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I am glad yall are enjoying the encounter, my worst fear was it feeling like a slog but your characters are doing rocking so far so many crits already!

@Wizard of the Coat It does put him down which means I need to roll everyone in a 30 foot radius to him a DC 14 Wisdom Saving Throw which is Mags, Damaia and Lu. A failure means taking 2d6 psychic damage and being stunned until the end of your next turn. A success takes half damage and is not stunned.

@fenrirlokison Who are you hitting with the Eldritch Blast? I didn't see a target in your post or the rolls thread.



I am glad yall are enjoying the encounter, my worst fear was it feeling like a slog but your characters are doing rocking so far so many crits already!

@Wizard of the Coat It does put him down which means I need to roll everyone in a 30 foot radius to him a DC 14 Wisdom Saving Throw which is Mags, Damaia and Lu.

@fenrirlokison Who are you hitting with the Eldritch Blast? I didn't see a target in your post or the rolls thread.

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