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Ace Bronson

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Please use this thread for in character interactions that are outside the main storyline. Don't worry too much about continuity. You can define when the conversation is taking place if it feels necessary, (i.e. during the ship travel to the island)

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spacer.pngHjarlof Hornblower Skald of Clan Hvítabiôrning

The attack was the morning of day six upon the waves. The chosen crew of the Shieldmaiden had suffered losses both to the sudden storm and the raiders. Hjarlof had assisted where he could to heal with his kits and his voice. Shipmates were close as any family. It would be a scar of loss they would bear, but they were Nothmen. They would bear up under the weight and move forward.

That evening, Hjarlof performed for the crew. This Melody was a lighthearted one about an old fisherman who catches himself a wife from the sea. He marries her in secret, knowing that his village would not approve. She lives aboard his vessel, eating her favorite food, dried and roasted kelp, and they are happy together. One day, during a storm, the swing arm for his sail catches him in the back of the head and he is nearly drowned. When he comes too, he finds that his vision is no longer cloudy and the beautiful woman is seen to be what she truly is, a manatee.

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Ulfgrim Ironhide, Warrior from the North

spacer.pngULFGRIM IRONHIDE - Northern Barbarian

QUICK STATS:  AC=20, Touch=13, FF=18 / HP=52/55 / Init=4 / Saves: Fort=9, Reflex=5, Will=6


While his kinsman Hjarlof Hornblower regales the group with an amusing tale one night, Ulfgrim Ironhide sits and slowly sharpens each edge of all of his bladed weapons using a whetstone which is so well-worn that it evidences the man's obsession with keeping his blades in razor-sharp condition.


However, when it's revealed in the story that the fisherman's wife was actually a manatee, the huge barbarian grins ear-to-ear and emits a loud laugh, "Haaruumph," as the warrior from the North openly displays his amusement at the ending of the Skold's story!




Free Action:

Move Action:

Swift Action:


Standard Action:

Continuing Effects: None

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GrayOwlFinal.jpg.3eefbd675679ccad5a4af476bd1ead90.jpgGray-Feather 🪶Hunter and Spirit Guide 🪶


Male NG Human (Shaman 2/ Slayer 3)

Level 5, Init 4, HP 43/43Speed 30, AC 21, Touch 15, Flat-footed 17, 

CMD 22, Fort 7, Ref 9, Will 8, 

CMB +7, Base Attack Bonus 4

+1 Composite Longbow +11 (1d8+4, x3)
Tomahawk (Throwing Axe) 9(1d6+3, x2)
Long Spear 9(1d8+3, x3)
+1 Mistmail (Chain Shirt) ( +5 Armor, +4 Dex)

Abilities Str 16, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 13


Gray Feather eventually finds his way to a dry, vacant space of deck. He sits down, cross-legged. As long as no one objects, it will be a fine place to sleep.

Encamped among such a host, it is the first time in many long months that the Outlander has felt safe letting his guard down in the evening hours.The soft murmur of conversation around him is welcoming to his ears and when Hjarlof begins singing, Grey Feather finds himself all but enraptured.

He tries his best to follow along with the story, but many of the words escape him and at the end when there is a bout of muffled laughter, Grey Feather just smiles and puts his attention back on open sea. The misty dusk makes his gray, smokey eyes appear nearly white.

He thinks bout his wife and three sons, far away, across the Great Sea. They might as well be in another world. He thinks about all his people and the struggles they endure in a blighted land and says a silent prayer for them.

From high atop the ship's main mast, NIxtli's ghostly call finds a hushed moment to bound out widely through the night.



Nixtli and Spirit Magic


Nixtli Stats


OWL (Adjusted)

(Master gains +3 Perception in Dim light and Darkness)

Tiny animal

Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +10


AC 16, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2 size, NA +1)
HP 19
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2


Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
Melee 2 talons +5 (1d4–2)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.


