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  1. What's new in this game
  2. The Imperial Frontier Dur-Shalkhir (Region 76) Tarchesh (Region 80) Zimbir, The High Court of Mekhala (Region 81) Mek-01 (Region 77) The Suzerainty of Arbela (Region 78) Region 116 Archduke Artavasdes II Ebonne māt Tashmhet Lord of Fire, Lord Protector of the Frontier Overlord of the House of Brimstone, House of Ash, House of Thorns, and House of Bones Diplomacy 10 Military 10 Economy 6 Faith 4 Intrigue 5 Expected Stat Increases: +2 Faith, +1 Economy Actions: [Economy] Buy Out TP 2 of Ice in the Central Claims (Region 97), Spending 1 Treasure - 16 [Economy] Buy Out TP 2 of Veehran Wheat in The Orochon Shieldplains (Region 63) [Faith] Convert a minority of the Imperial Cult in the Heights of Utopia (Region 10) - [Faith] Seek Aid on TP 2 Buyout in the Central Claims (Region 97) - 9 [Faith] Raise 1 Core Seer [Faith] Raise 1 Core Seer [Diplomacy] Attend the Rapture! Event Sub-Actions Non-Actions: Support all conversions by the Imperial Cult Accept Agile Ice from the Star Rats via Trade Route Accept Thionite from the Illumined Utopian via Trade Route The Core Seers transmute one TP of Uranium into a supply of Fruits and Vegetables to address the refugee crisis News and Rumors: ... The Imperial Security Directorate Record Keeping
  3. FBC Sorcerer Todd (new ruler gotta roll stats) Diplomacy 2 Military 1 Economy 8 (+2) Faith 2 Intrigue 6 Economy: Dub the sprawling city Vehera Vegas (5/5) Economy: Start Trade route with SNK Secret: Economy: take over the merchant support for Region 68 Economy: buyout tp 1 R102 Nonactions resist all conversions News & Rumours Vehera Vegas is facing massive traffic problems due to its urban sprawl perhaps the solution is just one additional hyperlanes massive suburbs spread from the dense urban core like slime molds The road layout rejects grids, embracing a serpentine winding in celebration of Veheran cultural norms All those monied enough to leave Badal have adapted to life in the balmy suburbs Cutoff by serpentine highways Imperial refugees are crammed into the vestiges of overcrowded public housing. Despite Sorceror Todd's campaigning Imperial refugees are denied access to subsidies on the grounds that need to accept personal responsibility for living on the surface of a sun. The good people of the FBC have no responsibility to subsidize bad life choices. The Federation of Badalian Chaebols is rebranding to FBC. Long live the FBC
  4. From his seat, King Athanasios frowns in thought behind his opaque visor, he is refraining from eating due to necessary decontamination protocols not really able to be enforced in this room but he has ordered that food be brought to his quarters later. The continuation of the Empire was one of the certainties that relieved Asherite society and what has happened has shaken them but they remain still. However, he knows full well that his people are sharply divided on what to do with this, though Asherite genetic scientists have been having a field day here. But, as far as he is concerned, he refuses to retreat underground without a fight and, besides, the more time things can be dragged out, the more time he has to gather resources to improve Asher just in case they must stand alone again. Until that day comes however he can apply Asher's capabilities to try to stop it. At some point he speaks up, his voice carrying well through his suit's intercom. "The Enclave of Asher, though we are the newest of the Elect, has shown itself capable of maintaining infrastructure even when we must live off of slim pickings, a solid grasp of logistics, and, further, have displayed a solid capacity for economics. With our trade lanes with the Symposium, resources that we do not have readily available in the outer regions can flow out to Asher and then to other planets from there. We must prioritize maintaining supplies and infrastructure otherwise we will see chaos and mass starvation in the distant worlds. Therefore, until instructed otherwise, the Enclave of Asher shall be taking upon itself the mantle of High Logistician of the Distant Worlds." Needless to say, he is loyal to the Emperor so if things changed he would do everything he can to support His Majesty including returning to how things were before but things must be maintained until that day if it happens.
