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  1. Good thing because i don't know enough about the poitics yet! lol I still have to fix one merit and pare back some charms but i'm almost done, which is a good thing because i'm away until the weekend and i THINK thats when the recruitment time is up, but i should be done by then!
  2. Wounds: 0/12 Fatigue: 0 Ego Barrier: 35/35 Insanity: 2 "Yes.. Yes a solid hit! Hopefully!" This close, surely she couldn't miss.. surely.. It was right up in her face, even if the water was swirling, even if the current from the blow ringing through her head was pushing her around, even if everything seemed out of place... Amaterasu Status Armour Effects Loc TB Armour Wounds AT Field Head 3 43 + 1 (from Type C Suit) 6/6 Type: Deflection R.Arm 3 43 + 1 (from Type C Suit) 8/8 ATS: 0/5 | ATP: 5 L.Arm 3 43 + 1 (from Type C Suit) 8/8 Deflection: (1Reactive: The Eva always has 1 deflection, even if it is entirely offline, or has devoted all of its available ATP elsewhere.) Body 3 76 + 1 (from Type C Suit) 9/11 • Deflection based on reactions R.Leg 3 43 + 1 (from Type C Suit) 8/8 L.Leg 3 43 + 1 (from Type C Suit) 8/8 Weapons Weapon Range ROF Dam BR Pen Clip Reload Pallet Rifle 50 S/2/3 1d10+2 0 0 5/6 Half M8 Hand Cannon 50 S/-/3 1d10+2 0 2 3/6 Half Equipment Item Effect Entry Plug +5 BS/WS Autobalancer +10 Acrobatics Small-Scale Enemies take -10 to all attacks Reactive Eva always has 1 Deflection Left Wing Hand Cannon • Type-C suit adds +1 Armour to all locations Attacking Target: Ballistic Skill 35 Entry Plug +5 Angel Mods +10 (+20 Size, +10 Makerlight, -20 Shooting into melee) Target Number: 40 Target Damage: Half Move Full Move Charge Run 6 12 18 16 Actions; • Full - Full Auto (3 attacks max) Notes; • Devoting ATS to Breach and allowing Neutralization to drop since its AT Field is so low we can all probably get through until next round.
  3. Hey guys, The GM has offered me a spot so i'll be working to finish up my Thousand Sons Librarian/sorcerer, if there is anything i can build to help out the group, let me know.
  4. I didn't realise it had been so long. I have been dealing with some technical and IRL things but i didn't think it'd been so long. Things are clearing up, but if i've dug too deep i won't feel bad about being replaced.
  5. Athelia Karatch - Planetouched Wizard 1 HP: 8/8 | AC: 12 (Mage Armour ON: 15) | Passive Perception/Insight: 11/13 | DM Inspiration: 1/1 | Ongoing Effects: Mage Armour Effects: Darkvision, Feather on the WindWhen you fall, you can use your reaction to slow your rate of descent and land from a height of up to 60 feet without taking falling damage; you take half damage if falling from heights higher than that. , Light on Your Feet[2/2 Long Rest] You can use a bonus action to make a leap of a distance up to 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks . This distance increases by 5 feet each time your proficiency bonus increases. Once you have used this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, you can’t use it again until you have finished a long rest . Additionally, when you would be knocked prone, you can use your reaction to instead move 5 feet in a direction you choose. This movement does not provoke an opportunity attack. , Roll with the Punches[1/1 Long Rest] After you fail an ability check, you have advantage on your next ability check. You can’t use this trait again until after you finish a short or long rest . Spell DC: 13 | Spell Attack: +5 | Cantrips: Fire Bolt, Prestidigitation, Void Maw Level 1 [▣ ▢] Burning Hands, Mage Armour, Shield, Magic Missile Spotting the riding coming up from behind - really all she can see - Athelia focuses on him. Reaching out from her hiding spot in the wagon, the shadows of her hiding spot coalesces between her hands and, when it grow to a size to fill her cupped hands it pours down her fingertips and is launched as a roiling ball into the rider. Mechanics Items Actions Attacks - Rider 2 (behind) Main Hand: Main Action: Casting: Void Maw Void Maw Attack 15 - Damage 4 Off-Hand: Bonus Action: Move Action: Free Manipulation: Notes:
  6. Cassia Ci-Uwatha HP: 5/5 | AC: 11 | System Strain: 12 | Trauma Target: 7 Attack Bonus: +0 | Saves: Phys 15 | Eva 14 | Men 14 | Luck 15 Magic: +1 | Heal: +0 | Stab: +0 Cassia takes each note one by one, the the silver and steel jewelry wrapped around her fingers catch the light along their long, thin edges, though she is very careful with each note, well practiced in dealing with the longer and dangerous looking edges. She does not even look at the notes before she tucks them aware somewhere within her coat. "I think you'll find, my Lord, that horses become much more scarce in wartime. Their value becomes immeasurable, and there loss greater. I would assume most are conscripted to mounted divisions and scouts, not mere messengers such as us."
