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Jonny Chen: "Iron Tiger"


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Character Name: Iron Tiger
Alternate Identities: Jonny Chen
Player Name:
Val Char Base Points Total Roll Notes
15 STR 10 5 15 12- HTH Damage 3d6 END [1]
13 DEX 10 6 13 12-  
23 CON 10 13 23 14-  
20 BODY 10 10 20    
13 INT 10 3 13 12- PER Roll 12-
15 EGO 10 5 15 12-  
15 PRE 10 5 15 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
10 PD 2 8 10/18   10/18 PD (0/8 rPD)
10 ED 2 8 10/18   10/18 ED (0/8 rED)
4 SPD 2.0 20 4   Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
15 REC 4 11 15    
40 END 20 4 40    
50 STUN 20 15 50    
12" Running 12 0 12m    
0" Swimming 4 -2 0m    
4" Leaping 4 0 4m 152 Total Characteristics Points
Total earned: 0
Spent: 0
Unspent: 0
Base Points: 300
Disad Points: 60
Total Points: 300
Type Total
Run (12) 12m [24m NC]
Swim (4) 0m [ NC]
H. Leap (4m) 4m
V. Leap (2m) 2m
Type Amount
Physical Defense 10/18
Res. Phys. Defense 0/8
Energy Defense 10/18
Res. Energy Defense 0/8
Mental Defense 0
Power Defense 0
OCV: 6 DCV: 7
Combat Skill Levels: +3 with HTH Combat , +2 with a small group of attacks
Maneuver Phase OCV DCV Effect
Block 1/2 +0 +0 Block, abort
Brace 0 +2 1/2 +2 vs. Range Mod.
Disarm 1/2 -2 +0 Can disarm
Dodge 1/2 -- +3 Abort, vs. all attacks
Grab 1/2 -1 -2 Grab two limbs
Grab By 1/2 -3 -4 Move and Grab
Haymaker 1/2* +0 -5 +4 DC attack damage
Move By 1/2 -2 -2 STR/2 + v/5
Move Through 1/2 -v/5 -3 STR + v/3
Set 1 +1 +0 Ranged Attacks only
Strike 1/2 +0 +0 STR or weapon
Counterstrike 1/2 +2 +2 9d6 Strike, Must Follow Block
Martial Block 1/2 +2 +2 Block, Abort
Quick Strike 1/2 +1 +3 7d6 Strike
Flying Dodge 1/2 -- +4 Dodge All Attacks, Abort; FMove
Martial Escape 1/2 +0 +0 50 STR vs. Grabs
Nerve Strike 1/2 -1 +1 4d6 NND
Range 0-4 5-8 9-16 17-32 33-64 65-128
RMOD 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10
Targeting shot OCV Hit Location
Head shot (Head to Shoulders) -4 1d6+3
High shot (Head to Vitals) -2 2d6+1
Body shot (Hands to Legs) -1 2d6+4
Low shot (Shoulders to Feet) -2 2d6+7
Leg shot (Vitals to Feet) -4 1d6+12


Character Name: Iron Tiger
Alternate Identities: Jonny Chen
Player Name:
Cost  Name
24 +3 with HTH Combat
2 Iron Arm Parry: +1 with a single maneuver
Notes: Martial Block
5 Acrobatics 13-
0 Acting 8-
9 Breakfall 15-
3 Climbing 12-
0 Concealment 8-
0 Conversation 8-
0 Deduction 8-
5 Defense Maneuver I-II
2 KS: Chinese Culture 11-
2 KS: Criminal Underworld 11-
5 KS: Martial Arts 14-
5 KS: Sovereign City 14-
0 Language: English (completely fluent; literate) (4 Active Points)
2 Language: Mandarin (basic conversation; literate)



Navigation (Land)

PS: Uber Driver 11-

3 Paramedics 12-
0 Persuasion 8-
0 Shadowing 8-
3 Stealth 12-
3 Streetwise 12-



Tactics 8-

Total Skills Cost

Cost  Power END
16 Iron Shirt : Resistant Protection (8 PD/8 ED) (24 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2) 2
15 Body Hardening: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% 0
31 Total Powers Cost
Cost  Maneuver
4 Counterstrike: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, 9d6 Strike, Must Follow Block
4 Martial Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort
5 Quick Strike: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +3 DCV, 7d6 Strike
5 Flying Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +4 DCV, Dodge All Attacks, Abort; FMove
4 Martial Escape: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 50 STR vs. Grabs
4 Nerve Strike: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, 4d6 NND
16 +4 HTH Damage Class(es)
42 Total Martial Arts Cost