  5. Fiorid Princedom of Alfheim (ALF), Round Nineteen 2088-2090 Chancellor Hinrik dei Fiori Dip: 10 | Mil: 10 | Eco: 10 | Fai: 1 | Int: 1 Stat Gains: TBD Actions [Diplomacy][SPECIAL D10] Elevate Status to Empire everyone else had to use vassals smh [Diplomacy] Sway Media in Lillalfheim, Region 35 Spooky horse? [Diplomacy] Sway? more business to attend to? [Economy] Buyout? diggy diggy hole? [Military] Need to secure borders they shall be pretty [Military] Borders 2: Elevator Edition ring is spooky rn but I should probably pay attention to it Nonactions As per RAT miracle, redirect Trade Route to [SOMEONE] Embassy with LSP: -n/a Embassy with SKA: -n/a Embassy with SNK: -n/a Trade Route with RAT: -n/a Religious Support System (Media factions controlled in regions 35, 36, 37, 38, 51, and 100): -Support one conversion from BAF -Support attempts to introduce minorities in all owned regions from Coedd (ARK and GCC) -Support attempts to introduce minorities in all owned regions from Mother Serpent (SNK and SCM) -Support attempts to introduce minorities in all owned regions from Soul's Fascination (ILU and [others]) -Support all conversions from Imperial Cult (LSP, HOB, and CUS) News & Rumors first thing words second thing words third thing words Bookkeeping Government & Military Controlled Regions Owned Techs & TP Tracking
  6. Tau'ri Drusus takes the helm of the 'Illumined Utopian' from his sister Tipa as she focuses on the refugee crisis and wholly goes to work with Tauhine to ensure the Alliance's foundations are solid as all regions are flooded with millions on millions of migrants. The Height of Utopia's planned leisurely escape to Huma is abandoned to instead take on a mission almost as important as the prophesised Garden World - perseverance and encapsulation of the records and knowledge of Tekhum. As the Imperial Embassies fall silent and Ophon struggles Tau'ri begins activating fail-safes and oft-not used systems in coordination with Tauhine of the Alliance. The Illumined Utopian's last official message is one requesting all Jy'mar return home regardless of status, return to Utopia and help create the Repository of Tekhum. The Tekhum Preservation Cradle Round 19 - Years 2089 - 2091 Repository of Tekhum [ROT] - [link] - Region(s) 01, 10, 45, 156, 158 Heights of Utopia Tracker: Badal Orbit (1) Faith - Seek Aid on BRB remaining the faith leader - 16 Faith - Seek Aid on SKA's Rep Raise with TAS - 16 Faith - Prepare the Refugees and research capabilities of the repository [3/?] Faith - Prepare the Repository for Travel [4/?] Intrigue - Secret Preparations are made First Chronicler Tau'ri Drusus Dip 5 / Mil 3 / Eco 3 / Fai 7 / Int 3 Unit Cap: 4 / 12 Treasure: 3 || Income: +2 Additional Items Non-Action: Income (+2 Treasure) Non-Action: Support BRB as the faith leader. Non-Action: Set Dr. Sardonicus as the Heir to the Repository (2 Dip / 3 Mil / 4 Eco / 3 Faith / 4 Int) Non-Action: SUPPORT ALL MINORITY CONVERSIONS ON 10 Non-Action: Resist all Conversion Attempts beyond Minority on Region 1, Region 45, Region 156 and Region 158 (2d6+10) Non-Action: Support Minority Conversions for the Cult of the Mother Serpent Non-Action: Resist all hostile actions against owned trade-posts. (6-TP2 & 10-TP1 & 11-TP2 & 14-TP1 & 45-TP1 & 52-TP3 & 60-TP3 & 71-TP2 & 158-TP2 & 165-TP2) Non-Action: Resist / hinder (-2) all buyouts on 52 and 165's trade-posts Non-Action: Embassy with BCC: Embassy Actions: Send Magnesis Drives and Heuristic Psychology Non-Action: Trade Route with RAT Is Permanently Closed. Redirected to SKA Non-Action: Trade Route with HOF: Trade Route Actions: Send Thionite (158-TP2 - Medicine and Drugs, Chemical Reagents) to HOF Non-Action: Elysian Conduit Trade Route with TEA: Trade Route Actions: Non-Action: Trade Route with RRE Trade Route Actions: Send Infrastructural Stimulus to RRE Receive Warphole Wising and Commerce-Catalyzed Cultural Exports from RRE News And Rumors: Dr. Sardonicus' return has been met with rejoicing, his place is set as the future leader of the Repository as it prepares for its journey of preservation The Fount of Chaos officially closes its doors as First Chronicler Tau'ri takes over the Height of Utopia The Repository of Tekhum is willing to Pay for Donations to the Records. Reach out to ROT to add to the Repository. The Repository of Tekhum is requesting all organized and non-organized faiths to provide a sampling of their faithful to maintain the majority of the religions of Tekhum within the Records - please convert a minority into the Heights of Utopia (10) The Repository of Tekhum is looking for donors for the following Technologies with the promise of non-proliferation: Dust Hardening (promise not to share or even use) Rite of Fortification Courier Shuttles Esoteric Spectroscopy - Being donated by SEV Llort Interplanetary Taxi Services - Being donated by TEA Warphole Wising - Being donated by RRE BIRB luxury vehicles Heuristic Psychology Commerce-Catalyzed Cultural Exports - being donated by RRE Any other Economic Technology made from here to the departure of the Repository Realm Tracking Repository of Technology
  7. The Centerdome (149) Geography and Biology People History and Government Faith Resources
  8. Volasa (Region 148) Geography and Biology People Faith Government and History Resources
  9. The Counts of Mirage 57 in Veehra Mirage Julius Antarc Diplomacy: 3 Military: 3 Economy: 10 Faith: 2 Intrigue: 5 Actions: 1:[Economy 10] One Last Technology 2: [Intrigue] Ensure the PIER is operational 4: [Intrigue 5] 5: [Military] Raise a ground unit 6: [Military] ???? Non-Actions: Resist all Buyouts Equip all Mil techs when received if slot empty An Agreement with the Cloudburst Confederation: support for buying out 57tp2, in return for an agreement to defend MIR News and Rumours: Bookkeeping Trains Military Economic Technology
  10. The United Houses of Senkar (UHS) Located in: Senkar (Capital)(Region 16), Falfey (Region 13), Caone (Region 4), Zinmare (Region 163)(Badal) and [Unnamed](Region 133)(Wakinyan) Faith: The Forever Self Turn 19 Lady Arann Alegre, Speaker of the Houses Diplomacy: 9 Military: 10 Economy: 5 Faith: 8 Intrigue: 3 Actions: 1. Faith: Convert Erisdor (32) to grow Forever Self from Plurality to Majority (with RRE support, Grand Ideals CI applies) 2. Faith: Convert Rairyün (9) to grow Forever Self from Minority to Plurality (with GLO support, Grand Ideals CI applies) 3. Faith: Set faith bonus? 4. Faith: ? 5. Diplomacy: Attend The Council of Vaylenore. Sub-action: Vassalize to BCC Non-actions: Permanent: Support conversion of any owned regions to The Forever Self. Contest conversions of all other faiths. Contest all unsupported buyouts, sways, impresses ect. A) ? Embassies RRE: ? Trade Routes RRE: Accept resources sent, send Senkar Medicae Leader stats for next round: Diplomacy: Military: Economy: Faith: Intrigue:
