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Round 5: Shieldbreaking Party


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In the depths of space, something interesting was found...

An asteroid guarded by an ancient energy shield, left alone for eons, was discovered by the explorebots of C.A.S.S.I.O.P.E. Many took notice of this unusual discovery, not the least of which was the Dwarven Industrial Coalition.
Dr. Horace Thorn, preeminent military scientist, roboticist, and engineer, believes he has found the correct explosive formula to crack such a shield. A fleet of dwarven warships descends on the ancient site (with permission from the original explorers), with one intent: to test their powerful weapons against the mysterious structure's defenses.


Which brings us to now...

Of course, the dwarves love any excuse for a good party, and Dr. Thorn is particularly enthusiastic about showing his techniques (and heavy weapons) to the world at large. While the fleet is still on its way, invitations are sent out to a most unusual party.

The venue is the bridge of Dr. Thorne's command ship, wide panels of reinforced glass revealing the asteroid above and ahead. Tables have been put in place for guests and the vessel revolves in a leisurely orbit around the shielded asteroid, providing a modicum of gravity, just enough to be able to eat and drink comfortably. Tables have been wheeled in, foods set out, and a keg of the finest Meltorian ale erected, with a few more to spare. Far above, from the viewers' perspective, the rest of the dwarven fleet moves in graceful unison, converging on the glowing shield. Heavy dwarven battleships move in formation with the lighter, more nimble attack drones. It's beautiful in its simplicity, but the real show is yet to begin.


Who's Who?

At the centerpiece of this whole event is Dr. Horace Thorn, white bearded and clad in a red spacesuit adorned with his medals (many of which have nothing to do with actual combat). The engineer turned admiral, victor of two campaigns, bustles about his command center, making sure everything is in place for the party while also giving directions to his troops and the large fleet of drones. He's attended by a number of dwarfish officers to whom he's delegating most of the party work while he focuses on the primary task.

Quietly observing in a corner is a tall, willowy woman. She's human, but doesn't look much like it, perfectly hairless and deathly pallid. Those in the know would recognize her as Mayor Nuni Vendah of one of the Meltorian communes. She's been invited to spectate, but she clearly doesn't entirely approve, sometimes clicking her tongue in disappointment as the dwarven admiral snaps at subordinates and grumbles at his consoles. A few other Meltorians are present as well, most joining the celebrations.

Finally a second group of dwarves is here, more scarred and wild-looking, their spacesuits more patched and pitted, their weapons more advanced and more utilitarian. These are members of the Iron-Clan, recently reintegrated into Dwarven society as a whole after millennia of separation. Their leader, Finn O'Malley, is the roughest of the bunch, a severe burn scar across his lower face having completely eradicated his beard tendrils. He's not helping with the festivities at all, and in fact remaining a standoffish distance from any of the more "civilized dwarves present.

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Diggory Douglas the five hundred fifty-second and thirty three hundredths, arrives clad in his dress overalls and dress mining helmet with a dress little light thing on the front. In light of the occasion, he has put on all of his best buttons to decorate the overshoulder straps, from ASK ME ABOUT THE UNION to BRO, JUST ONE MORE MINING EXPEDITION, BRO to MY OTHER ROCK IS ALSO GRANITE to WE'RE HERE, WE'RE QUEER, WE WILL NEVER FORGET THE GREAT TUNNEL COLLAPSE OF '94. He has the appreciable hacking of someone with a pulmonary illness, but makes sure to politely keep his phlegm confined to a handkerchief black with coal dust.

Being from Sansar, Dig is unused to low-G foreigners and is a bit standoffish with them, but as soon as he spots the Mayor, he makes his way over to her. She looks like a good, old-fashioned human.

"So! She's sure a good rock, I'll tell you what. Whaddaya reckon she's made of? I'm not sure I ever got sent any analysis." He scans with a critical eye. "Yup, she's a beaut, but I can tell ya one thing. It ain't of this world. Or, I guess you might not have that saying here. Er. It ain't of that world, now is it? Can't say I'm not impressed, but I've always been more of a granite man. D'you get granite out here? Plutonic rock, hardy stuff. We've got a fair amount of it back on Coedd. 'Pends on whatcher building, a course, but it's hard to go wrong with granite. She'll steer you steady."

He looks at the asteroid again and offers a final judgement.


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Karcheras Katos, expeditor and hecaton of the Emperor's Left Palm, made his entrance with little fanfare beyond what just his presence might inspire. Easily an imperial foot taller than most humans, he towered over the dwarves, but he had once vowed to not denigrate them by physically lowering himself to their level. From what he knew, mountains towered over dwarves all the same, and they just saw that as a challenge. He respected the dwarves. This new venture of theirs, their collaboration with the explorers of C.A.S.S.I.O.P.E., therefore easily drew Karcheras's interest. He strode onto the bridge of Dr. Thorne's command ship, all lime green skin, stern golden eyes and curved black horns. His dark red uniform was immaculate and with a metallic sheen.

"When I heard of this venture while I was exploring on Veehra, I did not deem the sound of an ancient still-burning reflector shield very plausible. Seeing it now, it's still starkly unusual."

He stands near enough to Dr. Horace Thorn to pay attention to his actions, but far enough to stay out of the way of the doctor and his attendants.

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A Miner Nuisance

The Mayor listens disinterestedly to the diatribe about granite. "Olosom, digger. I know little of rocks. Besides, it is not the rock itself, but the shield which is of interest." She considers the situation for a little while. "Tell me something. Is it better, sometimes, to leave things as they are and not worry about what could be?"


Raison d'etre (I'm sure I misspelled that)

The dwarvish doctor glances up at the visiting llort. The latter is right; for the tall folk to lower themselves to the dwarves' height is considered condescending and quite rude. The dwarves have never let their stature limit them.

"The way I see it," Dr. Thorn loves to talk about his work, "A shield like that is only made for one of two reasons. Either it's there to keep something out, or its there to keep something in. Hopefully it's the former; that means this will be a job for ground troops and then archaeologists. If it's the latter, well, that's why we're here with a fleet and not just a few ships."

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11 hours ago, bc_56 said:

A Miner Nuisance

(I love you)

11 hours ago, bc_56 said:

"Tell me something. Is it better, sometimes, to leave things as they are and not worry about what could be?"

Douglas pulls at the straps of his overalls and exhales, long and slow, through his teeth, thinking thoughts both uffish and melancholic. "I s'pose that's a matter of perspective, Ma'am, if ya like. I reckon it ain't gonna be the easiest thing to change some things--most things, really--and that plenty of folks won't thank ya if ya try. Might fix things, might spark an explosion. But that don't mean things don't bear changing, if yer following my vein. On the other hand, it ain't easy to live in a way and a world that don't measure up to what it could be. That's a slow death right there, like being trapped in a collapsed shaft. But it do mean that nothin' and on one gets upset."


"It's real hard to regret tryin', though."

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