Character Name: Iron Tiger
Alternate Identities: Jonny Chen
Player Name:
Cost  Disadvantage
10 Enraged: Innocents deliberately harmed or seriously endangered. (Common), go 8-, recover 14-
15 Hunted: Varying street gangs Frequently (As Pow; Harshly Punish)
15 Psychological Complication: Heroic Code of Honor (Common; Strong)
15 Psychological Complication: Code vs killing (Common; Strong)
5 Dependent NPC: Grandfather Wong Infrequently (Slightly Less Powerful than the PC)
60 Total Disadvantages Cost
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 1.79 m
Weight: 68.00 kg


Background and such:

Jonny Chen is a Chinese-American, definite emphasis on American. He's a bit sensitive about that, he likes to point out that his great grandparents were almost all born in America. His family has been in Superior City for a long time, one of his great grandfathers may have been the first Asian to move there from the West Coast. While many of his ancestors assimilated quite well, the Wong's were fairly stubborn traditionalists in at least some matters, mostly pertaining to the family school of martial arts. Grandfather Wong is the most stubbornly traditional of all, when his only child turned out to be a daughter, he refused to teach her more than the absolute basics of the style due to the brutality of the full training. His grandson though, that was different matter.

Jonny doesn't really remember a time before he started training, because to Grandpa Wong, even a simple game of catch is a chance to train. Same with a walk in the park. Or pretty much anything. Oh, he didn't get any real fighting training until he was 5, before that it was just basic physical training, which really was mostly just slightly more formal play. At 13, he started the real training, the stuff his mother wasn't allowed to do (she has slightly mixed feelings about that, she's a modern, liberated woman, but that training is truly brutal and she's not at all sure whether she actually wanted it or just the ability to turn it down herself).

The Wong family style places a high priority on Iron Shirt training, it's a style designed for dealing with multiple foes (which is why it includes no grappling or sacrifice moves) and the ability to take a hit is deemed necessary to true mastery. The original founder of the style is reputed to have developed it to deal with an infestation of bandits near his remote village, whether this is true or not, family history definitely places the Wong's as either underdogs or sticking up for those who are. Often both at once. It is rumored that the sudden decision of great grandfather Wong to relocate to Sovereign City might have been due to vigilante activities frowned upon by polite (ie. white) society, though he never actually admitted to such. Grandpa Wong definitely took to the streets as a vigilante in the 60's and 70's when racial unrest and the "War on Drugs" brought chaos to the city's poorest neighborhoods. His wife was not entirely happy about his activities and used the birth of their daughter to convince him to focus on making a living instead, something he did quite well, rising to manager of the largest Asian grocery in Sovereign City before his retirement.

The Chens were much more American, Don Chen works for a small accounting firm as a CPA, his wife Jenny despite her father's protestations worked her way through college and became a schoolteacher. With two busy parents, Jonny was often left with his grandparents, usually the Wongs, his father's parents living in the far suburbs. This was of course ideal for training, not only physical, but cultural, historical and ethical. Jonny grew up knowing he had the opportunity and responsibility to protect those less able to protect themselves. In his school days, he quickly became known as the guy you did NOT want to see you bullying anyone, not so much for what he'd do to you but because you'd end up looking like a complete chump at best, barely able to lay a hand on him and when you did, getting taunts of "My grandpa hits harder than that," which was of course, completely true. It wasn't until after graduating though, that he made the momentous decision to fight crime more or less "full time".

It happened late one summer night when Jonny had been out with some friends and they managed to get slightly lost in Emmy Mours. Taking a "shortcut" through an alley for some necessary relief, they noticed a truck surrounded by shady characters unloading a number of obviously frightened young women. Considering that they were behind one of the shadiest clubs in town, the sort of place everyone had heard of but never knew anyone that would admit to going there and that said club was pretty widely reputed to be a brothel, it wasn't all that hard to draw some simple conclusions. Jonny and his friends managed to get away without being spotted, but not before Jonny recognized one of the characters around the truck as a particularly colorful resident of Chinatown with a reputation as a gangster. Dropping an anonymous tip to the police did exactly the expected, nothing, although the club suddenly closed, then popped up in a new location with a new name.

