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It might be nice to share some thoughts on characters and maybe figure out how they might connect, both before coming to Project X and as members.

My vision for Caitlyn is that she came to the project as a scientific asset. She has become a field asset as Killer Frost with a promise that they would help her remove the Killer Frost personality. Of course the program has no desire to lose an asset, so they are leading Caitlin along. So there are two personalities for the rest of the group to connect with. Neither of her personalities likes the other, though they do have some common goals.

Caitlyn (Sometimes spelled Caitlin because I keep changing which way I spell it)

Caitlyn Snow, Doctor Snow to most of the inmates, is a specialist in super-human physiology. Working with the Flash, she designed containment facilities for super humans, and now at Project-X she continues that task. Caitlyn is an advocate for human treatment and is appalled at conditions at this facility. She vocally admonishes guards who treat prisoners poorly and is trying to get the prison to be more humane, or at least cleaner.

It is possible that, working with the Flash in an advisory capacity, she helped capture some of the current inmates. If this sounds like a fun idea, we can discuss.

She may not be the most forceful person in the room but Caitlyn has rock solid standards which she will not bend; and she has faced down bigger bad-asses than you. Also, she knows King Shark.


Killer Frost

A cold hearted "rhymes with witch" as there ever was. While Caitlin does not have access to Killer's memories, Killer knows everything Caitlin says or does. She is just as smart and utterly ruthless. She enjoys tormenting Caitlin and does things at times with leaving a trail for Caitlin to discover. Killer has a price on her head from Intergang, she joined them for a while but someone got handsy when she wasn't in the mood so she froze a dozen or so of them as a means of resignation.

Frost prefers to manipulate rather than intimidate. She is a sociopath, not a psychopath. Frost will do things to embarrass Caitlyn and even hurt her emotionally, but they do share the same body and Frost won't do things that will actually hurt herself. Frost technically has access to Caitlyn's scientific knowledge, but is disdainful of it.

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Good idea!

The version of Copperhead I'm running is somewhat of a composite, taking queues from the Sameer Park found in Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay, the Nathan Prince Copperhead found in Terror Titans, and the Copperhead found in the Arkhamverse. He is a cold-blooded killer with a a high prey drive, having accepted Waller's invitation to join Task Force X to - in his understanding - kill with a government remit. In his mind he divides the world into hunters and hunted, so he relates to others as fellow predators (worthy of cautious respect) or prey (worthy of nothing but contempt). He's been locked up in Belle Reve for about nine months now, much of which has been spent in solitary confinement after he maimed (and in a few instances killed) other inmates.

Caitlyn/Killer Frost: Copperhead would ultimately consider Caitlyn prey, viewing traits such as mercy and humanity as a weakness. Killer Frost by contrast he would consider a predator like himself, respecting her power and willingness to use it to her benefit. If there's a way to make Killer Frost the dominant personality, he's all for it.

Johnny Ohm: Copperhead sees a lot of potential in Ohm. He's certainly a cut above the rest of the ilk at Belle Reve. But this obsession with redemption and clearing his name seems like baggage to be done away with. He has power, so why does he care what others think? With the right guidance, Copperhead could see Ohm becoming a power in his own right.

Count Vertigo: Much the same as Ohm, though with the added potential of personal profit to. After all, what better way to raid the Vlatavan treasury than to have its king in your debt?

Feral: Feral straddles the prey/predator divide. All this power and yet she's still a slave to Waller. Still, she could prove useful if an escape attempt is ever required.

Baron Kriminel: Another predator. It occurs to me that Copperhead might very well have worked for Kriminel's organization at one point or another, which could inform any interaction between the two.

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Interesting thoughts there.

So I picture Johnny as not exactly a Sunday School teacher obviously. He’s a career petty criminal and according to the officially paperwork a violent white supremacist responsible for a particularly brutal double murder, committed with his bare hands no less. He claims he’s not a white supremacist *anymore* and that he’s actually innocent of the murders, but what supervillain doesn’t try to play that card once or twice?

Copperhead might genuinely spook him a little, but he usually expresses getting spooked with a bar brawl. :P

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Sorry, been dealing with severe depression. Trying to find a doctor but the past two have been busts, which doesn't help with the depression. But I am here.

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4 hours ago, Maester1216 said:

Brain might be more appropriate

I think you were right the first time. Mojo/Snake senses. Copperhead's eyes see heat signatures, or maybe he has to flick his tongue. He reads their body to get cues about their state of mind. Sense when his prey is afraid or unaware of his presence.

Predatory Nature feels more like when we go at the Nazi Compound, Copperhead can suss out guard positions and where traps might be, because as a predator that is what he would do. Dice-wise, it comes to the same thing. I guess it's more about how much you want to lean into the animalistic nature of Copperhead.

Your guy, your call on that. Just a thought that occurred to me.

Copperhead should also have a mojo-move about frightening prey into freezing in place, too scared to run away.

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An excellent point. I had been planning to lean into more of his snake-like attributes (sort of like when he was a human/snake hybrid in the comics for a bit), so that does seem appropriate.

The LP move looks interesting. Certainly something to take under advisement.

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