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Now your make me want to start a game with that as the main premise. Have everyone create characters, start first session and quickly reveal that their backstories were just something they remembered from their lives. They have been turned to undead and controlled for years, and something disrupted the controlling mana giving them a chance to claw back control.

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2 minutes ago, ArtamenaV said:

I very much do, working on homework at the moment ❤

Ah, don't stress yourself out. Now that I know you're intending to answer, I can be a bit more patient. I'll wait up to 24 hours.

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14 minutes ago, Ayeba said:

Ah, don't stress yourself out. Now that I know you're intending to answer, I can be a bit more patient. I'll wait up to 24 hours.

Ours is genuinely one of my favorite interactions. Lidda is very much akin to a "Heart" character for Andraste (referring to a standard 5-man lineup: the leader, the lancer, the brains, the brawn, and the heart). When Andraste prayed to the Goddess Vandria, she was given a small portion of Vandria's Steelheart essence, and her emotions are being locked away and being replaced by "the mission". Narratively, in order for her to be able to realize that vengeance isn't the answer, I have to establish her belief in the lie that it is. She'll be interacting slightly different now. If I do get accepted, she'll be going into the story fully on board with wiping out all the giants.

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Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, ArtamenaV said:

Lidda is very much akin to a "Heart" character for Andraste (referring to a standard 5-man lineup: the leader, the lancer, the brains, the brawn, and the heart).

If Lidda is the Heart, what is Andraste? The Lancer or the Brawn?

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1 minute ago, Ayeba said:

If Lidda is the Heart, what is Andraste? The Lancer or the Brawn?

Andraste is most likely the Lancer (Dwarves are almost always typecast the Brawn, but we do have some other really good muscular contenders). I don't entirely feel that the Leader has been fully established just yet, but I can sense its essence in a few characters here. They're important because the Lancer and the Leader will have a pretty complicated relationship, usually one out of rivalry or jealousy, disagreeing on occasion but fundamentally having each other's back. The Heart generally keeps the Leader and Lancer from killing each other, as well as being the fundamental glue that keeps the party from disbanding altogether. In some situations, the party will actually disband despite the Heart's best efforts, but either the Heart starts gets pissed off and unleashes the hell they've always had stored up, or something bad will happen to the Heart, which instantly gets the party's act together to save them.

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1 minute ago, ArtamenaV said:

Andraste is most likely the Lancer (Dwarves are almost always typecast the Brawn, but we do have some other really good muscular contenders). I don't entirely feel that the Leader has been fully established just yet, but I can sense its essence in a few characters here. They're important because the Lancer and the Leader will have a pretty complicated relationship, usually one out of rivalry or jealousy, disagreeing on occasion but fundamentally having each other's back. The Heart generally keeps the Leader and Lancer from killing each other, as well as being the fundamental glue that keeps the party from disbanding altogether. In some situations, the party will actually disband despite the Heart's best efforts, but either the Heart starts gets pissed off and unleashes the hell they've always had stored up, or something bad will happen to the Heart, which instantly gets the party's act together to save them.

Yeah, I've seen Red's trope talk on the Five Man Band and Lancers, as well as read the tv-tropes page. It would be cool if we can establish something akin to a five-man band within the group.

From my personal experience with traditional (physical) roleplaying groups, it's not unusual that the Leader and the Brains end up being the same person. Not always, of course. There can be several Brawns; characters that are content to stay out of the discussions and decisions, but are very eager to fight when initiate is rolled. I've also participated in several groups that completely lacked Heart. That is, they were following the story, but there was nothing really binding the group together.

I expect the dynamic to be somewhat different here on Myth-weavers. People that actively seek out online roleplaying games are probably not only motivated by combat. If so, they could have been playing video games instead. There's nothing wrong with wanting to see your character shine in combat, but it can be boring for people only interested in that aspect if there are weeks of real time between each fight.

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18 minutes ago, Ayeba said:

Yeah, I've seen Red's trope talk on the Five Man Band and Lancers, as well as read the tv-tropes page. It would be cool if we can establish something akin to a five-man band within the group.

From my personal experience with traditional (physical) roleplaying groups, it's not unusual that the Leader and the Brains end up being the same person. Not always, of course. There can be several Brawns; characters that are content to stay out of the discussions and decisions, but are very eager to fight when initiate is rolled. I've also participated in several groups that completely lacked Heart. That is, they were following the story, but there was nothing really binding the group together.

I expect the dynamic to be somewhat different here on Myth-weavers. People that actively seek out online roleplaying games are probably not only motivated by combat. If so, they could have been playing video games instead. There's nothing wrong with wanting to see your character shine in combat, but it can be boring for people only interested in that aspect if there are weeks of real time between each fight.

I LOVE Red and the Trope Talk videos, they have helped a lot in my years of writing! I agree its pretty rare for the Brains to also be the Leader, even in actual writing circumstances. Brains are typically less outgoing and social within a stereotypical narrative, so they end up with less friends (either because they're unlikeable or no one else can keep up with them. With BBC's Sherlock, he's both XD). What could have been the Brain-Leader's Lancer usually becomes their antagonist because they're always trying to outsmart each other (Moriarty).

I've never actually participated in any kind of roleplaying aside from the occasional Renaissance Fair, BG3, and watching Critical Role videos, so I only have my writing expertise to fall back on. It's so cool seeing the different character dynamics unfold! I'll be writing Andraste's response tomorrow morning/afternoon (it's after 1AM right now).

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And I'm back! The trip went mostly smoothly, though I could have done without the rain, and I could have definitely done without the 50-minute train-ride from my hotel to Akiba (plus the 600 m walk from the station to my hotel). That really puts a damper on things you'd like to do. Usually, I stay in a hotel in Ryogoku (but the prices were too high and they were all booked out, anyway), two stops from Akiba, so if I want to take a load off, rest up, or just drop off some loot, it's no bother whatsoever. This time, taking a load off would mean 2 hours of train rides. Ugh.

The new shinkansen from Tokyo to the town near mine was a blessing, though. No more transfers! Woohoo! Also, getting reserved seats wasn't such a problem.

I also went to the Warner Brother's Studio Tour Japan: The Making of Harry Potter! They tell you to plan 3.5–4.5 hours for your tour, but if you participate in all the photo-ops, you're easily looking at 6 hours—and that's not even including the hour they let you into the gift-shops and restaurant before your scheduled time!

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Thanks for sharing, its exciting to hear about experiences like that. Japan has been on my bucket list for a long time (minored in the language). Funny to hear the anguish over riding a train in Japan, sounds like a dream. :D

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