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Side: Ship Design with AI


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Zora gathers the interested parties again. All the crew is here, with the hunter now part of the group she dump the other non crew from the gathering, no need to mix this up. She has been working on finding where the access point to the AI SIM was and got enough info to tell her its inside the vault in the portal SIM unit brought here to run it. Its outside the control area but if we can gain access to the Vault, we should be able to get to where we need to be without been seen.


Jake and Prax were still out but we were going to batch them in so they can hear and give any input they have.


"So we need a way to get back into the Vault and to the old control area where the SIM AI is house. Anyone have contacts that can help with that?

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Farhvan.jpg.9e42a5d6cd2208109482a6f84ff41a25.jpgFarhvan scratched his head. "Don't really have any useful contacts in that regard. still, I can work around a security system pretty well, especially with my omni-tool. Of course, going that route definitely adds risk.""
















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[I am uncertain how Prax is 'in' this conversation, assuming it is parallel. The below is written under the premise they have returned, putting it after, not during, Answers.]

Having been fairly open on the subject with Jake, and Enoch already making progress on what she hoped was a solid example for the AI, Prax spilled the rest of the beans, as it were.

"It would be ill-advised to try and sneak or break into the proposed area." Prax tried to say it with confidence and authority, but all she could muster was little more than concerned apathy, "You will find it is guarded by lethal force." She conjured up a bit of fire in her next words, "And me, if you have other designs while in there." It would have been nearly a righteous fervor a few days prior, now it was enough to tell she was being serious.

At questioning looks she went on to explain, "I have access to there... I have access to most of the island." Her apathy had returned, "I got classed as an Engineer and it was through that I was able to track you. For all the good it did..." A bitterness seeped through the apathy.

"Your man is already working on one example I wanted to bring before them." She shrugged, "At the very least, it is a show of good faith." She thought about stopping there, but she had already said this much, "I have others working on unrelated projects, that can maybe serve a similar purpose, if need be."


She has some amount of enhanced access to the computers, AIs, system, etc. She is unsure if physical contact will be required or if they can talk to it over the net. A full incursion into the bowels is ill advised due to a protector. If Enoch succeeds, she assumes she can use that as an example of superior designs/token of good faith.

Oh right, there is also the chance that the 'stuff' that was used to 'create' the AI that runs the SIM caused it to be different from the rest of the island AI. It may also be spreading out its influence. Prax has it 'on good authority' that it is being 'watched out for'.



Edited by Sohala (see edit history)
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"I have a guy in maintenance" Enoch replies. "John Galt. I saved his life in the SIM, we're close still. Beyond that, I have a cop buddy who may be able to get us a security pass."

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Prax could guide persona through the Vault net to meet the SIM AI with her access at least for the first meetings if she so wishes to offer this to group.

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{No the SIM AI is in control of the building of all equipment in the SIM and to issue it to the persona..... O crap... Captain may have just lost his ship with his ID being burnt..... better check how the logic treats his current status with my DM}

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Unsure if her words put the damper on the discussion of a physical incursion or not, she went ahead and put forth another course, "We could always try engaging with it on its terms. Or at least closer to equal footing." It wasn't a fix-all, as she doubted many of them had the proper 'ware or external console to interface for such an interaction. It put her more at ease though, as they wouldn't be standing next to the precious cores. "If any of you have the stomach for it."


Sure... we can do that. Probably has a better tone to it.

A bit confused about our earlier exchange on the SIM AI's control, after this thread's clarification, but I'm sure it will be fine.

Her last comment is related to the overall unsafe nature of jacking in, and that weighted reality beyond the bounds of the island.



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With the confirmation of Theo Ship not being built, unless something changes it means Jake ship is the going to have to be the nexus ship for your project. Not that changes anything with the AI, just means he will have give up some ship systems so the rest of the ships can merge with his

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Ozen asks "We all dont have to go, just the ones that will engaging with the AI?. Those that have the skill and understanding should also have the tech to do it. There is no need to put all of us in at once that also identifies us as a group and we still are not out of the woods. So Zora, Enoch and our new lady friend here." He flashes Prax a quick smile that immediately leaves when the effect is done.

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Prax found it hard to separate Ozen's actions from the creature's, this 'Capt'. By his own admission, he was the gloved hand of their command structure. So when he smiled, all she could see was the eternal smile of a fleshless skull overlaying his own.

Staying on topic and not taking what she assumed was bait, she confirmed their part, "And we have the full petitioner list?"


Only their names being on the list groups them up about as much as them going together. Having others on the list might help to obfuscate them.

Prior to their entry, should they know that Capt is 'defunct' from freely provided information? Or would the rest of the crew be best served by playing dumb on the subject?



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Farhvan.jpg.9e42a5d6cd2208109482a6f84ff41a25.jpgFarhvan nodded. "I"m fine with staying out, if we have folks more capable. My advice would be to use it as a scouting mission though, rather than petitioning it this time. Not sure how dangerous it is to get folks in there, but having a smaller group contact it about a separate matter first might help obscure the fact that we've been working together the whole time when we ask for the full petition. " The medic's relief at not having to interact with an AI was palpable.
















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