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Aravorn - half-eladrin keeper fighter


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Aravorn Half-human

Half-Elf (Human Heritage, Preternatural Awareness Elf Gift) Fighter 1

Age 32 Height 5 feet 5 inches
Weight 152 pounds

Size Medium

Culture Eladrin Background: Keeper


1 (1d10+2)
17 (Scale Mail + Medium Shield)
30 ft.
12 (passive)
12 (Passive)



image.png.a8ac8d0a532261610f4c998a925c8344.png STRENGTH 18 (+4) Athletics* +6

STR Save* +6

image.png.a8ac8d0a532261610f4c998a925c8344.png DEXTERITY 12 (+1) Acrobatics +1, Sleight of Hand +1, Stealth +1D

Dexterity Save +1

image.png.a8ac8d0a532261610f4c998a925c8344.png CONSTITUTION 14 (+2)

Constitution Save* +4

image.png.a8ac8d0a532261610f4c998a925c8344.png INTELLIGENCE 10 (+0) Arcana +0, Engineering +0, History +0, Investigation* +2, Nature +0, Religion +0

Intelligence Save +0

image.png.a8ac8d0a532261610f4c998a925c8344.png WISDOM 15 (+2) Animal Handling +2, Culture +2, Insight* +4, Medicine +2, Perception* +4, Survival +2

Wisdom Save +2

image.png.a8ac8d0a532261610f4c998a925c8344.png CHARISMA 12 (+1) Deception* +3, Intimidation* +3, Performance +1, Persuasion +3

Charisma Save +1

* Denotes Proficiency, A Denotes Advantage, D Denotes Disadvantage, E Denotes Expertise



Armor Light armor, medium armor, heavy armor, shields
Weapons Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools Disguise kit, thieves' tools
Senses Darkvision 60 ft.

Languages Common, Elvish, and Sylvan.



Backpack, steel scale mail, longsword, medium shield, torches (2), tinderbox, waterskin, rations (6 Supply), hunting snare, climbing gear, 50 ft. silk rope, bedroll, blanket, traveler's clothes, thieves' tools.
spacer.png7 sp, 8 cp remaining out of 140 gold. Carry Capacity: 114/270, Maximum Supply: 18, Maximum Bulk: 5



Connection. Your former comrade and friend who betrayed their charge. spacer.png

Idriel He-Who-Whispers-Of-Decay (Faerie Noble Houndmaster Fighter) is the fay cataphract who was the first to fall to the demon's corruption and enable the Faerie Queen's descent into madness. He slowly tainted her compassion, erroded her conviction, and broke her will, clearing the path for the fell influence.















spacer.pngMemento. A single piece from a once-renowned artifact, now shattered.

Duty of Care. You may select an object, location, or creature other than yourself to serve as your charge, working with your Narrator to make sure that your choice fits well within the game. You gain an expertise die on Insight and Perception checks to identify direct threats to your charge, as well as on Deception and Intimidation checks made to directly protect your charge. You may change your charge with permission from your Narrator, though keep in mind such a change likely involves a significant shift in your circumstances, morals, or goals.



Devotion can be a pure or foolish thing. A beloved, a nation, a cause—anything may be the object of your Devotion, but very few are worthy of it. For you the choice is clear: the love at the center of your life is worth dying or killing for, and there is no limit to your service and sacrifice on its behalf.


Its Own Reward. You draw inspiration from seeing your duty through to the end. You gain inspiration whenever you complete a quest, fulfill a difficult promise, or commit an act of self-sacrifice that includes grievous injury to yourself.

Complete a quest, keep a promise to your own detriment, keep an innocent safe while seriously endangering yourself, commit an act of genuine self-sacrifice.


Miraculous Revival. Universal forces are often inclined to restore those who die heroically for noble causes, blessing their sacrifice by making them better than they were before. As long as you have not died of old age, 24 hours after you die (or in 24 hours, if your death triggered gaining this feature) you miraculously revive intact with full hit points. You appear after “narrowly surviving” the circumstances that killed you—climbing out of the chasm you fell down, crawling from the rubble of the structure that collapsed over you, waking up from impossibly lethal wounds that prove superficial, or magically transporting from the plane of existence you were caught in. In addition, the first time you are revived in this way, you gain a +1 bonus on all future attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws.


Selfless Aid. Your aid is a lifeline and a steadying source of resolve. Whenever you take the Help action to aid an ally attacking a creature, you may spend your inspiration. If you do, in addition to the normal benefits of the Help action, that creature has disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures other than you until the start of your next turn. 



image.png.62206a923a5c1eea3023189185b4fafd.png Action image.png.fcf31a364bc94b86835dcbc82eff559d.png Bonus Action image.png.764ea8e968045aafe287a5a866d19e7f.png Reaction


image.png.62206a923a5c1eea3023189185b4fafd.png Longsword +6 to hit; reach 5 ft; one target; 11 (1d8+6) slashing damage.

