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 Tetra Terrabreaker


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Description: Tetra stands at precisely 1.8 m, weighing in at a solid 74.8 kg, well-toned and muscular. He keeps his auburn brown hair cropped, cut, and combed forward. His emerald green eyes shine with a proclaimed enthusiasm, sometimes hidden by a pair of blue lensed, rimmed goggles. A keepsake of a father he never knew.

He wears simple dark brown boots with the legs of his cream pants tucked into the uppers. He wears a light brown jacket over a black undershirt, holding the slack with a utility belt.


Personality: Tetra is a young man who is out to discover himself and wants to see the universe. He's very optimistic even in the most desperate situation. He believes in himself and his training. He thinks he knows what he can and can't handle, making sure not to get over his head. Yet, he wants to prove himself but knows he must hold back his ambitions because that leads to the dark side.

He's very carefree but not naive. He knows that any person is capable of anything at any given time, but not to the point of paranoia. He doesn't underestimate anyone and tries not to assume. Sometimes, this would lead to undervaluing himself, but very seldom. He's a gentleman to the ladies and respectful to those who show they deserve it.


Background : Tetra hails from Brentaal, the son of a commercial pilot and a cantina worker. His father passed soon after he was born due to an equipment malfunction. They could only recover the goggles from his flight helmet, which he still wears today. Using the insurance, his mother opened her cantina that gives discounts and specials to pilots in honor of her husband. It proved to be a successful business model on a planet full of them. Others tried to copy it, but she already had more than enough regulars to sustain a business for years to come.

Over the years, growing up without a father figure, Tetra withdrew into himself more than lashed out. He spent most of his free time daydreaming and wondering what was beyond Brentaal. He would lose himself in books and holovids discussing different planets and galaxies. He considered joining the Empire, their propaganda warping his young mind about seeing exotic locations and fighting the enemy. His mom put the kibosh on that fairly quickly. That didn't stop him from wanting to become a pilot, at the very least.

It was here that Tetra met his Master, Par'Je Setop. He seemed just like another customer at first and became a regular. It wasn't until some hired muscle came to put his mom out of business late one night that Par'Je showed he was more than just a pilot, and Tetra proved he was more than a cantina owner's son. Tetra managed to land a pretty powerful punch on one of the thugs before Par'Je stepped in. He beat a group of thugs with his bare hands and didn't even get touched! It was amazing to behold. Before leaving, Tetra begged him to teach him how he did that. It took Par'Je a moment to realize that the Force was at work.

Over the next few years, the Clone War started, and Tetra began training in Teras Kasi, piloting, the Force, and a lot of physical conditioning. He learned about the Wardens of the Sky, which Par'Je was part of, and their mission to keep space free for everyone from both sides. He was interested and had the potential to use the Force. After Tetra had the basics down, Par'Je told him to get out there and see the universe to know if he truly wanted this. Success is a journey, not a destination, as his master would always say. With the Clone Wars and training finally over, it was a good time for humans to travel. At this point, Par'Je was no fan of the Empire but understood the balance had shifted. He was one finger of the Iron Fist, and if he wanted to be a Warden, he had to act like one and take on the Empire where he could but be smart about it.

Little did Tetra know what awaited him on his first stop, Sel Zonn Station...


Goals & Motivation

Acquire better gear, learn a cool Force Power

Become a Master of Teras Kasi, Own a ship.

Meaning - In a war-torn universe. anyone might yearn for meaning in the chaos. Tetra seeks anything that can share wisdom, spending time studying and working with the Force, hoping for answers.

Galactic Peace - Warfare has torn and shattered the galaxy. The character wants nothing more than to see peace restored to the universe and recognize that everyone must cooperate to resolve galactic conflict.


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