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Barthalk, Manipulator of the Ephemeral Veil


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Level. 1
Class. Manipulator of the Ephemeral Veil
Shatterdice. 4
Attributes. Physical 6, Intellect 8, Charm 7, Intuition 5
Tags. Sorcerer, Necromantic, Charming

Include in your application a physical description, and if you like, a brief background, plus a brief paragraph or two in which your hero would respond with all moxie to the following situation (contain a bit of social flair, wit, and tap into the special effects budget):

Barthak is a well dressed man in his mid 30s with refined appearance but with the unnaturally pale pallor of too much time indoors studying old tomes or perhaps something fouler.... Average height, reasonable physical build but no paragon of might, not the kind of man to stick out at the tavern. Many, and with good judgment he admits, view even the most wholesome practitioners of magic with a heft dollop of suspicion and if they knew his art Barthak would receive more than that. He was no foul puppeteer of undeath however. Barthak understand the balance between the sides of the coin and how each fed each in a cycle unending. This he had deduced first in the musty halls of the Cathedral of the Arcane and reinforced in his travels to parts far and wide as part of his journey for magical implements and eldritch knowledge sacred and profane.


All around you are scarred goons wielding crossbows. There is no way out of this cellar except through the stairs behind them. And standing at the top of the landing is a cowled villain with golden eyes. "I've caught you at last, god shard. Your light will be extinguished this night."

Barthak returned the stare with level focus. A man who has seen what I have seen understands that death is only a beginning, a transient across that oh so flimsy veil. But not a path for me tonight. For you, maybe. For the fools who decided that your foul coin was worth this job, a certainty!

An air of queasiness settled over the minions and they began to look askance wavering. Then, the room reverberated with the CRACK of thunder and what little light there was vanished. A moment later, a blinding white flash seared the room, revealing Barthak on the landing above the stairs, the evildoer thrashing as he tumbled down the steps, and the guards lying dead and broken on the floor. A few began to stir with unnatural movements... I shall take my leave now, gentlemen remarked Barthak as he slipped out.



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Love the conflict blurb! Barthalk promises to be a creepy yet refined addition to his shard mates. I'm wondering if you can punch up the class a bit? Ritualist is fine. Profane Deathsoother is better even if I don't completely know what it means. Go with something original even if it's just the sound of it. Through play, we may begin to know the nuances of the "class". What do you think, @matt_s?

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