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Three Tasks OOC


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@Kistler I wasn't insinuating anything at all. I just happened to miss your specification of target as I didn't click on your OOC/Actions tab - so whilst I saw that you had designated a random target, I didn't know which was which. Thanks for pointing that out, however.

As I play in two other PF2e games with a GM who prefers placing OOC and Actions into fieldsets rather than behind a spoiler, I have probably lost the habit of using and checking those other than for semi-permanent character data.

In any case, with no tactical map here, hopefully GM will have Qingalic Stride to and Grapple whichever target seems the most "active" or can be reached in two Strides or whatever. Presumably being hit would remove any Charm effect in any case, no?

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No worries, I didn't think you were implying anything, I was just being thorough.

Charm says (just focusing on the pertinent lines)


 If you use hostile actions against the target, the spell ends. 

Failure The target's attitude becomes friendly toward you. If it was friendly, it becomes helpful. It can't use hostile actions against you.
Critical Failure The target's attitude becomes helpful toward you, and it can't use hostile actions against you.

So literally it only changes the attitude toward the caster, and only ends if the caster attacks, but I've seen it used where 'you' is the collective, party, sense of the word too. IE., attitude of the creature is friendly toward the party, and if anyone attacks it, the spell ends.

The former interpretation means the spell has very specific situational use. Single guard on a door? Send the bard forward to see if they can convince him to unlock it while the rest of the party hides in the bushes. Low on hp in a battle? Cast Charm on the big guy to keep him from attacking you (and only you). Maybe some niche application with preventing an enemy blaster from AoO strikes by sticking close to everyone? But if your party is with you it seems like that guard would just say "there's 5 enemy dudes here, I'm not letting them in no matter how much I like you", and the big enemy just has 5 other targets and keeps hitting.

I would say the latter interpretation might be too powerful (cast on the boss and then just walk on by, or pause the battle to use treat wounds, refocus, then continue?) but it has the Incapacitation trait, which really limits its power for that.

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Question for you: IIRC, in the Enmity Cycle, there was a scheme where one could use a feat (class, general?) and change the STAT dependence of a skill (or two?). Was that a home-brewed rule or a canonical option? If the latter, could you tell me what it was called?


I know this wasn't really OOC relevant to this game, but I didn't want to put it in the "bickering" thread either.

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That was completely home-brewed. I had been taking to a friend about making things less reliant on attributes and more roleplay friendly. The x -> y stuff from 1e is loved by optimizers, but sometimes it's really nice and flavorful.

Is a big muscle shark intimidating regardless of his charisma? Are acrobats strong? Can intelligence let you think of lies so clever you don't need charisma to sell them?

If you wanted to roleplay that stuff there was a skill feat that let you reallocate a skill's attribute. It may have been two skills after level 5 or something. I also allowed the selection of the saves you wanted proficiency advancements in, instead of what the class gave for similar reasons. I have toned down my houserules a bit now, partially because they're a pain to run.

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1 hour ago, Kistler said:

That was completely home-brewed. I had been taking to a friend about making things less reliant on attributes and more roleplay friendly. The x -> y stuff from 1e is loved by optimizers, but sometimes it's really nice and flavorful.

Is a big muscle shark intimidating regardless of his charisma? Are acrobats strong? Can intelligence let you think of lies so clever you don't need charisma to sell them?

If you wanted to roleplay that stuff there was a skill feat that let you reallocate a skill's attribute. It may have been two skills after level 5 or something. I also allowed the selection of the saves you wanted proficiency advancements in, instead of what the class gave for similar reasons. I have toned down my houserules a bit now, partially because they're a pain to run.

Ah ... thanks for the reply.

I was thinking about it in context of a rogue (thief) I'm working on for another Game. CHA kicks in due to Deception and Intimidate (together with Dread Striker) as ways to get flat-footed if flanking isn't available, but I wasn't thinking of the character as a traditional "Face." It would have been nice to have an INT-based way to facilitate Feint and Demoralize so one could better build up an INT-DEX thief.

I know the Investigator is an option, but I tend to incline to more traditional Core classes.

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There is a toned-down houserule i like that allows use of weapon proficiency for Feint and Intimidate once you have expert proficiency. I imagine it like that scimitar-weilding guy in Indiana Jones.

It adds the Manipulate and Visual traits to the action.

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Apologies team - crazy week last week.

Bit of debate here - I haven't seen all teh reasons, but I'm with Kistler, if we're moving forward (ironic given I've been missing) I couldn't care less about mechanics/roleplay aspects that don't pan out as I had hoped.

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