Several weeks later, another delivery of new "talent" was violently interrupted by a masked figure who tore through the thugs around the truck, scattered the "cargo" and then proceeded to smash in the back door of the club, thrash the bouncers and chase away both customers and "talent". Since that night, quite a few gang operations around Emmy Mours, Chinatown and the waterfront areas have been disrupted by the so called Iron Tiger.

Miscellaneous notes:

Jonny doesn't really have a Secret Identity, the mask is more about plausible deniability than trying to keep him from being known. As least some of the Chinatown gangsters have a pretty good idea who he is, the Iron Tiger style is reasonably identifiable and there aren't a lot of people Grandfather Wong might have taught his style.

Jonny has moved out of his parent's home, he rents a house with several friends. A cheap house in a rather run down neighborhood, it's nothing unusual, though the basement gym might raise a few eyebrows.



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1. What is your experience with the Hero System Rules?
First played was 3e (I think) about 1987 or so, immediately fell in love with the system, but also never really got to play it. A few campaigns here and there, mostly 4e, none of which lasted longer than 4-5 sessions. The main thing I've done with Hero is stat out LOTS of characters, both existing comic characters and my original creations.

2. What is your experience with PbP?
After my last RL group imploded due to geek drama, I was feeling the itch for something to take that place. CoH worked wonders for a bit, but it just wasn't the same thing and I went looking for online PbP. Found a couple of sites, but only MW and one other really clicked and it was MW I found the first games I got into on. Been a regular here ever since December 2006.

3. What is your Role-playing Experience (overall, PbP and otherwise)? And, what makes a game "good"?
First started "role-playing" around 1980 with some godawful cobbled together homebrewed system that played more like a weird cross between Talisman and Hack than anything Gygax would have recognized. Eventually we did get our hands on actual D&D material, unfortunately perhaps, it was just a Best of Dragon. It wasn't until I was in college in 1984 that I got to play an actual RPG designed by someone who had a least a vague clue what the whole thing was supposed to be (AD&D). Played a good bit of D&D, tried to build Palladium games into an actual system, played various oddball stuff like FASA Dr. Who (terrible game, but fun), learned Champions and GURPS and then promptly found myself in a new city surrounded by people who thought RPG's were the devil's work. Eventually got away from there and got back to playing, just in time for 3e and a massive local renaissance in gaming, at one point had as many as four weekly games going in a variety of systems from 3e D&D to BESM to V:tM. Have been almost entirely online since 2006 though, a few attempts to start something new never went anywhere because nobody had compatible schedules anymore.

The number one thing that makes a game "good" is the players (including the GM as a "player" of sorts), if everyone is insisting on their own thing and refusing to work together or create a coherent tone for the game, it's not going to work out, period. If players are interacting and bouncing ideas off each other and mostly playing on the same page, it's going to be fun.


4. Please link me a couple examples of your Roleplaying here at the Weave (preferred). If no examples, be sure to post an "RP" in the open RP thread (when I get one up) I'd like to see a sample of your game-style writing.

Beacon and avoiding Paragon's trams

5. Tell me about a couple of your favorite characters you've actually played (in PBP or even in TT) and why you enjoyed those characters so much.

6. Name (do not use the "mention" function) one or more players 'applying' for this game ("Shadows of the City") whom you would like to be accepted (Other than yourself, obviously you want to be accepted or you'd just withdraw) into this game and why you would like to play with them here. (example reasons. Good Character concept that fits well with yours, Played with them before and they are a good RPer, They are Helpful, whatever). Please be sure to put this response in a private tag for myself (if left blank, private tags are still viewable by the GM). Please use the Private tags. I don't want anyone's feelings to get hurt. Also, you may need to come back to this later after seeing who has applied.

7. Describe your desired character for me
Right now, I'm working on a Martial Artist brick, a fairly highly trained fighter with minor superhuman abilities in strength and toughness.

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  • 2 weeks later...

the past few days have been busy but I'm hoping that by thursday I'll be able to do a deep dive on everyone's toon. BTW, I love the mini. That's a great 'real world' look for a vigilante!

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I don't really have a 'China Town' in Sovereign City. If you are interested in a small 'insular' China Town area, I'm thinking The Estuary. About the time that the railroads were being finished, the industrial revolution was hitting and the Chinese workers (not all of them, obviously) might have found work helping to build the industrial zone of the Estuary as it was believed at the time, that the city would never reach out that far. 'China Town' could be close to Emmy Mours offering it some interesting options with the nightlife that has sprung up in that district as well as still providing a lot of factory jobs for those still living in China Town.

