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And so it begins…


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You wake up confused and with a terrible headache and image.gif.8c59717ad5a9420dcd26de648d0dd6b2.gif.


You pick yourself up, dusting off your clothes, armor, face, hands, etc. around you are three strangers, all similarly pulling themselves together. You take this time to look around before getting to know these people, if one of them is responsible, and then get the hell out.

The room itself is 70’ long by 20’ wide. A door sits on the southern wall while three doors dot the northern wall. One is due north of the southern door, one northeast, and one northwest. Otherwise, the hewn stone room is bare. No glyphs mark it, no writing or art. Just stone. Lots of stone. To the west is an old hag, cackling as you try to make sense of it all.


Starting room
1d6 1
2d6 2,4
1d100 64
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Alex.jpg.787435bbcb23abf910e862a0802bde19.jpg Alex Cobb

Human Variant, Folk Hero, Cleric of Life

AC: 18 (chainmail and shield) | HP: 11/11 (1d8) | Speed: 30 ft.
Senses: passive Perception 14, Insight 14, Investigation 13
Str: 16 (+3) | Dex: 13 (+1) | Con: 16 (+3) | Int: 16 (+3) | Wis: 18 (+4) | Cha: 14 (+2)
Languages: Common, Goblin

My words, | My thoughts, | My actions . . .

Alex gets up and after his moment of disorientation he glances around quickly taking in the room he is in and the others that are with him. He takes note of the cackle hag.

What is this place? Return me at once, my family is in peril! I don't have time for this!

He stands ready with his shield and mace in hand. He is clearly panicking and from his glances you can tell he is trying to figure out which door will get him out of this place and back home.





Edited by Draidden (see edit history)
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image.png.c01648360009556df6d23cb9bd0dfe27.pngPrestina Glitterune: Soldier Dragonmarked Gnome Paladin

AC: 18 (chainmail and shield) | HP: 14/14 (1d10) | Speed: 25 ft.
Senses: Darkvision, Passive Perception 11, Insight 11, Investigation 12
Str: 17 (+3) | Dex: 11 (+0) | Con: 18 (+4) | Int: 15 (+2) | Wis: 11 (+0) | Cha: 16 (+3)
Languages: Common, Gnome | Lay on Hands: 5/5 | Divine Sense: 4/4

After dusting herself off the little gnome give a small cough into her gauntlet... "Ehem..." She says, clearing her throat as she looked at the rather frantic fellow. "More haste, makes for less speed. This is no goblin or kobold, perhaps we would get further with some honey, that spittling vinegar?"

She turns to the cackling hag, striding deliberately towards her, and while bashing the infernal woman's head in seemed like a delightful prospect, it would make it more difficult for the witch to respond with anything that could be useful. "Good woman, I am Prestina Glitterune, Paldin of the Ironhand. I beseech thee to forgive this man's temper, as he is clearly under duress, but his question does stand: Where are we? Furthermore, why are we and how might we depart?"

oops... forgot the d20 lol
1d20+5 8
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TalynHarashi.jpg.a4c128c251966740c951837dd74bb0e1.jpgTalyn slowly rises to his feet, his hand on the hilt of one of his daggers. Seeing two of the others in varying degrees of action he is comfortable in letting the gnome and human converse with the hag and moves to inspect the doors, starting with the one to their South.

Edited by JagrHunter (see edit history)
1d20+4 8
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Sikhandyn Yelwenys - Half-Elf Divine Soul Sorcerer (Character Sheet)

AC: 12 | HP: 8/8 | Speed: 30' | Initiative: +2 | Passive Perception: 13


SikhandynYelwenys.png.cc6cceae17dd1d4d3e6393e1d748358f.pngSikhandyn is the last to stand up.

The young man glances at the four strangers with him in this ominous room; two of them seem just as surprised as him to be here, and have already begun interrogating the laughing witch...

But one seems to have taken action already and is investigating the southern door.

The sorcerer approaches him, a smile on his face.

"Not sure why we are here, but let's find a way out. This will help you." he tells him.

With that, he begins muttering a short incantation.


Cast: Guidance on Talyn.











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Talyn looks over the doors. Visually, all four are identical. Oaken doors with no locks on them, only simple ring handles.


Watching your confusion and attempts to find an immediate way out causes the old woman to cackle more, leading to a coughing fit. She spits a glob of mucus on the ground before answering thusly..

You have entered the underground lair

Be grateful that, unlike those before, you are not bare

Each of you is special in some way

How it may help or hinder, I cannot say

Touch a door without a lock

And you might get a terrible shock

But still you must leave this room and find the key

If at home you wish to be

Finising her riddle, the old woman collapses, turning to dust before your eyes.

