . . . and if they express negative reactions to it she'll call the party in at volume and speed. So assume Neve calls the group in to join the encounter.

Neve will also start mounting the indicated stairs up, albeit slowly.


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Sister Clairese, Church Investigator & Priestess of Niro and Ivana

spacer.pngQUICK STATS:  AC = 18, Touch = 12, FF = 16 / HP = 21/23 / Init = +1 / Turn Undead = +2   ______________________________________________________________________

Sister Clairese doesn't flinch in the slightest when Val uses a coup de grace to end the life of the Shaman, whom the holy woman had incapacitated and delivered unto death's doorstep with her magical attacks earlier in the battle, and instead she merely silently says a quick funerary prayer for the fallen.

Well, it's probably for the better and it was the likely outcome in the end anyway, the Priestess of Niro and Ivanna thinks to herself after the painless strike on the unconscious Shaman is fait accompli, especially since the group did not have the resources nor facilities to hold the lizardman captive.  

Instead, Clairese maintains perimeter security while her colleagues search and loot the bodies of the dead lizardfolk. Once they are done, then the holy woman shifts her focus toward the unspoken invitation to enter the Witch's Tower through the open front portal, an eerie overture which Neve has just accepted by entering herself.

Once her other two colleagues have finished their ministrations and given the lack of any reason to linger any longer outside, the minister will stow her bow and then quietly enter the Tower as well, only to be completely surprised when she sees Neve talking to a couple of teenagers who seem to be inviting her to dinner.

Once appropriate in the conversation, the Priestess only partially introduces herself by simply saying, "Hello. I'm Clairese," as she reads the body language and linguistic intonations of these unexpected youths in an attempt to gauge their veracity and authenticity, after all she was trained to be skeptical.

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Standard Action:  Sense Motive

Continuing Effects:  None

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
Sense Motive
1d20+2 3
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Into the Tower

Entering the tower is simple, and the invitation has been clearly given. Clairese follows up on Neve's entrance and finds the layout much the same. A sitting area, a place to wait or converse, with stairs rising along the left wall toward the balcony where the two teenagers stand. To the Sh'iare, the words reach her in the common vulgate tongue. The only one she's ever taken the time to learn. But they do shift in tone and inflection much the way a change in dialect might. Some of the words have the clarity of the accents common to Nirvana, others seems to drawl out in a way native speakers from Helgen do. Edgewicke hears things similarly upon his own entrance, disguised though it may be. Val's impression is far different, words shifting from vulgate to smallfolk to the tongue of the goblin-kin of the northern mountains. All languages she has familiarity with, mashed together in a bothersome patois.

"My name is Broderick. My sister is Ilyra. She doesn't speak, or hear, but she can read your face if you speak at her." A childhood ailment or trauma, perhaps? Something the Witch was unable, or unwilling, to mend? Neve is first to the balcony, though the others are invited to follow suit, and finds it simply decorated as well. A table, this one larger and designed for eating, flanked by wooden chairs. A few benches off to the side for overflow. A cabinet and shelf near a door on the left wall, filled with plates and cups. That door is open and leads to a small kitchen, the stove and wash basin obvious from outside. Another door, this one opposite the kitchen, opens to a small room with two cots inside. A servants quarters if ever there was one. Near that door another set of stairs rises along the wall to the ceiling, where an opening allows passage to the next floor up.

"We know the Oracle. She has been kind to us in the past but she does not visit often." Broderick grabs a few plates from the shelf and sets them on the table as his sister moves quickly to the kitchen and clatters about within. "Are you hungry? We used to be able to offer more but the tower isn't working the way it did. Most of the food that the cabinets offer is moldy or uncooked now." He motions to a stone basin set against the railing of the balcony, where he'd previously been standing. It looks much like a birdbath, with a shallow bowl atop a stone support. "The eye still works, though. The way you all fought off those lizards was pretty amazing." He takes a seat at the table as Ilyra comes out with a plate of bread and a pitcher of something that smells somewhat like weak wine. Glancing over Neve's stained attire, he offers a strained smile. "No magic to speak of, but there is a wash tub upstairs and we can see to your clothes while you bathe. I wish I had better news but the Witch is not here. I can explain if you wish to sit with us."


I'm not going to do a whole exposition thing here, so I'll summarize his story next post if people choose to listen. Not jumping to the conclusion that you all will so I won't initiate that here. Also, there is the question of Wicke the Snoop and his current intentions.