  7. Amelia also has darkvision, depending on how dark it is, of course.
  8. My Kung Fu master is of course very combat-focused, but its not really her goal, is more her backup. She's here to sort guide and shepherd how events go and combat is the fallback. Its the 'oh well you're forced me hand' sort of combat ideal. She'll often be more passive unless she absolutely has to interfere. Her goal is not to start fights, but to finish it, and broad combat or 'war' (as opposed to a fight here and there) isn't her goal.. probably.
  9. Cassia Ci-Uwatha HP: 5/5 | AC: 11 | System Strain: 12 | Trauma Target: 7 Attack Bonus: +0 | Saves: Phys 15 | Eva 14 | Men 14 | Luck 15 Magic: +1 | Heal: +0 | Stab: +0 Cassia humours Xylanthir with a smile, though it doesn't reach her eyes and she nods, as if she understands something about him she had been considering "Oh yes, of course. I believe i can manage that." Turning to look at the quartermaster, she sizes them up, for a moment the only sound is a faint scraping as she brushes her fingers together where her hands are clasped behind her back and the long nails of her jewelry touch. Her hands are almost lost in the long, wide sleeves of the heavy, read her gold brocade coat. "My dear, would you mind helping me with this, Lord Xylanthir is clearly busy organising the expedition and i could use your assistance bringing the equipment together."
  10. Its probably THE most common house rule and also the most complained about rule too lol
  11. Cassia is a noble herself, but her inscrutable foreign manners and cultural touchtones means that she will judge him but do so differently. No one outside her homeland is can be expected to conduct themselves properly anyway because they are all barbarians who don't know better, you should pity them more than take insult.
  12. Cassia Ci-Uwatha HP: 5/5 | AC: 11 | System Strain: 12 | Trauma Target: 7 Attack Bonus: +0 | Saves: Phys 15 | Eva 14 | Men 14 | Luck 15 Magic: +0 | Heal: +1 | Stab: +0 Her hands clasp behind her with the soft metallic clicks of her jewelry touching, she seems happy to follow, silent and perhaps slightly judgemental of the so-called lord. "Do you normally do a lot of hauling, my Lord?"
  13. For me it'll depend on how things go. I'm starting her off very Battles focused but she's not very old - i'd say hundreds of years or something like that - so she's young and only has a basic purview. So depending on how things go she might have to advance into some more investigation/socializing stuff or just keep the focus. She has lots of time.
  14. This is really good because while the Resplendent Destinies is fun, having to deal with it any time you lose sight of a party member could be a hassle. I did take a bit of a look and the Gates are the Omphalos Gate in the Imperial Mountain's foothills, the Drowning Gate in the Aito Archipelago There is also a Sidereal charm to basically summon the Calibration Gate. Provable Location Gate essentially allows the Sidereal to say 'Hey the Gate is going to appears over there in a couple of days' and then.. it kinda happens.. Which seems really fun. But i can't afford more charms at this point lol (also Investigation is already an expensive non-favoured ability.)
  15. There are (among others, including respiring Motes) two reasons i liked the idea of the Manse. Firstly, the idea of the 'Yeah i live in literal heaven' part of the Sidereal is just so much fun, but also the Sorcery aspect. I don't have any now - i still have to pare back charms a lot from my wish list - but its a goal. That said i haven't read enough to even learn how a sidereal gets back to Yu-Shan. I have read a little about the Calibration Gate but i'm still not sure whats going on there yet. I know thats how mortals get to Yu-Shan. The other thing to consider is that while nontrivial characters (Exalts, etc) are resistant to Arcane Fate, they aren't immune. I believe if you're Essence 5+ or an 'enemy of fate' you are immune (enemies of fate being Abyssals, Infernals and Getinians). I believe this means that (almost?) everyone in the circle will at least be partially affected by Arcane Fate. This means that most people will know her by the Resplendent Destinies that she creates I'm gonna be so honest with you right now i saw a Hearthstone that makes everyone around you speak Old Realm - they don't know they are, they just are - and i had to have it, so now its a fact that she just refuses to learn other languages lol (also it means i don't have to spend points on it). She comes with some Resources and Backing because of her middle-management position in heaven, so she'd have a place to live but not a fancy mansion built from stardust.
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