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JasonGlasses.jpg.ea1bb423127dc6c665e5b3fe76d56eae.jpgJason Holloway
Spiritmancer - Detective

High Concept: Cleveland's Fallen Son 

Trouble: Debts Up To His Eyeballs


Jason leaned against Christine as he smoked one of the cigarettes required from the weekly contract deal. He still wasn't sure how he felt this idea. Marina's powers however were expanding and he was finding dead ends on several of his leads. The vampires being involved in the police corruption explained a lot, but it always made them that much meticulous at cleaning up their tracks.

Another man walked up and leaned against the car across from Jason. He was dressed in a purple colored suit. It was well tailored and showed not a single crease out of place. His accent was heavily African. His eyes hidden behind a pair of round sunglasses, also with a similar purple tint. A spider like set of cufflinks decorated the ends of his sleeves. 5b0646aafffe41d6992e8785df772e24.jpeg.54312e304bf61c27ab14f4d69a06e843.jpeg

Are you sure you wish to go down this path? There is hesitation in your mind. We can all sense it.

Jason glanced over at the man in the purple suit.

Didn't expect to get a lecture in person today.

The other man smiled lightly.

Well, there has been a lot going on lately. The house purchase. The suspension... The guilt that you feel as it has affected her is like a anchor around your neck. The "mud" as you like to call it, got her dirty too. Now you are looking into this private investigator profession as an alternative if things do not work out with your current police employer and being reinstated. Helping her on medium jobs. The shadow hunter is back and she's gone to see him on occassion once more. I am not sure which is thicker in your mind. The guilt or the disdain.

There was a brief pause, as he tilted his head at Jason

Now you are looking to take back your lover to the place where this all began...Open old wounds. We would be remiss if we didn't question your motives here.

Jason finished the cigarette and tossed it on the ground. He ground it into the asphalt with his shoe.

I appreciate the concern from the "Spirit Crew" but everything is good. As good as it can be anyways. The detective job after getting shot was likely only going to last but so long anyways. Add in these powers. It was on a countdown anyways. Would never have lasted. At least I got to do a little more good before it went to hell. But I cant let the corruption thing go. Even if I'm not part of CCPD anymore. Not after they killed Eric. He deserves justice. If I'm suspended, I need to use the tools at my disposal. Especially as its become more and more obvious I'm dealing with blood suckers too and not just a bunch of dirty cops.

He shook his head a bit.

M wants to help. Maybe she can find something with her sight that was missed by more mundane methods.. Besides.. Aren't you a trickster spirit? Why do you care?

The man chuckled lightly.

Trickster yes, but also knowledge and wisdom. The fact that I'm here also implies you are seeking some of it. I tried to steal all the world's wisdom once. It didn't work out so well. Perhaps it suits me better to provide it, compared to hoard it.

Jason lifted an eyebrow at the man from behind his sunglasses.

Suddenly you all want to start showering me with wisdom and helping me make decisions? You'll excuse me if I'm a bit hesitant to believe that.

The man shook his head.

You know that Rati has evolved. Her urges are different now for you. You know that we have allowed certain...gifts to be received without payment should the situation warrant it. The time with you, has been longer than any contract that most of us have experienced. Its... different. There is a certain fondness....

You mean you've gotten cozy and would rather sit around and get me to payout the rest of my lifetime rather than all of you go looking for another meal ticket...

The man shifted a bit.

I can not lie that the arrangement is...convenient. But you more than anyone should know about arrangements, developing into something..more.


He scratched his nose with his middle finger.

Look. This might not amount to anything. It might crack open something wider. I just need to know that I've covered every possible option. There was so much at the apartment the night it happened. They cleared everything out. Maybe she can see the echo of something. A name, an address. Anything that might open up something I've been missing.

The man pushed off the car.

