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Game List/Advertisement Navigation

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When viewing the list of games and advertisements, there isn't anything to tell us what we need to click on to navigate to that game's forum/area.  I tried clicking on everything I could think of (and was reminded of something I didn't try clicking on), when I finally clicked on the circular image on the left of the banner, and voila!  Game forum.  But it's not intuitive to know to click that, nor is there anything that gives us an indication that this is where we should click.  Even a small blurb at the top of the advertisements/games list page would be keen.


On a similar vein, I was reminded that I didn't try clicking on the game name, primarily because the name is actually inside the banner (which has its own issues in that the name is hiding a portion of the banner, so why even have one).  Can we get the name of the game moved outside the banner?  Perhaps just atop the listing, or maybe just under the banner?  Maybe as a separate button next to the "Join This Game" button so, assuming the game isn't private, you can see what is contained therein without having to request to join?

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In a similar vein to this topic, is it at all possible to list what game system a particular game is for without having to filter for it?  There is no way to identify what system a given game is for just by looking at the games list without filtering unless said system is in the description.

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Just realized I completely missed responding to this one, @Scarecrow71! We’re still looking at ways the games section will get updated, and I’ll toss these thoughts into the dev tracker so they’re considered. 


@Lily42 There will be an advertisements system coming in the near future (before beta is complete) that will be similar to the advertisements section on the original site. We just haven’t gotten to creating it yet, and the existing method is how it works natively in Invision. 

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2 hours ago, Colin said:

@Lily42 There will be an advertisements system coming in the near future (before beta is complete) that will be similar to the advertisements section on the original site. We just haven’t gotten to creating it yet, and the existing method is how it works natively in Invision. 

Cool, just making sure things are on the list.

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