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Atlas of Tekhum

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Empire! 8
The Planets of Tekhum


This thread is associated with the Empire! 8 community world-building game. The game creates the world history of the solar system of Tekhum, with the actions the players take shaping the intricate details of an ever-changing world.

Below follows an Atlas and maps of the celestial bodies of Tekhum. This thread serves as a reference guide, compilation and index of the countries and regions in the game.

Players! Please create a thread for your country and post your approved region writeups in it. A consolidated thread makes finding information about everyone's regions easier. You may post as much as you need within your thread.


Sprites by peony.

The Imperial domain extends throughout the entire solar system of Tekhum, though in truth it is limited to the inner system, as space travel beyond Mekhala is much more difficult and dangerous. Advances during play may allow states to reach the outer planets, but at the start of the game, only the inner solar system is available. The various known and accessible worlds are listed below.

The names of the planets are at least as varied as the languages spoken by their inhabitants, and your people likely have their own names for them. To avoid confusion in communication between Imperial states, the Imperial College of Astronavigators maintains a catalogue of standardized names and measurements for the major celestial bodies, which will be used throughout this atlas.

Region numbers marked on the overall solar system map above indicate single-region natural and artificial satellites. New space stations and similar regions created during the game will be added to this map.


G-class main sequence star

The sun of Tekhum is not only the center of the solar system in a gravitational sense but also in a political one. The name Ophon is used equally of the sun itself and of the megastructure which surrounds it: the Imperial Crown, a set of nesting rings surrounding the star, plated with enough solar panels to cover the entire surface of Sansar and then some and containing within itself a vast city of courtiers, bureaucrats, scientists, and artists. The Imperial Palace, home to the Emperor and the Imperial Court, is located above the sun’s north pole on the outermost ring, and all Imperial agencies likewise have offices across the Crown.

Airship sprite by DualR. Commissioned by OpenGameArt.org.

Terrestrial Planet
Average orbital distance: 0.72 AU
Diameter: 12,100 klicks
Day: 243 standard days
Year: 225 standard days
Surface gravity: 0.9 gees
Atmosphere: Carbon dioxide-nitrogen; traces of sulfur dioxide, water vapor, and noble gases

Badal is the first planet in Tekhum, and a brief glance at it suggests an utterly uninhabitable world. The corrosive clouds of sulfuric acid that make up its atmosphere are bad enough, but exploratory probes dropped beneath the toxic sea of clouds that makes up the “surface” of the planet have also reported temperatures in excess of four times the boiling point of water shortly before ceasing to transmit. No probe in modern times has ever reached solid ground, and radar suggests it may lie 50 klicks or more below the Cloud Sea. But life is not absent from this inhospitable world, and the enormous floating aerostat cities that ply the more temperate altitudes are home to thriving civilizations. Despite the extremely slow rotation of the planet, the wind speeds of Badal’s upper atmosphere are fast enough that an aerostat makes a full circuit in approximately one standard day, and resources are funneled up from ancient automated equipment hidden beneath the acid clouds, occasionally emerging to provide valuable minerals and chemicals.

Space Needle sprite from https://game-icons.net/.

Terrestrial Planet
Average orbital distance: 1 AU
Diameter: 12,700 klicks
Day: 1 standard day
Year: 365 standard days
Surface gravity: 1.0 gees
Atmosphere: Nitrogen-oxygen; traces of water vapor, carbon dioxide, and noble gases

Sansar, the second planet in Tekhum, is believed by many historians and archeologists to be the origin of life in the solar system. Its comfortable temperature, vast aquatic oceans, and thick, breathable atmosphere mean that the surface contains many different biomes and myriad different species. Others note the existence of Firmament where no other planets possess rings, and that many of the standard Imperial units appear to derive from Sansar’s characteristics, notably the standard day, the astronomical unit of distance, and the gee. This theory is not without its opponents, though, and many have observed that the extremes of volcanism, weather, and climate present in some areas would surely have wiped out primitive life soon after it emerged.

Not to scale.