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Alex.jpg.787435bbcb23abf910e862a0802bde19.jpg Alex Cobb

Human Variant, Folk Hero, Cleric of Life

AC: 18 (chainmail and shield) | HP: 11/11 (1d8) | Speed: 30 ft.
Senses: passive Perception 14, Insight 14, Investigation 13
Str: 16 (+3) | Dex: 13 (+1) | Con: 16 (+3) | Int: 16 (+3) | Wis: 18 (+4) | Cha: 14 (+2)
Languages: Common, Goblin

My words, | My thoughts, | My actions . . .

It is clear to anyone watching that this guy is struggling with not letting his rage out.

It takes a few seconds, but finally he calms enough that he does not look like he is going to go berserk. He lets out a sigh.

If my family comes to harm because whoever brought me here stopped me from helping them, there will be hell to pay!

So, unless there are some hidden doors in this hallway, we have a choice of four doors. And apparently there is either a chance of getting zapped by opening them, or the hag was speaking figuratively and it is what is on the other side of the door that will shock or surprise us.

He glances around at the others. He thinks he can guess their professions, or at least get close, but he figures it would be better to let them introduce themselves.

I suppose we should introduce ourselves so we can hopefully work together to get out of this place.

I am Alex Cobb a devoted follower and cleric of Chauntea. Wish we could have met under better circumstances.





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image.png.c01648360009556df6d23cb9bd0dfe27.pngPrestina Glitterune: Soldier Dragonmarked Gnome Paladin

AC: 18 (chainmail and shield) | HP: 14/14 (1d10) | Speed: 25 ft.
Senses: Darkvision, Passive Perception 11, Insight 11, Investigation 12
Str: 17 (+3) | Dex: 11 (+0) | Con: 18 (+4) | Int: 15 (+2) | Wis: 11 (+0) | Cha: 16 (+3)
Languages: Common, Gnome | Lay on Hands: 5/5 | Divine Sense: 4/4

Poking the pile of ash with her toe, the adorable little gnome shrugged then chirped: "Well, that's one way to avoid a conversation..."

She then turned to the others and waved."Hello special people! Pleased to be in your company, and Mr. Cobb, it is an honor to have a devotee to the Earthmother among us. May her light guide us and trust that she would not abandon you or your family in such times. I know that The Shield of the Golden Hills is with us and may also be assumed as a patron of our venture." She swivels about, scanning the room and the doors. "As for the doors, they all seem to be the same. So I propose we do this methodically." Small hands rifle through her pack drawing out a small wooden case, she carefully opens it. Inside are brushes and ink, which she dips as she navigates the room. Giving the others the opportunity to introduce themselves as she is busy painting stylized numerals on each of the doorsbottom= 1, then top left to right 2-3-4... see picture, labeling them one to four in an old runic style, with shadows and serifs poignant with artistic flourish. "There, now they are different, and the numerals cannot be easily changed. I propose we start with the fourth door, as the iron hand is a right handed glove and I trust her to guide us. Shall I open it?" She asked stowing her calligraphy kit in a belt pouch.


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TalynHarashi.jpg.a4c128c251966740c951837dd74bb0e1.jpg"I am named Talyn, and as we can believe the hag had some hand in this, I do not know any of you or your place in this. I will not impede any of you, however I will keep my own judgement until I am sure of your intent." he added matter-of-factly.


OOCDidnt see the guidance spell before my post. here is my roll

Edited by JagrHunter (see edit history)
W/ guidance
1d4 1
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Alex.jpg.787435bbcb23abf910e862a0802bde19.jpg Alex Cobb

Human Variant, Folk Hero, Cleric of Life

AC: 18 (chainmail and shield) | HP: 11/11 (1d8) | Speed: 30 ft.
Senses: passive Perception 14, Insight 14, Investigation 13
Str: 16 (+3) | Dex: 13 (+1) | Con: 16 (+3) | Int: 16 (+3) | Wis: 18 (+4) | Cha: 14 (+2)
Languages: Common, Goblin

My words, | My thoughts, | My actions . . .

Alex shakes his head at Talyn's comment.

I can partially understand your distrust. But it is obvious that none of us wanted to be here and I am guessing that none of us know how we even got here.

He pauses and looks at the others to see if they agree with him.

But it is clear that we are going to have to get through, whatever this is, in order to get out and return to our lives. SO ..... we can either each take a separate door and try to do this alone and likely end up dying. Or we can work together, strength in numbers and all that, and improve our chances of survival.

