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Sheets Viewer Update - Cache Clear May Be Required ×

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Not that its important now but i never noticed it. I only mention it because i'm on an older version of firefox (106.0.3, it keeps begging me to update but last time I did that it broke a bunch of UI changes like tabs-on-bottom that my brain won't allow me to live without so i refuse to update).


This means it might have only been obvious on up-to-date versions, in case that matters for something.



Not that its important now but i never noticed it. I only mention it because i'm on an older version of firefox (it keeps begging me to update but last time I did that it broke a bunch of UI changes like tabs-on-bottom that my brain won't allow me to live without so i refuse to update).


This means it might have only been obvious on up-to-date versions, in case that matters for something.

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