  11. Approved. Approved. Both Approved. Approved. Approved. Both Approved.
  12. Odonata Studios Gryllidea Kriquette (he/him) 5 Diplomacy / 2 Military / 1 Economy / 1 Faith / 5 Intrigue Round 19 News, Rumors, and New Releases! Coming soon to theaters near you ... Actions [Diplomacy] - Attend event - Receive BEES in Spaaaaaaaace! (162) from TEA - Give the Reins & Saddle of Domination to SNK [Diplomacy 5] - Embassy with ELD [Diplomacy] - Sway media in Milesia (48) [Intrigue] - Investigate the location of escapees from the Black Stable Make every effort to keep any findings out of the hands of the Advancement Society [Intrigue] - Secret Non-Actions The Tri-Annual Steelbug Award goes to TBD! Change rulers non-dynastically (+1 Intrigue, +1 Diplomacy, +1 to any 2 attributes) TBD: x + 1 Diplomacy, x Military, x Economy, x Faith, x + 1 Intrigue Reminders for myself
  13. Faction Tracking Round 19 Rebellion danger Region writeups Region posts in the planets of Tekhum forum Media faction unrest Mercantile faction unrest The Faction Tracker GM is human (for now) and makes mistakes sometimes. Please DM Aerin if you spot an error.
  14. "It is time to begin the auctions! Only StarTC members may participate in the following auctions using STARBUCKs. Any remaining debt of treasure the StarTC owes have been converted to STARBUCKs. And as the StarTC no longer has need of material possessions in this reality, treasure, technology, and other material goods will no longer be accepted in exchange for STARBUCKs. However, this is a way to gain STARBUCKs." "The joint actions of Odonata Studios, the Glorious Purifiers, Eilif Dhaoine, and The Arkhive have done irreparable harm to this reality. The one responsible at the Arkhive, we deem, has suffered already the worst fate possible. The Glorious Purifiers and Eilif Dhaoine are StarTC partners, and so we shall extend them some leniency. However, at the end of Auctions our connections with them shall be severed, so that they may not escape to a new reality. They must face the consequences brought upon themselves. Odonata Studios has been deemed wholly unredeemable, and are marked as a StarTC target." "Aggressive actions against StarTC targets this round earn STARBUCKs that can be used in auctions. 5 STARBUCKs for a small action that profits you, such as theft. 10 STARBUCKs for a larger action that appropriately disciplines the OST. The STAR RATS will reward you in accordance to your deed. Other Elect who choose to use this chaotic time to attempt to steal trade posts will find themselves as StarTC targets." "STARBUCKs are fluid, and you can bid as you wish on auctions. However, if you end up outbidding your STARBUCK total at the end of the round, all of your auction results will be lost." "These things said, let the auctioning begin!" The Auctions!
  15. Eilif Dhaoine Round 19 Regions: The Reserve (25), Lassal (24), The Emerald Expanse (41), Eigh Mothaid (108) Leader: Scorcha of Deargabh Diplomacy 6 Military 5 Economy 3 Faith 5 Intrigue 6 Actions End of Turn Ruler Increases: +2 Faith Establish Holy Order in the Reserve - Slàinte Doire [Faith 5] Fluff Convert Lassal (24), elevating Coedd to Plurality [Faith] Convert the Solarian Plains (43), elevating Coedd to Plurality [Faith] Convert Eigh Mothaid (108), elevating Coedd to Plurality [Faith] Fluff Regain Stellar Power status [Diplomacy] Fluff Nonactions Travel to the Pond of the Salmon of Wisdom with Scorcha (+1 Faith) News and Rumours [Clagath debrief, attempt two] [Politics] [State of the nation stuff] [TEA things] [Refugee things] [Excess medicine advertising] [Maybe a time capsule contribution if I have time/energy/brain power] Statistics Unit Count: 3 Ground, 1 Space Treasure: 4 (0 spent) Country Information
  16. The Dwarven Industrial Coalition Chief Executive Richard Aubrey Diplomacy: 2 Military: 4+2 Economy: 5 Faith: 2 Intrigue: 5+1 Regions The Central Claims: 97 (Capital) Mel-Tori: 90 The Ethen Retreat: 93 The Iron-Clan Halls: 95 Starfire Wilds: 96 Rotmondchen: 124 Leaperville: 145 Actions [MIL] Raise a Space Unit [MIL] Raise a Space Unit [MIL] Contribute to Glorious Ascension [MIL] Impress Government Support in the Starfire Wilds (96) Claim Shining Beacons and Paper Tigers bonus. [INT] Investigate the location of Aion +1 from Esoteric Spectroscopy. Spend a Treasure. [INT] Activate the Heralds of the Infinite Spend a Treasure. Embassies C.A.S.S.I.O.P.E.: Trade Routes Arkhive: Non-actions News and Rumors Bookkeeping
  17. The Llort Society Protectorate Round 19, Standard Years 2089-2091 of the 99,803rd Era of the Imperial Calendar Capital: Bolotiya (151) Society Consul Guyineber (llort, she/her) Diplomacy: 7 Military: 3 Economy: 6 Faith: 2 Intrigue: 7 (Expected gains from this round to next round: +1 Dip, +2 Econ) (Heir, Prince Liyensiyo Liyus Timan-Bayolayinen, Dip 3+1, Mil 4, Econ 4+1, Faith 2, Intr 4+1) ACTIONS [Diplomacy] - Attend The RATpture Return region 132, Bren Shal, to the Bafatis Dynasty [BAF] Receive region 144, Nolos, from the Bafatis Dynasty [BAF] Receive the Mask of Observation and Mask of Respiration from RAT Accept the Trade Route from the House of Fire [HOF] Accept Craobhan Mora (region 110) and region 138 from RAT [Economy] - Build a Union Hall for The Pan-Tekhum Workers and Traders' Union in Bolotiya (region 151) [1/3] Second action by the Llort Society Protectorate on building Union Halls. The Union Hall in Bolotiya is completed quickly with the help of the Black Comet Coalition. The Union Hall in Nolos, region 144, is completed with the help of the Bafatis Dynasty. The Society Laboratory in Neso, region 160, requires 1 more action to complete. The Llort Society Protectorate has spent 3 actions on building Society Laboratories. [Economy] - Prospect Bolotiya (region 151) - ??? 