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Notable NPC's


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This is going to be something of a jumble, not least because I'm going to keep some NPC's from the original game, and most of you will have no idea who they are. But let's start with known faces:

Krgh'âahn: He's a large, muscular, tattoo'd orc, first mate of the barge of no name, and seems to fight with his bare fists to great effect.

Pashgir: A goblin in an Imperial admirals hat. He owns the barge, but has little organisational skill. He drives hard bargains, but without the organisational skills, leaves it to Krgh'âahn to actually make the deals profitable.

The Gnome: He's an alchemist and mans the ballista. You have no clear read on the guy.

Izzak: He's a guide hired by Kelia and her former party members. He insists everyone pronounce his name right, then deliberately mispronounces everyone else's. He speaks weavish, in case that becomes relevant. Weavish being the language of spiders, yo!

Menthelius: Menthelius is a drow guide, and apparently a rival of Izzak's. The two do not get along. There must be some history there. Ex-lovers seems unlikely, but ... something.


Older NPC's in Ghazzad:

Gzagh: A big, fat man of vaguely orcish descent. He owns the flophouse you live in, and may have more 'enterprises' besides. He seems strangely ok. Not by any means an upstanding, decent human(-ish) being, but you feel you can propably trust him to not shiv you in the back over a few silvers. Gold .. might be a different matter.

Gavren Gorman: Retired adventurer. Gzagh hired you to liberate his ancestrial shield from him. He discovered you while you were burglering him, but was surprisingly amenable, and gave you not only the shield, but also some equipement you can use. He only wants an unspecified future favor in return. What could possibly go wrong? He did give you an easy out though, so maybe it will be fine. Yea, it'll be fine.

Aedryn Sargassum: High Priest of the Pelagic faith. The Sea Tower - the temple - has an entrance that's below the high-tide line, such that it's flooded on a regular basis. Coastside worshippers have to enter while it's actually above water, and leave before it's flooded. This, of course, is all part of the religious doctrine. It's not a popular faith, but holds sway with seamen, fishermen and others who work at sea or upon the shore.

Letite Lyelle: The presumably female head of the Cult of the Secrets Below - what Aedryn calls the Church of Rock.

Prince Ashteen: Kelia has seen, but not met the prince. He received the Empress of the Deep, the sahuagin queen, in some sort of diplomatic visit.

Mr. Blue: Right hand man of Prince Ashteen. He has asked you to meet him at the Velvet Palate some time. Then 'we'll see', so he says.

Mr. Mustachio, AKA Philian Ducree: A citizen. Has an outfitters business.


Legendary characters:

Uzx-Baghir: A famous orcish madman.

The Skybreaker: A famous orcish 'king'.


Former partymembers:

Joe: A wizard! Hey, is that his pack, over there in the corner of the ship?

Nameless: A cleric! Oh look, his hammer dropped on the deck as he went over the side of the ship, into the cold, black waters of the river.

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