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image.png.a171c3c2d8be10131f0d02e2c8ff08d6.pngMarina Trevino

Ghost Whisperer

High Concept: Intuitive Ectomantic Forensic Scientist

Trouble: Door's Always Open

Marina laughs and leans in to whisper in his ear.

"Depends on how well you atone. If you're a good boy and show me how sorry you are, then it won't be necessary. But if you fail to show me how sorry you are, well, I'll have to use it to punish you." She tugs gently on his ear with her teeth, then leans back to the passenger side. She mimes a brief shudder of fake disgust. "Ugh, it felt dirty just to say that. Remember those nuns growing up? Can you imagine? No thanks."

Marina laughs and takes his hand again. Time to switch gears. This is business, not pleasure.

"Sounds like this landlord needs to start running background checks before renting to people." She sighs. "Hopefully we can find something that was missed. Maybe there's a ghost or spirit hanging around there that might know something."

Marina bites her bottom lip, thinking. "If it is vampires, we need to do some more research. With Daemon back, he might be able to make that easier for us. Hopefully we'll find some clues to confirm it's vampires or if it's something else. I don't exactly relish the idea of dealing with vampires again."




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JasonGlasses.jpg.ea1bb423127dc6c665e5b3fe76d56eae.jpgJason Holloway
Spiritmancer - Detective

High Concept: Cleveland's Fallen Son 

Trouble: Debts Up To His Eyeballs


Sadly I dont think its an "if". Finding that phone when we rescued Daemon, plus other things I've found with other locations. There is vampire involvement. Its unavoidable. Its just a matter of figuring how deep they're embedded in this mess. If they are just using it to skim a little bit of influence and cash, or if they are running the whole shebang.

He pulled the car up into one of the public parking lots just outside of Chinatown.

Christine kinda sticks out, so probably walk the rest of the way. Only about three blocks.

He put the car into park.

I've got a few tricks up my sleeve if we need to deal with vampires again. Last time we had the disadvantage of Daemon already being hurt and captured. Assuming he's going in with his typical adrenaline obsessed self, he should be better in a fight right? I've got another contract I'm looking into...its not subtle to use. But if we're dealing with vampires I don't think we're really worried about subtle anymore.

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image.png.a171c3c2d8be10131f0d02e2c8ff08d6.pngMarina Trevino

Ghost Whisperer

High Concept: Intuitive Ectomantic Forensic Scientist

Trouble: Door's Always Open

Marina considers his words, frowning. What happened with Daemon's vampire was an experience she'd never like to repeat again. and that was just one. What if it goes as deep as Jason's saying?

"I mean, yeah. Daemon will be able to do more if it comes to that. But what if there's too many? It's still so dangerous." She shakes her head and gets out of the car. The sunshine feels great on her skin. She takes a deep breath while she waits for Jason to exit the car.

"I mean, I guess we won't know unless we dig deeper, right? Hopefully you won't have to take that contract."

Marina tries to give him a reassuring smile, but it's strained.




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JasonGlasses.jpg.ea1bb423127dc6c665e5b3fe76d56eae.jpgJason Holloway
Spiritmancer - Detective

High Concept: Cleveland's Fallen Son 

Trouble: Debts Up To His Eyeballs



Best I've been able to find on the ones involved in this is the term "Black Court". Seems to imply that at least the vampires we're dealing with are...or more specifically were human. Little more Dracula, than giant bat like monster. Though I'm not so ready to buy the whole garlic, running water, and what not.

He finally shifted in the seat and opened the door to exit the car.

As for the contract. Eris may have her uses outside of just the vampire thing. Working on a more gentle touch might be a thing... Shes a bit...

065136b2c820483786f191c76b8e4685.jpeg.a7f0b53f8f8ba85c1d1de7821f882dda.jpegThe mist swirled suddenly from the backseat of the car and twisted in the air. A head suddenly poked from between them from the back. The woman was visible to Marina, though she seemed to have an otherworldly aura about her. Similar to when Rati had made an appearance to her. The woman's eyes glowed like a set of golden coins. The black hair spilled out over her shoulders. The outfit seemed similar to a black stola dress with golden trim. The accent sounded Greek. Though the tone seemed to be that of a moody teenager.

Bit what? Bored from all this talking! You could have at least driven faster...Like ten over the speed limit. You followed every traffic law. Took your sweet time getting here. Ugh

She rolled her eyes. Before looking over at Marina.