We will continue to aid you. That part is not in question. Just... perhaps... slow down. Enjoy the time you have. You seek answers. You know when you find it, there will be no going back. Your friend is dead. As cold as that may sound. He can not die anymore. Another few days...weeks. Do not burn yourself out. You will do yourself no good. Your mate. Or.. Us.

There it is. Looping back to feeding you all again.

The man shrugged and smirked. There was a flicker and the man seemed to collapse into a swarm of spiders that scattered off in a hundred different directions at once.

Damn Ananasi..

Jason looked back to the house waiting for Marina.



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image.png.a171c3c2d8be10131f0d02e2c8ff08d6.pngMarina Trevino

Ghost Whisperer

High Concept: Intuitive Ectomantic Forensic Scientist

Trouble: Door's Always Open

Marina exits the house and locks the front door behind her. Her hair bounces lightly with each step as she approaches Jason. A small tote is slung over her shoulder, filled with supplies for the day.

"Sorry it took so long, Jace. I kept forgetting something and then when I thought I had everything, I realized I forgot something else." She sniffs the air and smirks at him. "Guess giving you a little time wasn't the worst thing."

She gives him a quick kiss, sobering a bit. "Are you ready?"




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Posted (edited)

JasonGlasses.jpg.ea1bb423127dc6c665e5b3fe76d56eae.jpgJason Holloway
Spiritmancer - Detective

High Concept: Cleveland's Fallen Son 

Trouble: Debts Up To His Eyeballs


Jason smiled lightly against the feel of her lips. All the stress and drama was worth it for just a brief feel of her against him. He tried to let the encounter with the spirit melt into the background of his mind.

Ready as ever. Figured you just got lost in the new house. Still confused with all the extra rooms. Get turned around. Still need a map. Nero is in there, so I wasn't worried yet.

He slipped a hand around her waist and gave her a squeeze before he pulled away and tapped the top of Plymouth. The door popped open for Marina as Jason moved around to the drivers side. Once in the car he looked over to her again.

Are you sure about this? I dont know what's going to happen here. Even less so than you. Your powers. I know you want to help because its my baggage. This is also illegal. I dont have any power right now to actually be in the apartment. I made friends with the landlord though after the shooting. Its still vacant. The shooting hasnt helped them get anyone that wants to jump into a rental. Mostly untouched. They can look the other way, but if anyone calls about activity.. we're gonna need to scram.

He sighed.

I've already got you in enough of a bind...Got you dirty enough in this vendetta.

His tongue clicked inside his cheek.


Edited by ArcaneDesperado (see edit history)
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image.png.a171c3c2d8be10131f0d02e2c8ff08d6.pngMarina Trevino

Ghost Whisperer

High Concept: Intuitive Ectomantic Forensic Scientist

Trouble: Door's Always Open

Marina shakes her head and laughs as she sits down in the passenger's seat.

"I make one mistake and I'll never live it down. I'm used to, like, three rooms total, babe. This place is a mansion."

She grows more serious as he asks her about the apartment where he was shot. He's anxious. It's understandable. And his concern for her? Also understandable. He's been at this for a while and the trail has run cold. It's demoralizing for him. She can't stand to see him so morose and distracted. Marina takes his hand and kisses the back of it.

"I made my own choices, Jason. You gotta stop blaming yourself for things that aren't your fault. I want to be here. If there's anything I can do to help you, I'll do it without question. And if something happens, we'll deal with it."

She kisses the back of his hand again, then smirks. "Besides, you did promise me that my life wouldn't be boring with you. You're just really good at keeping your promises."




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JasonGlasses.jpg.ea1bb423127dc6c665e5b3fe76d56eae.jpgJason Holloway
Spiritmancer - Detective

High Concept: Cleveland's Fallen Son 

Trouble: Debts Up To His Eyeballs


A castle for the Queen....

He smiled lightly. Jason leaned over in the seat and just sat his head on her shoulder.

Things are just a little bit more messy than I'd like. Wanted to give you the white picket fence lifestyle. Nice and peaceful. Worse thing you had to deal with was the neighbors sprinkler system being off and spraying into the back yard. Or the nosy old lady down the block that always wanted to ask why my car seems to park itself.

