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token_1.png.451fa62d12c0f2185636025bbfd5d519.pngArlo Thistleknott

Kender Entertainer Arcane Trickster Rogue

AC: 16 (Studded Leather) | HP: 48/48 | Speed: 40 ft.
Senses: passive Perception 18, Insight 15, Investigation 16
Str: 8 (-1) | Dex: 18 (+4) | Con: 14 (+2) | Int: 14 (+2) | Wis: 12 (+1) | Cha: 10 (+0)
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Kenderpseak, and Thieves' Cant

Arlo snickers as the new human whispers something about sticks in his ear. He gives Rakath a considering look, and then responds too loudly to Corbin, "How can you tell if he has a stick up there if you can't see it?" The Kender thinks of a stream of new questions for the knight at this moment. "Are there really that many volumes to the Measure? How heavy are they? Do you have to carry them around like spellbooks?"

Arlo claps in delight at Fairla's magic. "That's a great spell. Watch what I can do!" he says excitedly. He wiggles his fingers and mutters something under his breath. The spoon rises up out of his newly-arrived bowl of fish stew and floats toward his mouth as if carried by an invisible hand. Arlo opens his mouth to take a bite as the spoon floats back down into the bowl. "That's delicious! I bet it's even better than the food in the jail."

At this point, Arlo realizes that he hasn't introduced himself to the new arrival. "How rude of me! I haven't introduced myself. I apologize, sir. My name is Arlo Thistleknott. Have you seen my Uncle Trapspringer?" he asks, standing up on his bar stool and extending his hand for Corbin to shake.

"I've been all over," Arlo says. "I'm from Kendermore, but everyone agreed that I was old enough to go out on my own and explore. I haven't been home in years. First I was looking for my Uncle Trapspringer, and then I was trying to take the Test of High Sorcery, and then I was looking for Uncle Trapspringer again. It's not fair that Par-Salian won't let Kender take the Test. I thought that if they wouldn't let me take it in Wayreth that I would just find another Tower of High Sorcery. There's one in Palanthas, but I couldn't make it there. The trees around it were... scary." Arlo says this last word in a whisper. For a Kender to find it scary, the Shoikan Grove must be truly terrifying. "Then someone told me that there used to be a Tower in Istar, so I decided I would find it. A Tower of High Sorcery must be durable, so I'm sure it survived the Cataclysm. The only problem is that it must be at the bottom of the Blood Sea of Istar, and I couldn't figure out a spell that would let me breathe underwater. I asked some fish for help, but they wouldn't teach me how they mange to breathe in the sea. That's when I decided I should see if Uncle Trapspringer was in Hylo. He wasn't, so I figured it was time to visit home and see how everyone was doing. That's how I ended up here in Kalaman. I tried to go farther east, but some real mean humans wearing red armor stopped me. They had these dragon-men things with them, and I didn't like the look of them. They talked and talked and talked about how things would be different when some Emperor ruled everything. I didn't really listen. I managed to slip away. I guess I'm stuck here until someone teaches them a lesson and the way home opens back up. I don't suppose anyone here is good at teaching bullies lessons? I'm happy to help, but most people aren't intimidated by Kender."


Arlo casts mage hand.

Taunt: 3/3
Spell Slots: 3/3 1st Level



token_1.png.451fa62d12c0f2185636025bbfd5d519.pngArlo Thistleknott

Kender Entertainer Arcane Trickster Rogue

AC: 16 (Studded Leather) | HP: 48/48 | Speed: 40 ft.
Senses: passive Perception 18, Insight 15, Investigation 16
Str: 8 (-1) | Dex: 18 (+4) | Con: 14 (+2) | Int: 14 (+2) | Wis: 12 (+1) | Cha: 10 (+0)
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Kenderpseak, and Thieves' Cant

Arlo snickers as the new human whispers something about sticks in his ear. He gives Rakath a considering look, and then responds too loudly to Corbin, "How can you tell if he has a stick up there if you can't see it?" The Kender thinks of a stream of new questions for the knight at this moment. "Are there really that many volumes to the Measure? How heavy are they? Do you have to carry them around like spellbooks?"

Arlo claps in delight at Fairla's magic. "That's a great spell. Watch what I can do!" he says excitedly. He wiggles his fingers and mutters something under his breath. The spoon rises up out of his newly-arrived bowl of fish stew and floats toward his mouth as if carried by an invisible hand. Arlo opens his mouth to take a bite as the spoon floats back down into the bowl. "That's delicious! I bet it's even better than the food in the jail."

At this point, Arlo realizes that he hasn't introduced himself to the new arrival. "How rude of me! I haven't introduced myself. I apologize, sir. My name is Arlo Thistleknott. Have you seen my Uncle Trapspringer?" he asks, standing up on his bar stool and extending his hand for Corbin to shake.

