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CN | male | catfolk | slacker

Branch: Cascade Bearers
Classroom Advantage: You don’t get tired after you Cram for Cascade Bearer classes.
Specialty Spell: verminous lure
Notable Skills: Crafting, Deception, Diplomacy, Nature
Hobbies: brewing, engineering, finding new and exciting ways to avoid work
Most Well Known For: building a complete moonshine still in his dorm room from scrap
Strangest Quirk: always knowing the answer when called on despite visibly sleeping through class
Common Associates: Haibram (drinking partner), Ignaci (brewing experimental elixirs), Mariama (brewing weird liquors), Okoro (gaming group)

Chizire spent most of his youth in Kibwe unable to read, no matter how many books he was given or how many lessons were drilled into his head. By the time a visiting scholar encountered Chizire and recognized the youth was dyslexic, Chizire had already  wmbraced the role of slacker and screw-up that had been thrust upon him. Despite this, Chizire’s keen ability to teach himself magic and science caught the scholar’s eye, even if the catfolk mostly used his gifts to keep slugs out of his fermentation barrels.

Chizire thrives at the Magaambya, though he often uses his intelligence for disruptive jokes, complex pranks, and other hijinks disapproved of by the faculty. He infuriates most of his mentors—and some of the students— by refusing to make anything of  himself, despite clearly understanding the lessons better than many of his peers.

Chizire is known for his daring antics, such as infiltrating the kitchen or stealing magic items from campus, but his ultimate goal for  the year is to enchant one of Nantambu’s 10 pillar landmarks to tell bawdy jokes. Getting past all the magical wards on the pillars  would be an incredible challenge, but Chizire thinks he can manage it with a bit of help, provided no one snitches on him to the teachers

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