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Behold H'Catha (Part 4)


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Plasmoid.jpg.2a97192db590b36ed168657a4f2abba8.jpgYahs Anirys Plasmoid Monk (Way of Mercy) 4 CG

AC: 16 | HP: 32/32 | HD: 3/3 | PP: 13 | Inspiration: No | Speed: 40 ft | GP: 60
Str 11 (0) Dex 18 (4) Con 12 (1) Wis 16 (3) Int 11 (0) Cha 9 (-1)

Attacks: Spear (P)1d20+6;1d6+4 | Unarmed(B) 1d20+6;1d4+4 | Sling(B)1d20+6;1d4+4 | Quarterstaff-Mop(B) 1d20+6;1d6+4
Magic: Sacred Flame (DEX vs DC13; 1d8) | Shield of Faith(Bonus; +2AC) | Ki Pool: 1/4

Yahs listens quietly to the debriefing and follow up theories as to who or what is actually threatening Fleet's continued existence. Without more information, she doubted they could really answer that burning question in this moment. With the tendrils of her cigar smoke drifting like soggy clouds through her fluids, the plasmoid is barely able to stifle a snort at Tarto's concern over the mysterious Flapjack. Looking around at those currently filling the chairs in the room, she couldn't help wondering if a hat wearing flumph wasn't the closest thing to normal that actually existed within Fleet. Considering the one laying out the criticism was a crusty, cigar smoking space hippo, it crossed the line into 'pot calling the kettle' territory in her book. When desperate, you don't turn away help just because of poor fashion choice. And besides, the more she thinks about it, the more she believes a tricorn hat could be rather dashing.

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A walking amoeba carrying a mop, a walking amoeba with demonic bones inside, a white-haired elven prince wizard

Despite the stomach churning unease that the last few weeks has left with the cadets, Mirt's new strategies prove at least temporarily efficacious. Graduation day finally rolls around with a grand total of 0 explosions, 0 beheadings, and 0 personalized stationery letters sent back to your mom's house, begging her to extract you from the hell that was Spelljammer Academy. Instead, breakthroughs in your training pierce a new level of muscle memory. A wacky variety of space scenarios are analyzed, your personal encyclopedia of exotic creatures and civilizations expands, and historical understanding of inter-wildspace politics is refined.

But what started as 6 promising cadets is noticeably whittled down to 3, a definite sore mark on the accounting of personnel for the budding Fleet. Popsicle is held back a month for cheating on the final exam (he was found to have written tiny notes on a space cucumber he medically administered to himself during the test). Zibbles sadly relapsed after a certain ear-on-a-stick gag backfired horribly, the space clown going permanently deaf on one side. Veena left for the suborbital Sun Soul monastery a few days before graduation in another stunning loss, putting spiritual development above protection of the realms...

But the show must go on, and Realmspace is fated to earn its sworn protectors in a trickle instead of a avalanche. Uniforms are ironed, tassels are untangled, speeches are rehearsed. At the end of the day, the Fleet has an experienced Spelljammer, a trusted leader, and a fierce Corps cadet ready to tackle the next goldfish bowls that roll out the nearest black hole. Proudly the copper insignia of the cadets is replaced with the silver pins of the Fleet. To a crowd that has to some extent become family, your ascension is the new gossip, your exploits a research topic for the libraries stacks, your appreciation of service becoming a permanent respect.


That night, taking drinks on the balcony that used to be Ryeback's busy breakfast bar, the utter peacefulness of the night is punctuated by an enchanting shower of golden shooting stars (which curiously resemble coffins to the morbid, or shells to the nature lovers). It is as if the heavens themselves are falling to greet the latest graduates of Spelljammer Academy...

A tall stone rising from the ocean with hints of habitation, under a night sky lit by yellow shooting stars

Congrats to us for getting a notch in the 'game complete' column. I will open the main campaign thread recruitment tonight. Please take a look, I am adding a few house rules/variants we didn't use this time. You also get your choice of an uncommon magic item, and your cut of the adamantine booty.

I would appreciate a final RP post. Welcome to level 5.