He sat back upright.

I dont deserve you. I should be dead so many times over. So many different things in life. ... Just thank you for being you.

He put Christine into drive and pulled out of the drive.

So... should I ask about your day? Ask how Bram's went last night.


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image.png.a171c3c2d8be10131f0d02e2c8ff08d6.pngMarina Trevino

Ghost Whisperer

High Concept: Intuitive Ectomantic Forensic Scientist

Trouble: Door's Always Open

When Jason leans his head on her shoulder, Marina lightly strokes the hair on the back of his head and listens. He is so good to her, so kind. The dreams he has for her are simple and wholesome...and likely things they'll never have. Just the fact that he wants them for her, though, is enough to make her heart burst. After he puts the car in drive, she reaches out and entwines her fingers with his.

"We deserve each other, Jace. Maybe one day we can have that white picket fence lifestyle. That would just be a bonus. Anywhere you are is home."

She slides on her aviators and leans back in her seat. So he wants to hear about Daemon, huh? She knew he would. Why he'd want to talk about this before going into a stressful situation, she has no idea, but he must need the answers.

"Today was good. Finally got a chance to sleep in a little bit, then did your favorite thing: paperwork. Do you think we can write off salt as a business expense?"

Marina giggles and turns her head towards him. She watches sunlight and shadows flash over their hands as they pass under some trees. Her eyes linger on her ring finger and she smiles. Would this really end in marriage? It feels like it. Everything is "we" now and she loves it. It's just so natural.

"Bram's was good. I was nervous about what I might see, but Daemon's...calmer? Happier? He smiled at least six times. It's gotta be some kind of record. He was a little sad at one point, though. Some heavy things happened while he was gone and I don't think he's worked through them yet."




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Posted (edited)

JasonGlasses.jpg.ea1bb423127dc6c665e5b3fe76d56eae.jpgJason Holloway
Spiritmancer - Detective

High Concept: Cleveland's Fallen Son 

Trouble: Debts Up To His Eyeballs


I'd have to make sure how the salt is classified. If its something like table salt, and its not something like restaurant or hospitality field it might not. If its the coarse salt, or I think you had a black salt? up on the computer. Something like that, maybe. I'll need to check on some things. Just make sure to keep all the receipts.

He glanced to the side, and then the other at the stop sign. Then he made the turn into the larger street out of the subdivision.

And good on Daemon. He needs to be happy. He should be happy. Needs to find himself someone else to focus on and give him center.

There was a pause.

How many things did he blame me for this time? Offered to fix all the problems with money?

The question was half serious, half typical Jason snark.


Edited by ArcaneDesperado (see edit history)
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image.png.a171c3c2d8be10131f0d02e2c8ff08d6.pngMarina Trevino

Ghost Whisperer

High Concept: Intuitive Ectomantic Forensic Scientist

Trouble: Door's Always Open

Marina lets the comment about Daemon finding someone new to focus on slide. When he asks what Daemon blamed him for, she laughs softly and rolls her eyes.

"I knew that question was coming. I told him that I was making an effort to pull back on my touchy-feelyness and he attributed that to you. I didn't deny it, but I think he knows me well enough that it was pretty obvious. Maybe he just wanted more hugs, I don't know." The joke falls a bit flat. She shrugs.

"Told him we were suspended and he did offer to give us some money. Probably didn't help that I had that draining job yesterday with the house full of ghosts. I was exhausted. He probably thought the worst. I turned his offer down, of course. We don't need his money. We've got this."

Marina gives his hand a reassuring squeeze.




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Posted (edited)

JasonGlasses.jpg.ea1bb423127dc6c665e5b3fe76d56eae.jpgJason Holloway
Spiritmancer - Detective

High Concept: Cleveland's Fallen Son 

Trouble: Debts Up To His Eyeballs


Still waiting on the Miami beach house he promised. No one believes he said it. He was dying in my arms. Why would he lie? Deliver what he offered before, then he can try and throw other money at us.

