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(I couldn't post in Baldr until today. I don't think I have had background approval so I will wait and see before I post his stats.)


Night Tiger
At the tender age of 8, Trey Isley's twin brother was killed by a tiger in the night while his family was on a camping trip in China. Soon after, Trey began having prophetic dreams about the fabled land of Shamballah. His family never recovered from the tragedy, and his parents split up, sharing custody of him and falling into poverty. By age 18 he had raised enough money as a dishwasher to make the trip back. He found Shamballah after several attempts and by going deep into debt with a local crime lord in southern China. After ten years in Shamballah, the monks felt that Trey had much more to learn, but Trey felt he was ready. He returned to Freedom City as Night Tiger.

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I need superheroes tied to Freedom City. Can you edit the China part shifting it to Freedom City? There is a Chinese martial arts teacher in the city:

Master Lee's School of Self-Defense: A small and unassuming two-story concrete-block building in northern Hanover houses this martial arts school. Master Lee, an older Chinese gentleman who immigrated to America in his youth, teaches various styles of kung fu to his students. Actually, Master Lee’s advanced students do most of the teaching under the watchful guidance of their sifu. Although the school is a legitimate and successful business, Master Lee also secretly uses it as a front to search for students worthy of the esoteric martial arts secrets he learned from his own masters in China. 

Edited by Jedaii (see edit history)
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3 minutes ago, Jedaii said:

I need superheroes tied to Freedom City. Can you edit the China part shifting it to Freedom City? There is a Chinese martial arts teacher in the city:

Master Lee's School of Self-Defense: A small and unassuming two-story concrete-block building in northern Hanover houses this martial arts school. Master Lee, an older Chinese gentleman who immigrated to America in his youth, teaches various styles of kung fu to his students. Actually, Master Lee’s advanced students do most of the teaching under the watchful guidance of their sifu. Although the school is a legitimate and successful business, Master Lee also secretly uses it as a front to search for students worthy of the esoteric martial arts secrets he learned from his own masters in China. 


The origin idea is that his (Caucasian) family was from Freedom City, they were just visiting China when his brother was killed by a tiger.

Here's an alteration to work with your suggestion:

The family returned to Freedom City when he was 8. Then the dreams happened and led him to Master Lee. So he never returned to China, never went to Shamballah. 

I can alter the story to that. Master Lee saw something special in Trey, and taught him the Chi powers (beyond what he teaches his regular students).

Trey has been at Master Lee's school for 10 years.

I will have to alter his character sheet because his skills were reflective of his Shamballah origin.

How does that sound? 🙂

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Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 HTH Damage [1]
29 DEX 38 15-
23 CON 13 14-
20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 15-
20 EGO 10 13-
20 PRE 10 14- PRE Attack: 4d6
8 OCV 25
8 DCV 25   
3 OMCV 0
6 DMCV 9
6 SPD 40 Phases: 2,4,6,8,10,12
9 PD 7 Total: 12 PD (9 + 3 Combat Luck) ...3 Resistant PD
9 ED 7 Total: 12 ED (9 + 3 Combat Luck) ...3 Resistant ED
10 REC 6
80 END 12
15 BODY 5
48 STUN 14


3 Acrobatics 15-
3 Breakfall 15-
5 Climbing 13-
41 Martial arts: Choke hold (4), Legsweep (3), Martial DIsarm (4), Martial Dodge (4), Martial Escape (4), Martial Grab (3), Martial STrike (4), Martial Throw (3), Nerve Strike (4), Offensive STrike (5), 4 damage classes, Weapon elements (3) (Blades; Nunchuks; Staff)
3 Shadowing 15-
3 Streetwise 13-
3 Stealth 15-
3 Computer Science 13-
0 AK: Freedom City 11-
0 PS: Software Engineer
4 Weapon Fam: Common Melee, Common Martial Arts Melee
15 +3 Levels HTH
6 Combat Luck (+3 Resistant PD & ED)



55 Multipower
5f 4d6 NND Explosion, Personal Immunity, No Range (sonic roar, area effect)
5f 3.5d6HTHKA (4.5d6 w. Strength) CHi Claws
5f +55m Running (Chi Speed Burst) 67m (for short bursts)
5f Summon (231-point Chi Tiger) (Lion from 6-2 pg 178 PLUS 10pts CLINGING)



20 Incompetent DNPC: Mother 8- (Doesn't know)
20 Hunted: Ninjas for some reason (More powerful, extensive influence) 8-
15 Hunted: Shao-Chen Sun (Chinese crimelord) Limited geographical area (Freedom City) 8-
10 Mystic Aura: Distinctive Features, Not Concealable (Always Noticed; Detectable Only With Unusual Senses)
10 2d6 Unluck

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