"I've been all over," Arlo says. "I'm from Kendermore, but everyone agreed that I was old enough to go out on my own and explore. I haven't been home in years. First I was looking for my Uncle Trapspringer, and then I was trying to take the Test of High Sorcery, and then I was looking for Uncle Trapspringer again. It's not fair that Par-Salian won't let Kender take the Test. I thought that if they wouldn't let me take it in Wayreth that I would just find another Tower of High Sorcery. There's one in Palanthas, but I couldn't make it there. The trees around it were... scary." Arlo says this last word in a whisper. For a Kender to find it scary, the Shoikan Grove must be truly terrifying. "Then someone told me that there used to be a Tower in Istar, so I decided I would find it. A Tower of High Sorcery must be durable, so I'm sure it survived the Cataclysm. The only problem is that it must be at the bottom of the Blood Sea of Istar, and I couldn't figure out a spell that would let me breathe underwater. I asked some fish for help, but they wouldn't teach me how they mange to breathe in the sea. That's when I decided I should see if Uncle Trapspringer was in Hylo. He wasn't, so I figured it was time to visit home and see how everyone was doing. That's how I ended up here in Kalaman. I tried to go farther east, but some real mean humans wearing red armor stopped me. They had these dragon-men things with them, and I didn't like the look of them. They talked and talked and talked about how things would be different when some Emperor ruled everything. I didn't really listen. I managed to slip away. I guess I'm stuck here until someone teaches them a lesson and the way home opens back up. I don't suppose anyone here is good at teaching bullies lessons? I'm happy to help, but most people aren't intimidated by Kender."


Taunt: 3/3
Spell Slots: 3/3 1st Level



token_1.png.451fa62d12c0f2185636025bbfd5d519.pngArlo Thistleknott

Kender Entertainer Arcane Trickster Rogue

AC: 16 (Studded Leather) | HP: 48/48 | Speed: 40 ft.
Senses: passive Perception 17, Insight 14, Investigation 15
Str: 8 (-1) | Dex: 18 (+4) | Con: 14 (+2) | Int: 14 (+2) | Wis: 12 (+1) | Cha: 10 (+0)
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Kenderpseak, and Thieves' Cant

Arlo snickers as the new human whispers something about sticks in his ear. He gives Rakath a considering look, and then responds too loudly to Corbin, "How can you tell if he has a stick up there if you can't see it?" The Kender thinks of a stream of new questions for the knight at this moment. "Are there really that many volumes to the Measure? How heavy are they? Do you have to carry them around like spellbooks?"

Arlo claps in delight at Fairla's magic. "That's a great spell. Watch what I can do!" he says excitedly. He wiggles his fingers and mutters something under his breath. The spoon rises up out of his newly-arrived bowl of fish stew and floats toward his mouth as if carried by an invisible hand. Arlo opens his mouth to take a bite as the spoon floats back down into the bowl. "That's delicious! I bet it's even better than the food in the jail."

At this point, Arlo realizes that he hasn't introduced himself to the new arrival. "How rude of me! I haven't introduced myself. I apologize, sir. My name is Arlo Thistleknott. Have you seen my Uncle Trapspringer?" he asks, standing up on his bar stool and extending his hand for Corbin to shake.

"I've been all over," Arlo says. "I'm from Kendermore, but everyone agreed that I was old enough to go out on my own and explore. I haven't been home in years. First I was looking for my Uncle Trapspringer, and then I was trying to take the Test of High Sorcery, and then I was looking for Uncle Trapspringer again. It's not fair that Par-Salian won't let Kender take the Test. I thought that if they wouldn't let me take it in Wayreth that I would just find another Tower of High Sorcery. There's one in Palanthas, but I couldn't make it there. The trees around it were... scary." Arlo says this last word in a whisper. For a Kender to find it scary, the Shoikan Grove must be truly terrifying. "Then someone told me that there used to be a Tower in Istar, so I decided I would find it. A Tower of High Sorcery must be durable, so I'm sure it survived the Cataclysm. The only problem is that it must be at the bottom of the Blood Sea of Istar, and I couldn't figure out a spell that would let me breathe underwater. I asked some fish for help, but they wouldn't teach me how they mange to breathe in the sea. That's when I decided I should see if Uncle Trapspringer was in Hylo. He wasn't, so I figured it was time to visit home and see how everyone was doing. That's how I ended up here in Kalaman. I tried to go farther east, but some real mean humans wearing red armor stopped me. They had these dragon-men things with them, and I didn't like the look of them. They talked and talked and talked about how things would be different when some Emperor ruled everything. I didn't really listen. I managed to slip away. I guess I'm stuck here until someone teaches them a lesson and the way home opens back up. I don't suppose anyone here is good at teaching bullies lessons? I'm happy to help, but most people aren't intimidated by Kender."


Taunt: 3/3
Spell Slots: 3/3 1st Level

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