He smirked slightly before it turned back into a bit of a frown. He felt her hand squeeze his, and it lightened a bit.

Yeah... We got this.

He turned the blinker on and eased onto the highway to head back towards Chinatown.

Do ...you want me to try and go with your next time?.....to Brams.

He gave a bit of a sigh.

I'm..TRYING. If he's trying.

He glanced at her for a moment.

I'm however not going to keep my hands to myself. I'm going to kiss you if the mood strikes me, I'm gonna run my hand a little to high up your thigh under the table. I'm not gonna shove my hand up your dress and be blatant with some things, because its in public. But I'm not hiding anything either. Assuming he can handle it.

Jason glanced at the side mirror as he shifted lanes.

You know him and I are never going to be on.... best bud terms. If that happens its likely because the world's on fire. Even then we'll probably be fighting over the last can of beans. But he's your friend. As much as he pisses me off, I don't want to see the bastard wallowing in self-misery. He got a shit hand dealt early on. As bad as my childhood can claim to be, compared to his, I was golden. Sure I generally dont like to see anyone that depressed, but yeah. If hes like that it comes back home with you, because you care about him.





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image.png.a171c3c2d8be10131f0d02e2c8ff08d6.pngMarina Trevino

Ghost Whisperer

High Concept: Intuitive Ectomantic Forensic Scientist

Trouble: Door's Always Open

"I know you guys aren't gonna be best buddies, but I at least want you both to be civil with each other. Maybe that means you guys aren't around each other a lot, I don't know. I want you there with me and I don't want you to hold back, but I think seeing us together like that might be hard for him."

Marina hesitates. She knows she has to tell him, but she doesn't want to right now. He's not going to like it, which means he's going to be even more agitated when they get to the scene. Still, either he'll be mad now or even madder later. She prefers the now.

"He said he still has feelings for me, but he's better at controlling them. From everything I saw, he was being truthful."

She watches him, bracing for his reaction.




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JasonGlasses.jpg.ea1bb423127dc6c665e5b3fe76d56eae.jpgJason Holloway
Spiritmancer - Detective

High Concept: Cleveland's Fallen Son 

Trouble: Debts Up To His Eyeballs


Jason just drove for a minute or so in silence as he mulled over his response in his head. Sugar coating things would have Marina see right through him, as would lying. The lying would just annoy her more.

Well, I'd hold on for dear life too I guess...

He cleared his throat.

I'm not the one that didnt take their shot though for several years. I mean, lucky me. Turned out in my favor.

He checked the mirrors as he shifted lanes again.

But we're adults. I'm always gonna have some feelings for Sarah. Those feelings have changed. They're different now but somethings dont just go away. I get that. You had boyfriends before me. Even if they didn't last. Point is though you moved on. I moved on. Doing that we managed to fall into this crazy life together. You and me.. We're good. Solid.

Jason squeezed her hand.

I love you. You know that. And I know you love me. If there was any doubt about that, you'd have packed up and run long ago with the mess that I drag home. Rati. All the others.

He shook his head.

I'm not worried about that. Daemon though. I dont care if its HARD on him. Good. It should be hard on him. The man doesnt seem to WANT to move on. Thats my rub. Gonna always be my rub. He comes across like he just wants to play the long game. Eventually I'll push myself too far. Rati cant fix things. Then he can console the grieving widow scenario. If he actually made some visible effort to look like he wanted to date someone else. Stop pining away. Dude with as much money has he has, plenty of women that would swarm over him with the rugged tough guy act.



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image.png.a171c3c2d8be10131f0d02e2c8ff08d6.pngMarina Trevino

Ghost Whisperer

High Concept: Intuitive Ectomantic Forensic Scientist

Trouble: Door's Always Open

The silence is nerve-wracking, seeming to stretch on for much longer than the minute it actually lasts. Jason's response is not what she was expecting in the best way possible. He's calm, practical, and honest. It's like he knows what she needs before even she does. Her heart swells. She leans over and kisses his cheek.

