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Clarifications to Confusing Rules-As-Written

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There are many situations where the rules-as-written are ambiguous or confusing, where the online advice is “ask your game master.” This thread is for my interpretations of these thing. Just to keep this thread easy to find things in, there is a separate “clarifications discussion” thread, which is where you should post all clarification requests except those for my house rules.

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Unarmed Strikes versus Natural Attacks


I'm currently building a character for my application, looking to make a Monk/Druid character. What are your rules for the relationship between unarmed strikes and natural attacks, particularly in regards to monk unarmed damage, flurry of blows, and wild shaping into forms with multiple limbs (ie. an octopus)? The rules seem quite hazy here, and checking online shows several different interpretations that basically boil down to 'ask your DM'.

Unless someone points out a serious problem, I’m going to go with synergy between the two sides of the gestalt: Monk unarmed damage applies to natural attacks in wild shapes, including those forms with multiple arms; you get the better of the natural attack damage or the monk unarmed attack damage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Someone asked whether Leap Attack applied to each attack in an iteration, but the Jump is part of the Charge movement, so only applies to the first attack.

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