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Mae Hedwann, Whisper Gnome, Rogue


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Name: Mae Hedwann
Gender: Female
Alignment: Neutral Good

Race: Whisper Gnome
Class(es): Rogue 1
Mae is a slender, petite gnome, with plain features and simple clothes. Slightly on the short side for a gnome and of average build, she's very much within the normal. Her hair, a muted auburn-brown, is short, barely reaching to mid-neck at its longest point and mostly straight, with a slight wave to it. Her hands and feet are on the smallish side, slender, as opposed to short. Her eyes are brown, matching her hair perfectly. Overall one might describe her as non-descript and she would easily fade into any crowd or small group in any village or city. She prefers it that way of course, intentionally working at being so.
Her clothing is plain, and dull colored, muted browns mostly, and functional more than decorative. She doesn't wear any jewelry nor does she have any distinctive tattoos or other markings or piercings. She does favor breeches over skirts and is never without pockets to stash things in. Having something to cover her head is always a priority for her as well and virtually every cloak, tunic, or jacket she wears will have an attached hood she can wear.
Typically a "wallflower" in most social situations, Mae tends to be quiet around strangers. She does warm up to individuals she considers trustworthy or regards as a friend but even then, if in public, she falls back to more reserved behavior. Mae is very non-confrontational, at least directly, and will approach an issue from "the side" if at all possible. She'd much rather take care of an issue "on the sly" and without fuss if a situation allows.
She dislikes loud noises and overly boisterous individuals in general however she is fond of children, even if they're both loud and boisterous. Not an animal person she really doesn't care for pets and considers animals as work tools.
Given a new situation, entering a room, or area she'll typically remain at its edge, or on the side, and study the details, people, layout, etc. Then, after having done so she'll move into the space, still tending to remain near the edges (and an exit) if at all possible.
One of a number of gnomish "entertainer" families travelling the Cormanthor forest and as far south as Cormyr and Sembia. The Hedwann family within the carny population is a recognized family of acrobats, working standard ground routines, trapeze, and tight rope stunts, and knife throwing skills as well.
Mae, as others of her family, and numerous troupes, has picked up more than her fair share of second story jobs and simple retrieval / thefts for private individuals, smaller organizations, and two or three guilds.
Edited by Ryfte (see edit history)
Attribute Rolls
repeat(reroll(3d6,1,below),7) 1,5,5,2,4,6,3,3,2,3,3,5,1,6,2,3,2,2,2,6,1,3,6,5
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