Edited by DoNotFearToTread (see edit history)
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Sylvan Elf - Primal Druid / Barbarian
Enhanced Senses | Twilight Vision | Spot Hidden Doors
AC: 17 | HP: 16 / 24 | Enc.: 22.5 / 25.5

Seeing two of her companions go up, and then non-aggressive speech echo down toward her, Val decided to follow. Lumbering up the stairs with her gaze fixed on her new toys, she asked aloud, "Hey, that shaman had some nice stuff maybe. I don't know. This one is probably just some dumb knife though." In her left hand was a knife with bone handle, tucked in the crook of her elbow were two clay jars with liquid. In her right hand was a sling and leather pouch of stones, a foot-long stick wedged in her armpit.

"Hey, hey, Neve come look at my--oh. Hi, I'm Val. Gals, whose your new friends?" she said, pivoting easily. She didn't really care. She started looking for a table to set this stuff on. If there was none, she'd sit on the floor.

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Sister Clairese, Church Investigator & Priestess of Niro and Ivana

spacer.pngQUICK STATS:  AC = 18, Touch = 12, FF = 16 / HP = 21/23 / Init = +1 / Turn Undead = +2   ______________________________________________________________________

Even though the teenagers inside the Witch's Tower were acting like good hosts, nonetheless Sister Clairese's nature makes her naturally suspicious of most things, especially surprises.

As such, the Priestess of Niro and Ivanna maintains a respectable distance as she continues to evaluate the veracity of the pair, while also keeping her eyes and ears focused on the immediate surroundings as well.

When Broderick and Ilyra offer to serve some food, the holy woman paints her face with a well-practiced smile and honestly says, "No thank you.  I greatly appreciate your offer, but I have already eaten."

Not wishing to talk at this point and desiring more to observe these strange two, the minister falls quiet until Valfaren enters and mentions the trinkets recovered from the Shaman.

Whispering to her colleague, Sister Clairese says in a hushed tone so as not to be easily overheard, "We can check them for magical auras, but that's no guarantee we can determine their exact nature." 

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Standard Action:  Sense Motive

Continuing Effects:  None

Sense Motive
1d20+2 18
Spot Listen and other Sense
1d20+2 1
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Human Rogue/Cleric — Holy Fool of Albarax

AC 14 | HP 14/14 | Encumbrance 15/15 | Initiative +1 | Turn Undead +1
Spells 0 ●●● | 1 ●●

Not far behind Neve, Wicke follows Clarisse in and bows silently in his greeting. When Broderick notes his sister's ability, Wicke approaches her, makes eye contact, bows, and speaks, not too slowly but slow enough to get his point across. "Well-met, Ilryia. I am Wicke, and quite pleased to make your acquaintance. How long have the two of you lived here?" While none of his group back home were differently abled, he knew plenty in the slums who were: it seemed to be a place where many such children and elderly ended up, and it was with them much of the wealth he and his group accumulated ended up. He had a soft spot for such souls, and here in the swamp he never would have expected to find souls like them. "And where might we find the Witch, if she isn't here? While I cannot enjoy your hospitality for much the same reason as the Sister here, I can certainly hear your tale."

He listens to Clarisse's suggestion of auras and such, but merely nods with privacy and reservations. Best to talk it out, and listen as he can.

Out of Character


Listen Check
1d20+1 16
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Neve Nevergreen - Smallfolk Rogue

Neve glanced up at Sister Clairese and kept her face deadpan as she spoke, sotto voce, from the side of her mouth.

"We could try, I've some ken to it, I imagine you do, too, but - " she shrugged a little and actually turned to face the Sister, letting the artifice of their conversation slip a little.  Was foolish to think they'd be able to hold secrets in the Witch's Seclusium, and it was better not to insult the children with a try.  " - asking the aether to name the enchantments here will be naught but a headache.  Have Foxwish spy them with the seeing stone, if it's a question of identity but it's an odd con if it's con."

"There's no edge in lulling us into a false sense of security when they could've just not let us in.  And given who sent us - " another small shrug.  "Then again, we're meddling in magic here so - " she threw up her fingers in a 'who knows' gesture.

Turning back to the pair Neve bowed, not a noble's curtsey but a servants deference.

"Pardon my rudeness; our purpose demands a certain level of suspicion.  But, by the laws of hospitality I thank the and return what is offered - a name for a name.  I am Neve Nevergreen - " it was not exactly a breech of etiquette to offer her usename rather than true name, but, Neve reasoned, her name wasn't entirely her own and as such was not hers to offer in full.  Yes, that bit of self-justification would do quite nicely.