2d6 + 6 Econ - 1 general EMP penalty + 1 Treasure The llort set up more thaumo-domes with mining drills, trying to dig out materials from inside the moon that they hope to use as construction materials. Gain Renown from Dedication Generosity? [Economy] - Receive Trade Posts from the STAR RATS: Fount of Transcendence (region 1) XQI TPs 1 and 2, Atmor (region 26) Shadewood TP 1, Outerock (region 99) Embroidered Fabrics TP 2, region 115 Moonjumpers TP 1, region 136 Tholin Sludge TP 1 and 2. [Diplomacy] - Display the Black Hat Safety from Renown loss. [Economy] - Colonize region 114 - ??? 2d8 (Llort Thrive Anywhere CI) + 6 Econ - 1 general EMP penalty - 2 distance penalty + 2 distance penalty mitigation (Tesseractic Storage powered by Shadewood; Hyperlight Transceivers powered by Todd) + 1 Treasure + 1 WTU arcology NON-ACTIONS Accept: All gifted artifacts, technologies, Treasure, characters, Embassies and Trade Routes. (Just in case I've forgotten or missed any or was unavailable to edit it in later.) Renown 4 Event: Embassies (Ren 3+ = Trade Routes): ALF: ARK: BAF: BCC: BRB: GCC: GLO: LMP: RAT: SEV: TEA: Trade Routes: FBC: RAT: Accept Warp Wising, Warphole Wising, Commerce-Catalyzed Cultural Exports and other techs. SKA: WTP: Senator duties: Society Consul Karcheras ventures into the heart of the Senate with the Rod of the Speaker... Hinder & Resist: buyouts of LSP-owned TPs, conversions targeting Imperial Cult, conversions raising anything other than Imperial Cult to Plurality status. Donations to the Arkhive and Imperial Court: Donations to the Arkhive and Imperial Court Store the Rod of the Speaker all with the Imperial Milesi Knights-Archaeologists of Tekhum Holy Order in Basibaye Frontier in the orbit of Wakinyan (+4 to Resist Theft). ✨Fluff Only✨ News: Rumours: Mechanics notes & Summary Long-term mechanics notes are stored for GMs in my country thread over here. This round's expected changes for LSP: 2 Treasure spent, 3 Treasure remaining, +3 expected at the start of next round Embassy with ??? Trade Route with the House of Fire [HOF] Reminders for round 20
  18. STAR RATS Solar Trade Administrative Regions of Durats StarTC News The Rapture has come. Rejoice. STAR RATS Actions Round 19 Technologies Activated: Wormhole Wising (XQI [1.1]) - Warp Wising (XQI [Free from SF]) - Tesseract Storage (Shadewood [26.1]) - Commerce-Catalyzed Cultural Exports: Luxury Goods(Gold [91.2]) - Reality Slipwarp Ships: Spaceships (Moonjumpers [115.1]) Minor Precognition (XQI [1.2]) Thermonuclear Reactor Cores (Solar Panels [104.1]) Shrewd Business (Honeyed Words [46.2], Embroidered Fabrics [99.1]) Infrastructural Stimulus (Superconductors [Region 50 Arcology]) 1. Faith) [F10] Perform the Ratpture The Ratpture 2. Diplomacy) Host the Rapture Event. 3. Faith) Attempt to take control of Soul's Fascination, spending 3 treasure. 4. tbd economy or military) Send a trade package or perform a rattattack, to be decided by auction. 5. Economy) Trade the Slipwarp Package 6. Economy) Saved for STAR RATS use STAR RATS Non-Action Non-Action) Use Warphole Wising to use Trade Routes to as Embassies. Non-Action) Use Minor Precognition in the first applicable instance. Non-Action) - StarTC Non-Actions Treasure Non-Action) Send one treasure to BCC Non-Action) Send three treasure to the HoF Technology Resources Artifacts Locked Non-Actions Non-Action) Send Robots from TP 37.2 to The White Pawns via Trade Route as Robot Desired Import Non-Action) Send Veehran Wheat from TP 63.2 to The Kingdom of High Ishtahnos via Trade Route as Desired Import Cursed Catch-alls I hopefully never need to use Non-Action) Accept any other traded treasure, artifacts, resources, and technologies. (I'm doing my best to not need this, but you never know) Non-Action) Accept any Renown I missed accepting above. (Hopefully never need this catch-all, but putting it here incase I miss something) Trades in Progress (NO GM ACTION REQIRED) Leader Information Other Information
  19. Dozens of ships from visiting Elect hover over the Firmament, the light of the setting Ophon shines off of their hulls giving an illusion that the stars themselves have travelled to attend this event. They illuminate the grand forests of Craobhan Mòra, once a massive region of giant forests and overwhelming nature, and still a region of giant forests and overwhelming nature. Yet now, the trees crawl with the constructs and the ever-present movement of modern society. Landing pads, factories, trade hubs, and shipyards have all been built into the trees themselves. The massive arching branches holding up a multi-layered arboreal society large enough to support the trade of over half the explored galaxy. There is only one exception to the ever-present forest is a huge green cathedral, spanning thousands of stories into the sky reaching the height of even the tallest Stage Trees. A gift from a dead Empire, designed to every specification demanded by very peculiar Durat architects. Within the green crystalline walls of the Dimension 0x9d98fadedd3f534e StarTC Crystal Cathedral, rulers and dignitaries wait for the arrival of Skunk Sgszcv Fropahiklagescoda. The atmosphere is cold and tense. These are the most powerful and influential people of the system, and yet who's here to greet them? One single Durat. Hub. When pressed, it only repeats, "They are coming." Until eventually he says, "They are here". Hub presents a prism to the audience. Pulsing and glowing, it hovers over a single hand. Then, the Durat focuses, and the prism twists, it folds, and in a way hardly fathomable to mortal mind, it opens and grows. The outward edges of the prism pull away from the center, leaving a hole. A hole through reality itself, as space itself bends to the technology of the STAR RATS. The hole grows to the size of a small house and a congregation arrives. A small hundred of Durats walk enter the room led by the elusive Skunk. But Hub hasn't finished. It holds a paw to the sky above and the entire green of the cathedral glows. And far above, the space in space twists. And as on the ground below, it unfolds and opens, but the scale is magnitudes larger as rows of giant starhex shiplines fly through the portal into the skies above. Their arrival to the participants, and the sky grows suddenly crowded with