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Positive Feedback!

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Ok, so I'm sure you guys have far more important things to do than to deal with all of my posts and questions about the site.  I know it's Beta, and you are going to get bug reports.  But how about we go a different direction for a moment?


The site is AWESOME.  I easily migrated one of my games from the old site to here this morning, and it took a matter of minutes once I got the hang of Topics.  There are some things that will take some getting used to, such as not having sub-topics (I used to have a top-level folder for Characters, as an example, and then multiple sub-folders for Current Party, Approved, Reserves, etc.).  But overall, the site is cool and awesome, and it just feels fresh and new.


Wonderful job!  Keep up the good work!

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In the handful posting and minutes I've spent with the new site, I certainly appreciate the changes to the editor, more than anything.  Yeah, there'll be a hefty adjustment period where I'll have to break my old habits of typing [b][/b] constantly for this, that, or the other (and getting used to clicking for color will be annoying), but ya know what - I'm glad for the change.


I was screwing around for like 10 minutes, and was mostly able to copy-paste a post from the old forums to the new.  Had more issues with background related stuff, but those are just the learning pains.


I don't plan to move any of my games over any time soon - I want more of the beta to be underway before I start doing that - but I'm with Scarecrow: I'm happy for the change.  I'm excited to see how this plays out in the long haul.

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I also want to tag on here and say how much I like that we can have Personal Creative Hubs to serve as a sort of personal wiki. That combined with the mobile-friendliness is a dream come true. Like others have said, there will be a lot of things to get used to and get used to not having, but in my opinion these changes are for the better and will only improve as time goes on.


Great work, admin/mod/dev team(s)! I look forward to seeing you execute the projects you've been wanting to do.

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