Str 6, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 6
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 9
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Fly +7, Perception +11, Stealth +15; Racial Mods +4 Perception, +4 Stealth

Familiar Class Skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Fly, Perception, Stealth, and Swim

Familiar Feats: Alertness (master), Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link

Current Spirit Magic


Constant 20% Concealment


(Grey Feather can change his Spirit and Wandering Hex daily. It will be listed here)




Feral Speech


Cheetah's Sprint

Dancing Darkness

Monkey Fish


Obscuring Mist

Combat Actions





Full Round:

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ᛋᚢᛖᚾ One-Eye - Oracle of the Stormrjotnrung 5

HP: 41/41 | AC: 24/14/21 | CMD: 22/19 | Speed: 30/20ft | Hero: 1/3 

Initiative: +4 | Perception: +8 | Fort: +5 | Ref: +5 | Will: +6

Surprising Charge: 1/1 | Fortune: 1/1 | Spells: 1|7/7, 2|5/5

Active Effects | Consumables | Spells | Abilities | Skills | Curses

Sven joins in with the sailors in their tasks as the ship heads toward this mysterious island on an unknown quest. Though no seaman himself, anyone can haul a rope or scrub a deck. Too much is shrouded, and he knows it can lead the men to fear, or to the dark places in mens' hearts. So he leads chants and prayers as they work. To the touchstones of Odin, Thor, and Freyr to rouse their hearts. Specific prayers to Tyr or Baldr of Sif for some others to shore their spirits. A stout heart is more important than a sharp heart-stabber any day. A story can be good for that too, so he does enjoy the tale as the ship rolls on through the dark sea.







Full Round:



Brynhildr - 130lb

Brynhildr (130.5/228lb):
-Blanket x2
-Fishing Kit
-Mess Kit
-Oil x4
-Alchemists' Fire x3
-Feed x5
-Fishing Net
-Mead, 1 gallon
-Bit and Bridle
-Tent (small)
-Tent Cover

 Gear - 86.5lb


-+1 Agile Breastplate
-Cold Weather Outfit
-Eye Patch
-Týr's Spear
-Hip Flask
-Boots of Meili
-Signal Horn



-Silver Sword
-Raven Shield
-Ice Bear Claws



-2x Alchemists' Fire
-2x Potions CLW
-2x Scrolls
-Bravery Brew
-Heiðrún's Mead

Belt Pouch
-Flint and Steel
-Sewing Needle

MW Backpack
-Freyr's Rod
-Climber's Kit
-2x Sacks
-Silk Rope
-5x Trail Rations
-Waterproof bag

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spacer.pngHjarlof Hornblower Skald of Clan Hvítabiôrning

As the sailors split off after his tale, Hjarlof finds himself sitting with some of the others called to the quest. "Friends," he begins in a mild tone, "I fear that with the summons and the preparation for this trip a great lapse has been made. I know something of each of you, for your deeds, save for Grey Feather, have been made the subject of stories as well. However, as a teller of stories myself, I would greatly value knowing of you all first hand."


He sips from his flask before continuing. "A name has weight and meaning, and knowing the clan of one adds layers to that name. But to know the person is something... special. From where do you each hail, and how came you to be summoned to this task?"


"Myself, I am an orphan of the Hvítabiôrning clan. I took to the work of the Skald early, having a gift for memory and rhythm, but my profession has always been as a messenger. That is where I first met Goran the White Bear. It was the depths of winter, close to eight winters past. Our Jarl had need to send a communication to the Ormrung clan, and it could not wait for the snows to thaw. We trekked for close to a month before making our delivery. During that time was the first I witnessed the fury of a true Bearsark. We fought off a pack of wolves in the deep snow. Fighting back to back with the icon of our clan was both an honor and fearful experience."

Combat Actions





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GrayOwlFinal.jpg.3eefbd675679ccad5a4af476bd1ead90.jpgGray-Feather 🪶Hunter and Spirit Guide 🪶


Male NG Human (Shaman 2/ Slayer 3)

Level 5, Init 4, HP 43/43Speed 30, AC 21, Touch 15, Flat-footed 17, 

CMD 22, Fort 7, Ref 9, Will 8, 

CMB +7, Base Attack Bonus 4

+1 Composite Longbow +11 (1d8+4, x3)
Tomahawk (Throwing Axe) 9(1d6+3, x2)
Long Spear 9(1d8+3, x3)
+1 Mistmail (Chain Shirt) ( +5 Armor, +4 Dex)

Abilities Str 16, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 13


Gray Feather relishes in Hlarlof's tale and his mention of the white bear.

He smokes from a long, painted wooden pipe, wrapped in colorful weave, from which hangs three small feathers. He's chosen a calming mixture of sweet aromatic tobacco and various herbs from his pouch that do not dull his senses, nor make him dreary.

The lapping of the quiet sea against the hull is a comforting sound and he is glad the ship has moved from rough waters for a spell.