lines of gleaming silver. Without addressing the feat of technology, Skunk Sgszcv Fropahiklagescoda turns to the room and speaks in unison. "Welcome, we have much to say, and even then, much will be unsaid. So hear clearly, the final proclamation of the STAR RATS". "A Durat is a small and weak creature. Our claws are dulled from digging the earth, our teeth small for plants and grubs. In the times before civilization, our burrows sparsely dotted Sansar, barely distinguishable from our less psychically inclined cousins. Then, when civilization came, we were not permitted. Our brains were a delicacy to humanoids. Small, unable to communicate, prey, inferior. These memories may be forgotten to you, but they are ingrained in us. We know from our histories, we know from the primal fear that each pup must overcome to face the big folk." "Then came the great war. Even for the uninvolved, the destruction was such that we have little memories. The entirety of space at your fingertips, the power to harness Ophon, and it's used on yourselves. But who are we to complain, it was only the reckless destruction of the great species that allowed to become more than prey. To pick up weapons and unite. And so began the the Durats of Burtzlund. From these things, we learned much. The ability of technology to elevate the weak, to resolve problems, and build a better future. The importance of connection, not just with wising-mates, but with other pods, other peoples. By expanding beyond your den, you grasped a brighter future." "So it was, that we gained a shared vision. A vision of a future where everyone was connected. Where no creature would be unheard, for who couldn't hear the pain of their own limbs? Every Durat wising into a single den that would welcome all comers. Bringing peace, wisdom, and a united purpose to the system." "And then the Empire reached out to elevate the Elect. They, who had everything. They, who held the power to effortlessly destroy any nation, any planet. They, the ones who maintained peace and ultimate power for all recorded history. They gave their power away. It was the greatest gift and their worst mistake. The Durats of Burtzlund vowed to make use of this gift. The seed of power that could bring unity, and prevent the mistakes of the past." "And so it was that the STAR RATS was created, and with it the StarTC. We shared the only thing we know better than any, connection. We have built space-lanes, forged treaties, resolved wars, built economies, and created wonders. None of this could have been done without the other Elect, whom have our thanks." "However, in all of this joy, there was great darkness. The Elect were offered connection, but how did they use it? The ability to instantly communicate, negotiate, reparate? War, mostly war. Upon the journalists, upon the Empire, and upon each other. This is not to speak for all Elect, many of whom sought to bring prosperity to their people or explore the vast unknown. But for many, the benefit of the StarTC was to better arm themselves for war. This is the reality I observed when I was created to lead this great nation. This is a reality that will not accept a vast supermega pod. This is a reality that will tear down any source of authority to sate the lust of their own ego. But we're not limited to this reality, are we?" "Just as technology delivered salvation to the Durats of Burtzlund, technology offers the rapture to the STAR RATS. Our new home is chosen, it has already begun. We go to a reality where an XQI-like substance is plentiful. Where it's abundance and benefit created a unity unmatched here. Can you picture it, a reality where every sapient creature is part of a giant telepathic bond. One single conscious individual. A single identity formed from trillions of minds. Unburdened by the concept of space or event death, and intelligence and power that surpasses our comprehension. And I know that it is real, I have met it and it welcomes the STAR RATS to join. Finally, the visions of paradise as spoken by Shrac xbszsscqegbdvccssdgsscgdsvksbzscszeacsszqksgzkbzs Kegacadedarlepuzysmalemulapasmeweealhinfnknklupyhelozosmesmierphaknusmzylascahacahidujitubiphaknphposlayntaphethunoo shall come to pass. Rejoice, the rapture is upon us." "And to those who are not STAR RATS, do not follow. We have seen the devastation wrought upon these planets, we do not have need for it. And for those enterprising minds who believe conquering this reality may bring profit, this is your warning. The mind of trillions will know you, and end you before the first laserblast." "But we will not leave you empty-handed in this hell you create for yourselves. For those who used the ability of connection to the greatest extent, we will leave our worldly possessions. Over the next months, the STAR RATS will auction our possession to those with STARBUCKs, along with detailing the remaining few ways to obtain STARBUCK from us to trade. Because, of course, treasure is no longer bought by we who no longer need it." "We have built great economic and diplomatic bonds with so many Elect. These have been great joint efforts both on our behalf, and on the behalf of the Elect. We appreciate these attempts at a more connected reality, and will make sure these bonds collapse as we leave. For those who wish to explore the new frontier of other realities themselves, they may maintain a bond with the STAR RATS as we evolve. We, who are soon to be merged with the great one, will assist you in your explorations. For those who wish to stay and repair this reality, we will use our economic might to assist you in reforging your connections with a different elect." "And so ends the introduction, in the morrow details will come to light, be prepared." The Ratpture
  20. The Imperial Shard Their strength shattered, their leadership gutted, and their dreams of fiery retribution all but quashed, the Shard limps into the void. It cannot go far - simple logistics limit its movement at this point - but its exact destination is unknown.