"I love you, baby." She kisses his cheek again, then sits back in the passenger seat. "Look, I can't control how he feels or what he chooses to do. All I can do is set the proper boundaries."

Marina pauses. Her grip on his hand gets a little tighter. "I don't wanna think about a life without you, so please, let's not talk about that. None of this pushing yourself too far, Rati can't heal you, or whatever else may happen. That's not an option. You still have to give me that white picket fence lifestyle. It's practically a promise now."

She looks out the passenger window and swallows hard. Thank God for these aviators.




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Posted (edited)

JasonGlasses.jpg.ea1bb423127dc6c665e5b3fe76d56eae.jpgJason Holloway
Spiritmancer - Detective

High Concept: Cleveland's Fallen Son 

Trouble: Debts Up To His Eyeballs


I'm sorry. I'm not trying to make you worry. I guess I've stared death in the face a few times. Its different for me. It's clearly different for you too...you see the aftermath on a different level. I've dealt with the families before. Felt their loss. Its what I try and help by finding the monsters... You actually get to talk to the victims. Sorry....

He turned on the signal as they approached the offramp. He tried to shift the conversation back slightly.

Like I said, if the jackass would go on a few dates. Make an effort, I'd be less of an asshole in turn with him. I'll do my best to behave if you want me to go though next time. Still pinching your ass if it saunters by though in one of those black skirts you got. So he can deal with it.

He smirked slightly.

So... we're almost there. Do you need anything else before we try this? A coffee? Something stronger? Again this might be a dead end...so no pressure.



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image.png.a171c3c2d8be10131f0d02e2c8ff08d6.pngMarina Trevino

Ghost Whisperer

High Concept: Intuitive Ectomantic Forensic Scientist

Trouble: Door's Always Open

"I'll be sure to dress like a nun. Unless you're into that, like the clown thing." She smiles and turns her head back to face him.

"Just so you know, death doesn't scare me. It's losing you that does."

'And what that might do to me...'

She shakes her head. No, don't go there. Focus.

"No, I wanna keep my wits about me. Need to be at my best for this." She tucks some hair behind her ear. "Speaking of, can you recap what you've found so far for me again? I wanna have the right mindset when we go in. Take some of the guesswork out of it and save us some time."




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JasonGlasses.jpg.ea1bb423127dc6c665e5b3fe76d56eae.jpgJason Holloway
Spiritmancer - Detective

High Concept: Cleveland's Fallen Son 

Trouble: Debts Up To His Eyeballs


The clown thing was a joke.... never gonna live that down, am I?

He turned and looked at her, pushing down the glasses for a moment.

Now the nun thing... hmm..

He purred lightly.

Sister Marina. I've been a bad little altar boy and I need to seek atonement. What are you going to do with that ruler?

He turned back to driving.

I'm so going to hell....

He laughed.

Alright though, no legal stimulates or other food stuffs. Got it. Now as for what was found, if you are talking about the apartment here. Thats the problem. Not a lot. The place was full of maps, and drugs, and cases. I can only imagine were guns. There were ledgers and all sorts of other paperwork. I went in. I thought I cleared the place. Must have been someone hiding somewhere I thought. Though now that I know there are vamps involved in this mess, they could have been hiding there. Cloaked in the shadows of a corner. Walked right past them. Some other power to make me have ignored them. Of course if it was a vamp, why shoot me. Could have done much worse...

Jason stopped the thought process. Remembering what Marina had just said.

Either way. By the time anyone checked the apartment again, it was cleared out. Not a scrap of paper or something anyone could find. Like the place never had anyone in it. Name on the lease was fake. Landlord said he only met the guy renting it once. Couldnt remember his face though. Again, might be a bloodsucker with some mind wipe. Dude might just have a forgettable face.

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