"In my homeland, Grey Feather says in a low, accented voice, "we earn many true names. We may receive other names, in accordance with our action and virtue, but they are always second to our true name."

"In my tribe, our children receive a sacred true name from the Elder Shaman when we are born, but never called by it. We share this sacred name with no one."

"As a young boy, though, I was called Dagad'Asin or 'Skipping Stone', because I was fleet of foot, and loved to run and jump with the wind."

Grey Feather draws from the pipe in his hand. He smiles, warmly, and his eyes glow white. He blows out a bouncing line of smoke, that faintly appears to resemble a flat stone, skipping several meters across the ship's deck as though upon a smooth, rippling pond.

"When I joined in my first hunt, alongside my father, and earned my first kill, I was given the name Dibik Mogwa or 'Dark Feather', as I was especially skilled with a bow and the people felt I had a strong kinship with the shadows of the forest.

Only when my father took his place among the stars, was I considered fully grown and I became Elder Huntmaster for my people. It was only then that the sacred smoke began to speak to me.

After that, and to this day, I was called Xota Mogwa or 'Gray Feather'.



Nixtli and Spirit Magic


Nixtli Stats


OWL (Adjusted)

(Master gains +3 Perception in Dim light and Darkness)

Tiny animal

Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +10


AC 16, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2 size, NA +1)
HP 19
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2


Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
Melee 2 talons +5 (1d4–2)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.


Str 6, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 6
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 9
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Fly +7, Perception +11, Stealth +15; Racial Mods +4 Perception, +4 Stealth

Familiar Class Skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Fly, Perception, Stealth, and Swim

Familiar Feats: Alertness (master), Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link

Current Spirit Magic


Constant 20% Concealment


(Grey Feather can change his Spirit and Wandering Hex daily. It will be listed here)




Feral Speech


Cheetah's Sprint

Dancing Darkness

Monkey Fish


Obscuring Mist

Combat Actions





Full Round:

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Ranulf.JPG.4fad043419b1e11ce6a1f0039bafcf1d.JPGRanulf the Rooster  Human Raider

Nodding along at the skald's tales, Ranulf mostly remains silent, perching on top of a water barrel as he does so. The notion of introductions makes him wince a little, as he picks a small dagger from his pocket and begins carving piece of dried meat from his pocket and absent-mindedly chewing it. The notion of Hjarlof being orphaned makes him glance at the man, and the long tale of the newcomer has his eyes glow with keen interest.

"Hm. Many names. Though not in the same way as a thief or a liar, but of deeds. That I can understand. At least you're open to your mysteries, Gray Feather.", he relays slowly, before chewing down for a few uncomfortable moments longer. "That I can understand. That, and I like your trinkets." He adds, pointing a finger at the collection of feathers from the newcomer with a smile.

He takes a moment to see if the silence holds, and steps up, stretching his shoulders. "I am Ranulf. Son of Halfdan, son of Ranulf. I hail from Visavik, a small village in Hrafning lands, and I have one brother. We raised chickens. I've been trying to get out of there since I could remember. I tried my hand at being a skald. The wyrd and the tales, I still remember, but telling a Saga right is beyond me, my mentor said when he kicked me out. Then, I spent three summers going viking on the seas and land." He grins, tapping at his hips where the axes are. "It took some effort to prove myself. First time I went to sea, I started getting called the Rooster as a mockery. Second and third, it was because most I went out with know that there's more than a few wolf carcasses bleaching in the woods from a rooster's spurs."

Moving to the centre of the meeting, he places the pouch of meat in the middle and sits down crosslegged. "As for the calling - there are many great Hrafning heroes of note, but most are wise, independent and word-heavy. I suppose the Jarl thought it'd be wise to avoid anyone who'd be more tempted by whatever our task is than a simple axeman."




Ranulf TN Human (URogue 5)

Init 5  Speed 30  HP 43/43 FP 3/3
AC 23  Touch 15  Flat-footed 13 CMD 22
Fort 4  Ref 10  Will 3
Base Attack Bonus 3
Primary Weapon: Mwk Boarding Axe (2) (at will) +11(1d6+5/7)
Armor: Studded Leather Armour - Light Armor - (+4AC) (+5Dex) (+2 Shield when Weapons drawn) (+1 Combat Expertise, Threatening Defender) (+1 Nat)
Abilities:  Str 10, Dex 23, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 12
Conditions: None
Special Abilities

Sneak Attack +3d6
Debilitating Injury (Ex)
Minor Magic (Read Magic)
Arcane Strike (Sp)

Combat Actions





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Ulfgrim Ironhide, Warrior from the North

spacer.pngULFGRIM IRONHIDE - Northern Barbarian

QUICK STATS:  AC=20, Touch=13, FF=18 / HP=52/55 / Init=4 / Saves: Fort=9, Reflex=5, Will=6


Since Ulfgrim did not often talk about himself or his family to others outside the tribe, thus the large barbarian was one of the last ones to tell his tale and had instead sat and listened to the stories of others in the Clan entourage.

