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Diplomacy.Stabilizing a Region has a target range of only your regions, yet Intrigue.Foment Unrest has a target range of everywhere. These two actions should have the same range. There are many historical precedents of sending negotiators or experts between states. Why can't one send a diplomat just as far (into a cooperating state) as spies?

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It is unspecified as to when units being traded to someone actually come into the possession of them, and whether they can use these units for all actions. For example:

If realm 1 has a cap of 5 units, then builds 3 units and hosts a diplomatic event to trade 3 units to realm 2, does that mean it does not have to disband any units due to unit cap because it will already be back down to 5 by the time that the over-cap check occurs at the start of the next turn?

If realm 2 accepts 3 units from realm 1, can they use these units on any actions that happen on its turn, or do the units become available for use only at the start of the next turn?

If a small alliance of realms are together, does that mean one realm can host two events per turn: the first event to gather all units in the entire alliance together and send them to whatever realm is actually needing them, and the second event to redistribute the units back to their respective nations or whatever is needed to keep under the unit cap? Basically do we end up with a giant ball of units slosh-teleporting around the alliance at will, so long as someone keeps up the 2/turn summits?

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Does Military.Purge Faith have a range of "borders" or "in contact with" ?

"to clear a faith group from a region they control", by this does this mean a region in the realm, or a region in the faith group?

If it means in a realm, can one purge faith on behalf of another realm ruler who may suck at Military things?


"Region they control" is your regions, you can only military purge faith from regions inside your realm (or vassals' realm) 

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Why is it not possible to establish a claim on behalf of another realm? E.G. realm 1 says that realm 2 in fact does have a claim on realm 3's region.


If you have a legitimate claim you can use yours to support someone else who also has a claim for the same region.

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The language of press claim makes assumptions that are not true of all realms in the game. 

- the existence of the ritual of marriage

- the existence of a dynasty

- the familial nature of the rulers of the realm


Yes, this is mostly because the game was developed without other types of realms and I've been working on making it generalized. Thanks for pointing it out.

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If anything being traded/transferred during a Diplomacy meeting becomes available during the next round, what happens if two realms constantly transfer treasure back and forth and thus they never actually have access to it (that is to say, as soon as they get it, it's sent on its way again) - does treasure transferred this way become more difficult to steal?

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