Deffensive (medium). This weapon is designed to be used with a light or medium shield. When Aravorn makes an attack with this weapon and is using a light or medium shield he can use a bonus action to either make an attack with his shield or increase his Armor Class by 1 until the start of her next turn.

image.png.764ea8e968045aafe287a5a866d19e7f.png Sacrafice Shield. When he takes a critical hit, Aravorn can use his reaction to block it and sacrifice his shield, turning the critical hit into a regular hit. Afterwards his shield is broken, or if his shield is magical it instead becomes mundane for 1 hour.



Save DC 14 | Initiation Ability Strength | Exertion Points 4

image.png.fcf31a364bc94b86835dcbc82eff559d.png Imposing Glare (1 point).
For a moment you unleash your fury forcing your enemy to hesitate. Choose one hostile creature you can see within 30 feet. If it can see you, it makes a Charisma saving throw or is frightened of you until the end of your next turn. After you have used this maneuver against a creature, until the end of combat it has advantage on saving throws to resist Imposing Glare.

image.png.764ea8e968045aafe287a5a866d19e7f.png Purge Magic (1 point). As soon as your senses seize upon the uttering of an incantation or a hand working the gestures of magic your body reflexively reacts with violence. When a creature you can see within your reach casts a spell, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against it. 

image.png.62206a923a5c1eea3023189185b4fafd.png Challenger Strike (2 points). When you activate this maneuver, you take the Attack action and make a weapon attack, as well as any additional attacks grated by Extra Attack, against a single creature. On a hit, make a Persuasion check against the creature’s passive Insight. On a success, the creature has disadvantage on attacks made against creatures other than you until the end of your next turn.



Spell Casting Ability Charisma

image.png.62206a923a5c1eea3023189185b4fafd.png Resistance (innate ability, concentration 1 minute
). The touched target gains an expertise die to one saving throw of its choice, ending the spell. The expertise die can be rolled before or after the saving throw is made.



Prophetic Instincts. Your ability to detect danger is nearly supernatural. You gain a bonus to initiative rolls equal to your Wisdom modifier, and you can’t be surprised while conscious.

Fast Learner. With their shorter life spans, humans can acquire knowledge at a higher rate than more long-lived heritages (although not all acquire the wisdom to use it). You gain proficiency in one additional skill of your choice. In addition, you require half as much time as normal to train yourself in the use of a suit of armor, tool, or weapon during downtime.

Intrepid. Your survival instinct is remarkably strong. When you make an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, you can choose to gain an expertise die on that roll. Once you use this trait, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest. 

Fighting Style - Dueling. When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.

Soldiering Knack - Clearsight Sentinel. You gain darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. In addition, you do not suffer disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks in lightly obscured areas (such as in light fog, moderate foliage, or heavy precipitation).

Twilight Step. You have learned how to skip out of the Material Plane, fly through the Ethereal plane, and land back in your native realm. You can forego your movement on your turn to teleport 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. Once you have used this trait, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.





She's a queen. That's pretty high,' said Nanny Ogg. 'Almost as high as witches.
 Sir Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies


WIP / notes to self

- Protector of the Toranos-al-valar, a faerie shard that captures the last spark of the Fairy Queen's fleeting sanity. The shard is a weapon that shapes inself to his wearer. Originally a mercurial rapier in the hands of the Queen, in Aravorn's possession it has taken the shape of a hammer with a shattered head that is as light as a feather while in his back, but once gripped it becomes heavy as the weight of the world and impossible to wield.

- Originates from the Greyfell Forest, east of Endora, Aravorn is an eladrin with himan blood in his vein, deprived from the mercurial essence of his kin and unable to manifest any other aspect besides the one of his birth.





None yet.



Advancement from the Fighter class into the Gladiator Archetype (lvl 3) and then more Fighter levels... maybe pick some Berserker levels eventually to spice it up.

Feats/ASI: Tenacious (Wisdom), +2 Str, , Tenacious (Dexterity), Athletic.

Maneuvers: Perceptive Stance, Imposing Glare, Purge Magic, Overconfident Gambit, Stunning Assault, Faith Within, Instinctive Counterattack, Dispelling Assault, Perfect Edge Stance, Devoted Assault, To the Death...


Str 18 (17+1), Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 16 (15+1)

Edited by Falon (see edit history)
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Aravorn Half-Human

Human (Eladrin Half-Elf) Fighter 1 Keeperspacer.png


AC: 17 | HP: 12/12 | Saves: 6-1-4-0-2-1
Init: +3 | Passive Perception/Insight: 14/14

Maneuver DC: 14  | Exertion pool: 4/4
Longsword. +6 to hit; reach 5 ft; one target; 11 (1d8+6) slashing damage.

"Speech should always be in quotes and in bold." Thoughts should be in italics


Main Hand: Empty
Off Hand: Empty

Action: Your action goes here.
Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here.
Move: Your movement goes here.
Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.

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