I am a cleric of Chauntea, the bringer of life. While I am capable of standing and fighting, my strength lies in healing and protecting. So my intent is to fight along side each of you, if you will allow me, and to protect and heal you and help get us through this....

He waves his hand through the air indicating everything around them.

So will each of you join me? Or will you refuse to trust in a common goal and wander off on your own?





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image.png.c01648360009556df6d23cb9bd0dfe27.pngPrestina Glitterune: Soldier Dragonmarked Gnome Paladin

AC: 18 (chainmail and shield) | HP: 14/14 (1d10) | Speed: 25 ft.
Senses: Darkvision, Passive Perception 11, Insight 11, Investigation 12
Str: 17 (+3) | Dex: 11 (+0) | Con: 18 (+4) | Int: 15 (+2) | Wis: 11 (+0) | Cha: 16 (+3)
Languages: Common, Gnome | Lay on Hands: 5/5 | Divine Sense: 3/4

She frowned at Talyn's statement, not because it upset her but because she imagined he must have either had a hard life or had been betrayed to have so little trust in others. "That's okay Mr. Talyn, I'll do my best to earn your trust, but for myself I will trust you three, and pray my faith is not misplaced."

Raising her shield that is emblazoned with the holy symbol of Graendal Ironhand, she taps it, and divine energy radiates outwards with the otherworldly ting. The perpetual smile on her face seems to widen as she gives them a wink and reaches for the door.

- Use Divine SenseUntil the end of your next turn, you know the location of any celestial, fiend, or undead within 60 feet of you that is not behind total cover. You know the type (celestial, fiend, or undead) of any being whose presence you sense, but not its identity (the vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich, for instance). Within the same radius, you also detect the presence of any place or object that has been consecrated or desecrated, as with the Hallow spell. and wait, then unless interrupted will open door number four


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Sikhandyn Yelwenys - Half-Elf Divine Soul Sorcerer (Character Sheet)

AC: 12 | HP: 8/8 | Speed: 30' | Initiative: +2 | Passive Perception: 13


SikhandynYelwenys.png.cc6cceae17dd1d4d3e6393e1d748358f.png"Wait, is there no other way?" Sikhandyn says in a loud voice as Prestina approaches the door.

"The witch mentioned a terrible shock if we open the doors; I believe there is danger."

He pauses.

"I can try to use my tricks to try and open that door from a distance. And if I fail, we open it manually."

"Allow me."

With that, the half-elf mutters a short incantation and focuses on the door; a spectral hand appears in front of it, and Sikhandyn orders it mentally to push the door open. If that fails, the sorcerer will use the hand to investigate the door and try to find a mechanism to open it from a distance.


Cast: Mage Hand.












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image.png.c01648360009556df6d23cb9bd0dfe27.pngPrestina Glitterune: Soldier Dragonmarked Gnome Paladin

AC: 18 (chainmail and shield) | HP: 14/14 (1d10) | Speed: 25 ft.
Senses: Darkvision, Passive Perception 11, Insight 11, Investigation 12
Str: 17 (+3) | Dex: 11 (+0) | Con: 18 (+4) | Int: 15 (+2) | Wis: 11 (+0) | Cha: 16 (+3)
Languages: Common, Gnome | Lay on Hands: 5/5 | Divine Sense: 3/4

Prestina halted as she heard the half-elf speak, stepping back she grinned at him, her bright eyes lingering as she looked the strikingly handsome man up and down. "Well aren't you a gentleman, Mr?.. Half-elf, by all means."

Now without needing a free hand to open the door she drew her warhammer instead.

- pending divine sense result.


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Sikhandyn gingerly approached the northeast door. Reaching out, his hand slowly approaches the handle, a drop of sweat running down his back. Finally grasping the handle, he finds the door unlocked.


As the door creaks open with a sound making you wish there was some substance that, after 39 failures, would quiet hinges, you see a room similar in construction to where you are now. Walls of hewn stone, slate floors, a door to the northeast, lit torches….lit torches? Of course, even young cyclops need light…


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Alex.jpg.787435bbcb23abf910e862a0802bde19.jpg Alex Cobb

Human Variant, Folk Hero, Cleric of Life

AC: 18 (chainmail and shield) | HP: 11/11 (1d8) | Speed: 30 ft.
Senses: passive Perception 14, Insight 14, Investigation 13
Str: 16 (+3) | Dex: 13 (+1) | Con: 16 (+3) | Int: 16 (+3) | Wis: 18 (+4) | Cha: 14 (+2)
Languages: Common, Goblin

My words, | My thoughts, | My actions . . .

Oh boy!

Alex quickly casts Bless on the other members of the party.

May Chauntea bless you!





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