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Commagene exited through a side exit. She'll have to move to get LoS, but she can move and shoot. As a service announcement, moving normally and shooting on burst fire are both half-actions =)

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No, see - I'm still occasionally hearing from Zeke. I thought he was going to post, so I waited for him. He .. is obviously still busy with the restaurant thing, so I shall stop waiting for him. He will post when he posts. I, however, will post right now.

And sorry for the wait.

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There's this thing called Fate, that I may have mentioned before, that resets 'each session' - which basically translates into each encounter. I'm just throwing that out there for no reason. And I didn't check in advance whether you actually bought a reroll, and just crit-failed twice in a row. But I'm guessing not =)

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I thought you couldn't use Fate on Crit fails. I thought it was only available for a regular failed check. Could you confirm? Because that was the way it worked in other Warhammer rules.

Now, part of me wants to keep the crit fail because Commagene is not the combat person in the group and the fact her weapon failed means she won't trust it, and will go buy something good after the adventure is over (which should be pretty soon).

Plus, she has a short sword, and is likely to just toss the gun away and wade into melee with the last of the pirates.

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Huh? Is that a rule? I'd wager that's 2e. This is 1e. Fate saves your ass, when you need it. It's Fated. The emprah says so.

Don't let me tell you you can't keep your crit fail. That's entirely up to you, and I respect the RP decision. I just always remind people it's there as an option, because no one ever seems to remember =D

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Well, I kinda did forget, and as a momentary reaction I would have spent it. But I think I like Commagene's next action set of charging forward and trying to shove a short sword into someone. But I'll let everyone else catch up first.


I am playing a WH Fantasy 4e, and a different 40K so I do mix up the rules a bit as none of them use the "same" rule system.

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I never really got the hang of advance schemes - I think maybe they did away with them in 5e? And for 40k, every book seems to have it's own ruleset, similar, but just subtly different enough to cause confusion. And on top of that, I don't entirely buy the lore, either.

So when the lore is: So much tech was lost after the Dark Age of Technology - that's entirely untrue in this game. Instead, technology has marched on, but since it is so tightly controlled, and released 'into the wild' so sparingly, much tech is known only on Terra and Mars, and much is produced in only a few places, meaning there's nowhere near enough to supply all of the immense size of the Imperium.

And so on.

Like, would the Mechanicus forget to backup their drives? Because how else could the STC ever get lost?

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