"And my thanks for your kind offer, as tempting as the bath is I'll not keep business on my account.  I'll just . . . " looking around for someplace where mud would not be minded, Neve ending up turning a full three sixty and taking in the tower entire before looking back to Broderick and Ilyra with a sheepish grin.  " - stand.  I'll be fine."

"You . . .  well you mentioned the tower wasn't working the way it used to?  I take it the tower used to handle interlopers on your behalf, provide food and whatnot in the Witches absence?  How long has it been faltering?"

Out of Character

So Neve is a big fat liar and is using her saying "no" to Sister Clairese as a distraction to perform the scry without the children being the wiser - Neve is going to use the innate Magic User ability of Detect Magic, it acts like the spell. Per the spell description it may, at the CK's discretion, require an Intelligence Check, not sure if it's needed (I mean, Witches tower, so probably) and if it is what the TN is but she's a +2 for INT, +1 for MU level and the check is considered Prime.

Intelligence Check (Prime)

Edit: . . . aaaaand that's a nat 20. NEVE SEES ALL! 😃


Edited by Cirlot (see edit history)
Intelligence Check (Prime)
1d20+3 20
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The Witch's Tower: Story at 11

spacer.pngIlyra's take on the situation goes from hesitant concern to wary interest when Wicke specifically addresses her in a manner that respectfully accommodates her unique situation. She steps away from the railing a bit as she watches his face and a smile finds its way onto her lips as she holds up four fingers, then makes a circle around that hand with the other. Four rotations, four years in service to the Witch. The Oracle had a girl of similar age assisting at her home. Apprenticeships are not uncommon among powerful practitioners but these two claim to have no magic, which makes that relationship unlikely. Ilyra's smile remains as she moves off to the kitchen to bring back the, admittedly sparse, fare and she spares several glances over her shoulder to Wicke as she busies herself with the task.

Val has no trouble finding a suitable surface to lay out her finds from the battle. Tables, both dining and end, are prominent in the first floor waiting area and the balcony dining room. Neither of the children object to her making use of any of those for her purpose. Broderick takes up a piece of bread from the platter on the table, and a cup of water, before turning back to the group. He chews on the bread for a few moments longer than would be necessary if it were fresh, and follows it up with a drink that seems to alleviate the struggle.

"Yes, the tower provides. The Witch says it has been so always. The larder is filled when needed, the air remains comfortable. Now, though, things aren't the same. The food is sparse, and often stale or rotten. The night grows chilly no matter how much we stoke the fires." He motions again to the stone bowl on the pedestal near the balcony's railing. "The Eye lets us see and the door opens when we wish, but the barrier that kept those beasts away has fallen. They'll come back with more, I'm sure of it. But they can't seem to see through the false walls so they haven't been able to get in." He takes another tear off the bread and drains the cup of its contents before pulling a chair over to where he can best see everyone at once, sitting backwards on it. His sister kneels on the floor beside him, chewing on a small rind of cheese as he goes into detail.

spacer.pngThe Witch, he explains, has a habit of retreating into the basement of the tower every month for a day or two. It has always been that way, and never has she missed the schedule. Except this time, three weeks past, when she did not return nor send word. The children are not permitted to enter, and though they tried when she didn't return this time they found themselves unable to even approach the threshold no matter how much they wished to. The Witch has never shared with them her purpose there, but when she goes the tower seems to brighten and resonate with energy. She is always exhausted on her return and sleeps for a full day in her room at the tower's apex.

Now that she is missing the tower's magic is unpredictable, but it is clearly failing. Try as they might, they cannot keep the shelves dusted and the rugs clean. Food supplies are dwindling and as he explains it, it becomes clear that there is genuine concern in him. Not necessarily for the Witch, who Sister Clairese in particular notices his smile fades when he mentions, but for himself and his sister. And rightfully so if they've been told anything about the environment around this place. Two unschooled, untrained teenagers wandering the Withered Grove alone would certainly make for a short adventure.

"But now you're here and you can tell the Oracle, right? She and the Witch were friendly enough. Don't you think she would help us?" There is desperation in that plea, and even Ilyra senses it enough to rest a hand on his knee and offer a comforting smile, though it doesn't take a keen read on people to see that as the mask it is.

Neve, for her part, finds herself distracted during the telling as she opens herself up to the auras of magic. The items, first, and auras do appear. The knife glows, as does the carved branch and the clay pots. Faintly, but visible. It is when she looks past them that she sees the truth. Overpowering, flickering auras saturate the entirety of this place. The stones of the walls, the wood of the furniture, the cloth of the tapestries. Unstable fluctuations in impossibly strong magical auras that threaten to drown out all she can see and hear. Even the children are so afflicted, glowing with overlapping auras of their own.


