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Issues with Tables, Images, and Editing Posts

Old Scratch

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The editor is CKEditor 4. Most of the fine-tuning options are accessed via control-right-click context menus, including cell-by-cell border controls. It's worth noting that everything starts with the base stylesheets for the site, though; nothing is a blank canvas. The primary goal is to promote ease of use and consistency, so if you want to exert full control, you need to override properties like border-collapse and border-spacing, which are what are interfering with your example. The web inspector tools will be most helpful here.

<table style="background:#00c;border:20px #c00 double;padding:5px; border-collapse: unset; border-spacing: unset;">
		<tr align="center" valign="top">
			<td style="color:#fff;border:5px #fff solid;padding:10px;font-family:'times new roman', times;">




Images are wrapped with a Javascript-based auto-scaling feature to optimize size for all devices from mobile up to desktop; this is intended behavior for Invision Community.

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It puts a spacer there, puts the actual source in the data-src attribute, and then uses JS to swap the content out when the post is rendered.


Noted on the border-collapse and border-spacing properties. I've put that on the tracker to look into whitelisting.

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Correct, if you use source mode the image display gets borked. This is an interaction between Invision and the source mode CKEditor plugin, which Invision doesn't officially support or recommend; I have it on my to-do list to see if it's possible to fix it. We're trying to give much more flexibility in content control than Invision expects of the average forum user, so we have to iteratively tweak the boundaries when we discover something that "should work" but doesn't.

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