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What Classic D&D Modules Would You Most Like to See on the Weave?


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On 1/31/2024 at 1:06 PM, Malkavian Grin said:

Hmmm. Is judge's guild a green logo? I know it wasn't published by wotc. Maybe it was Green Ronin or Goodman Games? It was a black cover with a picture of something i can't recall. Soft cover only. I found it brand new in Barnes and Noble probably either 2003 or 2004.

Definitely not sunless citadel or any other official title.

spacer.png I mean... it definitely sounds like Dark Tower but the timeline isn't right. Dark Tower is cira late 70s / early 80s.

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12 minutes ago, cailano said:

I mean... it definitely sounds like Dark Tower but the timeline isn't right. Dark Tower is cira late 70s / early 80s.

Hmmm... Maybe was a reprint for 3e? Hmm, the cover is Definitely not what i was remembering... Dang this had been driving me crazy since i remembered that module last month.

Thanks for the help!

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What?!? I had no idea Goodman Games did a D20 conversion of that system. They still own the rights to it but won't sell it in PDF format for some reason. Good find!

EDIT: When I searched Dark Tower D20 I found that Paizo has a PDF version of this edition! Very excited to have that.


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5 minutes ago, cailano said:

What?!? I had no idea Goodman Games did a D20 conversion of that system. They still own the rights to it but won't sell it in PDF format for some reason. Good find!

Yeeeah... I'm going to be coughing up an exorbitant amount of cash for another copy, i predict.

Back when i bought and ran that, i had literally no idea what old school gaming was like. I was still riding that 3.5 high.

Would be a cool entry for the list all the same. 💜

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As I've been perusing my classic module collection for PbP suitability, I opened up one of my copies of Keep on the Borderlands and read the introductory material. It's not bad! I had forgotten how much of an extension of the Basic Book that module really was. I came into D&D with the BECMI set, which did not include KotB, and now I feel like that was a miss on the part of TSR.

The first few pages of the module are all about getting started as a DM and how to run a module. It is still great advice for anyone looking run an OSR game.

Best introductory module ever? I think it has to be in the conversation.

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6 hours ago, cailano said:

As I've been perusing my classic module collection for PbP suitability, I opened up one of my copies of Keep on the Borderlands and read the introductory material. It's not bad! I had forgotten how much of an extension of the Basic Book that module really was. I came into D&D with the BECMI set, which did not include KotB, and now I feel like that was a miss on the part of TSR.

The first few pages of the module are all about getting started as a DM and how to run a module. It is still great advice for anyone looking run an OSR game.

Best introductory module ever? I think it has to be in the conversation.

Did you get my last private message?

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  • 3 weeks later...

A fair amount of my PF2 campaign that's still in the works (more off than on with development) is based on classic AD&D modules... and I won't say which ones, even though I might be changing things up as they go.

The campaign works around five of my favorite modules, plus at least two adventures out of Dragon magazine from back in the day.

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On 2/22/2024 at 4:32 PM, TheDude2371 said:

The campaign works around five of my favorite modules, plus at least two adventures out of Dragon magazine from back in the day.

There were some great adventures that came out of Dragon. Overall, a great source of supplemental information back when there wasn't a deluge of things to find at the tip of your fingers. Ecology Of... being one of my favorite segments.

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I agree with Keep and Slave Lords wholeheartedly. A few others I would throw into the ring, for different reasons would be:

Against the Giants: Such a great classic. Lot of meat to get your hands on as a player.

Expedition to Barrier Peaks: I can still remember how blown away by this when I first got my hands on it. So different and would seem to be something that just didn't work but it does. Being able to be descriptive in PBP would really help keep the mystery of what is being encountered.

The Lost City. Maybe not the best adventure but I always liked it. Think that PBP could strengthen the weak points which to me, were always to lack of good hooks and connections to keep the action moving.

A bonus adventure would be Isle of Dread. Another classic but I never really loved it to. Thinking of how it could be improved in PBP I'd think it would be worth a try.

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Dragon magazine was great back in the day. I found one randomly at the library when i was like 8. Read up about spider silk armor and living beetle armor. The beetles would eat you alive if you didn't feed then regularly!!

Gosh i love that old school mindset of design. Nothing was off the table. It wasn't about being fair or balanced, it was about being awesome.

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