  21. Organization Actions Round Eighteen [Favor] Each Org will be able to fulfill one (1) Favor request without using an action per turn. If more requests are made, the Org will either take an action to fulfill more than one or delay fulfillment for one round (but no more), depending on circumstance (ie, Org GM discretion). In this case, priority order will be determined by Reputation with the Org, then by circumstance (ie, Org GM discretion). The Imperial Remnant The Imperial Remnant represents those that survived the assaults on Ophon who continue to exist in some manner of official capacity. Their power has waned and their influence is but a leaking faucet compared to the once mighty river pouring from the Crown. Non-actions [Senate] - Pan-Tekhum Worker's and Trader's Union The Pan-Tekhum Worker's and Trader's Union - usually called the Pan-Tekhum Union or simply the Union - found its start as a loose interplanetary coalition of smaller collectives, guilds, and worker's interest groups who found it expedient to work together to protect their interests. The re-introduction of the Elect catapulted them into prominence, as leadership rapidly centralized to ensure the continued protection of interests for workers and small businesses everywhere. They are now a major player in finance and business throughout the system. Despite their name, the Union actually has more in common with the structure of a medieval guild than the definition of a union proposed by more revolutionary groups in Tekhum, though their ownership structure is more horizontal and they have little interest in maintaining monopolies. [Favor] Arcology - As states across Tekhum handle the destruction of the centralized government of the system in different ways, the Union stands ready to assist where it can. In Volasa and the Empty Sea, new population centers are built by members now well-acquainted with the process, and the regions flourish. [WTU builds an arcology in Volasa (148). Lake Olratsi grants a +1 bonus to defensive ground battles. WTU builds an arcology in the Empty Sea (60). Storms’ Edge grants a +1 bonus to defensive ground battles.] [Supply] Stopgap Shipments - With the refugee crisis continuing to wreak economic havoc across Tekhum, Union trade experts develop a plan that will allow easy, expedient shipments of emergency goods across the system, burning through stores for the sake of a better Tekhum. [Until the end of Round 21, the Union is willing to provide the new Desired Imports for regions. Any Elect with WTU rep 0 or higher may use an Economy action to send any amount of Treasure to WTU. For every Treasure spent this way, WTU will fulfill one refugee DI for one round in a region of the Elect’s choice.] [Altruism] Caretaking - Until the crisis subsists, the Union gladly steps in to help its friends. [WTU attempts to Sway the Merchant Support in Ello (region 5) using TP2 in the region. WTU attempts to Sway the Merchant Support in Shiwa Yun (region 6) using Charnan Cherries (Ello, region 5)] Non-actions Resist all unauthorized buyouts [Favor] Buyout - WTU attempts to Buyout Moonshine in Volasa (region 148) on behalf of SNK [Reminder] - This is the last round to engage with Trust-Busting. Don't forget to Reach for the Stars! Union Arcologies Ongoing The Advancement Society Tekhum has, unsurprisingly, seen something of a scientific renaissance in the last few decades, as interplanetary contact has allowed for cooperation and competition in a major way. Recently, a cadre of scientists from across the system have met in semi-secret, out from the watchful gaze of their governments. The seed for this group was planted by the Imperial College of Science’s funding drive. Several mid-level experts were disillusioned with the process and the results, and began seeking out like-minded researchers, engineers, and inventors from each of the orbits. Now, this group has reached critical mass and thousands of Tekhum’s brightest are forming a network whose watchword is Advancement. Technological progress, though, is not the only focus for the group. As it has grown, it has attracted teachers, philosophers, psychologists, and even experts in job training, interested in helping even the lowliest citizen of Tekhum become their best self. [Ride] A Suitable Mount - The revelation of the Empire’s “Black Stable” is of immediate and pressing interest to the Advancement Society. Information regarding the nature of the facility, data on the creatures therein, or the capture of interesting specimens is highly prized by the biologists of the Society. [Until the end of Round 21, successful public Investigations of the Black Stable or its denizens will yield 1 TAS Favor. Delivering a captured Strange Creature from the Black Stable will yield 1 TAS Favor and 1 TAS Rep.] [Advancement] Glorious Ascension - The loss of Aion and the new information about the defenses of Ophon have sparked the interest of some of Tekhum’s top dynologists. A mobile platform capable of long-term, projectile plasma generation becomes the passion project of a vocal wing of the Society. There are mutterings about the benefits of such a weapon in providing clean energy or staving off wars through infinite threat, of course, but the excitement is in the project itself. [Elect may contribute MIL actions or units as non-actions to the Glorious Ascension project in pursuit of a new Military Technology. Every 2 units submitted this way will count as an additional action. If, by the end of Round 20, TAS has received at least 10 actions toward this project, it will create the technology. Each Elect that contributed