Hit them kids up with any questions. Detail your purpose for being here if you'd like. Whatcha wanna do?


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Neve Nevergreen - Smallfolk Rogue

"Bloody hells - "  Neve turns ever so faintly green and immediately makes a liar of herself; plopping unsteadily down upon a chair as one hand goes to her temple and her eyes screw briefly shut.  Steadying her breathing, she huffs a large sigh before taking in a large breath through her nose and then out again from the mouth.  The fingers at her temple tap once, then twice, then rub small circles as she winces before opening her eyes again.

"Sorry."  She mutters "Tired all of a sudden.  Fight took more out of me than I thought.  My apologies about your upholstery."

Settling into her seat as the aura's fade, Neve's eyes narrowed at the girlish smile Ilyra cast Wickes way.  Looking from the girl, to the rogue priest, then back again, Neve 's face faltered between a scowl and a grin before settling on neither, her eyes rolling once as she lashed out with a boot and tried to thump Wicke in the shins.  Making eye contact she engaged in the time honored pantomime of irritated friends and indiscreet parents, mouthing D O N T Y O U D A R E at him before turning back to the conversation at hand . . .


"Aye, we can tell the Oracle but - " frowning, Neve leaned forward, casting a glance down the hall and into the depths of the tower before turning back and settling her gaze on the children.

" - I cannot speak for her intentions.  It's telling, I think, that she sent us here to find the Witch rather than to return thee to her."

"I'm wondering - " Neve looked around the circle of her companions, wondering if they had drawn the same conclusion as her.  " - you are barred from the Basement, and I'd wager that the same magic that has the tower serve you binds you from entrance to that place.  We - " another glance, conspiratorial, clever as hint of a smile creases the smallfolk's face.  " - are likely not so bound.  What cause has the Witch to bar strangers from a basement they don't know exists in a tower they cannot see the doorway of?"

"With permission - and agreement - " the first is said to the children, the last to the party entire.  " - might we try making our way into the basement ourselves, to see if we can render aid or, failing that, find cause?"

Edited by Cirlot (see edit history)
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Sister Clairese, Church Investigator & Priestess of Niro and Ivana

spacer.pngQUICK STATS:  AC = 18, Touch = 12, FF = 16 / HP = 21/23 / Init = +1 / Turn Undead = +2   ______________________________________________________________________

Sister Clairese listens much more than she talks as the church investigator continues to evaluate the pair of highly strange 'children' who apparently live in the Witch's Tower, however for reasons or purposes yet to be truly discovered.

Thus, when the children indicated that the Tower provides for their needs and that the Witch says is has always been so, the holy woman silently wonders to herself if the Tower is older than the Witch and, if so, who might have built the unusual structure.  

Furthermore, Sister Clairese also wonders how long the children have been here, how long they are, where were they before, why are they here and, most importantly, what is their relationship to the witch, meaning how does the witch benefit from their presence of use them for her purposes, especially when Broderick's body language indicates a possible dislike of the witch.

However, when the pair disclose that the Tower has been malfunctioning lately as evidenced by it providing sparse amounts of food that is often stale or rotten, its inability to maintain constant temperatures, or even remain clean even with constant work, the minister contemplates the matter and wonders if Neve had detected any taint in the magical auras of the place.

Nonetheless, the conundrum starts to make sense when the children disclose that the witch typically disappears into basement every month for a day or two and that the Tower seems magically renewed following her return, but now she has been missing while conducting such task for nearly three weeks now, and that their efforts to try and access the basement was prevented by the Tower itself.

Thus, when Neve suggests that the basement's magic might not bar the party from access, Sister Clairese nods her head affirmatively at the logical suggestion.  Furthermore, when the small lass proposes the possibility of investigating the situation, the holy woman agrees saying, "It might be possible to at least try check to see if we can help favorably resolve the situation. But I think we need to know more first."

"By the way, there should be a fancy box which the Witch and Oracle use to speak to each other. We can try to see if it still works and, if so, then we can send a message to the Oracle from here letting her know what we found," the Priestess of Niro and Ivanna logically suggests since that would be a hedge on their bets should the basement capture or kill the party and prevent us from fixing or reporting the problem.

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Standard Action:  Sense Motive

Continuing Effects:  None

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
Continue to Sense Motive of the Children
1d20+3 8
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