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The Blue Line

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With her big day behind her, Kayli was eager to get to 'the office' this morning. Today would see the interrogation of Vagels, the other guards for Willows and these Rush slingers Baccardi's team had arrested. Ragemuffi and ThimbleThumb would be busy with statements all day. Wes was already at the station, with Izzy, who seemed to have spent the night at Wes's apartment rather than in her own bed. Kayli had not noticed her return the evening before and her bed was still made this morning.

Wes pulled Kayli aside as soon as she arrived. "Hey, quick question, who on Baccardi's squad should be her second? She's been re-assigned, according to this paperwork your dad sent over last night. He has her on a new mission for him personally? Any ideas what's up here? Because I really needed her to be leading. If I have to take them out myself, then I'll get behind on my own tasks."


Wes took Kayli's comments under advisement and left her to grab a donit from the fresh box he'd brought in and a hot cup of café to wash it down. She waited for the rest of her team to arrive and looked over the assignments board for any new missions. She saw she still had outstanding duties from the day before and moved them to the top of her to-do list.

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During the escort of the prisoners back to the three-Oh-Fourth, Garkyn spoke briefly to Dame Lana.  “You’d make a good cop, Dame Lana,” he said in hushed tones.  “This precinct is more honorable than any other I have served, and coming from the corrupt Seven-Six-Third, I speak from personal experience.  I know I would welcome you,” he added with a nod of his helmed head.


Entering the building, the dwarf ignored the clapping and compliments, nodding only in affirmation to avoid coming off as rude, and quickly set to filling out his mountain of paperwork.  As much as he detested filling out incident reports, he understood their importance, so he begrudgingly complied.  He noticed that he had accidentally answered a few of the questions in his native language, but left them as such as his mind was not clear enough to be that concerned with protocols.  If someone needed him to, he would translate those sections later.  But for now, it would have to suffice as his goal was to be “Ass in Seat” at the Barnacle as soon as possible!

 "Major busts by two of my corporals? I owe each of you at least a beer!" Sergeant Thistlethumb said with a beaming smile.

Danke mein Herr!” Garkyn said in appreciation, as he hoisted his tankard filled to the top with a brown ale, the head trickling down the side of the cup.  Fur Ihre Gesundheit!” he followed in toast to the sergeant’s health and hospitality.  As he brought the beer to his lips, he closed his eyes momentarily, thanking Svingli Saltbeard for allowing him to live long enough to enjoy the pint of beer in his hand.



So excited to be on Baldr!


Persuasion to Convice Dame Lana to go into Law Enforcement


Garkyn will complete his paperwork and hit the tavern.  He will squeeze in a short rest to regain some HP - first time for everything!

Short Rest 1HD


Edited by Dorgyn (see edit history)
Persuasion to Convice Dame Lana to go into Law Enforcement
1d20+2 18
Short Rest 1HD
1d10+3 10
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Dame Lana was happy to converse with Officer Ironfyre as the team made their descent below Gate Street to their own precinct. She asked questions about the manner of investigation, the order of leadership, and not a few pointed questions regarding 'refusal to follow an unlawful order'. It seemed Lana was intrigued by the offer, and her desire for knowledge led a fun-for-both conversation between dwarf and knight. So long as her own honor wasn't at risk.

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Kayli said a little prayer to Shi’Ra, for a bit of her silver tongue, and pulled Dame Lana aside to have a few words…

“No hard feelings, I hope. I like the cut of yer jib. I can see you are a person that sticks to their tenets, which is a rarity these days. It’s too bad you ended up working for that scumbag. I think you should put serious thought into becoming an officer. The force needs people like you. The pay is decent and the benefits are good. Listen to me. I can go on and on, given the opportunity. But, yeah, think about it. I’d be honored to serve with you.”

Squort appeared suddenly and added a quip…

“You should listen to her, lady. If Kayli-bear likes someone they are usually headed somewhere. Look at me! I’m a cop!”

She totally wasn’t, but in her fey reality she totally was…


Pulling Kayli aside, Baccardi whispered to her friend... 

"Hey, so, your dad sent over a memo. Wants me to report to his offices tomorrow morning. Any idea what this is all about? Am I in trouble, Kay?"