Finally speaking up in a deep voice, the warrior says, "As you know, my name is Ulfgrim Ironhide. I'm the fourth eldest and youngest son of Ulrick Ironhide.  I also have a step-mother and three sisters, two of them older and one younger than me."

Continuing, the huge man adds in a sincere tone, "Even though I'm trained in carpentry, the past several years I have been on the road making my fortune mostly as a sell-sword participating in the southern raids and also as a caravan guard until I was called to this quest."

Pausing for a few moments to collect his thoughts, Ulfgrim matter-of-factly states, "Unlike some here, I'm not famous by any sense of the word.  However, I earned my place among the warriors of the Hvítabiôrning Clan by destroying the 'Lion of Satte,' an over-sized wildcat that was a plague to man and beast near my home in the north."

"However, when the call came from my Jarl requesting assistance in this matter, I came forward without hesitation as an honor to my family, in representation my tribe and to support our Clan in this dangerous, yet noble deed."  Apparently, with nothing more to add, Ulfgrim falls silent once more as he continues to sharpen the edges of his blades with a well-worn whetstone. 



Free Action:

Move Action:

Swift Action:


Standard Action:

Continuing Effects: None

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ᛋᚢᛖᚾ One-Eye - Warpriest of the Æsir 5

HP: 38/38 | AC: 24/14/21 | CMD: 22/19 | Speed: 30/20ft | Hero: 1/3 

Initiative: +4 | Perception: +10 | Fort: +8 | Ref: +5 | Will: +9

Blessings: 5/5 | Fervor: 5/5 | Sacred Weapon: 5/5 | Spells Slots: 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2

Active Effects | Consumables | Abilities | Skills

Sven listens and nods. The stories of the others are interesting to him. Raiders and outlanders and sell-swords. And him a simple huscarl who defends the lands of his jarl. As reclusive as the Stormrjotnrung are, he hasn't even been abroad much at all.

"I've fought for the Stormrjotnrung since I was young. Lost my father and my uncle in battle. I have little family of my own beside my sister and hers. My Jarl sent me here because Odin watches out for me, and Týr guides my spear. I am no hero myself, I just do the gods' will."








Full Round:

Hands: Sword + Shield

Brynhildr - 130lb

Brynhildr (130.5/228lb):
-Blanket x2
-Fishing Kit
-Mess Kit
-Oil x4
-Alchemists' Fire x3
-Feed x5
-Fishing Net
-Mead, 1 gallon
-Bit and Bridle
-Tent (small)
-Tent Cover

 Gear - 86.5lb


-+1 Agile Breastplate
-Cold Weather Outfit
-Eye Patch
-Týr's Spear
-Hip Flask
-Boots of Meili
-Signal Horn



-Silver Sword
-Raven Shield
-Ice Bear Claws



-2x Alchemists' Fire
-2x Potions CLW
-2x Scrolls
-Bravery Brew
-Heiðrún's Mead

Belt Pouch
-Flint and Steel
-Sewing Needle

MW Backpack
-Freyr's Rod
-Climber's Kit
-2x Sacks
-Silk Rope
-5x Trail Rations
-Waterproof bag

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spacer.pngHjarlof Hornblower Skald of Clan Hvítabiôrning

Hjarlof looked from one to the other as they spoke. He nodded and hmm'd appropriately giving each speaker his full attention. The Volva was still quiet and withdrawn from the conversation, perhaps not wishing to become too heavily invested in those who's future she could change.

The two last lines of the dirge that had sped them on their way continued to circle in the Skalds mind:

But in the east, where dragons fly,

The Ormrung's secrets, buried nigh.

There lies the truth, beneath the land,

In ancient tales of Hugin's hand.

The master Skalds composing this must have had some revelations or suspicion to add those lines. Hmmmmmm...

Combat Actions





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