Artificial Habitat Structure (Orbital Ring)
Material Composition:
Liveable Surface Area: 12 million klicks square
Gravity: 0.92 gees
Atmosphere: Nitrogen-oxygen

A constant fixture in the equatorial skies of Sansar, Firmament is an orbital ring belted in low orbit around the planet, supported by a thin station-keeping ring in a higher synchronous orbit and three derelict space elevators at intervals along the surface. These elevators have been in ruins for the entirety of recorded planetary history, and the original builders or purpose of Firmament are long since lost to the ravages of time. Though imaging and visual observation suggest the ring may be inhabited, no one has yet accomplished an expedition to the interior, and the Empire has largely left it alone.


Planetary Satellite
Diameter: 3,500 klicks
Tidally locked: yes
Orbital period: 27 standard days
Surface gravity: 0.17 gees
Atmosphere: None

Aridyin is unique among the moons of the inhabited planets for its great size. Though it is still much smaller than the planets, it is far larger than most moons, comparable only to some of the moons of the distant outer system. It is entirely lacking in atmosphere, and no signs of life have yet been observed on its surface. However, some astronomers claim that it possesses vast polar reserves of water ice, and blurry images of supposed artificial structures on its surface invite explorers to brave Aridyin’s mysteries.


Terrestrial Planet
Average orbital distance: 1.54 AU
Diameter: 6,800 klicks
Day: 1.03 standard days
Year: 686 standard days
Surface gravity: 0.38 gees
Atmosphere: Nitrogen-oxygen

The third planet, Veehra, is a world of extremes. Twin oases of life, sheltered in basins that sink below the average elevation, stand out against the cold and barren deserts that stretch across much of the surface. The atmosphere thins rapidly as the elevation increases, and the peaks of the great mountains are more similar to the vacuum of space than to the atmosphere below. The plains of the northern hemisphere host the largest nexus of life, followed by the great lake of the south, and the deserts themselves are not totally unpopulated. With subterranean cities and defenses against dust, the inhabitants of Veehra have learned to overcome the blasting dust storms raging across the deserts that separate them.

Distances not to scale.

Circumstellar Disk
Main inner boundary: 1.96 AU
Main outer boundary: 2.73 AU
Known celestial bodies with diameter greater than 500 klicks: 4
Known celestial bodies with diameter greater than 1 klick: 1,463,527

Mekhala is not a planet - it is the grave of a failed planet. Millions of asteroids drift around Ophon, none bearing an atmosphere and few having meaningful gravity to speak of. Yet life exists even here; many asteroids have been hollowed out and made into comfortable habitats, while others are inhabited by creatures who have even adapted to the harsh conditions of the vacuum of space itself. The raw materials of spacefaring are plentiful here, and Mekhala’s inhabitants have generations of experience with the void.

The Outer System
Beyond the asteroid belt lies the Great Gulf, a region of empty space equally as vast as the entire distance from Ophon to Mekhala, which separates the Inner and Outer Systems. The Outer System is known to contain several giant planets, composed mostly of gas, with many moons, though they have never been explored. Even the Imperial Astronavigators seem to have little information on them, except their names: in order Wakinyan, Kaua, Oreb, and Huma. Beyond the farthest giant planet, a few minor planetoids and many tiny asteroid-like rocks are known to exist, seemingly arranged in a cloud surrounding Tekhum at a great distance.

The Great Gulf is currently uncrossable; even with the most advanced spaceships available, the duration of a mission to the giant planets poses so many problems of organization, maintenance, life support, and health preservation, that it is simply impractical to attempt. Technologies developed during the course of the game may alleviate these problems, enabling rulers with a taste for the unknown to send explorers into the Outer System.


Regional Tables
Organization Tables
Community Discord Server

The GM Team
Head GM: Minescratcher
Organization GM: Silent_Interim
Tech Czar: Rolepgeek
Faction Tracker: Aerin

Battle Collator: TheDarkDM
Round Opener Helpers: BladeofObliviom - this could also be you!
Table Helpers: Aerin, Gengy, Volthawk - this could also be you!


Edited by Minescratcher452 (see edit history)
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