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Plasmoid.jpg.2a97192db590b36ed168657a4f2abba8.jpgYahs Anirys Plasmoid Monk (Way of Mercy) 4 CG

AC: 16 | HP: 32/32 | HD: 3/3 | PP: 13 | Inspiration: No | Speed: 40 ft | GP: 60
Str 11 (0) Dex 18 (4) Con 12 (1) Wis 16 (3) Int 11 (0) Cha 9 (-1)

Attacks: Spear (P)1d20+6;1d6+4 | Unarmed(B) 1d20+6;1d4+4 | Sling(B)1d20+6;1d4+4 | Quarterstaff-Mop(B) 1d20+6;1d6+4
Magic: Sacred Flame (DEX vs DC13; 1d8) | Shield of Faith(Bonus; +2AC) | Ki Pool: 1/4

The excitement of graduation quickly turned to disgruntled mumblings of consternation. It seems that hosting a large scale event attended by numerous bigwigs with all the required pomp and circumstance right after a deadly and destructive incursion of giff and gith commandos required an extraordinary amount of clean up work. Since the excrement always flows downhill and Yahs and her fellow cadets apparently lived in the deepest valley located next to that proverbial hill, they ended up spending much of the time prior to the ceremony scrubbing blood stains from the walls, picking bits of brain from the banisters, attempting to match lost limbs with their counterpart bodies, etc. It was a grizzly and grim task perfectly suited to the plasmoid.

She did find the prominent display of rotting gith head upon her belt created the proper amount of unease and respect amongst the younger cadet classes and thus at times she found herself able to take on a more supervisory roll as others actually obeyed her orders. In fact, there was a great deal of respect for all the members of her crew following the incidents that could have resulted in a lot more dead cadets if the three hadn't have intervened. One group of highly impressionable, rather misguided youths even formed something of special squad among themselves. Small mop patches were added to their uniforms and soon their off hours were spent practicing a variety of methods for turning regular cleaning implements into deadly weapons. "Sponge Bomb Day" was one outcome of this effort that was quickly denounced by the academy staff too little avail. This same group also started a rather darker tradition of attaching paper mache heads on their belts after scoring particularly noteworthy kills during a simulation.

Yahs was pretty certain another group had taken to collecting rat bones and experimenting with various fungi gathered from the biology instructor's not-so-secret stash. And of course there was the Young Prince's Club. When asked about their doings, the plasmoid's skin just ripples in unease as she waves away the question. Her nervous eyes trying to watch every direction at once before she quickly notices a stain or some bit of tarnished silver that needed tending.

So her graduation came and went. Sitting there on the balcony after the final ceremony and watching the falling stars illuminate the sky, she ponders what will come next. What grand adventures she'll have. What wonders of the multiverse she'll witness. What mighty beings she'll encounter. Her thoughts are interrupted by Celsior wretching in the corner. It seemed there were long term effects to eating so many fungal spores at once. The medics assured him the alcohol allergy would wear off eventually, but they couldn't say when. The plasmoid burbles a sigh and grabs her mop.

"Don't worry Captain, I'll clean that up."


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Lazuli Lazali Lulura, AKA SquishySlimeGirl.jpg.be6391fa65f486754161b2eadaffc135.jpg

AC 17 | HP 24/33 (THP 0) | HD 3/3 | Inspiration Yes | P.Perception 21 | P.Investigation 15

Saves: Str -1 | Dex +3 | Con +1 | Int +2 | Wis +6 | Cha +0

Resistances: Acid and Poison

As for Lazuli, well, they continued collecting bones and, well, growing. Eventually, they split in two, and continued working as a pair. Then, they ate enough to split again.

Rumors swirl about where they stashed the 'mother' fungal bloom, Squishy's hive mind, as it were, but at least they seemed to be loyal, hard working, cannibalistic Fleet officer with silver pins on every one. Even if nobody is quite sure where they got that many pins.

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spacer.pngCelsior Loriniscil, Prince of Alfheim

Inspiration Yes | HP 27/27 | HD 4/4 | Step 2/2 | Shield 1/1

Bladesong 2/2 | Recovery 2/2 | 1st-level 4/4 | 2nd-level 3/3

Celsior stuck with his crew through it all, cleaning the destruction caused by the assault and preparing for the final exam. He had left his privilege at home and committed to the full academy experience.

The prince knew his mother, Queen Aelsa Featherwine, was invited to graduation, but she did not attend. She sent an ambassador who delivered an arcane grimoire as a graduation gift and her regrets. She had an emergency that grounded her in Ljosalfgard, the capital of Alfhiem. Although quite disappointed, he tried not to show it. Before the ceremony, he secreted himself to pen a stilted letter to his mother, explaining his adventures without enough details in case the missive was intercepted. He wished her well and promised to return when he could.

That night afterwards sharing celebratory drinks with his crew, his stomach starts turning. Bewildered, because he's been drinking alcohol for almost hundred years, he says to himself, "I don't feel so good," before finding a corner to vomit.



Edited by JubalBreakbottle (see edit history)
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