I am interested in how Iron Tiger gets involved in Vigilantism

On 4/2/2024 at 8:34 AM, leons1701 said:

It is rumored that the sudden decision of great grandfather Wong to relocate to Sovereign City might have been due to vigilante activities frowned upon by polite (ie white) society, though he never actually admitted to such.

Not exactly sure which way this is leaning... was Grampy Wong for or against Vigilante Justice? I assume yes because of the tradition for the start of the style, dealing with nearby bandits and all. Maybe Gramps Wong did some vigilante work himself? Defending China Town from in a more racist time (perhaps all of his family tree has been doing that since they first moved to Sovereign City).

I'm seeing not nearly the level of racial tensions in China Town as in the past, though there are likely still some as the older residents will have unfortunate memories. But China town will be flourishing now as it provides interesting opportunities as it is virtually coupled with the Emmy Mours.

While the Embarcadero has the lion's share of shipping, both Port Aro and The Estuary have piers and docs where shipping also comes into and leaves Sovereign City. Depending on what kind of hero work Iron Tiger is doing, perhaps we can have drug smuggling coming in. He's hunted by gangs... if you do want to go with this china town thing, then there are probably a strong Chinese gang ruling the streets and probably the ones responsible for bringing in the opium and whatever other drugs... and if you have something else in mind and don't want to go the obvious 'China Town' route, then let's brainstorm!

As to the build, I like it. Simple and straightforward. I like when players build that because so many champions players want to build something crazy and detailed since we so often don't get to play around with characters. Your guy is not dumb. 13 is actually pretty smart. I saw once that someone equated a character's intelligence score to being their IQ divided by 10 and considering every five points of a Characteristic Score is supposed to be twice as whatever as the previous factor of 5, that's probably a pretty good way to look at it. But I don't really see any 'investigative skills' other than Streetwise 12- and KS: Underworld 11- Now, he doesn't need to have these things. In the China Town idea above, its probably pretty likely that 'everyone knows' pretty much everything about the Chinese gangs and if that's Iron Tiger's focus, especially the protecting of the innocents, then he doesn't really need to do a great deal of investigating. But I do want to mention that the characters will have some 'down time' where they'lll be doing some legwork trying to figure things out (something a little more part of the Dark Champions sub-genre) so it might be something you want to consider.

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Gonna try to throw up some more background today, if I don't end up napping all afternoon. (Old guys and 6 day workweeks aren't a fun combo). Most of it is in my head, but getting it committed to electrons always seems to come with "Nah, that doesn't work, let's try this instead," so typing it up takes MUCH longer than it should.

Hadn't really planned on a Chinatown. There might BE such an area, but since most of his family is pretty thoroughly Americanized, they wouldn't live there. Grandfather Wong might and would certainly have connections there, but he'd want to be close to his daughter and grandchild. I was originally thinking of putting them near the Havens but if Chinatown is a thing and located in the Estuary, it occurs to me that Emmy Mours is the perfect place for an Uber driver to find fares and so they are now located in West Sovereign, definitely out of Chinatown but close enough to easily visit. That means that yes, the Chinese gangs are part of his life. Possibly a few clashes with gangs out of Draydon Flats too, he would NOT like the Rebel Slavers one bit and even if they would prefer other targets, I suspect the feeling would be mutual.


Great Grandpa Wong: You pretty much figured out what I had in mind, he was punishing white criminals and racists preying on Chinese residents. He got a little too visible and ended up changing coasts, he kept a lower profile in Sovereign City, aided in part by the fact that the Chinese community was much smaller and attracted less trouble. Grandpa Wong did a bit of vigilante work himself in the late 60's, early 70's but stopped after his daughter was born (that said event also coincided with a general decline in street violence for a time may or may not have been a coincidence). Grandpa did briefly use the name Iron Tiger, so technically Jonny is the second Iron Tiger in Sovereign City, though very few people would remember that.

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Finished off the background. Not making any tweaks at the moment, I figured Jonny is relatively new and hasn't started adding real investigative skills yet.

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Made a minor tweak to skills, the +2 CSL Defensive Mastery (three related maneuvers) seemed a bit much (he didn't even use it, I was a bity iffy on it anyhow), I dropped it to a +1 with Martial Block, freeing up 4 points, used to raise KS: Sovereign City and get familiarity with Navigation (Land) and Tactics.

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