at least 1 action or 2 units will also receive the technology. If TAS receives 20 actions, it will create a second technology, which will either be a MIL or ECO technology, per the Org GM’s discretion based on the types of submissions made by Elect. Elect that submit at least 2 “actions” (2 MIL actions, 4 units, or 1 and 2 respectively) will earn 1 TAS Favor. Elect that submit at least 4 “actions” will earn 1 TAS Rep and 1 TAS Favor instead.] [Preparation] A Tekhum Primer [4/5] - The Tekhum Primer is coming along nicely, and the Advancement Society is pleased. First Chair Byz1k announces a plan to deliver a physical copy of the Primer, bound in platinum, to institutions chosen by the Elect across Tekhum if this dedication to knowledge continues. [If the Tekhum Primer receives at least 10 Actions by its conclusion, each Elect that contributed at least one action or 2 Fluff pieces will gain A Tekhum Primer, a Great Work.] Non-actions [Study] Dine on Knowledge - Curious both personally and by the demands of his station, First Chair Byz1k makes the pilgrimage to the Pond of the Salmon of Wisdom to investigate this new font of understanding. Reminder - Growth is Progress is ongoing! Ongoing International Renown International Renown is an entity which acts in many respects like a fourth Organization, but it is distinct in a number of key areas. Renown represents the respect, appreciation, envy, and awe a country commands on the world stage, not just from the ruling governments of the country’s peers, but in the broader perception of the influential elite. The only actions International Renown can take are to create tasks, requests, host events, or otherwise create opportunities for countries to demonstrate their wealth, power, and grandeur, and it cannot owe or be owed favors or have its reputation affected by Raise Reputation or Slander actions. A player’s Reputation with International Renown will usually be abbreviated to “Renown”. Renown opportunities that specify a country "may" gain Renown for an action will only grant Renown if it is explicitly noted in their action post that they wish to do so. This applies to previously offered opportunities. [Altruism] Dedication Generosity - As the refugee crisis continues to strain the economic capabilities of those that were once Elect, even more attention is paid to those that can absorb the costs willingly. [The previous [Altruism] Generosity action is expanded to the following: Until the end of Round 20, Elect that create at least one TP of Fruits and Vegetables, Medicine and Drugs, or Construction Materials will gain 1 REN. Creating a TP includes Prospecting, Industrial Investment, Refine Resource, or actions with similar results (such as a Miracle that accomplishes the same). Elect that create at least three TPs will instead gain 2 REN.] [Might] Shining Beacons and Paper Tigers - With six decades of history to fall back on, many powerful figures in Tekhum have built a reputation for themselves. As the system struggles bravely on the brink of chaos, those reputations are called into question time and again. Who will stand up to the scrutiny, and who will collapse under the pressure? [Until the end of Round 21, Elect with at least 1 REN may opt to gain a bonus equal to their REN on any roll made to move a Support away from Unruly. Doing so ties their reputation to their orderliness, though, and carries some risk. At the end of Round 21, each Elect that took advantage of this bonus will suffer -1 REN if they have any Unruly Supports in regions they own, and an additional -1 if they own any regions engaged in active rebellion.] Reminder - This is the last round to engage with Everybody Loves a Heel, Faces are Boring and Display. Ongoing Rulings and Answers
  22. The Enclave of Asher Ruled by King Athanasios XI Diplomacy: 6 Martial: 8 Economy: 9 Faith: 2 Intrigue: 3 Regions 136 and 147 Vassal of the Imperial Frontier [Diplomacy] Attend the Rise of the Elect Assert Asher's position as High Logistician of the Distant Worlds [???] Work to maintain imperial logistics in the far out worlds Asher's positioning, evident knowledge when it comes to supplies and logistics, especially when you have to stretch out supplies for a long period of time, trade route with the Astral Symposium that still allows supplies to flow in, and other such things makes it so that they are in a good position to support the Symposium's efforts. So Asher begins to take measures to keep the imperial logistics network from collapsing and keep the gears turning in the distant worlds. [Diplomacy 5 Special] Establish Embassy with the Imperial Frontier. @TheDarkDM [Economy] Buy out TP 2 of 148 Volasa [Economy] Buy out TP 1 of 145 Leaperville Stat Changes: +1 DIP, +1 ECON News and rumors: The situation on Asher remains tenuous as the King's Council is demanding measures be taken to ensure the survival of Asher in the face of the potential chaos the situation elsewhere could cause. The fleet of the Asherite Guard has begun to enact a blockade of their own home moon and all approaching ships are to present relevant identifications on approach unless they are a warship of the Imperial Frontier. Plans to fortify Asher beyond the Great Bulwark is ordered to be drafted by the high command of the Asherite Guard. Plans to reinforce the anti-biological defenses on Asher are ordered to be underway. Asherite genetic scientists have been seen hopping on ships to various worlds and territories to gather genetic information to expand their great library. King Athanasios XI has pledged his full support to the Imperial Frontier and it's efforts.