Is he always this boring? Calm. Logical. Professional. This Daemon guy I've heard about sounds interesting.

Damn it...



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image.png.a171c3c2d8be10131f0d02e2c8ff08d6.pngMarina Trevino

Ghost Whisperer

High Concept: Intuitive Ectomantic Forensic Scientist

Trouble: Door's Always Open

Marina jumps in her seat and yelps in surprise at the spirit's appearance. Ghosts are one thing; she can usually sense them coming. But spirits? No, that's a jump scare. She doesn't have time to recover and turn before the woman's face is between her and Jason.

"I wouldn't say he's boring," Marina says defensively. "We're having a calm conversation. I wasn't aware we had an audience."

She leans forward to look at Jason.

"Are they always this rude?"




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JasonGlasses.jpg.ea1bb423127dc6c665e5b3fe76d56eae.jpgJason Holloway
Spiritmancer - Detective

High Concept: Cleveland's Fallen Son 

Trouble: Debts Up To His Eyeballs


Jason glanced over at Eris and then past her to Marina. 065136b2c820483786f191c76b8e4685.jpeg.a7f0b53f8f8ba85c1d1de7821f882dda.jpeg

Yes, the concept of privacy and many human norms are lost on most of them...

He cleared his throat slightly.

There is always an audience...

Eris slumped her shoulders a bit.

The first time was SOOO good. Exciting....Sneaking into that chopshop. Shooting those ghouls...Then the explosion. So much chaos. That was like a WHOLE week ago...

She whined in frustration.

He promised me EXCITMENT Jason.

She rolled in the air, floating on her back. She glanced at Marina.

Do you do anything exciting? Base Jumping? Fight Club? The Knife Game?




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image.png.a171c3c2d8be10131f0d02e2c8ff08d6.pngMarina Trevino

Ghost Whisperer

High Concept: Intuitive Ectomantic Forensic Scientist

Trouble: Door's Always Open

Marina nods when Jason says there is always an audience. Of course there is. She'd just only thought of Rati, but they all must be present with him at all times, even when...

She blushes a little and clears her throat. "Well, sometimes I grind my coffee beans fresh and other times I use store-bought grounds. Jason here is super unpredictable: you never know if he's gonna replace the toilet roll facing the right or wrong way." A hint of a smile plays on her lips.




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JasonGlasses.jpg.ea1bb423127dc6c665e5b3fe76d56eae.jpgJason Holloway
Spiritmancer - Detective

High Concept: Cleveland's Fallen Son 

Trouble: Debts Up To His Eyeballs


Eris rolled her eyes and sighed again. 065136b2c820483786f191c76b8e4685.jpeg.a7f0b53f8f8ba85c1d1de7821f882dda.jpeg

Toilet paper? Seriously?

She flicked her wrist and a trash can in the parking lot seemed to lift out of nowhere and hurtle across the lot and smacked into another car across from them. The car alarm blaring to life. Trash spilled out into the parking lot and started to blow into the wind. A large dent was now in the side of the car door.

When's this next Bram's trip? Maybe I should check out this Daemon. Jason says he's an adrenaline junkie. Likes conflict. Blowing stuff up. Sowing discord. General chaos.

She grinned wide.

My kinda' man.

Jason snapped back a bit.

Look, Eris... we havent finalized a deal. There isnt a need for you to stick around. No contract bond between us. You offered services that one night. One time. In and out. It was agreed. Nothing beyond that.

She rolled in the air again, her hair whipping around with her. A bit of it hitting Marina in the face. It didnt hurt, but it felt weird as the ectoplasm like energy moved across her. Eris smirked lightly, the action likely on purpose. Marina might have noticed that her hair was styled similar to her own as well.

But the others have talked you up so much "Papi".

The tone and infliction of saying the word seemed to be a mocking tone in mimicking Marina's way of saying it.


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image.png.a171c3c2d8be10131f0d02e2c8ff08d6.pngMarina Trevino

Ghost Whisperer

High Concept: Intuitive Ectomantic Forensic Scientist

Trouble: Door's Always Open

Marina's anger flares. How dare this woman mock her. Who the hell does she think she is?!

"Si estás tan decepcionada con él, vete,"* she practically growls out. "No te echaremos de menos."**

Behind her aviators, her eyes soften as she begins to channel. She sees Juma appear in the backseat beside the woman. He shakes his head slowly, his steady eyes locked on hers. With a sigh, she looks out at the wrecked car in the parking lot.