Kayli grabbed her hand and gave a loving squeeze…

“I can’t say for certain, sweetness, but he’s probably just building a file on all of Twatly’s racially-driven transfers. You did file a complaint, right? Don’t let my dad scare you, hun. He’s gruff and firm, and he recently lost his wife, so he’s funneling all of that into his work. But he’s really a big softy, deep down… Here’s what you do… Stop at Steinz’ Deli and get him a cinnamon owlbearclaw. They’re his favorite.”

persuasion in Dame 30

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Dame Lana took in what Kayli had to say. "Lady Salcedi, I am honored that you would think of me as a companion, or even a partner. I confess, I do appreciate the law, and law enforcement. While my oaths pushed me into service I did not prefer, I am not one to forswear an oath. I pledge you this, miss: if I should find myself at loose ends once these charges have been adjudicated, I will look you up for more information. My thanks."


Garkyn stepped close to the transport wagon, to address the Dame. Garkyn spoke briefly.  “You’d make a good cop, Dame Lana,” he said in hushed tones.  “This precinct is more honorable than any other I have served, and coming from the corrupt Seven-Six-Third, I speak from personal experience.  I know I would welcome you,” he added with a nod of his helmed head.

In a bit of amusement, the Dame replied. "Is it then the policy of your precinct to recruit folk you've arrested? Interesting, I must admit." Smiling to take any sting from her words, she continued. "I admit, Officer... Ironfyre is it? Your corporal has made a strong case for your offer, and I confess continued advocacy on my behalf has not gone unnoticed. I hold my word to be my honor, sir. I am graced by your opinion of me. I will consider this, all of this, while I am in custody."

At the Precinct...

Dame Lana was handed over to O'Madden, who checked her in, took possession of her blade for Kayli, and processed her under Oath laws for arrest and detainment. Her agreement was documented and she was allowed to return to her home. Before leaving, she paused at Kayli's 'desk' to speak to the Blue Line. "I admire your team. You are all a credit to our defense and protection in the city. My thanks for your understanding, and a lack of indictment of my case. I think I will likely receive no more than community services and once those are accomplished, I could see myself in blues." She bid the team good eve and left.


In the wake of their very momentous day of arrests, and after an evening spent drinking and celebrating, dawn's early rays were an unwelcome sight, but Kayli's team dragged themselves from bed and went to work. The city wouldn't save itself. It needed officers, like her and her team, to thrive. As they filed in and met the day, Wes started the morning briefing.

"Ok, listen up... I'll be handing out the assignments again...." As Wes went through the roster, Kayli and her team noted they would need to cover the missed cases from the day before first. "I'll be leading the Defenders on patrol today. Baccardi had something lined up with the brass this morning so she's off for the moment." Kayli hoped her friend was going to be ok.

At District Headquarters...

Baccardi sat patiently, a small box of iced pastries on her lap. She was nervous. What would Leon Salcedi need of little ol' Baccardi? Her fears were not alleviated when a stern woman in armor approached her. "Here to see Sergeant Salcedi, right? Those owlbear claws? From Steinz's place?" The woman chuckled. "I guess you did your homework. Good! Follow me."

Leading Bacardi up a couple floors, the gnome was watching everything. This was an aspect of The Watch she was less familiar with: Special Operations and Internal Affairs. The 'Big Time'. Baccardi just hoped she wasn't here because of an Internal Affairs complaint. She knew she wasn't dirty, but she also knew not to trust the paperwork her more corrupt peers might have brought to bear.

Leading the small woman to a door with 'Sergeant-of-the-District: Leon Salcedi' stenciled on the door. "Go on in, hun. He's got a pile of paperwork, but if you hand him that package, he'll stop what he's doing and listen. And let you know why you were summoned. Chin up! You're in good hands with the Sarge." She stepped aside and let Baccardi open the door and enter.

The gnome found herself looking at a desk piled high with various paperwork. Reports, scrolls, invoicing, memos and statement records... then, the pile shifted, sliding a little sideways. The bespectacled face of Leon Salcedi peeked at her from beyond the pile. Silently thanking Kayli for the advice, the gnome reached up onto the desk and set the package down in front of the sergeant's face. "They're from Steinz's..."


Leon smiled broadly as he accepted the package. "Owlbear claws... Cake must have told you. My favorite! Thank you, Corporal. Please, have a seat." Leon indicated the high chair in front of her and Baccardi climbed aboard. The 'high chair' got her to eye level with the Tally officer, which was appreciated. Not every office catered to the size difference between Smalies and Tallies. It seemed Leon was not of that group.

"Officer," he began informally. "I want to let you know, first, that you aren't in any trouble, so wipe that grim look off your face." Leon bit into a 'claw and chewed as he watched the weight of relief slide off Baccardi's shoulders and into the floor below her. She relaxed, which was what Leon was trying to accomplish. "Tell me, miss, have you ever considered 'undercover work'?"