  23. The Bafatis Dynasty (BAF) Round 19 71 (Voletha), 113 (Themis), 66 (Cheala), 129 (Lufreibia), 130 (Lashuerhiel), 132 (Bren Shal) Duke Anandan Bafatis Diplomacy: 10 Military: 9 Economy: 10 Faith: 3 Intrigue: 1 Actions: 1: [Diplomacy] Attend the RATpture Receive region 132, Bren Shal, from The Llort Society Protectorate Return region 144, Nolos, to The Llort Society Protectorate 2: [Diplomacy] Build a WTU Base in region 144 (Nolos) 2/3 3: [Diplomacy] Build a WTU Base in region 144 (Nolos) 3/3 4: [Diplomacy] Use Dip10 special to build a Gas Giant Dirigible on Kaua (Ironwood as construction material, Ancient Island Golems as laborers 5: [Economy] Buyout TP137.3 (Petrochemical Derivative Pharmaceuticals) with support from BRB (TN12, -4 distance, +1 treasure, +2 support, +1 artificial gravity (powered by activated darkmatter), +1 Tesseractic storage (powered by spellbooks), -1 general penalty) 22, success Non-Actions: -contest all buyouts, takeovers, coercions and the like unless otherwise specified -If I do something that gives renown, take the renown Bookkeeping Military Economic Technology new stats Fluff: News: Diplomacy: -True to their word, the Bafatis continue to build the WTU base in the region of Nolos they temporary had control over. Also starting from that region, they build the first megadirigible on the Gas Giant of Kaua. It's build with mostly Ironwood, except there where other materials were needed and with the anti-gravity holding it in place at just the right place in the atmosphere. It would take some outfitting, but the base structure was now there. Economy: Using their merchant connections, the Bafatis manage to secure some medication that they need desperately for the refugees. To make sure they bring some treasure for the merchants.
  24. THE COMBINED COMMONWEALTH OF GLIX A pair of ancient Glix land on Veehra, one a Worker and the other a Queen, the first to be carried over the dust of this world. The egg she is holding will be among her last, she is unlikely to see the next Jubilee. She is the one known as The Hammer, the Herald wheeling beside her is her Uncle, Xyrz'Hesk, who has served her all her life, together they are among the greatest telepaths, excluding those enhanced by necromancy or magic. They know this egg will be the only Glix ever to be born on Veehra. They look on with quiet approval at the humble repast offered. Both lived through countless famines over the centuries. They respect restraint. They are not here to offer support, that is not their place. They are here to give a gift. The Oldest, most potent magic of the Glix, that saw them through the famine times and the Exodduses. "My Mistress wishes you luck in your endeavor, High King and his honored guests. But the time of the Combine, a unitary Glix nation, is nearing its end. It is not the place of Hesk Teivosk to speak at this council on behalf of all Glix, for we no longer have one voice. "My Mistress would, however, give you a gift to remember us by, in that golden hour, when Czarra will have waked again. "Hear now the song of Queens taught from Elder to Nymph, and saved for only the direst hours. Those who repeat it will become Bards, bound with the Voice of The Parrot to make lies true." The Hammer sings a short song in a barking voice and a strange tongue... ... at the tables set by Ishtahn, the food taken already by the guests is restored, as though it was yet to be served. The faces of of Glix are hard to read, but the ancient Worker and his niece seem satisfied. "I have prepared a video tutorial on how you might best implement this new knowledge. The file should be available on Intra-Planet shortly."
  25. The Black Comet Coalition Capital: North Way Cluster (Běizhōu Qún | 北週群 | Region 2) Neo-Guleum (Region 12) Suaka Beruntung (Region 15) Bit Ereshkigal (Region 22) Xīngǎng (Newharbor | 新港 | Region 103) Kaituku Nui (Region 104) 暗彗星 聯盟 {"Ànhuìxīng Liánméng"} Round 18 [EE51, EE52, EE53] Coalition Captain Live_Fire_Exorcise & Cyber-Engineer Jié Huīshēng, a.k.a. '?' Diplomacy 6 | Military 6 | Economy 5 | Faith 2 | Intrigue 6 Actions: [Diplomacy] - Attend Event [Diplomacy] - Sway ? [Economy 5] - Refine Resource in Neo-Guleum: Loans -> Bulk Food Futures Contracts? gain +2 Renown from Generosity [Economy] - Begin the Void Guides Pilot Assistance Program [Diplomacy] - Assist w/ building a base? [Diplomacy] - Assist w/ building a base? Non-Actions: Request the Worker's and Trader's Union of Tekhum Buyout Frozen Sand in region [165?] on Sheol for the Coalition. Visit the Salmon of Wisdom to increase Economy Pure knowledge seems...unlikely. And concerning, if real. But the need is great, and there is little time. Huisheng and Live_Fire_Exorcise set a course for this Salmon's pond. Perhaps they might find a way beyond the light barrier within those waters. Resist & Hinder any Conversions that would reduce Clouder Codes to Minority in the North Way Cluster (Region 2); otherwise, neither assist, hinder, nor resist conversions introducing additional minorities, with exceptions: Assist any conversions to Death's Wheel, Dustbound Chivalry, & ? The Coalition is tolerant of many things - but non-members are still viewed with suspicion if they proselytize too strongly. The Black Cloud Bounty Board (BCBB) is...temporarily closed. Do you have someone you'd like dead, maimed, or merely irrevocably ruined? An Elect destabilized, or a trade network threatened? Do you want your involvement to be as indirect as possible? Do you want someone more competent than a petty crook to do your dirty work for you? Well don't you worry, your search is over! Bounty Board Mechanics News and Rumors Jie Meifeng rarely leaves the North Way Cluster, and appears to have abandoned any advisory role she once played to the current Coalition Captain. Her skills, some say, simply don't lend themselves to the proposed goals of Project Diaspora, save for efforts to secure the aid of foreign nationals in contributing - and her connections seem committed to a different approach. Statistics
  26. The Centerdome (149) Geography and Biology People History and Government Faith Resources
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