"Such an unnecessary temper tantrum," Marina says grimly. She watches the lights flash on the damaged car. "Daemon will give you nothing. There's no point in seeking him out."


* Translation: "If you're so disappointed with him, then leave."

** Translation: "You won't be missed."




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Posted (edited)

JasonGlasses.jpg.ea1bb423127dc6c665e5b3fe76d56eae.jpgJason Holloway
Spiritmancer - Detective

High Concept: Cleveland's Fallen Son 

Trouble: Debts Up To His Eyeballs


Eris seemed to giggle slightly at the outburst.

Seemed I touched a nerve...

She licked a finger with her tongue and made a mark in the air. Eris then sighed and glanced as Juma.

Oh joy.. another serious one. Too crowded in this metal carriage.

She titled her head over at Jason.

I'll be keeping an eye on you... SO much potential for chaos and strife. Mílo tou matioú mouApple of my eye  Antio!

Eris misted away, leaving behind the scent of apple and cinnamon as the only memory of her having been in the car.

Jason just leaned forward and rested his head on the steering wheel. Silently. Waiting for the storm that was Marina's reaction to what just transpired.



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image.png.a171c3c2d8be10131f0d02e2c8ff08d6.pngMarina Trevino

Ghost Whisperer

High Concept: Intuitive Ectomantic Forensic Scientist

Trouble: Door's Always Open

When Eris disappears, Juma fades from view. Marina snorts softly and places her aviators on the dashboard. She turns to Jason, whose head is resting on the steering wheel.

"I don't know how you deal with them. Maybe that's why you're so calm, cool, and collected. Lots of practice."

She gently pushes him back from the steering wheel until he's upright again. With a few brisk movements of her hand, she fixes some stray hair that's fallen in his face.

"Her Spanish was terrible and so was she. What could she possibly have to offer you? The way you described it sounded like a one night stand."




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JasonGlasses.jpg.ea1bb423127dc6c665e5b3fe76d56eae.jpgJason Holloway
Spiritmancer - Detective

High Concept: Cleveland's Fallen Son 

Trouble: Debts Up To His Eyeballs


It was Greek. I dont know how I understand it.. Probably because she's still a spirit. Brain translates it. It wasnt Spanish.

He sighed a bit.

You saw what she did with the trash can. That was minor compared to what she can do. Think of it like telekinesis. But its ...all or nothing. She cant push a penny across the dashboard of the car...so she'll pick up the whole car and chuck it across the street.

The implication of throwing cars and the comment about the chopshop location filled with ghouls earlier lingered in the air for a moment. Jason had commented about the location and what had happened. Clearly he'd downplayed it. Trying to keep Marina from worrying. That clearly wasnt going to be so easy to hide now.

So yeah... She came in handy. I've done plenty of one-time deals. Most get me information for a murder case. Help me find a weapon. Or a piece of evidence. Generally takes a lot more for me to want to do a more long-term contract. Rati was a learning experience to not just go making those deals. I didnt with Eris because I could tell she was ... trouble. However trouble seems to follow me. In this case very literally. Its like the ones in the townhouse. They could smell me. She seems to have gotten a taste on whatever the essence is produced from the deal and wants more.

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image.png.a171c3c2d8be10131f0d02e2c8ff08d6.pngMarina Trevino

Ghost Whisperer

High Concept: Intuitive Ectomantic Forensic Scientist

Trouble: Door's Always Open

Marina listens to his explanation patiently. Eris' mention of the chopshop didn't escape her.

"Her extreme reactions could be just as dangerous as whatever it is you're facing. They're supposed to help you, not put you in more danger." Worry creases her brow. "I don't expect you to tell me everything about what happens. It's probably best I don't know some things. As long as you come back to me, that's all that matters."

She looks down at her hands. "I'm sorry you have to keep dealing with this. I don't know how you do it. Ghosts are one thing, but these spirits...I don't know, they'd probably break me. They sound exhausting."

She frowns. "Rati was one thing. She at least showed some respect to me. This one, I don't like her. She mocked me and called you 'papi'." She looks up at him, clearly annoyed. "That's the Spanish I was talking about. I don't know what she said before she left. I don't really care, honestly. Nobody calls you 'papi' but me."