Ok! Team, Kayli and the Blue Line still have two cases pending, as well as normal patrols, on their docket. I will review the other two cases here: A murder in the Metalsmith's District where no one is sure how the murder happened. There's a visit to 'Holding' on the docket for this. The other pending case is 'A wooden toy went berserk and attacked a kid and his mom. Go figure out what the frak, please.'
Let me know if you want to head to Holding first, or investigate this toy thing.
Also, there will be a shift where the Party has to go out to an island in the bay to investigate. Dockside is still so short of Watch they requested help in some of their outlying areas (Dockside is tasked with law enforcement across the dozens of islands in the bay as well as Dockside District itself, which is already the largest (by far) district in the city. Nearly half the watch's manpower (for the whole city) is allocated to 'Dockside'.

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Kayli sat up on her desk to address her squad.  Her hair was a bit frazzled from sleeping on the couch.  The taste of regret, from a bit too much wine, was still on the back of her tongue.  She didn’t mind, though.  She leaned in and spoke in a quiet, deadpan voice…


“Ya know what’s good for a hangover?”  


Kayli let the joke sit and wait for the punchline to kick in…


“Drinking heavily the night before….”


She smiled and just let the dad-joke sink in for a moment before getting down to business...


"Okay, Blue Line, let’s kick today’s ass like we did yesterday’s.  I think that the woman and child’s safety should take precedence…  so we’re tackling that first.  Is everyone’s medpack full?  We roll out in ten minutes…”


She sat back down in her chair and reviewed the case files one more time, jotting any pertinent notes down in her little black book.


Squort invisibly flew about the precinct, helping herself to whatever snacks were unattended.

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image.png.ed1d4b4d566221051c2f87829741b9ba.pngGarkyn had worked tirelessly the night before to ensure that he did not ‘over indulge’ in the fine brews offered at the Barnacle.  The task was difficult, as his team mates were constantly returning to the table with “Just one more round!”, but he tried his best to retain his senses.  Loosing the battle toward the end of the festivities, he excused himself and snuck a tankard full of cool spring water to dilute the spirits and fermented liquids.  “One of us needs to remain somewhat sober,” he had reasoned, winking at the barkeep as he did so.


The next morning proved a challenge, but not one that he would not overcome.  His head was filled with cobwebs, but he was not ill.  Pleased with himself, he busied himself by replenishing his supplies and ‘medpack’ as instructed, then prepared for departure to investigate the “Woman & Child” case, which he agreed held the most urgency.


"We roll out in ten minutes…" Kayli said before sitting back down in her chair and reviewing the cases one last time.


Grabbing a biscuit out of his sack that he had procured on his way to the precinct, the dwarf snacked until it was time to depart.

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Raziel's head throbbed. He stirred in bed as his palms pressed into his eyes. He hadn't give into the drink like that in while, at least since he took his oaths. He looked around the room, this wasn't his room. Next to him in bed, there laid Corporal Baccardi sleeping peacefully. Now it started to come back to him, he smiled at the night they had and quietly slipped out of the bed and gathered his belongings. Though the night in tow was fun, he knew he had to be careful and not slip back into his old ways. He was going to leave and thought for a moment. This was a new Raziel, not the old one where he would have made this awkward or played it off like nothing happened. He was thankful for last night so he moved over to Baccardi, gave her a kiss on her forehead as she stirred awake, "Last night was fun, thank you. I've got to get going, don't want to be late on the second day." he got to the door and turned to the gnome. "Perhaps we shall dance again." he said with a slight bow and a smile to Baccardi.


After a hot bath and a squirt of cologne, Raziel entered the precinct. He was prepared for insults and ignorance like the four ten, but this precinct was different. There were all different races here and they all tolerated one another, it was a breath of fresh air. He saw Baccardi talking with Kayli and he gave her his best smile and a nod. He wasn't one to kiss and tell. He went to the box of pastries and grabbed one with powdered sugar on top and filled with some sort of cream. As Kayli approached and announced their detail, Raziel finished his snack and listened at attention. He agreed with her summation, the woman and daughter should take precedent for they were keepers of the peace and defenders of the innocent after all.

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Posted (edited)

The Blue Line toiled through their morning briefing with perhaps a bit slower pace than normal. The effects of a night spent celebrating were keenly felt, but not enough to deter them from duty. They trudged into the street with the intent of working their way Downslope deeper into the Market District. As they approached the confluence of the Market and Merchant's Districts, a strange thing happened.

Perhaps two blocks from the address they'd been given for the incident, a boy of perhaps ten years came stumbling out of a doorway, desperately holding a flapping wooden toy at bay. The toy swiped a claw at the youth, opening a small wound and causing him to cry out in pain. He dropped the toy, which scurried away down the nearby alley and into a warehouse at the end of the ally.


