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About Pathfinder...

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  1. There are two editions of Pathfinder, and they aren't compatible.
  2. People on the Weave play both editions, but the Pathfinder community seems to be swinging toward the Second Edition.
  3. Adventure Paths such as The Abomination Vaults and Kingmaker are massive campaigns that span three or six modules. Their size makes them complex and nearly impossible to finish in PbP.
  4. Paizo also publishes standalone adventures like Trouble in Otari and The Fall of Plaguestone, which are more reasonable in length.
  5. Pathfinder Society Adventures are even shorter than the standalone adventures and could be a great place to start for a new Game Master.
  6. The Adventure Card Game isn't an RPG at all. It doesn't require a GM and can even be played solo. It's not the best card game out there, TBH, but I've had fun with it with it in the past.

A new Pathfinder player should start with the Pathfinder Second Edition Beginner Box. That will show you enough about the game to get started as a player. If you're interested in running games, it includes the adventure Troubles in Otari.

From there, your next purchases should be the Core Rule Book and Bestiary.

If you want to try running a game beyond Troubles in Otari, then you might like The Fall of Plaguestone or Crown of the Kobold King.

Get that beginner box, though! Paizo makes the best beginner boxes in the industry. The first and second-edition boxes were great from a tutorial and value standpoint.

And if you want to improve your game-mastering skill set, the Gamemastery Guide could be a good investment.

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1 hour ago, chongjasmine said:

Thanks. One more question, about the adventure card games, does it consists of cards?

As far as I understand - yes. I mean, it's called a card game, so I'd be incredibly disappointed if it didn't involve cards LOL. You should be able to purchase it directly from Paizo's site or maybe thru Amazon. It's a very different beast compared to Pathfinder 1e or 2e, or even the cRPGs like Kingmaker or Wrath of the Righteous.

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Yep it's a card game but it uses RPG dice, as well.

If you have an android or iOS device there should be a digital version in the App / Play store. It's the same as the base set of the Rise of the Runelords PFACG box. It should be enough to give you a taste of how it plays.

Hint: playing with two characters is easier than four.

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