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Posted (edited)

JasonGlasses.jpg.ea1bb423127dc6c665e5b3fe76d56eae.jpgJason Holloway
Spiritmancer - Detective

High Concept: Cleveland's Fallen Son 

Trouble: Debts Up To His Eyeballs


It's very loud and crowded at times. Those are just the ones that are in my head. Never mind the ones that randomly float around. Generally the stronger ones keep the smaller ones at bay. Doesn't always stop them though.

He took the aviators off and ran a hand over his face.

I didn't expect her to keep following me. I'd had one other encounter with her after the chopshop. Told her I'd think about it. More to just get her to leave me alone. Like I said, they don't get a lot of human social cues.....

Jason turned and looked at Marina.

I really didnt mean to have a stray follow me home....Let alone one with impulsive control issues. 

He folded the aviators and slipped them into his front pocket for a moment.

She's a spirit of discord. Troublemaker. Spelled with the big T, not a little t. I seem to have a habit of attracting those more than anything else. She sees us happy and wants to push buttons. Start an argument. She got you flustered. Which is what she wanted. I doubt she even knows the significance of "papi" or even the meaning. Eris can just sense an emotional connection with it, and knew using it would set you off.

Jason reached over and took her hand.

Again, I'm sorry my... work... is following me home. REALLY sorry in this case. I really didnt think she... It? Maybe I should call them its... Calling "it" a "she" does make it sound like a bad one night stand, that doesnt want to let it go. I dont know. Rati has been better. Most the others are...less problematic.

He shook his head.

I only even considered it given how powerful she was. Being able to just throw one of these vampires like they're a ragdoll. Drop a car or two on them. It makes this fight so much easier. We could have gone into that fight to rescue Daemon...I could have just chucked that bastard out the window from the start. Right out into the sun. No muss no fuss. If one of those things showed up in our house. Came after you. Could pin it against the wall with the couch..

Jason squeezed her hand again.

I just feel losing control of a lot of things right now with work. The suspension is stalled. I havent been fired... but I havent been reinstated either. And that's probably only because they are doing paperwork to make sure I cant turn around and sue them. Firing the officer shot in the line of duty and suffering from PTSD would look bad in the paper. I'm finding myself hitting dead ends with leads. I want to give Eric some peace with his death. I want to be able to protect you. The temptation with Eris is there. I cant lie. To have some sense of control again... She likely could sense all of it for the brief hour or two down there with the temporary deal. Combined with the fact she can see all these others attached like Rati and Coyote. Sees a nice easy ride. Free food. I know the house is okay for awhile with the savings. I know you are okay... even though I still consider this whole situation my fault.... You can tell me fifty times over it was your choice. But I was still involved. I was still the one that asked...I never should have brought you into it. It was wrong on my end.



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image.png.a171c3c2d8be10131f0d02e2c8ff08d6.pngMarina Trevino

Ghost Whisperer

High Concept: Intuitive Ectomantic Forensic Scientist

Trouble: Door's Always Open

Marina shakes her head and sighs.

"Jason, I wouldn't change anything about it. You need to stop torturing yourself with this. We needed to do it. Eric deserves justice. You deserve justice. And justice wasn't coming while that stuff sat in the evidence locker. Yes, we broke the rules, but the rules were wrong."

With some minor difficulty, she slides over the center console and into Jason's lap, straddling him. She takes his face between her hands and meets his eyes.

"You have nothing to apologize for, not the evidence thing, not the suspension, not the spirits - nothing. I am here because I want to be here. I'm with you because I want you. Not your job or your money or whatever you can give me. Just you."

Her arms move to rest loosely around his neck, her wrists overlapping.

"All this spirit stuff, there's no instruction manual. You learn as you go. With Rati, you learned not to jump into contracts. With Eris, you're learning to be careful who you work with even if you don't have a contract. It's okay for it to be messy. There's no way this wouldn't be messy. Is it annoying and inconvenient? Yeah. But it's better than the alternative."

She pauses to kiss his cheek, then pulls back to look into his eyes again.

"I know you want to protect me and I think that's really sweet of you. But you don't need to keep adding on contracts until you're covered head-to-toe in tattoos and there's no room left in your head. The best way you can protect me is by keeping yourself safe, sane, and alive. It's the only way we're going to get justice for Eric and for you. Let go of the guilt, papi. It's only holding you back."




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