Officers! Sorry for the dely. Brandon is better but not 100%. Tell me how you'd like to respond here. The address of the incident is still a couple blocks away, but this animated wooden toy just assaulted a kid right there in front of you.

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Raziel's first instinct was to chase the toy, but he stopped himself. He went over to the boy and knelt next to him. "It's okay, I'm an officer here to help. And no, I'm not one of the bad ones. Are you hurt bad? Let me look at it..." Raziel, reached out and touched the boy's hand, a small amount of his new power rushed into the boy and stopped the bleeding. "...There, all better." He smiled at the boy, surprised he hadn't run in terror from the tiefling. "You're very brave young man. Tell me, do you remember where you got that toy? We are to make sure no else gets hurt." Raziel hoped his calm demeanor helped the child jog his memory, he looked over to his comrades to see if they were looking to see where the toy went.


Persusion check with the boy

Persusion check with the boy
1d20+11 7
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Raz's gentle approach and calm demeanor flowed into the boy as well, and his sniffles of pain and fear dissipated as Raz fixed his arm. Running his sleeve across his face to smear the snot from his crying, he pointed back the way the Blue Line had just come from and said, "W-Wobblebelt's Wonders. He makes the best toys around here. Yer gonna arrest the toy maker?" He looked still upset, but no longer frightened.


Nice play, Raz. He totally just told you where the actual problem originates, with a toy maker. Still have a boy-thrashing toy on the loose inside a nearby warehouse, a woman and child who had a similar experience recently down the street a couple more blocks, and Raz and the Blue Line will recall passing Wobblebelt's a couple blocks back in the direction they were coming from this morning. Are we continuing on to the mother and child, chasing down this berserk toy, or investigating the toy-maker directly?

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"W-Wobblebelt's Wonders. He makes the best toys around here. Yer gonna arrest the toy maker?" He looked still upset, but no longer frightened.


"Easy, now lad," Garkyn said chiming in, hoping to ease the boy's concern. "We're not going to arrest anyone," he added calmly. "We just have some questions for this Wobblebelt, and I'm sure he'll have good answers and continue to craft wonderful toys!"



Persuasion to calm the boy even further


Garkyn's suggestion would be to check on the mother and child first, then on to the toy maker.

Persuasion to calm the boy even further
1d20+2 7
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The boy, perhaps intimidated by all the tall adults surrounding him, still looked a little panicked. He stood, trembling, and waiting to be let free, though no one was holding him from leaving. The Blue Line, though, had to make quick decisions. Where would the next step in their investigation take them? Garkyn's thick dwarven tongue did little to put the boy at ease, though he tried, bless him.

"I think we should go talk to this toy maker, right now, and nip this in the bud." Raziel stood from his stoop at the boy's side. He looked behind them, recalling the shop they had passed only moments earlier. "Aye, friend Raziel, but what about this other child, and his mother? They were already assaulted. Shouldn't we get a statement? It would help frame any questions we might have for this toy maker. I mean, do we even know if the toy that assaulted them was from this Wobblebelt's?" The dwarf made a solid point.

With no one looking his way, and still somewhat frightened by all the talk of the adults, the boy beside Raziel suddenly bolted, fleeing down the street.


Team still has some decisions to make. If no one stops him, the boy flees. He's just freaked out by these adults, and his new toy is now gone, fled into the adjacent-to-the-team warehouse. Its not a banner day for this kid. Garkyn's Persuasion didn't help, but it didn't hurt, either.


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“We need to check the statement and ensure the safety of the mother and child, but we witnessed an immediate threat heading into that warehouse. We go there!”


Squort agreed and took the lead. No one could see her and she was basically fearless… and also invisible.


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Posted (edited)

Their corporal had made the decision. Protocol determined it was the most immediate threat that was to be handled first. A toy that attacked children was on the loose in the city, in the warehouse at their side. It had to be caught, or destroyed. A shriek from within that very warehouse made the decision all the easier. Squort, invisible, called back to Kayli as she darted inside. "Oh! You ok miss?"

The warehouse door was barely open, easily traversed by Squort but the others required it to be flung wide. Inside, holding her hand to her face was a beefy human woman. Blinking at the officers so suddenly arrived to 'help' her, the woman said nothing as she made way for their entry. "It climbed out of a bale and slashed my face! I think it's climbing amongst the rafters, or in and out of these stacks. Be wary, officers." She shuffled out as the Blue Line shuffled in, and waited to see what came next.



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